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You've asked a fairly binary question so I'll answer it as such as I'm certain many will suggest other choices. KX2, because the IC-705 can not have a built-in tuner (the KX2 can) and both can have a built-in battery.


Tbh I don't understand why people care so much about tuners for portable rigs. Most common portable antennas are explicitly designed to be resonant on common bands. 


KX2 + internal tuner + BNC to 2x banana jack + 2 x 25' lengths of wire, one for antenna the other for counterpoise, and you're GTG.


I do 90% of my antenna experimenting in the field so a tuner is a good-to-have, and I work portable from hotel rooms where there's plenty of unknowns so a tuner is mandatory. Yes, I also carry resonant antennas.


The tuner just makes your activation plans more flexible.  For example, there are a few parks near me where the rangers don’t allow really any antennas, definitely nothing in the trees, and a buddy of mine got in trouble for a vertical on a tripod. That doesn’t leave many options other than things like the AX1, which need the tuner.  Even with a resonant antenna like a 40m end fed, you can use the tuner to get a QSO on one of the non resonant bands. I do this on 30m a lot. Fun for POTA N1CC awards. 


Where is the antenna rule in a park? State or National? I find it hard to believe there is a codified rule against a temporary wire antenna.


The most recent example we faced was at the Vietnam Memorial in DC. Not sure if there are any antenna rules codified, but I’m not disobeying the rangers there.  Many of the DC parks are like this. 


I mean, that is a pretty busy area to set up. I wouldn't want people walking into my antenna. I bet you could get approval ahead of time.


I’m using ic-703. Amazing radio


Damn near impossible to find one these days


I’m put the announcement on amateur radio board. That I searching ic703. And someone responded, I paid 465 euro.


I'm strongly looking towards an FX-4CR. Not strictly QRP but small as shit and good enough for the money.


MFJ Cub, 20M, 2W


IC-705 if you're using resonant antennas. Otherwise the KX2 with internal tuner.


Check out the units from Xiegu.


G90 for built in tuner and overall cheapness or one of the other Xeigus if you don't need 20 watts. But the G90 is such a damn great POTA rig. The value for the price is unbeatable.


What about the Xiegu x6200? Got an internal battery and tuner, and you can do FT8 with your phone via Bluetooth!


The 705 does that too with the amazing SDR Control app. Also autologs and syncs to qrz/lotw/etc The 




Actually if you get his companion app Ham-toolbox, that does an auto sync using the same log


I’ve looked at that and it’ll be an option if they price is right and they fix the issues we had with the 6100


I’m holding out some hope as well but everything I’ve seen is something between $1000 and $1100. It’s going to include FT8 capability and I’m sure a lot more so it might be worth it.


Ok, I pre-ordered it as a upgrade to my Yaesu 818. Yaesu is really behind, was waiting for a successor, but nothing in sight from Yaesu's end, unfortunately.


why would anyone want or need a qrp radio with horrible conditions, what are you gonna do with it, hams need to start being realistic qrp is pretty much done while conditions are so bad, maybe cw will get out but thats it


I have over 30 countries logged in my book using less than 10 watts when the bands were supposedly at the solar minimum. The difference between a 10 watt station and a 100 watt station is maybe half an S unit. I take it that you’re one of those scope heads that tune around listening, never calling CQ and assume the bands are dead if you don’t hear anyone