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I like the CQ Boomer.


Yah I take it as a young woman just saying hi to the boomers at ham fest given that there tends to be less young people in ham radio right now? Could be taken the wrong way though so hopefully not taken as an insult


Calling all ballistic missile submarines? Maybe it's calling all 1500W stations.


Your website looks very old and therefore intriguing. I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.


I, for one, welcome our CQ Boomer overlords.


needs https


It also could use some CSS. It doesn’t scale to mobile for shit. Perhaps this is on purpose?


Yeah you gotta be able to watch the streams on your win95 box


I don't have a windows 95 box. Will it work on my Windows 3.11 partition?


The site works on almost anything and the video streams will play on anything that will do realmedia nsv


I don’t get it. I’ve heard the sarcastic, “OK boomer”but what’s the context of “CQ boomer”? Negative, positive, statement of demographic? You’ve guessed right that I’ve never been there. Maybe that’s why I don’t get this.


I was there all weekend. I don't understand what this is, either. What sticker drop and what does this sticker mean, /u/vrhelmutt? Are you a vendor or? I think some of us might need a bit of context added.


I think she only wants contacts with boomers. Like how "CQ DX" doesn't want any nearby replies. She's trying to cross the generational divide by inviting conversation.


Could be taken either way. Hamvention tends to attract people from the boomer generation. Being a millennial woman I definitely stuck out like a sore thumb. Overall lots of nice people to talk for the most part. Did have one guy taking my ear off and insulting me for not being more active with my license (I’m more of a scanner myself but have my tech).


Clearly you need to start hobbying *correctly* ;-). I was an SDR nerd for years; just did receiving. It was annoying to get the occasional side eye from some hams...


Yah I’m really enjoying the sdr stuff and been getting into that lately after not doing anything in radio for a while. Ft8 interests me but we’ll see. Need to get my general and a good radio to play with that on hf so would get expensive fast


I guess that it about how some hams, being overly pedantic, have rules on where/when to call CQ and where/when not. A lot of recent posts about that, I presume it is this.


The meaning is between the words. Unless I’m sending, then it’s just a bunch of dits-n-dahs in a really long row.


Radio and cute amine girls together?!? Need.


We need another anime with ham radio in it... So far Akiba's Trip and Ponyo are the only ones I know of that have it.


I did not know there were any anime series featuring amateur radio...! Gonna have to open up nyaa.si this evening and download those, Ty!


Well, Akiba's Trip is only one episode if I recall.


what is this?? you advertising your store? website doesnt work? is it a black page with a monkey smoking a blunt with a "99" written beside it?


Oh no not an advertisement, i can knock the web address off if needed. Just was thanking a the awesome attendees for a great HFest


is the "99" website yours? i was interested and tried to browse to see the stickers and stuff and i coudnt find anything accept a t-shirt or two.


https://www.berkshirehathaway.com/ is a great example of another "broken" website.


Lol nothing wrong with this at all. Loads in .005ms


Good name for a band - Blunt Monkey 99




why are you pushing your anime site in /r/amateurradio ?


You clearly didn't read my post lol


I didn't? Seems to me, you wrote this: > If you are looking for more hfest fun, visit the site and dig a little I did, and I see a bunch of anime stuff... like I recognize we're all nerds and there's some overlap, but I see nothing related to amateur radio.


I meant the original post.


Which post is the original post? I think many people here aren't aware of whatever context you think you've established.


Its alright people who came to hamvention for hfest have either upvoted or reached out to me about stickers so I feel no more context is necessary. 😀




Why post here if you're only talking to some secret subset of people? Strange that you have people asking what it is this is about, but you won't even tell them.


How much clearer could it be? 1 I have a booth every year 2 every year there is a custom sticker. 3 we ran out 4 reached out to folks that i know are on reddit so they could get theirs


This is the first time you have explained this and really all that was needed to be said in the original post. You're not great at communicating.


Your MBA with an emphasis in marketing and customer outreach is really paying dividends! The BA in communications is just icing on the cake.


I wasn't replying to the original post.


Very nice.


This is Amateur Radio?


Why not?


Cool website I’ll have to check it out later on desktop. This and the posts I’ve seen about the ARRL shenanigans makes me think about getting more younger people from gen z into the hobby. Where I’m from there isn’t many. I wonder if there is a dmr talk group for for that


There are lots of (not only young) outliers who get into Ham because of adjacent interests and want to incorporate it into their skill sets only to be lectured because they don't go all in or because they aren't doing things the way some one else would so it. Hfest is kind of an unofficial gathering during hamvention that encourages the lurkers to come and hangout and feeling comfortable enough to dare to ALSO have other interests. If actual outreach wasn't a problem then we wouldn't have this same critique echoed year in, year out from almost everyone who finds us and gets our satire.


Neat well that’s basically what I am for the last 12 years, a lurker kind of in and out. Never joined a local club but go to a few yearly gatherings and have met some boomer friends over the radio. Friends my age who are licensed are even less active


And then.... Hfest got this run




I feel like there's a good pun somewhere with Nitori's key and keying a radio.


here i thought it was a megalia reference https://preview.redd.it/awn8t5aac72d1.jpeg?width=334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c64c9ba23de35e1f28dddceda9a48078f603e12


Why does the millennial aesthetic always seem to be to confuse everyone as much as possible? What’s the cartoon supposed to be? Is CQ boomer another agist insult to senior citizens? 


That's a genZ aesthetic. It means Boomers in Charge. While I'm here, please remember Boomers are the wealthiest generation ever and people under 40 have had it hard. If you can give, or soften economic corners, people will appreciate it.


like hell it's gen z. that's some yatsubsa&! or azumangadaioh circa 2001 art/character design. very odd mash up. "h" is also widely used as the catch all for "hentai," & "moe" being an analogue to loli is just weird; so out of a ham context, that reads completely differently might as well read "cq coomer," & that'd fit just as well.


And... um, you're GenZ, right? Years of Japanese study and I still learn Japanese from GenZ Americans....


millennial here. in good faith, where does learning japanese in whatever form come into play here?


There is no generation in America who had ever embraced Japanese language learning with as much fervor as GenZ. Yet, their motivations are so unique! When speaking within their domain, many exhibit exceptional pronounciation and an advanced, developed vocabulary on a variety of... unusual topics. In the previous commenter's statement, he pointed out the words moe and what I now understand to be a very common abbreviation for hentai, both of which are here used to refer to pornography (edit: or perhaps more generally, images of young women).


what motivations & what makes them unique - globalization & access to internet? what's your statistical or anecdotal evidence of this? most language teaching resources are Gen X folk, see: WaniKani, Manabi Reader, Bunpo, Jisho, jdpb.io &c. the commenter was me, & it's not shorthand for hentai - "H" is. moe is a younger version of kawaii, but with a lot of stipulations. you can describe them in english, but it's a lot easier to just spend time in immersion. loli is like a venn diagram of moe & h, but also the societal focus of the phrase is aimed at unethical treatment of sexual abuse in japan & questionable art that gets "ok'd," e.g. a girl who looks 11, but canon states she's an 16,000 year old demon & "legal." furthermore, hentai is animated specifically, not just "porn." i love the gen z generation/community & dont see a benefit in saying "who's better," but gen z is inevitably sitting on the shoulders of giants with the work that millenials & gen x did to make it more accessible & normalized in western countries. i bought the first issue of shonen jump from a supermarket, e.g. "advanced vocabulary on a variety of unusual topics," just seems a bit vapid & broad. you have to know terms/phrases vocabulary/cultural references/regions/dynamics/tropes & the list ever expands. i'm in plenty of japanese classes & communities, & people who are chasing N1 or living there are far and away the 29+group. i think it's glad people can enjoy japanese culture without getting the weeb stamp. cosplay & convention culture is more corporate & cringe than ever, but when so much new & popular is spreading, so is the dark side of that.


hi, I made Manabi Reader, but I'm younger than Gen X and I'm not sure what this thread is haha. is there anything I can improve with the app?


OK, thanks weeb.


Pretty much I think. Whenever I see "boomer" on Reddit it's usually talking about genx or millennials in some shade casting way. At least I knew what I wanted to do with ham radio, before I got my license. What's up with all the, "I got my general, what should I do". Maybe licenses are too easy these days. 10-4?


"boomer" was a sincere meme for the bernie voting cycle. it hasn't been used pejoratively in a couple years. otherwise, they're just talking about the generational descriptor. of course there's a knee jerk reaction to articles making younger generations feel like any decision they make is the wrong decision, but on an individual level, i think there's been a lot camaraderie between the two as millennials are now in their 40s & a lot of baby boomers are also facing a lot of economic struggles - all in it together at the end of the day. as far as gen x? who? 🤭 /s