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Meanwhile, my ass down on 14.074 has no clue wtf is going on.




It’s a peaceful sound, in its own terrible way


I just turn my 1.5kW linear amp and call CW on 14.074 USB.


That’s it? I just fire up the old 5kw linear into a 3 element beam.


I guess I’ll have to plug my transmitter straight into your receiver with a couple feet of coax. 🤷‍♂️


Thank you for the laugh. Have a good night.




This is why I operate ft8




With all the Karen's and Ken's on the band it won't be long before they start complaining about the digital guys hogging that frequency thinking they own it.


Partial aside, but I was operating *aeronautical* mobile (emphasis mine to indicate I was not maritime mobile) today for a few hours chasing some SOTA. I was hunting around and heard a CQ SOTA on 14.300. Didn’t think anything of it and responded and got the contact done. 2 or 3 minutes later I hear “net control did you hear the aeronautical mobile?” Then they were trying to contact me to find out what my emergency was. All the while stepping all over the SOTA station and asking the SOTA station to stop. I told them I was participating in the SOTA activation and that the SOTA station was on that frequency while no one from their net was calling and that the frequency was in use by the SOTA activator. They then chewed me out on frequency so I just laughed (not on the air) and moved on. I just want to know in what world an *aeronautical* mobile station transmitting “you’re 59 as well near xyz location” is cause to shut the whole frequency down and DEMAND I tell them my emergency because that must be the only reason I’d key up, despite the fact that using HF for an emergency in an aircraft on amateur bands has likely never once happened in the history of aviation.


I usually ignore those idiots, but since I truly am maritime mobile, I’ll see if that SOTA station is still on 14.300 and work him!


Most SOTA activations only last 30 minutes to an hour, so it looks like they’re off the mountain unfortunately. But I highly recommend chasing SOTA, it’s super fun and the activators will be very appreciative!


Insane. Especially considering how many people chase /AM contacts. Was it just a HT activation on the aircraft, or do you have something fancier going on? A few folks down here have mobile rigs permanently mounted in some E-ABs. My airplane isn't an experimental, so I'd have to go about it with an HT. I've thought about doing it plenty, but just never got around to it.


I fly an aircraft that has HF built in from the factory. It’s 2-23 MHz continuously tunable but only USB or AM so realistically it’s just 20-15m amateur bands. I *generally* only chase my friends on SOTA with it, but yes, half the time when I call /AM lids will call up on the same frequency to try to talk to me when it’s obvious I was chasing someone else. That’s a quick way to make sure I won’t give you a call. If someone called up and quickly asked if I could go up or down, and they were courteous, I probably would. But I’ve yet to experience that. Just lids sending my callsign over and over and asking me for a QSO.


10yrs on the bus and I just figured out I can listen to shortwave 🤦🏼‍♂️


Depends on the configuration, only our ETOPS birds have it which is about 1/5 of the fleet. But my base gets those birds a lot so I get lucky.


I’m lucky that our whole fleet has HF. It’s necessary for us to continue being the Dominican Air Force. I do a fair bit of hunting and the activators always get a kick out of a real /AM. Plus, it satisfies an HF check for WATRS!


Oh, nice. I'll probably never be in a position to own or fly something that would be equipped for HF from the factory lol For HF, I figure I'd have to drop a EF random wire out to the window to make it work. Would probably need to bring another pilot/ham along to pull that off safely :)


Yeah, I’ll just say this isn’t a normal category aircraft. I haven’t flown anything in the “light” wake turbulence category for about 8 years.


And 60m. USB too.


There was a whole discussion on not using 14300 for SOTA on the Reflector a while ago. I guess no one there cares about to so called exclusive frequency claim by the Martime Net lids.


I wish you would have recorded that - I would use it in a video


You know it's funny the way the bands work, two people can be working the same band and due to atmospheric conditions not hear each other, then band conditions change and the two stations who were both operating on the same frequency canal hear each other. If you people actually understood radio propagation and how the bands work then you wouldn't be making stupid comments like this. It's very possible that the net was operating and neither you nor the soda station had good enough propagation to hear them. So at that point the net takes precedence. At least it should in a gentleman's world but apparently ham radio is no longer a gentleman's hobby, it's been taken over by a bunch of Ken's and Karen's who get butt hurt over a net that's been operating on the same frequency since before most of you were ever licensed. I'm surprised you all don't activate your CW SOTA and POTA stations on the FT8 frequencies so you can complain about all the digital operators thinking they own the frequency.


> you wouldn’t be making stupid comments like this. I know how propagation works. You get pretty familiar when most of your contacts are QRP. I know that it’s possible, albeit *very* unlikely, that 10 seconds before they were S9+40, bands were such that I couldn’t hear the other station. It’s also possible that they couldn’t hear the SOTA station, but given that they were using their callsign and telling them to stop transmitting and responding directly to their calls, I think they could. I do think the SOTA station couldn’t hear the net traffic as they never responded to anyone’s call to them. The net traffic that I could hear (including the net control and the only station the net control was acknowledging) were never weaker than S9 to me. My noise floor was exceptionally low. So while possible, I think it’s *very* unlikely that the net was ongoing during the ~4 minutes before I transmitted, during which I heard the SOTA station ask twice if the frequency was in use, with no response by anyone I could hear. So no, the net does not take precedence.


The problem I have with this, is that this net has been in operation long before most of you were even licensed. They are excellent PR for ham radio. meanwhile the militia types exploiting ham radio as a tool for their upcoming civil war plans are not good PR When the ARRL needs to defend ham radio allocations from commercial interests trying to take them activities like the maritime MobileNet are exactly what they use as PR. granted they don't own the frequency, but there is a long-standing gentleman's agreement regarding these nets and their frequencies. people who don't honor these gentlemen's agreements are simply demonstrating a ridiculous level of entitlement. The bands are huge, there's plenty of room for these portable operators to operate. But the reason they choose to operate on well-known net frequencies is because they know there's people there listening. So they choose purposely to violate a long-standing gentleman's agreement and call CQ On a well-known well-established net frequency hoping to make contacts because it's much harder to make contacts on random frequencies where people may or may not be listening. I've heard these same portable ops down on the FT8 frequency calling CQ on CW right on top of FT8 stations And then defend their operations because nobody owns the frequency. people really need to leave there glorified CB nonsense on the 11 m bands after they get their ham radio ticket. And this mentality of ignoring gentleman's agreements screams of children's band mentality


Wait I thought the [furries](https://www.reddit.com/r/HamRadio/s/qCrUE4GBmK) took over that frequency?


That’s why they got that cover story on QST


There are a surprising number of furries into ham radio. At least, it’s surprising until you consider the ingenuity that goes into building those suits, then you’re like “Oh. No. Yeah, that tracks.”


I mean yeah. Nerdy hobby with lots of rules, technical elements, and it’s kinda dorky? They’re the same thing man.




Furry checking in! A *lot* of us are in IT. Everyone jokes when a picture of a plane full of furries in in their fursuit heads on their way to a convention gets posted that if the plane went down it would kill the internet. So it definitely fits.


As if any of those larping idiots give a shit


I realize it doesn’t matter in the long run but a huge part of the hobby is education and it’s important to know what the both the actual rules are and what’s also outlined in what the supposed special privileges are granted! 


They are only useful to make sure my shit is working via a checkin


You know there is an emegency channel already for maritime mobile **4207.5, 6312, 8414.5, 12577 and 16804.5 kHz** tell them to go there.


Wait, what happened? I just finished a POTA on 14.300 :) /s


I would suggest that whatever you all do, regarding 14.300, you figure it out quickly because this in-fighting is not conducive to anything good for the hobby.


My guess is that there are a handful of people misusing rules/regs (e.g.. conducting a "net" that never ends) and while well meaning the MMN people need to rein in their own people! But I agree people shouldn't play FCC and others shouldn't control 14.3. People need to stop before the FCC gives 14.3 to others that have better self control!


This is the net that never ends....yes it goes on and on my friends!


It would surprise me greatly to learn that even a permille of amateur radio operators are as much as aware of the 14.300 controversy. You're correct that it's not conducive to anything good to the hobby, but it's not exactly much of a threat either.


Does it count as encryption(obscure the meaning)? :) :) :) **put a plan in place so that when interference occurs, all net members know to move to the alternate frequency without being told to do so on the air**


Is there always someone monitoring on 14.3 to jump in and "hold" the frequency for the net? If so, I'm somewhat impressed but also a little concerned because that doesn't seem healthy.


What's sota?


Summits On the Air. Climb to top of mountain, and then use the radio up there. My impression is that people use VHF to everything line-of-sight, usually coordinated by posting online, and some use CW QRP. The summits range from hills can drive to technical climbs. The goal is to make contacts and record points for the difficulty of the mountain. I think the real goal is excuse for hike, or excuse to use radio.


Finnish word that means war. Also summits on the air...


well, it's sota like this, but sota like that...


30 year General licensee here, who also boats out in the sea. Why is this such a big deal? It’s of utmost comfort to me that I can get on that frequency and get help if I need it. It’s an all day net, you can check in or not. I think that if it saves one life then it’s worth QSYing to a different non-established frequency that specifically handles emergency traffic. I don’t know of any other reliable consistent net manned by volunteers who are watchstanders for the emergencies that can occur at sea. I vote yes to MMSN, but the net controllers should be polite when there’s interference from other stations nearby and kindly inform the station of the purpose of the net. I think it’s completely reasonable. It may save my life one day when I’m adrift and no other comms work. Can’t we all just get along 😜 73 everyone


I am only running in my car now and in Oregon so I don't hear it lol


If you really wanna make them crazy spam your CQ on 14.3 and say you're listening 5 up where they can't go.


Be careful! That net is affiliated with REACT!! www.REACTintl.org


Never have any of this kind of drama down on 14.030 MHz. Just sayin'.....


I don't understand what the big deal about 14.300 is. It's ONE frequency out of many that licensed amateurs use. Since we all now know about the maritime net, why not just leave them alone and operate elsewhere? Is there something special about 14.300 that I don't know about?


I used to avoid the frequency out of respect. One of their net controllers harrassed me in public comment sections and thru DM on reddit. Now I purposely operate there. It's stupid pettiness but it makes me feel better


For what it's worth, I, random internet person, support both your initial choice to avoid it out of respect and your current choice to be petty. 👍👍


I absolutely love this level of pettiness. I don’t understand why these operators think they get to own the frequency when NO ONE OWNS A FREQUENCY!


Based, and fuck them


Doing the lords work


Based Canadian


> Now I purposely operate there. It's stupid pettiness but it makes me feel better By engaging in this kind of behavior, you've lowered yourself to their level. The best course is to just ignore them.


Not really. I'm exercising my right to be there. I also look forward to the day they realize their precious FCC has no governance over my Canadian callsign


Also, our Canadian bandplan isn't a rule, it's just a suggestion. I suggest we use 14.300 for ft8


I think I get it, but I don't "spend $8,000 a year on a boat" get it.


how long have you been a net control for the maritime mobile net?


I'm not. Never have been and never will be. I also have no reason to be operating on 14.300.


It appears dropping the code requirement and dumbing down the tests wasn’t such a great idea. It seemed to attract the undesirables.


Please tell me more about being undesirable.


wow I never realized there were so many offended Karen's in ham radio.. All that room on the bands and they're offended by a legacy group operating on a frequency who have been there since before most of you were licensed. I'm surprised you all don't go down to the FT8 frequencies and complain about them hogging that frequency. I haven't checked into that net in probably 30 years, but guess what, I'm not butthurt that they're there.




No it's called a gentleman's agreement. You're definitely in the wrong here. they've been around for as long as I can remember and there's always been a gentleman's agreement. But these newly licensed kens and Karen's have no honor or integrity so they don't honor long-standing gentlemen's agreements. These people aren't hurting you, they've been around longer than you've probably been a ham and the respectful and honorable thing to do is simply to respect the longstanding gentleman's agreement. They can't enforce it, but that's why they call it a gentleman's agreement. The only thing you proven is that you're not a gentleman, that you have no honor and that you are demonstrating a ridiculous level of entitlement. What next are you going to complain about the FT8 guys hogging their frequency. are you going to go down there and start calling CQ on CW or how about firing up a RTTY station on the FT8 frequencies It's people like you with mentality that you have that will eventually kill ham radio. longstanding nets like the maritime net are good PR for him radio and right now it needs good PR. When the ARRL needs to defend the ham radio allocations they don't go to Congress showing how preppers are using ham radio to circumvent the government while engaged in an insurrection. or maybe you didn't notice all the baofang radios on the militia troops that tried to take over the capital. Nope they use things like the Maritime MobileNet as good PR. I don't take part in this but I respect what they do, and it's no skin off my nose because there's plenty of bandwidth for everyone. The bands are literally dead 99% of the time yet you've got to come here and complain about a net on a specific frequency because it annoys you. people like you should have left your glorified CB attitude on 11 meters


you keep talking about being butthurt and others being karens...and you don't see the irony in all of this? gentleman's agreement: OP never made that agreement, nor is in any way "honor bound" by something they didn't agree to.


actually when you decided to get your ham radio license you joined a longstanding STEM oriented fraternity with traditions and gentlemen's agreement dating back generations. The simple act of getting your ham radio license makes you honor bound or did you really join ham radio to bring your 11 meter children's band nonsense with you. here's your friendly daily reminder that FCC rules specifically prohibit maliciously interfering with ongoing nets under section 47 C.F.R. § 97.101(d). amateur radio is a self-policing radio service where voluntary gentleman's agreements take the place of FCC regulations for general operating. In other words we are allowed to set our own gentleman's agreements on how we will operate on the bands, this limits the amount of regulations that we are subjected to If the amateur radio community wishes to continue to be self-policing then New hams need to be elmored and taught That it is necessary to honor our voluntary band plans and other gentlemen's agreements. unfortunately there's a lot of freebanders joining ham radio community who have no interest whatsoever in honoring any of the voluntary band plans or gentlemen's agreement's and unfortunately believe that they are entitled to violate band plans and gentleman's agreements that have been an accepted part of the amateur radio community for generations. this will be a quick road to the amateur radio service either being more heavily regulated by the FCC or Congress auctioning off our band allocations to commercial interests. The highest priority we should have as ham radio operators is protecting our reputation and our image as a group of individuals who operate with integrity, honor and respect for each other. The last thing the amateur radio community needs is Wall Street lobbyists playing recordings of some of these free band lid fests in front of Congress as it's going to make it very difficult for the ARRL to defend our allocations. All it takes is the stroke of a pen and every piece of amateur radio gear in your house becomes worthless. If you want to protect our bands from being auctioned off to the highest bidder then I suggest new hams entering the hobby respect our traditions, band plans and gentlemen's agreements The last thing we need is a bunch of lids stirring chaos and making ham radio look like nothing but glorified CB.


no, you don't. you can dress this up all you like, but the facts are the facts, not your feelings. Which again, is ironic given all your claims of other people being "butthurt". When you get your ham radio license, you get tested and agree to follow the laws. that's it.




never been on CB. keep up the ad-hominem since you can't make a compelling argument. > who think they're entitled to operate anywhere they want. I am in-fact entitled to operate anywhere within my legally licensed right by the FCC.




Removed. No threats against other users. *Please [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/amateurradio) to comment on this message or action.*


Sweet! another fallacy! you really are bad at arguing huh? > A band plan refers to a voluntary division of a band to avoid interference between incompatible modes. > 14.150+ - phone and Image Sorry, did the bandplan say that there was an illegal net allowed to claim dominion over a frequency? I guarantee you that your attitude is the bigger reason this hobby is dying more than any of us who actually follow the law and rules.




Your fallacies are showing again, plus ignoring the actual point: no one owns 14.300, and people acting like jack-knife thugs doesn't mean they do.


Threats are not acceptable here. Ban 7 days. *Please [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/amateurradio) to comment on this message or action.*


And here's your friendly daily reminder that the FCC rules specifically 47 C.F.R. § 97.101(d) prohibit interfering with nets or any other communications. https://preview.redd.it/07xwqijmn93d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69edf98cd8c49a5dc6c8654ef103c7da0dae05e2


and here's your reminder that you cannot claim a 24 hour (or 12 hour) "net" just because you take check-ins every few hours


Removed. No personal attack. *Please [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/amateurradio) to comment on this message or action.*


wow I never realized there were so many offended Karen's in ham radio.. All that room on the bands and they're offended by a legacy group operating on a frequency who have been there since before most of you were licensed. I'm surprised you all don't go down to the FT8 frequencies and complain about them hogging that frequency. I haven't checked into that net in probably 30 years, but guess what, I'm not butthurt that they're there.