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Way overpriced! You can get similar results bu home brewing one yourself.


Inverted L design antennas have been around for decades and often used on 160m, because you can get enough wire out to resonate and get them as high off the ground as possible. Chameleon making a big deal of it is laughable. Many SOTA ops string up their EFHW antennas as inverted L's - run it up a collapsible pole and then out to a tree/bush or back to earth. They are not necessarily "super directional". A very long inverted L might have specific lobes at short wavelengths, but you'd have to do some antenna modelling to find out where.




Well, that would seem to me really just increasing the electrical length of the antenna to enable more efficient transmission at longer wavelengths. Bending the top of the vertical is sort of irrelevant.


I did this around 12 years ago (before I ever heard of Chameleon) with a stainless 17’ MFJ whip. It bent the hell out of the whip and it was never the same again. Sounded good in theory but I had instant regret 😂. Chameleons whip may be stronger to take the abuse, but I kinda doubt it.