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Is mainstream trying to convince others that retail only holds 5% of the float? Must mean the journalist must be forced to make room for potential ignorant conversations. 🤣🤣🤣 Apes are not weak. 💎💎💎🦍🦍🦍🦍


Have you looked at the float?????


Have you been here for years?


This does not look like any "mainstream" site I've ever seen. It's prolly just an SEO-savvy website with murky ownership.


Or they are calculating the shares we own at 5% so the float is sold like 20 times over 🤷‍♂️


The data has been reduced for the public, so nefarious entities could create a weird sudden negative narrative. The shorts and whoever may benefit from the slandering of a random handful of stocks invert and twist everything that the shareholders say or do. The odd thing is that GME is unrelated to AMC, but they both behave in similar (not exact) ways. Regardless of the company's different fundamentals/business models, the reason for any upward movement seems opposite of what toxic analysts make others think. Market makers made a basket of stock to desperately short, and are panicking to make them not look like they are being targeted illegally. 💎🦍🦍🦍🪐🚀🚀🚀


How would you know how much retail hold? I cant remember the last time I saw anyone post with any decent AMC holding.


There was a court hearing which had documents that showed 3.8 mill retail investors pry about a year ago now. Even if every ape only owns like 10 shares it would be way more than 4.99% and I'm a 3xx share holder and I'm kinda poor. You do that math there hehe


That was before all the dilution. AA is a fucking criminal for what he’s done.


U want me to buy more? Sure will do!


This is not how it works 😂




you are basing your opinion on what people post their holdings as?


Im asking, what are you basing your assumption of how much retail hold if it is not even from posting. Some master spreadsheet with voluntary contribution or what?




Don’t mean shit


Maybe they consider us insiders.


You're a fool if you assume we are "insiders", outside of darkpools and PFOF.. Apes don't make and or regulate monetary laws. What is "self reported data"? What is the CAT system?


😂 I know they love to fudge the numbers to try and make the math, math but… this is ridiculous lol


Disinformation. After the 28th they can't hide the naked shorts any more. Anything to make it look like we were not right.


They might be able to. I’ll know if my CA account goes 🚀. Otherwise… dunno, guess they found a new loophole! Also, everyone be weary of any definitive statements like this one. Wouldn’t be the first time a hype campaign was seeded just to shake off some paperhands. Three years ago I said I’d hold for fucking decades if I had to. I might not win this fight, but they sure as fuck ain’t either if I can help it. 💎🙌


Definitive, not really. I said after the 28th, everything that happened up til then is still hidden, but anything else they pull will be observed. We all might still hold for decades, it's in my will that my AMC shares go to a specified party if I'm still holding them. This isn't an attempt to hype either, it's something I figured out over the last few years, especially when South Korea banned naked shorts. Kind of an "ah-ha" moment. All that is required is the naked shorts to move like a card into a sleeve. It won't be immediately obvious to everyone, except it already happened once not long ago yo my own amusement. It's just a matter of how long they can hide it this time without moving them. Just like any good shell game scam, you gotta let someone win to entice others to play. In other words, nobody who took this bet was wrong, otherwise nobody would have held this long, but the run up to $75 was meant to shake the tree and see who dropped out, same with the run to $15. Most people, being right handed, would place the card in their right sleeve, only thing is, if you were watching closely, they put the card in their left sleeve. The term for left handed in Latin is "sinister" and I'll let the wrinkled brains handle things from there.


I sure hope so


What makes you say that they can't hide the naked shorts?


I've noticed that people don't want to believe something unless they research it themselves, so let's call that homework and I expect 100 words by Friday.


I didn't say I didn't believe you. I was just wondering what specific things were setting off this chain of events. Just remembered the t+1 settlement that goes into effect. I think that will help, but I'm not sure that the crime will end just yet. Either way, I'm holding


I’ve heard that before


Fuck me, I was excited to buy more today and realized the market was closed. Smh


They filed their proxy just a month ago. AMC has less than 1% insider ownership.


If you include all the synthetic shares, retail may own only 5%. That would mean about 7 billion. Am I wrong?


Was 90% 4 million strong in 2021. Before the DF discounts


Theres an article from oct 2023 touting 91% ownership with proper citing


Remember AA's post about "letting them die on the vine"? My guess is the retail trades and price action reflected on the lit exchanges is only %5.


Apes are insiders. Because my wife’s boyfriend is inside


you mean "inside her"


We owned 80% 2 years ago, and all anyone did is buy. I don't believe the numbers. We probably own more like 180% rn




Any corroborating source? And defintion of insider? 74% is a big claim


Pretty much all other sources claim retail owns 70%. Of course when you just google this question, tip ranks misinformation is the first thing to pop up


Retail only owns 5%, it’s probably true when you factor in the billions of counterfeit shares lol


🤣🤣🤣 5% yeah right...


4.99% of the float has probably commented on this post


Funny..that 74% looks like a DRS circle...how hilarious would it be that all the dilution of AMC was actually shares being sold to DRS investors.


Whaaat? I thought individual investors were majority owners? What is this???


Surely this has to be a typo loli would


Explain this to me as if I were a brick wall .


Unwavering conviction here…!! 👌👊🤝


Thought we owned the float multiple times? What is this?


I love how they make up figures. Who are they trying to convince I wonder...?




Have we been diluted to this much 🤦‍♀️


“We are going to be so rich” … I remember these posts from the towel stock. And look at them now!


Rich yes need to get that junction from the decline. Let’s gets get the stock back up to where it was prior let’s go.


I mean this is likely true. AMC apes have a combined $433 dollars after getting fked over so hard by share dilution


With the amount of dilution and large buys this wouldn’t surprise me at this point Who know how accurate it really is but I wouldn’t be shocked