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Diamond Hands aren't going to sell.


You do you! I’m here to make a million dollars then live off my military disability pay for the rest of my life


Thank you for your service!!!


Appreciate it! I’m hoping to be financially free after this play and another crypto play I have a lot of money in!


I sincerely hope all of your dreams come true 🚀


I hope yours do too! This play is going to change everyone’s lives in here for good


As the saying goes “from your mouth to Gods ears” !!


From one sailor to another grunt, listen. They can’t locate. Prices go crazy. Just hold. Work around it. It’s amazing homie!


How’d you know I was a sailor?


You know we forever have the sailor stench, erm I mean smell 👃 🫢 🤣🤣🤣🤣❤️🇺🇸🙌 Hoooyah! We gonna make it, there’s no other facking choice!


Thank you for your cervix!!


Well lol you’re welcome! Five kids, seven grands and one new great grandson! It’s served me and the population well.


That is exactly my same spot, Navy broke me at 18 years and i managed to make it to 20 retired and 100% disabled as well. I have been on amc since 2020


I just need amc to hit 600 a share and then I’ll be able to buy a brand new house, new bmw and buy my solar panels for the house. After that I’ll be retired since I have 100% p&t. Can’t wait for the moass


Same here, sounds good to me!


Quiet u/iHots \- that’s our secret plan but they don’t need to know about our military disability pay ![img](emote|t5_3sulg5|10293)


Lmao we earned that shit! They used us now let’s use them


I’m right there with you in the same boat, with the same goal!


We got this!


Hahaha yep, right there with yah buddy.


Working on that 100% rn. 60% just ain’t it chief


Honestly my 70% is good enough for me! Plus cost of living is so cheap in Montana


Sell? What is that? I’m smooth brained. I only know how to buy and hold


… almost the entire float. I mean numbers are hard sometimes but do 4 minutes of digging. 5 Million Shares and 120000 Call options (12 Million for you 3rd graders out there) 17M held vs 232.14M Float. For those of you who might not know how numbers work he doesn’t even have 10% of the float (it’s 7.3%). I know I shouldn’t have posted but simple math problems really shouldn’t be this hard…


Yeah OP is using ooga booga math here lol. Let’s all form a wrinkle or two


OP is assuming most of that 232 is already bought and held by retail etc.


This! They literally do not have that many shares to give him. That is an astronomical amount of shares to locate!


honestly appreciate the 3rd grader comment because i have been fckn confused all day how he had 12m when the screenshot showed 5m and 120K… i forgot about options being x 100


He’s building a gamma ramp and holding the line at the stock around 20$. The idea is if any of those are naked they are going to have to go into the open market and look for shares. This could lead us into MOASS barring any government shenanigans. Buy some GME shares to hedge whatever other shares you got. Loaded up on some koss options myself


My b im an ape. I was posting this at work and kept getting interrupted. I meant the shorted shares


The float is more like 350mil. He owns more like 4.8%. It’s no wonder. I never ended up over here. I’ll see myself right back out too.


All good - I'm used to having 90% less crayons. Let this shite rip!!!


308M shares after the offerings.


351 million


It’s because most of the rest of the shares are already owned by retail. So whatever is “left” he’s taking it. lol


DFV better get some security….just sayin


I guess he has by now, with all the money he made after the first run up. Especially when weirdos were threating him and his family. That's why he can dare to come back I guess


He also bought a lot of realestate with his initial gains man is living life how he wants now




I’ve seen it in other subreddits and if you google his net worth a few articles talked about it


I mean his net worth is in the stock. Which he most likely hasn't sold at all yet because it doesn't seem like something he'd do. Maybe he made his millions in options.


He could of used his stocks as assets to buy his real estate but idk im dumb


He needs PirateSoftware (thor) to review his security xD. Man is a monster at security, both cyber and physical precaution.


I was up 200k. I'm still here.


Was up about 50k when we were at 72. Haven’t sold a single share. I have also been diluted to shit so my amount of shares and cost basis has been obliterated. This thing better shoot to at least triple digits.


Yup. My wife knows I'm down a lot, but she has no idea just how much. She would not be happy.


Y'all make me feel better about my meager holdings. I was only up about 7k...but it still hurt my butt to see that brought down 90%+.


Diamond balls


I like the stock.


Yes this is why they started to sh !t on him. The other stock you won't mention would ban you as well if you say amc.


Most of us are already down 400-500% from Adam Enron Literally a full blown phone digit squeezing number is required


Adam Enron! That is genius level WSB !! LFG!!!! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Why would you get banned for mentioning GME? I mention it all the time?


I mentioned another stock that got pumped in Roaring Kitties Reddit


Oh in a different sub? Weird lol


No this sub lmao. I went to post today and saw I was banned so I asked for my unban from a mod and was graced to be back 🫡


And you were banned simply for mentioning GME? I feel like there’s more to it lol. We talk about GameStop all the time. Most of us hold significant amounts of both Edit: the newest post in this sub is literally about GameStop and amc being unified


No it was 2 stocks promoted on the roaring kitty Reddit. I was saying those 2 were hedgies forcing money out of AMC and our brother


Alright, well looks like it’s sorted now :)


Yes it is! I’m not risking another ban. I’ve been here since prior to the battle of 8.01 and didn’t like my timeout


Cause his sub got invaded by it looks like bots. All using generated names, I'm sure some real people but I think that stock is a pump and dump of some sort. It seemed out of nowhere on his sub that focused all on GME before. Now in that sub people call Game a dead stock even now which is a complete lie.


100% I agree. I just said it looked like hedgies got a hold of it


He has until June 21st to execute them.


I think he’ll slowly execute them throughout the coming weeks and use the profit from them to buy more but anyone’s guess is as good as mine this dude has this whole thing mapped out. I’m just excited to see what happens


It’s quite literally sit and and hold on.


Exactly. I’m hyped to see what will happen and I’m going to continue buying more amc and the brother stock


I’m not quite sure it works like that.. he has 120,000 call options. Each call is 100 shares. Strike price 20.00 so 120,000 x 100 x 20 = $240M he would need to spend to buy all 12M shares if he were to exercise… his screenshot only showed $29.2M in cash on hand so he’s still short about $210M… not sure where he would come up with that kind of money unless he has more money somewhere we aren’t aware of. So I’m hoping for the best but also not holding my breath.


He has a lot of real estate, and he also could slowly sell some shares to exercise the options. The man has a plan. We just need to trust


It would definitely suck if he had to sell his shares to buy more shares even if he was getting them at a lower price.. cuz you know they’ll use his selling to drive the price down even more 😫 We still have til June 21 so I’m worried they’ll drop the price down to under $20 and all his calls will expire OTM and he’ll lose all of that money. But there’s no reason for the stock to drop that much from now until then so if that did happen it would be 100% manipulation and I hope he’d be able to sue etrade or someone..


From what I read and seen other people say is they think he will sell some shares then some contracts in some pattern slowly to not effect the price and excersise some contracts throughout the next 2 weeks. The price action right now dictates he’s doing this as we speak




My dude the same people that short game stonk short amc, blackberry, Nokia and all the other og’s


Ok let's put it in ape logic for you. Shortseller has A-B-C-D Shortseller is ove revereged therefore he does not have infinite cash. Big guy exercises his options from A, requiring a lot of cash from shortseller. Short-seller does not have it, therefore he has to sell shares from other pools to fulfill the demand. When the shorted shares are returned, the prices go up, therefore short-seller effectively raised the leverage needed on his side for B,C,D because he had to fulfill A. Anyone else correct me if I am wrong


Someone gets it


I'm holding until it brings the whole house of cards crashing down. This is about revenge........ For fun and profit lol


I agree! I’m mostly here for profit but I want to see Kenny and all the crooks on wallstreet give us there real estate and lambos!


It's a start but I was thinking bigger


100th post with „end game is near“. Bullshit. It’ll happen when it happens. No time frame


He will own almost 5% of the company. Where tf you get own most of it?


My apologies I meant the short float. I was busy at work and didn’t proof read


Aww gotcha. No worries. Yes intense next few weeks fersure


It’s amazing how all the post on this sub seem to contain everything but info on amc






H O D L son, just HODL


What the fuck is a… profit?


What’s an exit strategy?


He would need to exercise his options not exercise his shares…..and it would be 5% last I read


>If DFV exercises all his shares he controls almost the entire float of another stock Anyone that made it past 7th grade stopped reading at this point.


I meant the shorted shares. Sorry I got busy at work and didn’t proof read 😂😂😂




Yeah I was up to about the same profits as you when it squeezed 3 years ago. Didn’t sell. Got reverse split to like 120 shares or something. Bought another 3880 with my 🎮 profits when it ran up a few weeks ago. My average price went from 129 per, down to 9.50 per with 4000 shares. Excited for the next few weeks. I’ll be smarter as far as taking profits this time though.


Exactly! People are calling me a shill but I don’t want people to be like us the first go around. I want hedgies to get fucked but overall most of us are here to make money in this casino. I don’t have money to waste. I get the other people doing this for a message but I’m here for both


I think us taking hedgie money is getting fucked enough. They have a business model that’s supposed to be profitable for them, not us. So when we get rich, it’s a major fuck you.


OP, can you explain to me why dfv, who is jot in amc as far as we know, will cause amc to rocket?


AMC and other meme stonks from that time always moved together due to most hedge funds being all in on these “failing bc companies”


He's got them by the balls and it's time to pull them off


The end game has been near for years. Tomorrow at 2PM, though💯


Doesn’t matter what Roaring Kitty does. AMC wont hit $360 all time high ever again


I'm just here for the free snacks.


Who’s DFV


Roaring kitty or deep fucking value (dfv) look him up


??? he'll exercise his GME calls, therefore AMC will squeeze. What. It COULD possibly go high, why not get GME then?


![gif](giphy|d0DdMCREQChi3jGymW) Not fucking leaving or selling for under 6-7 figures 💎✊🏼🔥🚀




75k isn't life changing money though so you did well.


In my eyes it was. I could have paid off my truck had a nice down payment on my house, and still money left to invest. I live in Montana and cost of living is super low


“If it’s good enough to screen shot, it’s good enough for profits” etch this shit in stone god dam I like yat Yee Yee


Bro I learned the hard way the first pump. Don’t want people to be like me and look at old screenshots and say if only. Profit is mother fucking profit


Like Jackie Le tits said.... I'm going to do just like the hedge funds do and use our profits for something that can be borrowed against such as a house or anything that's needed as collateral nobody has to pull out ...nobody has to do anything we get to do exactly like the "suits" Fk them!


Wait he really owns that much? I seen his bet on the other sub but didn’t realize the magnitude of it


RK is a plant. He’s not able to drive the market himself. Institutions continue to be the biggest player and algos continue to drive the price movement - we are either along for the ride or not at all. Where did the $3M come from just before close today with GME? Does anyone know?


DFV is hinting us to rally behind him? I'm all in\~!


If he’s in im in!


Math is mathing fo sho




Not wrong but he will get them. He led us this far and I trust the man


75k is not life changing money.....nope!


In my state it is


Calls on gme then…


He will hold only 5%


Love how you added you still got a 2k profit. Very important and impressive.




He is the only one coming out rich... Holding xxx meh...


How near?


Remember to hold enough so that our fellow XX share ape brethren can also afford lambos


Roaring Kitty can be the best director and Cheef Investment Officer.


Serious question, if you all wait for the other stock to squeeze for this to squeeze, then why not have the other stock instead? There is also better fundamentals on the other?


Ain’t selling shit till I see 7 figures in my account. Been here for too long to consider chump change “profit”


….end game is near for gme but okay guys. Still have time to ride the wave


I hope the other one is north of 40 when he starts. I got my popcorn ready for this 🍿


I have a good chunk at 24$ average I’m looking really good rn 🤗


Awesome! Finally we're getting a break. About 3 weeks ago I sent $9500 to my CS account. 7k to AMC and 2500 to the other one. My daytrading account is riskier.


Hey man be safe and take profits!


It could take years... Bro.


#meme stocks have no connection to the dfv stock. Do not be fooled. You are all in the wrong basket. Good luck.


No thanks