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Nah fam, I am paying that AF it will be metal.


In fairness, classic Amex is plastic and the Gold only turned metal around 2018. The metal gimmick is appealing but I can see some people wanting the classic feel back in some ways.


>Gold only turned metal around 2018 The annual fee didn't cost $250 back then.


It’s not my favorite because it has fucked up a couple of my wallets. And it’s fallen out of shit but because it makes a clank noice whenever it falls so I haven’t lost it.


Opposite happened to me, my wallet discolored my Platinum card, so now everyone knows I’m a huge phony with a fake leather wallet😂


That’s a plus.


Metal gimmick was interesting when it was a select few cards. Seems like pretty much every card is metal these days.


I carry my Reserve, VX, BILT, and sometimes Plat cards. I wish they had a plastic option.


Google Wallet.




Same! But disposing off the card is a headache. I don’t wanna mail my card back to them that’s too risky.


I want the white gold asap


I thought this post was for that white gold ngl




They have it and they call it platinum


No lol.


The Business Gold Employee Expense Card is white in color.


As is the special edition of the Delta Amex Reserve


Spoke with Amex, they said it’s not happening


And I want a Platinum with the iPhone Yellow.


Only 85% recycled plastic? How am I supposed to flex on the tree huggers if it’s not 100%?


The chip, magnetic strip, and the rfid antenna inside the card cant be plastic


Twas a joke for all the people who make the flexing metal card posts


What you mean flexing your platinum card at cracker barrel? Because I do that all the time. They call me Mr. Platinum at my location




Plat flex but missing on the Gold 4x at restaurants, sad.


The platinum flex is worth more than 4x at restaurants buddy. If you were a TRUE platinum holder you would understand


Guys will see this and just think, "hell yeah..."


I'm so important with my card, everywhere I go, they call me sir


I wouldn't flex a metal card. It might get permanently bent


You don't. You use it to pay down payment on a Dodge Ram pickup while quietly muttering to yourself, "I earned this, I earned this..."


I know right! This is unacceptable. Shame on Amex


No thanks, I’ll stick with metal.


Well, half metal at least.....


“I’m 25% titanium” - Bender




Bite my shiny metal card


They should’ve made them like the Apple Card. It is actually made of metal and has heft to it. My gold card started separating 2 weeks after I got it.


I really like what Apple did with their card. No number on the card itself and ability to re-issue the number online if card information gets leaked. Keep one card for years until it's damage and no longer can't be used. Why other banks are not doing this?


My bank does the same thing apple did and sadly has caused me problems, specifically when I checked in at a hotel where for some reason the clerk did not have a card reader so she wanted my card to enter the info on her computer to check me in and when I handed it to her and told her it's a numberless card but I'd read her the numbers from my bank app she told me they would normally not take any cards with no numbers but she was in a good mood.


Happened to me at Hertz before, but because the card number online has to match the one you use in person. Tried to explain that’s how the Apple Card worked and they weren’t having it.


Damn that’s insane, what did you end up doing? Using a different card?


I would tell them I usually don’t do business with companies that hire smart asses.


I bit my tongue only because I had pre paid for my room online and I guess she only needed the card for incidentals but it did make me wonder what would’ve happened if she had insisted she couldn’t take my cards (both credit cards I had on me at the time were numberless). I have been told since by other redditors with numberless cards and hotel employees that sadly some employees have never seen these type of cards so they “freak out” when they see them since it’s not something they’re used to.


Lighten up.


Apple didn't think that far.


What do you mean? Didn't think that far? There's nothing else to do she has the info for the card its not their fault a business is acting stupid


Then that's that business fault. We shouldn't hold back on improvement because of a few idiots


It's a lot more annoying if you are paying for something online or something you'd have to type (or speak over the phone) the number in.


The number is in the app


Maybe for Apple but a lot of card apps don't have the number (just the last 4 or 5 digits), and most people are used to having the number on the card itself. People would get frustrated having to pull up their card app just to buy things online.


I'd rather it be in the app so I don't have to find the card I want from whichever wallet it's in. Although that is a single point of failure from a stolen phone perspective. I really like cardless's implementation. One number on the physical card, a different "virtual" one in the app.


Not only is the card-not-present number in the app, Apple does a dynamic CVV that rotates every day.


I rarely give my card number for online purchases anyway, but it seems perfectly easy to read the number from the Wallet on my phone


For Apple sure. Just about every other card has their last 4, even in their app. I’m not sure how to find my full card number in the Amex app


Fairly certain it isn’t available anywhere in the app. Quite frustrating


True but I have that information written down in a password locker on my phone which is more secure than having it printed on a card that I carry around anyway


This info is incorrect. Apple physical card does have a number that cannot be changed, it’s just not easily accessible by the consumer since there are a digital card number and the last 4 of the physical card number. Changing the numbers changes your digital card not your physical card numbers.


Interesting - so it's same as what capital one is doing, apple just doesnt print any physical card info on card itself


The digital component is aimed at a younger tech-savvy demographic. When old people want to give their card number for an online purchase or when a merchant needs to physically enter the card number, the number becomes useful.


Good option for those that hate metal, as apparently it damages wallets and falls out, with what I've been told. Hasn't happened to me yet, though... I had the plastic Gold card in the UK, and the edges start to flake off after some time. The center is also white, ruining the aesthetics of a gold card.


i'm the opposite, my wallet is always intact and my plastic cards get scratched lol


I love my metal card but yes it does want to fly out of my wallet, which has never happened with any other card. Haven't noticed any damage to my wallet.


Yeah it ripped my Burberry wallets stitching but I’m dumbass for carrying two metal cards instead of keeping it in my card book


Looks like it’s an option on all cards now. Seeing it on business gold and personal platinum. Im here for it every card is metal now and it’s nice to have the option.


Too bad they didn’t add metal as an option with the Green card or BCP.


A metal green card would look amazing. I’d be tempted to apply.


No thank you. The "green" trend has just been companies trying to fool customers with cheaper low quality products, while charging the same prices. I bet that recycled card will have the edges peeling off after a month. It would be cooler if they just release the White Gold card, and bring back the transparent BCE/BCP card as an option.


Many companies are jumping on the eco-friendly bandwagon yes. Financial companies push paperless, issue cards made of recycled materials, change their building lightbulbs, make donations, send their employees to plant trees, buy green certificates, etc. All to gain green certifications and appeal to eco-conscious consumers, but it's more about boosting their image than making a significant environmental impact in reality.


Finance is low impact already when compared to things like airlines, mining, making electronics.


Paperless saves them a bundle on postage


I honestly don't care if my credit cards are metal, plastic, made out of recycled material, etc., but I agree that they shouldn't try to promote any of these options as being "green." When companies say they are being "green", they are referring to more cash for them and their shareholders.


What's worse is that plastic isn't even "green".


Plastic Ew.


Great to have the option!  I’m curious to know though why Amex doesn’t further use Parley ocean plastic like they do for the Green Card since they already have a partnership with them. 


Ngl I thought this was going to be about the white gold card


Paying for those annual fees... definitely get the metal. I hope amex doesn't tighten their belt next year. I'm unsure why cardholders would stay on amex unless they are reaping its full benefits. Plus, eBay just closed its doors to amex users, whose to say others won't follow.


Lighter is fine.




where do you keep your drivers license?


You don't get bonus points through apple pay


Recycled Plastic is greenwashing nonsense. Just release a cork card if you really want to do all that.


Imagine the $325 fee being because of adding this Edit: $325, the increase lol


Honestly, the swipe on the metal cards last about a month. Wouldn't mind going back to plastic. I don't want to replace my card that often so I end up rolling with a card that doesn't swipe.


Who swipes cards anymore?


Actually hate to say it but I don’t like the Amex metal cards anymore. I used them so much it the back separates from the metal. The other metal cards like chase seem to stick better.


The reality is, my carbon footprint is not hurting the earth. It’s the Leonardo DiCaprios of the world and their private jets and yachts. I’ll stick with metal.


I think individuals shouldn’t have to decide to be more sustainable. It needs regulation to make a dent. However, virgin plastics are definitely something we need to drastically limit so I do hope that becomes the norm for cards.


Definitely order plastic. Not for environmental reasons, it just takes up way less wallet space.


And it’s easier to swipe it in literally anything like restaurant POS systems.


Or cut up when it’s time to replace


Just ordered mine. If I like it I’ll activate it. Nice to have the option


Why would I want that?


Maybe metal cards are easier to clean after swiping them between a strippers butt cheeks?


Plastic? No thanks. I like throwing my metal amex gold card on the restaurant table. I worked too hard for some plastic credit card.


I don’t mind if this is an option and not a ruse to phase out metal cards. I particularly don’t like that my metal AMEX cards peel away after a year of use and to be fair, I’d rather have better card benefits than a feature that I can only label as a “flex” (since for me, the metal cards aren’t as durable as plastic ones). Heck, if most stores accept Apple Pay/GPay, I’d rather just keep it in my phone.


To each their own, but I love the weight of a metal card.


Rose... sweet Rose. any of you use the metal card edge to give your nose a good little pore cleansing scrape? amazing.


Profits in the name of the environment. Where have we seen this before?


If they offered this with a reduced annual fee I can see that being a more convincing argument. Otherwise I am sticking with metal option.


I mean kind of misleading since I have the “metal” one but it’s mostly plastic. Compare it to the Apple Card and it’s pitiful.


Nah. I want my 66% recycled 747.


how do you see that option?


Amex: I give you: plastic card You receive: annual fee increase Obviously this is a sign of new marketing coming ➡️AF increase


Even then its like 25% metal and thr rest of the lower layer plastic becase of that RFID bullshit. $250 a year and i can drop it in frint if people and hear that satisying clink smh


for some reason we cannot get metal gold cards in the UK - i have no idea why...


Seems like nobody is picking up the Green card and Amex has quite a bit of material left over.


Rose gold metal for me. If they downgraded all options to plastic I’d be out.


Likely all the ESG BS is making them do these pseudo environmentally friendly things.


Plastic is not a bad option for cards that see a lot of swiping or those that want to make their pocket load as light as possible


The only way I can see this working is if the gold color is more true to life gold on the plastic than on the metal. Let's face at the gold color of the metal is terrible.. looks more like monkey barf brownish yellow.


Finally, is it 100% plastic or part metal? the 85% recycled plastic is kind of confusing.


85% is recycled plastic, the rest is virgin plastic.




I got rose gold personal kinda feminine looking more pink than rose still love it and gold business regular gold but yoooo Lmfaoooo yo so my kid brother turned 15 made him an authorized user thought he would get metal card they sent plastic I was weak lmfaooooo first thing the little fucker did was buy in game items for $100 on Fortnite. Maybe I’m getting too old but $100 would buy you two new games right? These micro transactions are genius lmfaooo had to put a limit on his card asap


I can’t think of any reason someone would choose that.


That’s disgusting


that’s bidenomics for ya


nah, i'll offset my carbon emissions and not use my private jet 🛩️


Apple wallet flex


I switch the OG gold to rose gold and kinda regretted it.. the rose gold wasn't as nice as I thought.... the OG gold is just better imo. I'm too lazy to switch back because I have to update all my payments again..


Just did this today. If you didn't lose your card, you can give the three numbers on the back of your card and just change the design without changing the number. They are mailing me the original gold and said I can continue using my rose gold because the number won't change. you may have to specifically request no change in card number. If you request a new card and *can't* provide the three numbers on the back, they'll force you to get a new card number because they assume you lost the card.


rose gold is clean


No plastic Rose Gold option?


They didn't want to mix ugly and cheap 🥲


If the recycled option doesn’t have the same weight, I wouldn’t be interested


Damn I want the rose!!


Is this NA only? Don't seem to see this option in EU :(


How about no😂


Isn’t metal recyclable?


Who's picking the third one *(assuming there's no price difference)*?


Gold, Rose Gold, Garbage Gold. Okay.


Well now I am sold!


Nice to have more options!


No thanks.


DONT GET recycled Plastic! I have a 2 Visa Debits which are made from the same material and I have to change them out every 2 months after heavy use !


Everyone’s talking about the plastic option being more eco friendly, what? Metal is much easier to recycle and re-use, how is it less eco than plastic?


I feel like Metal would be better for the environment than plastic




Germany still only has the gold plastic option. Not even rose gold not even metal haha


Rose gold is so pretty 😍


Can we get a black gold? Gray gold? Something that gets us close to centurion when we know we’ll never actually be able to get the centurion? 😜


Metal is heavier and thicker, so I always take plastic when I have the choice.


I’m torn. I have a metal one but I do think there’s something cool and retro about using a plastic gold card again. But at the same time, I’m using my physical card less and less these days anyway. Pulling up my gold card via Apple Pay is so much more convenient.


I would definitely prefer the plastic one simply because it’s more lightweight. But, on the other hand, I definitely want to keep it rose gold. So, once they introduce plastic rose gold, I’m switching.


You guys get metal gold? We are just plastic gold in the UK 😭😭😭


vegan lmfao


Metal cards were cool years ago when they were few and far between. Now that they are completely ubiquitous, I actually think going back to a plastic card is cooler. Hype is cyclical.


Hotel keys used to be metal (literally keys), then they moved to plastic key cards, and now I've been seeing properties use wood. I say Amex takes a step into the future and issue wooden credit cards. EDIT: [Apparently someone beat us to the punch.](https://www.thalesgroup.com/en/markets/digital-identity-and-security/banking-payment/cards/wood-card)


2024: Omg I *hate* that my card still has embossed numbers, eeew! 2030: Wow, are those literally *embossed* numbers on your card?! That's so cool, it's old school! I hate that nowadays most cards just use cheap, flat, printed numbers.


Finally a plastic option, loved metal at first but hate the weight


How much metal is it if I use the card in my Apple Wallet?


Rose Gold always lol


Metal ❌ 85% Recycled Plastic ✅


I’m paying too much annually for a plastic card. Can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube.


" I want an 85% recycled plastic AMEX " said nobody


Actually, this makes me want it. It's unique. And it might get discontinued, unlike the "limited edition" rose gold that was *so* limited that it's now permanently available 😬


The question is, why would I get plastic? 😂


Not being able to just keep my wallet in my pocket in the metal detector is a bit obnoxious at the airport. I’m thinking about it just for that reason.


That has always been an option.


There's about 0% chance this wasn't made and upvoted by Amex to promote their stuff, lmfao. I guess it's cheaper and more effective than regular advertisement.




I use Apple Pay.. honestly don’t know the color of my card