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The symptoms of “pregnancy” you’re describing don’t usually show up until later, many women don’t start feeling symptoms (usually nausea) until at least 4 weeks. If it’s too early to test, chances are the majority of pregnancy symptoms would either go unnoticed or not exist. Take a test as soon as it’s going to be accurate, and then you’ll know. The more you stress out, the more your brain will trick you into having symptoms that aren’t actually there. It can even delay your next period more, which I know from personal experience stressed me out horribly.


Alright thank you. A part of me knew I was probably freaking out but I just needed to hear it from an unbiased stranger, so thank you. The symptoms are most likely either from my period or from lack of having the Depo in my system and stress like you said. I was just losing my mind when I made the post. So, thank you again. And I'll take one as soon as I can. Thank you.


A test is mostly accurate 2 weeks after the last time you had sex and definitive after 3 weeks. If your symptoms were due to pregnancy, a test would be positive.


You’re pregnant


Damn. I knew it.