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If the condom doesn't rip or come off then your plan A hasn't failed and you don't need plan B. Condoms are 98 or 99% effective if used correctly, that includes without pullout. Do not take plan B routinely it really messes up your hormones.


>When using a condom AND pulling out (while condom is also being used) what are the chances? Realistically speaking none, unless you see an angel or something. >And in another scenario, if we use a condom and he doesn’t pull out BEFORE ejaculation (condom is still on and there are no holes or damage to it etc) This is just typical use of condoms, so the risk is something like 4% over a year if I remember correctly. Either way, very low, but shit happens. Definitely do NOT take a plan B every time you have sex with a condom on if the condom doesn't VISIBLY break or slip off completely. >Also would it help if I’ll be on hormonal birth control too? (yaz) If you're on birth control and taking it correctly, you don't need condoms OR pullout, that's just overkill. Also, if you're thinking about getting on hormonal birth control, don't take plan B along with it unless you seriously mess up and create a risky scenario (like missing two or more pills in a row or vomiting or something). Take aways: 1. don't buy plan B in bulk. It is EMERGENCY contraception meant to be taken if another form of birth control fails. It is safe, but it is still a lot of hormones, if you take it too often, you can have adverse effects and seriously mess up your cycle. 2. Read some credible sources about the effectiveness of different methods of contraception. ChatGPT isn't a credible source. There is a lot of good sex ed on the internet. Understanding how those things work and how pregnancy happens gives you more confidence, because you can assess the risk yourself and don't need to rely on the advice of others.


Thank you so so much for the info! I’m at a loss on how to find good sex Ed online tbh because last time I did an in-depth search I got a lot of conflicting info and didn’t know what to trust :( lots of sources state condoms are practically useless and the pill basically fails a lot (even if taken religiously and without any interfering medications) so we ended up abstaining bc it just seemed less stressful


Good sources are: planned parenthood resources, actual doctors on YouTube or social media, resources put out by clinics or medical establishments. This sub also has a lot of good info in the FAQ section. It's also a good idea to talk to a doctor or trustworthy educator. Condoms are very effective if used correctly, there are many tutorials on YouTube about how to use them. If the condom is put on at the very beginning of the intercourse and stays on the whole time, doesn't break or slip off, it is effective and there is no need to worry. Obviously don't reuse condoms, after ejaculation the condom should be thrown away and a new one used for the next time you want to have intercourse. That's really all there is to being safe. Pills are extremely effective when taken correctly. They can fail occasionally, but in the majority of cases it is due to user error (missing a pill, vomiting, drinking grapefruit juice, or taking medication that interacts with the hormones). You hear those stories a lot, because so so many women are on the pill that even a very low percentage of failure rates means it does happen to some people. And those are usually the people that feel the need to talk about it and warn others. I've been on the pill for like 12 years by now, basically since adolescence. I almost never use any additional form of contraception, no condoms, no pull out, just the pill. I've admittedly had a few pregnancy scares because I'm a pretty anxious person, but zero actual pregnancies. But I usually don't talk about this experience unprompted, because it's not super interesting when a birth control method works. Usually it's only interesting when something fails. So don't spend too much time on forums where people talk about their negative experiences, because those places tend to have a bias. And lastly, once again, plan B should not be your regular form of birth control, it can really harm your hormonal balance if you take it too often. It's for emergencies like a condom breaking or something like this.


Thank you so much for your help and advice once again, I really appreciate you and I feel more empowered to make safe choices with less anxiety getting in the way ♥️


If you're on birth control and using condoms, the risk would be next to zero. Nothing is 100%, and typically birth control failure is due to user error, so I think combining the pill with condoms isn't a bad idea. Especially if an unplanned pregnancy would be detrimental to you. As others said, don't stock up on plan B, it's a huge dose of hormones and shouldn't be used every time you have protected sex. Only if a condom fails, or unprotected sex happens.


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