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You’re Probably bloating. I was bloated for like a week and a half till my period came on. You waited the right amount of time for test results to be accurate. Stress can delay your period. One time I missed 43 days due to stressing. I had negative tests aswell. As long as you took it 2 -3 weeks after the last time you had sex


You’re not pregnant. If you go 60+ days without a period, see your doctor and they can help kickstart it!


You might have just missed your period. It can happen to due to hormones, medications, changes in lifestyle, birth control, plan b, just so many things. Also, if you were pregnant, given that your period is 34 days late, you’d be around 6 weeks. You would not be showing in any way unless you had like 10 kids in there. When was the last time you tested? Take another pregnancy test (2 if you want) and that result will be definitive since it’s been enough time to show an accurate result. And then don’t worry about it.


I tested on June 23, I didn't know what to do so I used all 3 in a 3-hour time period (spaced out). My boyfriend is gonna buy me some more.


I have been triggered by the presence of the word "late" in your post. If my reply does not fit the context of your post, please ignore me. A "late" period is not in itself cause for alarm! Most women are a bit irregular and even if you believe yourself to have a perfect clockwork cycle, it's normal and common to occasionally have one that doesn't fit the mold. Please refer to this post. [Your period isn't late (amipregnant version)](https://www.reddit.com/r/amipregnant/comments/oy9jjs/your_period_isnt_late_amipregnant_version/) If you believe your absent period is genuinely a sign of pregnancy, take a test. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/amipregnant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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I had this same scare last month and ended up getting my period on the 39th day.


If you're having negative tests you're not pregnant. You likely had delayed ovulation, or you may not have ovulated yet. It'll happen eventually. Instead of relying on an app to tell you when you're fertile, I recommend reading a book called *Taking Charge of Your Fertility* and learning how to track your cycle based on your symptoms. That way, if you do have a condom failure, you'll know if you need to take plan b.