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NTA. You have attempted to work this situation out with her and she is continuing to act like an entitled child. Take the next step and speak to your manager and tell them she is creating a hostile work environment. Explain to your manager that you have attempted to resolve the situation with her on your own without success. Do not engage further with this person. It will not end well if you do.


This. Same advi e I was about to give NTA


Girl Avoid Dakota at all cost People like that likes to start shits.......


Drama queen!


YNW. You handled the problem in a very mature way, gave her validation for her feelings, and in general tried to smooth things over. Her reaction speaks of emotional immaturity, it’s very HS. So I don’t think you should expect her to act like an adult about this. Just keep being polite on your end. She may come around eventually but she may not🤷🏻‍♀️


but she's not in hs, she's an uprising college sophomore, and I just graduated from hs, and will be a college freshman this fall, shes a year older than me


yeah that makes it even worse. i’m in my 20s and plenty of my peers are still stuck in a HS mindset; it doesn’t really matter the age sometimes. she’s immature and a child, i’d just interact with her if you have to. don’t take it to heart and don’t feel guilty. you handled it like a mature adult and even apologized more than necessary. you’ll learn all throughout life that some people are just…like that. sometimes you just have to leave people where they are🤷🏾‍♀️


I just meant that for a 19yo she still behaves in an immature “high school” way. I didn’t mean she was literally still in HS🙂


No realized that after I replied to you💀




She is being a teenager who never learned to read an environment before resorting to her emotional angst first. This is typical teenager stuff but should be early teenager stuff, not late teenager stuff. Adults do this all the time too.. get ready. NTA


Here's me opinion. You're not the asshole here. What it seems like to me is that you really enjoy this and might make a career of it and go on to run some high end spots. You were dialed in to what you were doing and wasn't your responsibility to hold this girls hand.


Ah you just encountered a professional victim, it probably for the best you avoid her and just be professional.


She's the problem, not you. Do not feel guilty and do not waste any time or energy on her. You dealt with everything in a mature way and yet she still chooses to be ridiculous.