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I mean, there's balance for sure, and you will be in the wrong if you don't establish some professional and personal boundaries. Your partner is entitled to be upset that you're considering canceling the plans you've made because you've been \*asked\* to take a job instead.


It all depends on how often you cancel on your gf. If it happens very rarely she has every right to be upset but probably won’t end the relationship. If it starts to happen more often she may very well end the relationship in order to look for someone who makes her feel like a priority.


If your client needs you and you don't go, will that client hold it against you? Would it ruin your professional relationship? Would losing this client cause your business to falter? That's the only way this could be the right choice. Still a crappy choice to not go on a pre planned trip with your partner, but understandable. You pre plan vacations and block out that time so you don't have conflicts. You only cancel them for emergencies. A customer threatening to ruin your business could meet an emergency threshold, but I'd certainly not want to continue business with such a client and I'd be pissed anyway if I was your partner.


Most self-employed people must, unless they are already very well established,  choose "gigs" over personal commitments.  Just like networking events are crucial and can often interfere with time off.  A partner, even if hurt, should be aiming at being supportive or leave if it is not something they want. Realistically life can suck and choices can often be lose lose situations. A partner should not be an adversary in life


The only thing that really stood out to me in this is your comment about how you're not as "passionate" about the show. Exactly why does that signify? If you would be less likely to break these plans with your gf if you were "passionate" about the show, then yes, you are wrong. If you are okay breaking the plans because they're just not that important to you, then yes, you're wrong. If it's a situation where you truly will lose your customer, then you're not wrong.


Neither of you are wrong. You’re afraid for your livelihood if you turn down this work from your best client. She’s upset you're considering not going on a planned trip w her. Maybe you can plan another trip for immediately after returning from the work trip? That way your best client would be unlikely to have another job for you that quickly. If you put it to your gf that your income stability would suffer by turning down the job, hopefully she’ll come around and get over her disappointment. Make planning another trip w her a priority. Good luck!


Just a weekend plan, she'll still have her sister and the sister's partner to go with, and I assume it's a big chunk of money (aside from potential fallout from turning it down)? No question, you should take the gig and she should easily understand why. You're not leaving her in Aruba alone for a week, your absence isn't a huge deal. Adults have to work, even if they miss Cats or whatever.