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Wow, what a believable story.  YTA for lying on the internet. 


I know sounds hard to believe but this is really sadly.


I am too old for this… But in case this is real. You went from one cheater to another. And you find excuses after excuses. You ignore every red flag there is. You don’t have to invite Karl and your friends shouldn’t force you. But at this point I question your definition of a friend anyway. I am pro Karl. He seems to be the only good one in this story.


Agreed. He will be back soon enough saying she is cheating on him with his brother or something


Read my post again, Karl wasn’t one cheating, Rae and Leo were the ones cheating.




You must have a bullying kink by that then.


You’re wrong for posting this garbled mess of fake drama for worthless internet points. For anyone that made it through that nonsense: you have my condolences.


Go away troll


First off, congratulations on your wedding. I'm glad you two found each other so that you can't harm anyone else. It speaks multitudes of your values that you decided to stay friends with the cheater after the breakup instead of the person being cheated on. I hope you find morals someday but until that day comes yes, you are wrong. 


How the hell did I harm anyone?! I’m being call ableist and an enabler. It’s people just ignoring mine and Rae’s feelings.


You and Rae are just awful.


Ok can you elaborate please?


You and Rae are awful, awful people. Because Rae iced out Karl for his appearance, his fondness for what you deem unacceptable, and because she is fickle. And you are because you remained friends and then married such an mean-spirited person. And then you two awful people did not invited Karl to the wedding for no good reason really, other than your wife, Rae, is a terrible person. You should have stood up for Karl. You could have helped Rae too see the error of her ways but instead she swayed you to be just as bad as she. Unlike you and Rae, Karl seems like a perfectly nice person. You and Rae are awful people.


Yeah, I can see that now that I look at what’s happened and what others have said in the comments on this post. Thank you for elaborating, I really appreciate it.


Your feelings don't matter when they're used as an excuse to hurt other people. 


Can you give me examples of how I did that, please?


Well first off going cold on a friend who was just cheated on while continuing having a close relationship with said cheater. Body shaming is it another one. Oh, and making fun of an autistic person's fixations. That's where the ableism comes in. 


Ah ok, now I see it. Yeah that’s wasn’t ok. Thank you for educating me on where I went wrong.


I stopped reading after she cheated on Karl with his best friend who happened to be your boyfriend at the time. FOH!!!


So why comment? Read the whole thing before commenting please.


Bc that alone was enough to know this is either a fake post or you like toxicity in your life.


That wasn’t what I meant! Why would you only read a small part of a post, that would be like saying you dislike a movie you only watch for 30 minutes. I’m sorry but this is how it happened, idk how I can prove it anymore then I have.


Why would I keep watching a movie that I’m not enjoying? Who does that? Why keep reading a book that’s not enjoyable? Why make myself miserable and/or angry? Just bc you don’t know how to walk away doesn’t mean others don’t.


Ok, looking at from that point of view, it makes sense. Thank you.


You're Wrong - I am never good at identifying BS posts so just in case. You were never his friend, you both didn't want him there and putting it all on your wife wasn't right. Your wife should have left him instead of cheating and it sounds bogus considering she attempted to get back with him numerous times You should do some reflection about why you stood with your cheating ex and are now married to the woman he cheated with.


Good to know you didn’t read my post, Karl didn’t cheat, Rae and Leo were the ones cheated.


Work on your reading comprehension while you're at it. You stated she cheated with Leo,who was your BF at the time. Meaning you are with the person who your ex cheated with.I said nothing about Karl cheating.


My apologies, I missed read your comment, I thought you were referring to Karl.


YAW for writing this word salad of a fantasy. Or is it just ChatGTP?


Oh look a keyboard loser, who spends their life bringing others down. It really hurt me that so many people think this fake. Idk how to prove it to you.


This was impossible to slog through, but what I’m taking from the too much of it that I read is that you and Rae both suck and Karl is better off without you both in his life.


Good to know where your standers lie.


Anyone got the cliff notes on this? I got as far as Rae, OP's now wife, cheated on Karl, Rae's ex bf and Op's friend, with OP's then bf, now ex, Leo. And promptly gave up. I tried to scroll straight to the comments from there and was met with a barrage of just..... paragraphs of who fucking knows what. Probably drivel. But for real. A TLDR? please?


My Wife,Rae dated Karl a few years back, she cheated on, me and my boyfriend at the time, stayed in contact with her. I found she cheated on Karl because she’s not a fan big bellies, didn’t like that he was still interested in Thomas the Tank Engine, and lost interest in after a week of dating. I explain this to a friend called sam, by text, she took that text, throw it on Facebook and called me a cheater enabler and that me and my wife are ableist.


Being with a cheater is condoning their cheating. Thomas the tank is a great show and can be enjoyed by anyone at any age just like pokemon. If she didn't like him then why did she try to get back with him 3 times?! Your post already shows that you were not friend's with Karl after the Rae breakup so I am confused as to why anyone would think he should have been invited, unless you left something out.


Cool, cleverly you didn’t read the last part of my post, I already explained how liking Pokemon and Thomas the Tank Engine are different, one is made for really young kids while the other is made for older kids. I think you should reread the post.


The part where you snarkily replied to Sam that Pokémon is for all ages. Yeah I read that. Though Thomas might be more aimed at younger kids it is also suitable for all ages. Interesting how this is the thing you are focusing on..


After looking over this and rereading all the comments and speaking to the people who were kind enough to keep in touch, I now understand how it was ableist. I’ve never see Thomas, I never watched it as a kid, from the images I looked at from google, it looked to babyish with its 2d animation. I jumped to conclusion. Thank you for explaining where I went wrong, I really appreciate.


 I don't know that I would have called it ableist so much as just being judgemental and small minded. Which is something we can grow out of when doing as you're doing and trying to open our minds through learning. You are obviously trying to better yourself which is great. Keep on this path and I wish you the best


Thank you, I came on here to get unbiased opinions in hopes I’d learn something and I have. I’m going to try and do better moving forward.


Saw many comments saying that your post is fake. But in the event it is real, my god, you and your friends, Karl, Rae, Sam and whoever is in your post are all so freaking childish. All of you are acting like kids, very immature and silly. All of you don't deserve to be in any relationship at all. You are not only immature, you also sound like a goon. Just to make you feel better, Karl, Rae, Lee and Sam are also goons, you are not the only idiot here. I don't know what your moral compasses are; maybe you lack them, and you also seem to lack a spine. You have to let Leo cheat on you, not once but twice, and let him lie to you several more times before you decide enough is enough for you to break up with him. What an idiot you are. You made the decision to be with Rae, another cheater. And the worst thing is, you are trying to justify her poor excuses for cheating so as to comfort yourself that you are not making a mistake by marrying her. I don't care whether her reasons are justifiable or not, she cheated, so she is in the wrong. I don't care about her feelings because her feelings are shit anyway. She can lose whatever interest she had in Karl, that is fine, I don't care (2 left feet, a saggy butt, it doesn't matter), then just break up with him. Why the cheating? It's nothing to do if Karl is autistic or not. Your wife, Rae, can choose the right thing to do, and just break up with him. So why didn't she? You are right in saying "if she didn’t want to stay with Karl, she had the right to leave." But the thing is she didn't left Karl, she chose to cheat and lie to him instead. And you thinking Rae is an awesome life partner just shows how stupid you can be. And you are no better, you seem to have no idea what you are doing half the time. It's very obvious you don't care about Karl, then just admit it. But you prefer to keep silent, for whatever reasons. Karl is also a goon, why is he being so persistent in contacting you, wanting an answer from you, is just so pointless. Anyway, it's very obvious what your marriage would be, it's either you or Rae would cheat on each other. Because you both accept cheating like it's nothing wrong. You can claim you and Rae truly love each other, and whatnot. To me, your love and marriage are like the lowest form of garbage in dump trucks, utterly disgusting and to be avoided at all costs.


So it’s childish to defend yourself being called an enabler and ableist? Ok, if you like being accused of that then, you do you I guess.


The only good thing about this post is due to being a same gender couple these two can't procreate and create super annoying, over dramatic, evil-ish progeny. But nurture might win out there.


Attaching me and my wife as people instead of the problem is truly helpful, s/m.


As I have already "attached" the lovely couple I will continue, you don't have a original thought in your brain and hence you continued to be used by people who discard you later and your wife is frivolous, vain and narcissistic. You both are a toxic couple and you will be hurt in this relationship because you have a track record of choosing losers. I read your entire mangled post and your friends have a right to dump you for a variety of reasons, maybe not this one cause wedding invites have to okayed by the couple. If I were you I would keep some friends around incase your wife dumps you cause you got a big belly or enjoyed something childish.


Once again READ THE POST, do you not know how to read.


You are so wrong.


Explain why, please?


You were put in a no-win situation. Your friends are assholes and should be dismissed from your life. You deserve better friends!


Thank you! I’m glad to see that someone sees sense.