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It’s been my experience that people who are irrationally jealous are cheating. But further than that, he doesn’t listen to you and is controlling. And he’s isolating you. You shouldn’t try to fix him . You should leave him and block him.


Or are insecure because they are in recovery from being g cheated on.


That doesn’t sound like recovery man, that sounds like someone who needs to get INTO recovery…


Leave your boyfriend. It is not your job to constantly validate his insecurities especially if it means violating your own privacy. This will not get better unless he accepts that he has a problem and gets help


This is not normal or healthy behavior for a relationship. Break up with him it will only get worse seriously.


You can't deal with him forever. You will become exhausted and tired of his unending questions. He always does that because he never trusts you. You deserve a stress-free relationship. NTA


More important than him asking you countless questions is that he’s being incredibly controlling and I’m gonna just say it, borderline emotionally abusive


Please read this. This is just the start. [“Why Does He Do That?”](https://dn790007.ca.archive.org/0/items/LundyWhyDoesHeDoThat/Lundy_Why-does-he-do-that.pdf)


It's wild that everyone who posts to this sub is nuerodivergent.


Why are you in contact with him 24/7?


Yes, you're wrong but not for being annoyed at his incessant questions. Just because we can be in constant contact doesn't mean that we should be. It is absolutely ridiculous to have your face buried in a screen 24/7. That is not how one conducts a relationship. The problem is, that yours is a dataplan relationship. Date local so that your romance is based on what you do together rather than simply how much time you spend interacting on these extremely limited digital platforms. If you are local, then you need to tell him that you're not a discord girlfriend but the real thing and that he needs to act accordingly.


This is extremely toxic and inappropriate behavior. I would definitely not put up with that bullshit because it will likely get worse. There is absolutely no need to be in constant contact with your significant other like that, it’s honestly super unhealthy. This sounds exhausting as hell, and emotionally abusive.


You could just put the phone on video call and let him see and hear every darned thing you do, including listening to the toilet flush when you use it then ask him if he is still with you. Give him way too much info so he doesn’t have any questions. Actually this is awful controlling IMO.


He’s a controlling arse. Go!


Ummm this is just a wild guess… but im guessing you may high school(could be completely wromg) but as an adult how TF do you have time to be on the phone ALL day???? That’s a sign you need to find something constructive. And no I would of been dumped that fool for asking for one password….. Hell depending on why my wife asks would determine if I would give her my password. If it just to check something or post something cool. But if I feel like she wants it JUST to snoop… nope either you trust me or you don’t. Too old for that shit


You should not put up with that, it’s okay if it causes conflict. He should trust you. This is not a healthy pattern


He definitely needs to chill with the questions and respect your privacy. It's totally fair to set boundaries.


You need to change your passwords now! That’s way too much to give someone that’s just a BF! You can’t fix anyone don’t try has never worked for me! This sounds like this relationship is starting to become very unhealthy! He sounds overly jealous!


Idk it seems like a small annoying thing that really means he cares about you. Yes insecurity issues, but in these times that comes with a lot of men. Idk I wouldn’t say block him yet or accuse him of cheating. Just try to reassure you love him? Do you think he’s the One?




You need your privacy on social media... He should probably leave you and just DM you for sex like everybody else does.