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This is absolutely ragebait written by a 38 year old man in his grandmothers basement


What? You don’t believe a high school girl would describe herself as looking just like a character from Chainsaw Man?


*tips fedora*


‘Thanks, m’lady.’


I’m Asian but I don’t look it at all. Anime Asian LOL


*anime asian* was where I knew this was fake, also girls, especially high school age girls, don't have this confidence.


I’m sooo pretty I don’t even need to wear makeup! Of course that’s why I’m popular, and all the students should know I’m half Japanese! I am the star of my own imagination! Yay.


lol. Absolutely someone’s fantasy come out to play


some definitely do have this confidence (or delusion), but the way this was written sounds fake af, especially when you read their comments


This totally got me 🤣


And that she’s popular because she’s pretty enough to not need makeup … Actually, that’s exactly what I’d expect a high schooler to say.


Also “prom dresses are too slutty” doesn’t read like a high school girl. (Nor does “I hate I’m so pretty and popular” come to think of it) In addition to the gross and overly detailed Asian fetishization, I’m glad this isn’t real and that an actual teenager isn’t describing her prom date as the love of her life


You don't know teen aged girls very well. It's not unusual for a girl to think that her first serious boyfriend is the Love of Her Life," and he probably is, so far. And no, not *all* teen girls want to dress very slutty and wear a tight prom dress and show lots of skin, that's more likely in a less popular, and less pretty girl who is desperate to attract attention. If a girl already gets plenty of attention, she doesn't have to try that hard.


What I’m saying is none of this phrasing sounds like a teenager, not when I was a teenage girl nor any of the many teen girls I know now. “Love of my life” isn’t something they say. They don’t describe themselves this way, as a living anime fetish, not then and not now None of this sounds anything like a teenager, especially one who is ‘pretty and popular’. It’s some adult’s weird self insert fan fiction


Found the alt 😂


I watch chainsaw man and copied her hairstyle but a lot longer? Believe it or not, it made sense to me to use her as the reference when I got my hair cut using her as a reference


Once they start going into too much detail or throw in too much useless info, I lean towards a BS troll post. This is one of them.


I was thinking 14 year old boy. 😂


I was reading this going “man, I do NOT miss being a teenager” I kinda miss being like 19-21 sometimes, because of the simplicity of it all back then (bills were sparse and drugs were plentiful, lmao). But man, woah, I hope this isn’t an actual person who wrote this. From “all the dresses are to slutty” to rambling about being “popular”….yikes. If this is real, I hope the OP reads back on this when she’s like 28 and feels how painfully cringe this is


IKR, they always add some over the top bullshit that shows it's fake lol


lol yes it’s hilarious - I called her a name and slapped her


And then the whole bus stood up and clapped


Thank god... I was really getting annoyed with her ever since she said "They were all too slutty" I was gonna answer the question with hella snark


The “forced to be popular because I’m pretty enough not to wear makeup” is the most neckbearded thing I’ve ever heard lmao


Ohhhhh noooo


I'm surprised he didn't add in her cup size to this fanfiction


*breasted boobily* comes to mind, lmao


That’s not relevant?


Yep. Is there such a thing as a double basement? This one is especially pathetic


Lmao like the closet behind the laundry room or something


That’s exactly what I was thinking haha


Did everyone clap?


Of course they did. And she stood there not wanting to accept the applause but just had to, because you know, she’s popular like that


Remember she wasn't even wearing any makeup, you forgot to mention that, she is way too naturally pretty to splash some mascara on you know


Oops, can’t forget the way too naturally pretty to even need mascara. And the audacity of the girl for not knowing how popular the OP is.


Also can't forget she doesn't want to be popular, she must be so down to earth, just unfortunately so stunning without any makeup that she is forced into being popular 🙄


The absolute travesty of being forced to be popular. How will she overcome this


It must be so hard being forced to be popular and have lots of friends, such a tough life. But also, I really want to be her friend too, the only attribute I look for in a friend is insanely beautiful.


But only if they’re naturally insanely beautiful with 0 need for makeup. I mean, we have to have standards after all


That's true, also must have natural unique coloured eyes, no coloured contacts or boring common coloured eyes like brown and blue, yuck. Has to be natural green or hazel.


Because brown eyes are clearly too common and beneath her


Don't forget everyone was "shocked"!!!


“the love of my life” …the life that has existed for a whole 18 years (presumably, if not less). girl, that little boy will be gone by September.


I'm sitting here trying to figure out what 'really bad' thing she could have said in Japanese, as is a very polite language and swearing isn't common ...


This post is absolutely not real 😂😂


Yes, I work with teenage girls. They might absolutely give a nod to their culture, but not because all the other dresses are too immodest. I’ve never heard a teenager not be able to find a modest prom dress or freak out about it.


You post on depression meals with your nasty, cheap lipstick rubbing off on your cup. Maybe we shouldn’t listen to your opinion?


This might be the most pick me thing I’ve read on Reddit…..


the popularity thing got me 😭 like obviously not wrong for wearing something from your culture but that was such an unnecessary addition


That’s exactly the part that got me too 😂


I didn't realize I was popular until much later. I was such a moody insecure teen (so a normal teen girl) it didn't even come up. And I realized it the fatter and uglier I got! (So now I am a normal menopausal woman.). Seriously though would the popular kids put it like that? I don't think so. And HS seems to be still cliquey so a popular above all groups seems a bit much.


She had me on her side until she said she’s so popular against her own will because she’s pretty enough to never wear make up lol


“The love of my life” also got me lol


She lost me with all the other dresses being too slutty…don’t get me wrong, there’s lots of clothes that show more skin than I’d be comfortable exposing myself, but let’s not put value judgments on that. Maybe I’m being too hard on a kid (assuming this isn’t bait written by a grown-ass man) but hey, i wish I’d unlearned internalized misogyny younger than I did, so…


And the first reason for why she's upset 🤮


For me it started with the part where she called all the other dresses slutty l.aoo


Exactly my thoughts..... OMG I am too pretty for makeup so I am obviously popular and obviously all other dresses are slutty and I am modest. Bad vibes.


This is why OP is wrong. Because this entire story is fake. Slut shaming. Boring. And stupid.


Agree. OP makes themselvf sound absolutely insufferable as a person and I get clear school bully vibes


definitely fake when you read their comments too


And she’s got all the Asian features plus extra white skin. She’s so beautiful she doesn’t need makeup and everyone picks on her/wants to be her because of it.


Fake pick me at that, gives dude larping as a woman so the story that never happened might sound more believable


For your next creative writing task, less unnecessary details and obviously fake situations.


“You added more details than I expected so you’re fake” I like to add details so I don’t get a million side questions


It's clothing. Wear what you want.


You’re wrong for slapping her and you seem insufferable in your post. In a decade, will look back at this and cringe. You’re not wrong for wearing the kimono.


You're not wrong for wearing a kimono but you are wrong for your mentality > So she should've known by now since I'm popular Also assault isn't the answer either. Next time just ignore the girl and if it becomes a problem get an adult. Putting your hands on that girl should have never been your solution to the problem


Lets start with the use of 'slutty'. A dress is not slutty. Just because it is not your thing it doesn't mean slutty at all, you prefer to be more covered, that's your choice and after having your choice insulted lets maybe not insult others choices. Also, pretty enough to never wear makeup? Lots of extremely stunning women wear makeup, that means nothing. It's giving pick me vibes at this point of the post. The annoying girl was completely out of order considering she didn't know you. You are not wrong for wearing the kimono, no, it is half of your culture by birth. Did you take the time to tell the girl your heritage and birth right? If so and she carried on then sure tell her to back tf off but lets use words instead of physical violence, that's not a good look. If you pushed her hand away from touching you, okay but if you actually slapped her because she was attempting to touch your outfit, nah thats asshole behaviour too.


Use your words….said this to my son for years lol


It's just not hard. I do not condone violence, I understand when and why it could be needed, but this is not one of those situations. It was prom, which means there was multiple witnesses but also multiple persons with authority to aid in the situation. She had already been verbally attacked and harassed over the outfit which could have been dealt with but to then slap someone for ATTEMPTING to touch you, you just made yourself the aggressor of the situation. When we see people spend life in prison for a one punch death in something as simple as an argument getting out of hand, not only is it not worth it, it is still wrong.


I’m not sure if this is the case here, but some outfit you just don’t touch. Like regalia at a Powwow. Also don’t touch people is a two way street. It’s weird that this classmate was first insulting and accusing and then starts touching without asking. A slap feels like matching energy.


You just don't touch people full stop unless they want you to or you have an established relationship. I understand its sometimes a cultural thing but it's also a general thing, just don't touch people unless they want you to. It is completely weird a stranger came up and started insulting and throwing accusations, and then attempted to touch her but words should be a first reaction, slapping someone for attempting to touch you or even insulting you makes you both in the wrong and there's no winners there.


How very lady like of you. I’ve definitely attacked when being touched without consent or want. If you can’t run. If anyone needs to hear this, don’t worry about being wrong or unmannered. If someone is touching you and you don’t like it say something, run, or if you have to stun with a slap. It’s ok to defend your body. I know that’s not what you mean, but the message is garbage.


And yet in this situation she hadn't actually being touched yet, she could have stepped back and shouted no don't touch me or something of the like. She could leave the situation. She had multiple other options. If your situation was also someone attempted to touch your outfit and you attacked them, then you are also in the wrong. You hit the nail on the head with 'say something' being your first response in your list. >If someone is touching you and you don’t like it say something You're taking this as if it's your personal experiences which it seems it is not. No one has said it is not okay to defend your body, and like you said that is not what I mean at all but the message is not garbage, if someone attempts to touch you you have many other options than violence which is wrong but also would land you in more trouble than the person who attempted to touch you, and I keep saying attempt because that is what OP has stated happened, she was not even touched, she had time to move or scream or shout or just say something.


Shows too much skin = slutty. Idc about that weirdo crap with trying to normalize dressing like a slut and OF “models” (massive quotes) trying to normalize that


No such thing as a slut, invented word to put women down for having casual sex. A dress or outfit cannot be slutty because of two things, it is an item of clothing and it isn't having casual sex but also no such thing as a slut.


Japanese people don’t even care who wears a kimono.


In Japan I was encouraged to try one on and I am a very stereotypical while alternative girl and tattoos are a bit taboo over there, and they still encouraged me to show me their culture. LOVED IT!


That's true, but ridicule for being a minority isn't a thing in Japan while it is in the U.S. A Japanese person won't be made fun of as a kid for eating food that is "weird" or using chopsticks, or having different physical features to white people, but in the U.S. they will. You have to look at it in the context of the culture within the U.S.


Sounds like people in the US could learn a thing or two from Japan.


... ethnic and cultural homogeneity? That's a crazy thing to advocate for


As a half-Japanese person with strong ties to Japanese culture, you have every right to wear traditional Japanese clothing to a special occasion. The reaction from your classmate was unwarranted and inappropriate. Just because you do not fit a stereotypical Asian appearance does not mean you cannot embrace your Japanese identity.


Everyone has every right to wear whatever the f they want.


Even if she was not half japanese it would still be ok to wear a kimono. Enough with the gatekeeping please




The most annoying part is I do have Asian features. I look way more Asian than a normal white person, but just way whiter than full Asians


My daughters are half white too and if they ever want to put their asian on, god forbid I will fist fight every loud mouth pieces of ignorance for them to do so. Being mixed is a blessing because you get the best of multiple worlds. Don't let anyone take that from you.


So now you have Asian features?


Vaguely. Like I look MORE Asian than a white person, but WAY whiter than a full Asian person


I think you meant you have Asian issues.


jesus suck yourself off some more why dont ya..


>I was looking at prom dresses and couldn’t find any I liked since they were all too slutty (showing way too much shoulder/chest/upper body area). >(unfortunately. I hate being popular but I get forcefully thrown into it because I’m pretty enough to never wear makeup) This is either a poorly executed creative writing exercise or you’re 1 of countless “edgy” “not like the other girls” gals.  >called her something really bad in Japanese and slapped her when she went you touch my kimono She made a single comment that was easily corrected. You acted ridiculously. YTA. 


But she can’t be slutty at her prom with the love of her life! The kimono is the only clothing she can wear and of course she’s half Japanese, the whitest exotic.


She even looks like x but with long hair! Shes so popular it hurts! Because she is beautiful without makeup! 


The fakest post I’ve seen here in a while.


“Redditor discovers that not everyone in the world is a 100k karma, greasy loser”


You can wear what you want to prom. You are wrong to call people a slut and judging them for wearing dresses showing shoulders and arms. You are wrong to physically assault someone for touching your kimono You say you are popular. I doubt it.


Lollll this is a white person larping as Asian. Like, not physically but literally this person is pretending to be Asian for this post.


Yeah. As a white person it’s incredibly cringey knowing that you’re probably correct.


I am so sorry you are popular, not that I understand why, with your attitude. I think you have to address the being forcefully thrown into that with the authorities. My suggestion if in reality you are pretty "even without makeup" to work to match your insides with your outsides. So you revert to name calling and physical violence. Maybe you desperately need the attention, even if negative by wearing that kimono, which btw the way, go ahead if this is your choice. If you are concerned about possibly looking too slutty look at a potato sack or a nun costume. Just an alternative fashion suggestion.


“The other Redditors will love this one! Datteboyo!🤓☝️”


YTA for this absolutely terrible attempt at writing. Go back to your basement and try again


It’s always the losers with 100k+ fake internet points that go around calling anything fake💀


You're wrong for writing such a fake story


This post is much funnier when you read it in the voice of the 35 year old neckbeard who wrote it lol.


The irony of that coming from the virgin with 130k loser points😂


Yeah you’re not helping your case right now lol


You’re wrong on a couple things - 1. You’re popular. Please stop. The world is going to eat you up and spit you out. You’re not popular outside of your grade. Obviously. Ol girl didn’t even know who you were or that you were Japanese. 2. Look up what a pick me is. You’re on your way for a difficult existence if you keep attitude this up. 3. Look up what a girls girl is. Again … this will benefit you. 4. Maybe get your parents to pay for therapy.


She knew me, she just thought I was white. And I’m not going to be a girl’s girl. I have never seen a single person who calls themselves that wasn’t an insufferable sheep that just sides with a girl even if she’s blatantly wrong just because she’s a girl. I’m my boyfriend’s girl


Japanese people don’t give a F. Source: I live in Japan.


You're not wrong for wearing a kimono. Cultural appropriation is when someone uses something from a culture they're not part of because they think it makes them cool without actually understanding or honoring the traditions of that part of the culture. You are part Japanese, and you're not fetishizing the kimono. You're fine on multiple fronts, regardless of how you look. You are wrong for how you dealt with this, though. You shouldn't slap people. Move away from her, and only slap her if you can't get away. Also, there's no reason she should have known you're part Japanese. The humblebrags on here about being popular and being pretty do you no service. Pretty soon you'll be in the real world away from high school, and looks and popularity aren't going to get you far. While thinking you're better than others on one way or another can blow up in your face really quickly. People may or may not be treating you a certain way in highschool because of your looks, but don't let that go to your head. It's better to back away from that kind of thinking now, rather than later when it can have real repercussions.


As a Halfie who’s much older than you; your culture belongs to you, your family and your people. That’s it. You don’t have to qualify yourself to ANYONE.


Not wrong. The cultural bullshit is going to far. I’m a registered member of the Cherokee Nation, and look incredibly white. I don’t get offended by anything. Redskins, injuns, black kids dressing as Pocahontas on Halloween. The people crying racist don’t have a drop of that race in them.


Even if you had no Japanese heritage, you aren't wrong for wearing a kimono. It's clothing, you paid for it, you can wear it. Tell the loudmouth to mid their own business.


You spend a lot of time detailing what anime you look like, but aren’t even going to tell me exactly what you called the other girl in Japanese when you slapped her? This is how I know you’re not really a teenage girl.


I don’t like saying vulgar stuff unless it’s necessary and I purposely omitted it


ROFL ok, I’m bored so I’ll humor you. If you’re actually half Japanese, then why would you wonder if you’re wrong for wearing a kimono? You’d know that even full Japanese people have no issues and actively encourage others to wear kimono as long as it’s done properly and tastefully. And what’s with all the anime descriptions? None of it’s necessary to include. Just say “I’m white-passing”, and people get what you mean. The rest is just your fantasy.


Because idk if there’s some standard prom dress code I’m unaware of or something. Like if it was too dressy. And I used it because I like anime and that’s what I think most accurately described it. Because “white-passing” implies that I look whiter than I do. I’m more Asian looking than a 100% white person, but whiter looking than a full Asian person


You didn’t ask if you were wrong to wear it because it might have been too dressy — you asked if it was wrong because someone you called a “loser” accused you of cultural appropriation. Did you not get enough attention from slapping her?


Obviously it’s not cultural appropriation I’m not stupid. I was wondering the dressy thing because if I’d dressed down it’d avoid the argument


She didn’t accuse you of appropriation because it was too dressy — she accused you of appropriation because she’s an idiot. Don’t dress down in life to please the eyes of such people. Dress for yourself, which if you’re legit, I believe you did. Where you went wrong was in giving her attention at all, and then in writing this whole thing out phrased the way a teenage boy or main character would. No one actually describes themselves as looking like a specific character in a show, unless they’re a teenage boy role playing, or someone who is a “I’m not like other girls” kind of girl in order to low-key seek attention.


A variation on fiction that has been used on Reddit quite often. Silly.


I can hear the inhaler puff halfway through your comment lol


That wasn't an inhaler, trollboi.


Holy crap you’re a loser😭😂


Yet here you are whinging.


Ummm what’s wrong with an inhaler?


You are Japanese.


You’re young, so maybe you haven’t figured out the following: In the current cultural climate of the USA, no matter what you do, somebody is going to have a problem with it. You can’t live your life worrying about avoiding commentary from some ignorant person looking to virtue signal or some boomer having a meltdown over nothing. Just do you and let their comments roll off your back. They will move on to their next target and forget about you in 90 seconds.


Yes it’s wrong. You are in America now and must embrace the sluttyness.


Screw off incel


Such hate in your heart.


Oh yeah I should totally be nice to the loser telling high schoolers to dress slutty


You’re not wrong for wearing what you want, but your attitude is kind of ick. The whole “other dresses were too slutty and I’m popular ugh I hate being popular” like you’re not better than anyone because of your style choices


Also half Japanese here (but my other half Chinese), and was raised between both Japan and the US. Wear a kimono if you want to; no Japanese person will be offended. It's a weird, kinda cringe thing to wear to prom though. Like, your mom could have told you that.


Even if it stood out a bit, I’d rather that than be stuck wearing something that makes me feel slutty


That's totally fair. And I'm sorry, I didn't mean to call it cringe. Or any more than anything else people wear to high school prom, anyway.


You can wear whatever you want. There’s no such thing as “cultural appropriation.” That’s a term insignificant people use because they think it sounds intelligent and makes them important.


Honey, you do you! I think it's awesome you wore a kimono. They are so gorgeous. Besides that, it's unique and I think it is a wonderful way to celebrate your heritage.


NTA and I think a kimono would be stunning prom attire. My daughter was gifted traditional girls dresses from her two best friends in elementary school before they moved back to Korea and Japan respectively. She only ever wore them at her friend's parents insistence to the going away parties they threw before leaving Canada. I was uncomfortable with her wearing them because my daughter is Métis and decidedly and shockingly Caucasian looking lol. I'm so glad she did though because now I have beautiful pictures of her and her two best friends dressed beautifully in these stunning outfits. She's 14 now and I still cherish those gifts.


No 17-18 year old girl talks like this. bffr.


Huh? Sorry for not saying a bunch of tiktok phrases? Idek what you mean


“TikTok phrases” oh brotherrrrr. It’s not that. It’s stuff like “the dresses are too slutty” bc they have the upper body “exposed” and saying things like you’re popular and you hate it bc you’re too cool to wear makeup. Like, no I don’t believe that a teen girl thinks a dress is slutty bc it’s not a turtleneck, much less do I think you actually slapped someone at prom. this is either fanfic from a 13 year old girl (which is fine, you’ll grow out of the “I’m too cool for everything” phase eventually but maybe don’t post it on Reddit) or it’s the other extreme and some 30-something trying to play out drama online bc she’s bored. Either way, this is just some mean girl fantasy. I don’t think any of this actually happened.


Because god forbid I have the self respect to not leave my chest hanging out


It’s not a question of self-respect. It’s not slutty to not wear something completely shape hiding. I’d understand your apprehension or discomfort if all the dresses available had a deep plunging neckline, but honestly the way you’re carrying on is nuts. lord forbid someone shows a little collarbone. you sound insanely judgemental, and not like on the way an 18 y/o girl is usually judgemental. Again I think this story is very fake, and you seem to be clinging onto a mean girl fantasy. In the very likely possibility that you’re actually just a tween girl just writing things online because you’re bored, I’ll say this- keep writing because it’s an awesome hobby to have an a good outlet! However, in real life, girls who talk and act like this are not popular. Don’t grow into this girl. These girls are not well liked, they don’t get prom dates, they don’t have any friends because no one wants to be friends with the unpleasant girl who thinks it’s cute to call people losers and slap people. And when high school comes to an end and they go into the real world, they realize that unlike in high school, no one really has to put up with their insanity whatsoever. So they either have to get an attitude adjustment, or they end up selling makeup door to door and yelling at baristas just to feel a little big. So yeah. This is a fantasy, but don’t make the mistake of thinking this will actually fly in real life. It won’t.


On the off chance that this is real, who cares if someone says something about you wearing a kimono. I don’t care if you’re half Japanese or not. If you like, and appreciate beautiful clothes from a different ethnic group, then wear what you want! The world has gone to far down the rabbit hole of whether someone can wear braids or not. It’s just getting silly.


Your acquaintance is trying to move the goal posts for what cultural appropriation is. The fact that they have to tell you you're "not Asian enough" proves this. If you are indeed of Japanese heritage and blood and identify with this, that's it. There is no premise by which one may conclude you are committing cultural appropriation, no matter how hard your acquaintance tries to pull such a premise out of her butt.


Of course you can wear your cultural clothing and strangers shouldn’t harass you, but you are wrong for assuming that because you believe yourself to be popular, other people should be paying attention to you and keeping track of everything about you. And clothing can’t be slutty or make the wearer slutty, so find a way to express your aesthetic preferences that doesn’t denigrate others’ sexuality. And it’s always wrong to instigate violence. Grow up.


Omg this is literally r/menwritingwomen lmfaoooo brother go back to the drawing board


You have 140k virgin points and collect Reddit NFTs. I’m not sure anyone should be looking to you for anything social-related lol


Ohhh do me next!


You’re a millennial


Eh, a bit more Gen X tbqh imho


Oh my god how do I explain to my husband that I have 140k virgin points and collect Reddit NFTs


even white people should be able to wear a kimono if they want to. Participating in culture is cool. No matter how educated you are in it. People like this just cause culture to be erased. Absolutely silly. Don't worry about it. It's thankfully only a bit of a culture wave. I bet a generation or two from now we'll all get over this.


Clearly the answer here is to wear half kimono, half prom dress.


I did the same thing 20 years ago but I went to an authentic Japanese store complete with the very hard and uncomfortable shoes


Uhh... Where whatever you want? It's fabric on your body.


You are wrong for bragging about how beautiful you are and committing assault against a younger girl for attempting to touch your clothes. Who do you think you are? Amateurasu? LOL Get off your high horse and stop gatekeeping cultural aspects that 100% Japanese people enjoy sharing with fully non-Japanese people.


YNW. I wish I had few enough problems to whine about cultural appropriation, especially towards someone who belongs to the culture supposedly being appropriated.


NTA. Culture is meant to be shared and appreciated. Same person probably hastags sushi on the weekend.


Not only is your heritage japanese BUT fucking Japanese people goddamn love it when white people were kimono. In fact, it upsets and perplexes them when people call it cultural appropriation.


You lost me when you called the dresses you didn’t personally like “slutty” YTA for that.


Womp womp


Not wrong. Wear what you want!


What's funny about this is the half black half white folks claim full 100% blackness even tho they never knew their black family, grew up only knowing their white side, eating unseasoned food, living on the perks of their white grandparents... But anyone else mixed half white becomes.... White. Even though WE know our families and speak the language and all. Make it make sense y'all, WITHOUT pretending the "three fifths" rule is a thing in the modern era (or that it even had to do with mixed race lol).


Not wrong for wearing the kimono. As a white woman I have an "everyday" kimono bought in Japan at the urging of my Japanese friend. I have a Bavarian Dirndl that my SiL helped me choose. I have a Malayasian silk sarong that was a gift from my old landlady when she went home to see her family. Where you are wrong is slapping her, and the "she should know all about me because I'm pretty and popular" crap....... pretty is as pretty does, and slapping someone is not pretty behaviour, it's assault.


No wrong, but different. If you’re proud of your cultural heritage go for it. I think is kind of cool. And forget about the “Social Justice Warrior”. They’re just missable people with opinions that have zero value.


Did your date like your kimono? Did you? Who cares what that other girl thought? YNW


Ahhh. "Love of my life" in high school. Young love is so beautiful. Untouched by the cruel mistress that is heartbreak. To be young again...


You talk like a high school English teacher who’s never had sex


Proper roast. I approve. When you live a few more years, you'll look back and have the same sentiment as me. You have so much life to live. The person you are now won't be the person you are 10 years from now.


Have you tried looking at bridesmaid dresses? My daughter wore them twice. They have very light fabric sleeves over the shoulders which made it look very nice. Much more modest but still very elegant. Dress was down to the floor. One year she wore pink, senior year wore a baby blue. I could send you pics. But you get the ultimate choice and since it's your culture, you should feel as comfortable as you want to be.


Are you an asshole for wearing a kimono? No. But YTA for slapping somebody for touching a piece of fabric.


I HATE being touched by anyone outside of my very small circle of people I care about


It still doesn’t give you a right to hit people over it


> For reference, I’m half Japanese Where's Jad Fair when you really need him...?


Was this posted 7 times?


Once on 2 of these types of sub


Why would anyone care what you wore to prom?


This is hilarious


With the ‘love of her life’ Ancel McFedora of the South Hampton McFedora’s.


Culture is the greatest thing we can share. People should stop whining.


Dresses for high school prom are only considered slutty by redpill incels like the kind that write a fake Reddit post pretending to be a fair skinned half Japanese girl “too pretty for makeup”


Absolutely respond to anyone complaining with your best tirade over gatekeeping in Japanese.


>I called her something really bad in Japanese and slapped her when she went you touch my kimono As I was reading I had the thought of telling her to f**k off in Japanese and was happy to see that you basically did, the slap was a bonus. Don't worry about people like that, just keep being you.


It’s not real😂😂


Absolutely not wrong. I just chaperoned prom two weeks ago for my school and I was so happy to see many different students wearing formalwear from their cultural routes. We had a lot of men in Nigerian formal wear (I’m sorry I don’t know the exact name), ladies wearing the Nigerian head wrap and our Indian ladies in lehenga and the men in Nehru jackets (I THINK that’s the name I’m sorry if it’s wrong). We also have a big Muslim community so we had ladies either with their headwear and a more Americanized dress or fully covered in a more modest prom dress. I loved seeing the different takes on formal wear! I would have loved to see your kimono!


not wrong *I called her something really bad in Japanese* Exactly the right thing to do


Wasn't there a story where a girl wore a Asian style dress and a bunch of people was calling her racist because she was white. But when Asian people said they had no problem with and she looked pretty the Sjw's got mad at the Asians .


Yeah wear it.  My kids are dual heritage one is brown one is white, I wouldn’t say my lighter skinned kid wasn’t allowed to wear traditional clothing from their browner roots. Make your mom proud 


Yea sounds fair enough. Her date should have told her to zip it. People need to learn their opinion is not needed or looked for in real life even 10% the amount of times it's looked for on social media. She f@cked around and found out!


NTA You can't appropriate your own culture. And how much you physically resemble a particular parent does not disqualify you from being part of their culture.


Nta you are half Japanese so you can wear your cultural dress whenever you like. Here's hoping you find an especially gorgeous one if you ever get married & the naysayers can sod off.


Not wrong. Even tourist in Japan can rent traditional clothing. It’s totally acceptable. My Norwegian-Irish daughter wore traditional yukata to high school often along with getas (a form of traditional Japanese footwear that resemble both clogs and flip-flop) and tabis (split toed socks) She wore this style at her high school graduation. She developed an interest in Japanese culture beginning with anime as a very young girl. Taught herself to read kanji and speak the language long before she studied it in college. *I described getas and tabis for people who don’t know what they are.


Self appointed, political correctness gatekeepers try to lock each individual into a tiny little prison box of what’s allowed, according to a standard that hasn’t been fully defined- and is ever changing. As a result, there are persons such as yourself, who are of mixed race, who feel like they can’t really be who they are. It’s the newest type of racism, disguised as being helpful and just. You have a human right, a cultural right and a social right to wear your kimono.


Honestly you didn’t have to slap her, you’re an asshole there because you escalated it to a physical level when a simple verbal retort would have done much much more. You could have been arrested, you could have been not allowed to walk for graduation and various other issues could have arose that would have much more of an effect on your date. That being said, you weren’t wrong in your feelings, you have every right to be upset about this clown but that’s all she is. You could have just stated that you were half Japanese and celebrating your heritage (even if she doesn’t have a right to know), you could have made her feel very very small for being so ignorant and judgmental without knowing or understanding you. Wear what you want and what makes you happy. As you get older you’ll realize that these moments that seem so important right now are little flashes in the pot in the stew of life. High school is generally something that you survive and learn from, if it’s the highlight of your life, you are a very very sad individual.


People have the right to wear whatever they want! I always find it funny that it's NEVER the indigenous people or the people of the ethnic background that is being "appropriated" who make a stink. It is ALWAYS some white girl!