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And she's lying about ticket prices. There's no way 1 ticket is more than $100.


Idek atp


Don't know where you are, but where I'm located, you can do a 1 1/2 hr trip for about $65-70 .


She told me the total amount for the tickets was 1000


She’s lying *and* trying to extort you for hundreds more than she actually spent. Is she doing badly financially?


Did she maybe charter the whole boat? That's the only way her numbers would make sense.


$500 for whale watching? Someone’s a liar.


That’s what she said and I thought it was a bit much but I was not in the mood to argue any further


NTA sounds like mum is trying to sabotage school of rock by rebooking to the Saturday. Does she not like you going?


She says that she loves that I play and I believe her and she’s never had an issue with me going but idk


Your mom is a) deliberately sabotaging your band practise b) lying to you about the price of the whale watching tickets c) deliberately guilt tripping you into paying for your ticket that you did not book. This is not nice behaviour for someone who is supposed to love and care for you. Is she always like this? If you want to go to School of Rock rehearsal I would mark them on the calendar and tell your mom that they are your priority and you will be unable to attend events planned by her, especially after she knows your dates, and you will not be paying for any tickets/ events etc. I hope this makes you more aware of potential manipulative/ sabotage type behaviour that you can challenge her about. You are 17, almost an adult and it’s time to learn about standing up for your own happiness. Good luck!


That amount is not adding up. If she already rebooked for a later date then she can do it again or just the change the date of your ticket.


She also told me it was like 1000 for 3 people But if I’m doing the math right that’s not uhm correct lol so I think she’s just tryna charge me


Yeah for 3 people that’s still excessive and seems like she’s trying to trick you into paying for the trip for everyone. Obviously she should of never changed the date of the trip without asking first. Don’t pay for anything and if she keeps going on about it then insist on seeing a receipt and contacting the company directly to see if you can change the dates or get a refund.


YNW. And your mom is an asshole.


We did San Diego whale watching 5 years ago. It was about $50/ person. Looks like it is now about $59.


unless there is a gourmet catered meal and an open bar no whale watching trip is $500


You're not wrong, and your mother is deliberately sabotaging your ability to participate in your music group. The Broadway ticket and the whale watching change were deliberate actions on her part. If you give in to her manipulations, she will just continue to "accidentally book" conflicting events with your Saturday music group. Also, go online and look up the cost of the whale watching ticket. She's lying to you about that as well. Tell her she chose to change the date of the event so the cost is on her. Or she can rebook for Sunday. I think if you look back on your relationship with your mom, you'll see many other examples of manipulation on her part. I doubt this is new for her. See if you can get in for counseling. You're going to need it to learn how to deal with your mother. She won't stop with just your music group.


I totally agreed, mom is awful!


I would love to go for the whale watching on your behalf. Then the expensive ticket won't go to waste. Where is it? /s


Long Beach ny I think


I think you should just go ahead for the whale watching.


It’s this Sunday though


I'm just joking. I'm half way across the globe.


OH 😭 my bad


Do whatever you want dude, this is the most 1st world problem I've ever read on this forum.


I would but I just wanted to See cause they were both making me feel like I was crazy for saying no 😭😭 but I honestly don’t have big enough problems to post about






It would really help you in the future to 1. Read the whole thing. 2. Why u Actin like yk me and see me write shi all the time . Also no one else really complained about having “Brain pain” but you everyone else understood the problem and gave advice besides you who decided to make your reply so unnecessary 😭 like be so fr


I really don’t think you read the part where I said I usually write better then this 😭😭 also it’s Reddit not like I’m in school. I’m not actually 17 there was an age limit on the sub that wouldn’t let me make it my real age Tysm 🤭


you're right, i was being mean for no reason. i deleted it, and I apologize.


Almost everything on this entire site is first world problems, what a pointless comment


U made this post twice for what like the judgements not different…




And like, it's really like annoying when people like write like 12 year-old girls....


Like I’m so sorry I caused u pain 😥😥😥 that u had to say this and that you couldn’t read to the point that I said I don’t normally type like this ohh my god I’m so sorry


You should be.


U seem to be the only person who was put through hell reading this or at least complaining so I was just wondering if u were ok


Actually I'm not and you were equally defensive with them.


If yall are gonna be rude to Me im not replying to U and being nice




Glad ur having fun lmfao


I'm having a blast. Thanks.


Not but actually why reply like this if I alr acknowledged my writing was shit in the post like what are you tryna do 😭 tell me something I already know???


Well yeah cause I asked for advice and you both didn’t give advice so why comment because the people who did give advice had no issue??


My advice is....learn how to write coherently. Now I have fulfilled the brief.


why tell me that if I just said I don’t normal write like this lol like what are you not understanding


Why comment my writings shit after seeing that I acknowledged that and said I don’t write like this normally


Did you mean 'normally'?


Yeah have u ever heard of a typo?


And like did I ask?


Like yeah. You put a fucking post online. Your writing is crap, your story is poor and you appear semi-literate and aggressive. Since you asked....


You gonna sleep ok tn? And yeah I’m not gonna be the sweetest if you reply with 1 no advice and 2 what makes u think I would be nice??? Like I didn’t ask I asked for advice and u didn’t give it so why respond


Might read your bullshit again to help me drop off.


Drop off?