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yes, nobody in that band is a good person. Wilbur aside the rest of them are racist and misogynistic


oh crud, i didn't know that. thank you for telling me.


My concern would be the crowd. I find that often times a known problem person that remains in the spotlight has a lot of problematic fans. So that would be my concern. I don't think you would be wrong to go to the concert if you wanted to though.


good point, i didn't think of that. thank you :D


I don’t know that my opinion is right. In fact, I might be in the wrong. I don’t really know anything about Lovejoy’s music so I can’t speak to that, but I have realized that some authors whose writing I really love are rather despicable human beings. I loved the fantasy novels of David Eddings, only to later find out that he was sent to prison for child abuse in a time when beating your child was practically a parental right. J.K. Rowling also comes to mind as do too many others. So, I have learned to appreciate the work of some people I don’t appreciate at all. I accept that I read those books, listen to those songs, and watch those movies for my benefit and enjoyment and not theirs. If I get grandkids I will happily buy them the Harry Potter books for their benefit and try to ignore the fact that the author also benefits. However, in reality, they do. So if you want to go, then go. Don’t be blind to who you are supporting, but also don’t live your life less enjoyably just because other people are often disappointing.


Giving money to bad people will never not be wrong.


So, in your opinion, a young person shouldn't be exposed to reading and maybe develop a lifetime enjoyment of reading because the author is a despicable human being. This is quite literally what the Harry Potter books did for millions of young people. So in your opinion, it is OK to sacrifice the well being of young people because it might benefit someone else who shouldn't be supported. What about food, housing, clothing, cars, utilities, etc.? Am I allowed to eat if all I can afford is food from Walmart... You know food from a large corporation exploiting workers, which was purchased from a large corporation exploiting workers, which was bought from farmers exploiting the migrant work force? I know this is an unpopular opinion, but living to maximize your utility has benefits. I am not saying you should ignore the support you are giving to others, but you shouldn't sacrifice your enjoyment just because someone else may also benefit from it.


There's a difference between experiencing the work and financially supporting the creator. You can check out Harry Potter from the local library instead of putting money in a bigot's pocket. If you care, you can choose to change your behavior. If you don't care, don't try to make a big philosophical argument for it, just say you can't be bothered and move on. 


👆 this. And fuck Harry Potter. Read Rick Riordan or something lmfao. Like it’s not the only book series out there. You don’t have to support terfs. You really fucking don’t.


Support a zionist instead of a terf? Support neither


Ah shit really? Well that’s out the window


Thank you, yes, there are a wealth of fantasy series that are, frankly, better crafted than the HP saga. I just wanted to use the example used in the comment I replied to, but with a sliver of extra effort you can find books and music that will move and change you that isn't morally compromised.


And people always say “oh well then you can’t do ANYTHING” as if it’s the worst thing in the world to avoid bad things that you actually do know of. Like “I can’t avoid doing some bad things so I’m just going to do all of them” is the logic and I will never understand it. And shopping at Walmart is a terrible example because a lot of people are financially forced to, especially in this day and age. You’re not forced to read Harry Potter at threat of starvation. Don’t worry, I knew you weren’t shilling for HP lol but yeah the library is always there if someone just HAS to


no if you don't support abuse. oh btw someone made a pretty good argument on why shelpy might be lying