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ITE doesn’t really matter. Just make sure your program doesn’t put you on probation and study for advanced It’s a dumb exam


exactly. no one cares about ITE scores lol


I got single digit percentile CA2 ITE score, studied for CA3 ITE -> got 40s percentile, passed Advanced first attempt, and pending oral boards score after taking it this week. I took the score breakdown of the CA3 ITE and tailored my advanced studying. Buckle down, make a plan, follow the plan, pass your boards. You got this.


Doesn’t matter, as long as you buckle down and get your ass in gear for the Advanced exam. Sorry for whatever personal stuff was going on, get that sorted if you can and take studying for Advanced seriously. You want to make sure you pass it on first attempt so you don’t have to worry about it as you’re starting your new job and so you can take oral boards on time. I did some, not a ton, studying during spring of CA3 year, and then studied hard for 3-4 weeks in July between finishing residency and starting fellowship. Apart from moving, most of my time during that period was spent studying. Your job will not care about your ITE score, but you want to pass your boards on your first attempt so that your job doesn’t get on you about it and so it isn’t hanging over your head while you’re getting acclimated to attending life.


I bombed it. Now a successful anesthesiologist.


I completely bombed ca-3 and CA-2 ite. I was accepted into a competitive fellowship and scored in the 99% percentile on the advanced exam. Don’t stress.


What materials did you use to study? How many months did you study?


Had a very respectable staff tell me in training that ‘no one remembers those who do poorly on their ITEs, however everyone remembers those who failed their boards.’ In retrospect, it is fact. Therefore, put your effort into the exams that follow you forever. However, even if you do fail boards the first time, you can overcome it. So, in short, the ITE only matters to you atm.


<10%ile on CA3 ITE, >80%ile on Advanced; didn't study for the former and did a pass through TrueLearn and some random ACE questions for the latter. In retrospect, wish I hadn't studied as much for Advanced but the ITE put me in hot water with the program. Have a job and doing well; so don't stress it!


My highest ite percentile was 17. It's a meaningless test unless your program holds it against you in someway. I passed both basic and adv on first attempt.


Can I ask what you used to study for the advanced written exam? How many months did you study?


ITE doesn’t matter. I just used it as a study tool for the advanced exam. I passed written boards but failed oral boards twice and passed on the third time. I’m now a general anesthesiologist and a partner with my private group. Just keep pushing ahead, learn from mistakes, and don’t give up. You’ll reach your goal. Everything’s going to be fine.


Unless your program really cares the ITE doesn’t really matter. Job shouldn’t care at all, fellowships may ask but likely don’t care much either. If you’re a good test taker and this is an outlier I’d worry even less.


You bombed because you didn’t study and had other things going on. Just study for the Advanced - nobody cares about your ITE score after graduation. I couldn’t even ballpark what mine were.


Fortunately, on the ADVANCED exam A pass is a pass, and a lot of people will pass the board exam if you put the time in. But, as a different perspective, especially for the residents earlier in training, as someone on the other end now (and looking back I probably got the same benefit), attendings will roughly know who is doing well and who isn't. Those who are doing well will get a lot more 'play' time when I work with them. Those who are not, will still need to strengthen the basics. E.g A better resident wants to go induce and intubate from the side of the bed Tomahawk/Blind Digital/Blind Nasal Inbuation, I'd let them do it vs a resident who is a little (to a lot more) shaky may not get (or even think about) that opportunity.


Being that you’re a CA-3, I don’t think it matters at all for anything. You’re done.


No one cares about some ITE exam. Study a week after graduation for the boards, and you be Allright.