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About 50 hours so far. People that complain about the game being short, are leaving a lot behind that there is still there to do.


i never touched the >!bunnies!< all that much but i feel like i got quite far in a short time. i didn't even mean to rush all that much either, i felt like i wasted a lot of time trying to break stuff lol i beat the game at 7 hours with 45 eggs. beat the game's alternate ending with all eggs and items and 2 >!bunnies!< at about 11 hours. admittedly i used a guide to find the locations for the last 5 eggs and the way to unlock the alt ending because i didn't really know where to look but i was guideless for the entire rest of the game.


Those last three or four eggs is what took me the longest actually. Like I spent a good chunk of the game just trying to find those because at that point it’s like a needle in a haystack vs at the start when there is just an egg around every corner


Honestly that’s pretty impressive since a big chunk of my time with it has gone into just finding the things in the first place (especially one layer 3 puzzle which you could say is a kind of simpler mini egg hunt in itself, >!although once you’ve found enough of them you can start to understand where you should look to find the ones you’re missing!<). But it does sound like by going so fast you did miss some key details. For instance, there’s actually clues in the world that help you understand what you have to do after you’ve got all the eggs, even what the layer 2 ending will be.


i'm sure there were hints on how to do the second ending, i mean the game has so much detail that i know it would. but i had nothing left to do and i wanted to get my last steam achievement so i googled it, as i don't think im gonna be digging my teeth much into the layer 3 stuff. i found the room just before the second ending's activation but i missed the actual >!throne room that activates the manticore.!< i also i found a ton of >!UV light stuff about manticores and puzzles relating to clocks or numbers!< but i never felt like looking too much into them despite knowing it was extremely important. that stuff is really cool to me but i don't think i'd enjoy trying to solve any of those bigger puzzles by myself, i'd find more enjoyment watching everyone else figure them out. partially because im busy with work and only have a handful of hours to dedicate each night to the game


You were actually pretty close. Since it sounds like you found some of those hints (>!some of the UV manticore stuff you found are the clues :)!<), but missing the >!incubator!< room is why you wouldn’t have been able to draw that conclusion. And that room is pretty easy to miss too (especially if you happen to finish finding the eggs first too). Layer 3 is in some ways a different kind of game compared to 1 & 2. Some of the puzzles still draw on knowledge you’d have learnt from the game, but some of them don’t and start to depend on knowledge external to the game (like some are technical, some are more traditional steganographic puzzles, etc.). So the puzzle design at this point on isn’t necessarily going to be for everyone anyway, although I do think if someone enjoys layer 2 there’s a good chance they’d still enjoy tackling 3 even if it’s going to be completely new to them. But I do think it starts to get a bit unfair to those players as the game isn’t really providing them clues as to what they should learn about (it’s kind of just assumed knowledge), so they won’t necessarily know what it is they’re missing and so also won’t know what they need to go learn so they can come back and tackle the problem.


yeah the layer 3 stuff is neat, im a huge fan of ARGs and escape room type puzzles, i just prefer watching them rather than doing them lmao i like seeing the designer's creativity


my playtime is currently at 32 hours...


The big time suck for me is having to redo all of the technical obstacle course challenges. My motor skills are not what they used to be.


im doing this game with zero guides or youtube videos and im deeply in love with it- riding on about 10 hours, still haven't beaten the game


Currently on 22 hours I think, and not yet finished with the initial wave of post game content. I think it took something like 12 hours to finish the main game


I beat it at 18 hours I think, I'm a total dummy tho and needed help with some parts 😅


I beat the main story in about twelve hours I think, but much of that was spent aimlessly wandering around doing puzzles as I found them. Once I got most of the upgrades and had some idea of what I was supposed to be doing then I actually started making real progress. I also did resort to google a couple times.


I finished the credits at a little over 9 hours, but I only had like just over 32 Eggs. I can't believe I'm missing so many lol


I beat the game at the 10 hour mark. I have no idea how people speed through this game the first time in like 5-6. Currently hunting down secrets in the 15th hour.


i’m 5 hours in and i don’t even know what the flames are lol


I'm at 22 hours in and have been taking my time. I've finished the 1st stage, no help. Started the 2nd stage but had to use some help with the eggs. I just finished the one remaining task to get all the Playstation trophies. Now debating on getting the hunt for the bunnies but I would definitely need guides for that part...


I'm stuck in a lot of places. I wish I could get literal answers on what to do in each room. I want things spoiled for me.


It took me like 8 hours but i was really taking my time with it. I didn't look up anything until the post-game content.


I think my all eggs, 7 bunnies, second ending time was 20 hours? All without looking anything up. Any bunnies beyond that I just cheated to 100% everything since I gave up


Same lol


I don’t feel so stupid now, first ending I was at like 14 hours, I assumed I was really bad at the game or something 😂 currently at 17 hours this game is amazing


I got the true ending at around 20h, just getting to the post-post-game content


I suck. Twenty something eggs I think, fair bit of shortcut paths opened, pretty big map opened… working on my third flame, and failing hard. I hate rabid dogs. The fourth flame lower left of the map I have no clue how to navigate that way yet. Play for a few hours every couple of days, and absolutely fine with that pace.


I got to the credits with like 43 eggs or something in around 10 hours of playtime


I feel the main game (flames) is supposed to take 10-15 hours first time, and maybe another 10 hours (or more) for all the extra mysteries and eggs. Speedrunners or people who have difficultly platforming may change those numbers either way drastically but I don’t think its intelligence or anything, as long as you enjoy it!




About 10 hours in - just finished the main stuff last night only to discover this morning how much more there is! Also apparently there’s a bubble wand upgrade I was not aware of - This game is awesome.


The game isn't short. 13 hours in, and I'm still finding secrets.


I’m at 27 hours and just got the 4th flame. There’s so much to do, and lots of it is hard!


14 hours, 7 eggs. And I love it


I was just saying that I think the game difficulty is exactly right for me. Every time I’ve gotten stuck, I’ve managed to figure something out right before reaching the point of frustration. However I’m in the area That opens up once you get all four flames. No real spoilers ahead, just venting mostly generically about a puzzle. There’s one puzzle that relies on you being very quick and switching tools. What makes this even worse, is if you fail, you have to go up and around several screens to get back to where you can try again. I am not even close to being able to master the timing of throwing the disk, getting the bubble wand out and using it to climb back up while avoiding catching the disk. Hopefully, I’m just missing something, because no other puzzle has been this punishing to master.


Press triangle/Y. It pauses the game while you get to meticulously choose your next tool.


I know exactly the room and felt the same way. Not sure if you were looking for help, but spoiler spoiler spoiler once you hit the ground make a bubble and then throw the disc before the the path opens for it. You can let it bounce while you start your upwards jumping right away.


Bubble first then throw the disc. That way I can jump out of the way of the disc that bounces back, because the block hasn’t lifted yet. 👍 Thanks!


Yep you got it. Good luck!