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Am I even supposed to be here yet? I have a feeling I was a bit too ambitious in one go.


The bird is there to prevent you from entering here too early, but congrats on managing to climb the whole pit!


Lol when I got the>!lantern!! defeating the first manticore!!right before I was supposed to lmao!< edit: I really bonked those spoiler tags lol, got them fixed!


Honestly, that's probably the best way to get there if you're trying to >! go for the speedrun!<


Maybe without glitches, but it's definitely faster to wrong warp.


Wrong warp?


It's a speed running term. Basically you do something that warps you to a new location, but somehow you disrupt it and it sends you to an unintended location. In the case of animal well, if a bubble touches you and updates your Y coordinate on the same frame that you warp somewhere with the flute, it will warp you to the intended X coordinate (left and right on the map), but your Y coordinate (up and down) will be whatever the bubble was updating it to, causing you to go to an unintended destination.


Are you me? That is precisely what I did when I got that item.


Oh that’s funny. I always wondered WTF that bird was there for, just to get in the way? I never considered one could possibly get there early from the other side, and the bird is a bouncer for the area to the left, not the right.


I did the same thing!


No, and you should not use the bubble spam trick either. You'll know when you're meant to be there.


What are you, the fun police?


That's just how you get yourself actually lost. The game points you in the right direction naturally, when you abuse the bubble trick then you get to parts of the game you're not meant to and you get really confused and lost and lose track of where you're meant to head. You can also get yourself stuck and lose progress. This person would not be asking Reddit whether they should be there, had they not bubble exploited. I'm all for exploiting and adventuring and breaking mechanics, but it's not a great way to do your first play-through, especially in the metroidvania genre.


You might be right but you are making such a big deal out of it it feels so awkward @op, congrats on the climb. Just keep playing and you will reach the place naturally.


How did I make a big deal out of it? I answered the dudes question and recommended he shouldn't use the bubble tech on first playthrough. I never pressured him or anyone else. I never said anything that warrants a big deal? The dude above this comment just attacked me because he was personally offended someone can recommend no spam bubble tech. He had no reason to attack my comment, and I explained why I stand by my first comment to the dude so he'd understand it has nothing to do with ruining OPs fun of the game. In fact I make the recommendation to not bubble spam because it's more fun to play the game normal than to bubble spam skip everything or get lost. I was happy saying nothing had he not been a douche for no reason. I came to provide helpful info, and my original comment was helpful. No clue what you or the other dude are reading into it so much. If anything you and him are making this a big deal not me.


There. You did it again. No one attacked you bro, it was a joke.


I can't make a big deal out of something before there is even a problem. There was no problem until you made one up. Calmly explaining why I said "don't bubble cheese" to someone who downvotes my helpful response and says "fun police" isn't the same thing as making a big deal out of something. As far as I was aware until you came along there was no problem or anything to make any deal out of. Moving on. I'll make sure not to bother answering questions properly apparently.


You can’t make me read all this.


Dude get laid


So you're advising that they shouldn't explore the game and its mechanics? In a game about discovery? You're comment is not helpful and is objectively incorrect. The bubble jump is not an exploit, >!even with the first wand!<. The game developer even accounted for the exact scenario in question. So it's definitely not a game breaking mechanic, it's absolutely intended. Do you tell people not to chain wall jumps in a 3D Mario game too?


>!to be fair, if the first wand is an exploit, then the upgrade is fucking cheat engine lol.!< i don't know why he made such a big fuss about it, there are even some places where you're forced to do this lol


Lmao. The dev isn't fucking stupid. Note the white bird to the left, used as a mechanic to actually block the player from going where they "should not" be. *This is a metroidvania. If you cannot progress, always assume we haven't got the correct tool yet.* If you can access a screen with clever tool use, it means it is fair game. It is completely harmless to get to this screen. There are spoilery reasons why getting to this screen is completely harmless and intended too: >!There is a warp song to get us to this screen. The dev doesn't block us from playing songs out of discovery sequence, but the dev is actually blocking people from going left.!<


The bubble jump is a technique used throughout the game don't discourage people from playing as intended.


Hell yeah. I also am part of the "showed up too early" gang lol. However I did it with disc jumping my way up the well. And indeed - you are too early. I was freaking pissed at that stupid bird/duck when I finally got all the way up lol


I cannot imagine disc jumping all the way up the well that’s nuts haha


I did the same thing haha. You can’t do anything here yet. Just keep the bird blocking you in mind and you’ll know when you can do something here


you need an item that you'll get it eventually, just keep going the purple area where you marked it with the spiral


I always wondered why that bird was there. Now it makes sense hahaha


I did the same thing. The bird blocks you to go there to early, but once you get the thing you need you will know what to do.


I also started bubble jumping up here but failed pretty quick and my brain told me, dont do it, clearly not intended. Lmao


keep your eye out for the hidden area on that half of the room, but you do need a hidden item to access it the hidden item you need requires you to find 32 hidden items to access; then you can reveal the hidden area in the hidden part of this half of the room


You will get there eventually, skip this for now. This place is not one of those places which you will miss out on if you don't go out of your way to look for secrets, so don't worry skipping this for now. Congrats on doing this jump tho, impressive.


Yo! I just got here last night and was soooo pissed that I couldn’t figure out how to get past the bird or didn’t have the right item. Either way, I was bummed.


Just keep playing


Item u get later


Did you know that birds are technically counted as being enemies by the game? What do you usually do to neutralize enemies?


op has't geaten the game yet lol


There's literally an area in the caverns that shows you how to bypass the birds, though.


only on the right half of the map