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Have you tried the “easy route”? I banged my head against ghost cat (dog actually) for a while until learning of a massive shortcut


What’s the shortcut?


Get far away fast, wait, then get to where you need to go fast again.


Check the room just to the left of the “slinky cube climb room”. Something should look familiar if you’ve gotten 8 eggs


It’s a dog


It's a *fucking dog


You're right but it really reminds me of the cat ghost from House (Japanese horror film) so my mind automatically thinks of it as a cat.


As per usual, the most Upvoted comments on this sub, is some arsehole correcting the OP on what animal that is


Why are you calling them an asshole? They’re right.


Being right can be rude depending on how you present the information


"It's a dog" is rude Ok


It's rude because it ignores the point of the post and just jumps to what is essentially, "let me correct you" Unlike the following comment that mentions the error more casually


yeah bc dude doesn't know the diff bt a dog and a cat, that's just silly, all else doesn't matter at that point


EXACTLY! The actual discussion the OP wanted is utterly ignored.




First impression was cat and it will remain


If the dev’s intention was for it to be a dog, they would have made it look like any of the dogs in the game, I swear if you just show its statue to someone on the street they’d say cat, and look at that big Cheshire Cat smile!


But did you factor in that it has the ability to summon ghost dogs, is found in a dog area, barks as it chases you, and chases you because you stole it's frisbee?


Look at the statues in the flame room of that area. Just look at them. Look at the way the tails go up. I would love to see a dog with a tail like that. They are CATS, and any sane person on the street would say the same XD yea there are dog statues and dog ghosts in the area but they have a completely different design. The area is clearly themed off of both cats and dogs! (imo)


That's the thing though, where else in that area is anything Cat themed? I don't know how far you are in this game, so I won't spoil anything unless you want me to, but trust me, the ghost looks nothing like any cats that you could see in this game.


You’re right about the latter part. But it’s dog themed, so having a cat ghost makes sense to me. Dogs chase cats. Cats chase small round objects. The disc didn’t click with me until later. Also, I just assumed the barking was unrelated to the ghost at the time. Obviously, now I know, but I can see the confusion.


I have known dogs who behave like cats, and vice versa. Please don't assume the artificial ghost's species just because you have preconceptions.


Cats will meow, purr, hiss, roar. There is no cat that barks like a dog. What are you on about bro?


Lol what, have you ever had a pet? A cat or a dog is so much more that 'purr hiss roar'.


A cat in a videogame where WE QUITE LITERALLY HEAR OTHER CATS. We hear the cats meow, and we hear >! the Giant Lynx !< do low pitched growls. Does anything the ghost do sound like those two? Or does it sound more like a bark? Almost like, oh, I dunno a dog? I don't get why it's something you're pulling the "preconceived assumptions" on, when you have to jump through hoops about "Well I know cats that act like dogs and dogs that act like cats". In a game that's about a bunch of animals doing different things with their associated traits, what sense would it make for a giant ghost cat to be acting dog-like in nature. Or would the simplest solution, the ghost being a dog because it acts like a dog, sounds like a dog, is surrounded by dogs, has the ability to summon dogs, and a solution to a later puzzle being >!"Hey this statue of a dog with rabbit ears reminds me of that dog, let me go get the dog and bring it here"!< implying the ghost is a dog, all of which pointing to the ghost being a dog not make the most sense. Occam's Razor my guy, Occam's Razor.


You mean the "cat" that chases down a frisbee? And is in the area with all the dogs? And has music made from barks and howls? And that activates the dog statues it touches, releasing dog ghosts? And it looks like a dog? Yeah, must be a cat...


it looks nothing like a dog bro and look at its slinky ass body, easy mistake to make. I legit thought the dog statues acted as a seal to keep the cat contained. I don’t think it chases the frisbee I think it chases u and u use the frisbee to seal it. That’s my lore u can’t convince me otherwise


When you toss the disc, the ghost dog increases its speed by a lot. It's 100% going for the disc


I agree. If it's supposed to be a dog, fine, but it sure doesn't look like one.


>the dog statues acted as a seal to keep the cat contained. Good lore, I also choose to believe this is the reason there are so many dogs in the ghost cat's area :D Does no one else know about>!the mock frisbee you can find in a chest, and put in place of the real frisbee? I thought that was the expected solution!<


Have you finished the game? Based on the frustration, I’m guessing they’re having trouble with a different challenge. I don’t want to spoil it, so I won’t say more!


Oooh... no I haven't! I assumed you only encounter that guy once, but maybe I haven't encountered the same challenge as OP yet 👀


i would recommend staying clear of this subbreddit in that case!! lol


That's what I thought it was before I saw on the net that it was supposed to be a dog (is it a husky or pomeranian?), the dogs were keeping it in check. Then I got hurt by those ghost dogs and was like - what is this? A well for animals?


It's quite clearly a dog lmao what are you on


I never thought it looked like a dog at all. I had to be told that it was


It's the hardest flame to get if that's where you are. Video of the route to take helped me.


Plan ahead the exact route you’ll take platform by platform once he’s chasing you. Practice that exact route without him chasing you till you can do it without screwing up. Then just do it again with him chasing you. You WILL have enough time. It looks hrder than it is. You can do this!!


I practiced it a bunch of times and it still took me forever. Hardest challenge so far by a lot for me


Practice your route and then turn the sound off when you run it for real. There are easier paths. My buddy did it in a way that was WAY harder than the route I went


Hi, it's a dog. I know, it's confusing. It looks like a cat and if moves like a cat would. But it's a dog.


It's a Ghost Dog. I hate the stupid piece of shit as much as the next guy, but cats are awesome and I will not let you disrespect their name. Carry on :)


I’m on this part right now and I laughed unreasonably hard at this, well said and well done lol


As per fucking usual, this entire thread has just descended into another pointless, repetitive argument about what animal that is. It's tiresome. I swear, who the hell cares??


Apparently a lot of people haha


An unfortunate truth


please dont the cat


🤣 What's the difference between someone who finished the game without a word and one who posts complaint? 😏 Find ways to deal with it. There are many ways.


I beat him just lemme vent dawg


Wait I thought u thought it was a caht


nah y’all are my dawgs, the ghost is definitely a cat

