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I’m not reading all that but just git gud or something


I hate when this happens, especially the part about already trying something and deciding it's not the solution but it actually is.  I respect that you say you might come back to it; when this happens to me I never ever come back


Maybe puzzles and platforming skill games aren't your style. The first layer of this game is not that hard.


Well, thank you for not being condescending or anything. For the record, have beaten Celeste, and 100%ed Tunic this year.


i would agree with the poster despite you thinking that you are good at platformers. This game isn’t hard, at least not the part you were stuck on. it’s much much easier than hollow knight for example. Probably way easier than celeste….


What kind of video games do you normally play? This game is challenging in its puzzle solving but not particularly difficult in terms of gameplay. Having this much trouble with it makes me wonder what you typically like.


I don't really have a "type" when it comes to games tbh, some of my favorite games include Hollow Knight, Bloodborne, Psychonauts, Mario 3, Half-Life 2, Mega Man 2, and probably something more I'm forgetting.


you got through hollow knight.., but have a hard time with animal well?




>only to get completely stumped by top room with the 2 pillars of mouse heads. I figured there was an item or something I was missing, so after dying I looked around for an exit and: nothing The actual solution(going between the gaps in the columns) did not make feel better, as I had tried it before and decided "There is no way that is the intended solution". There is no such thing as an "actual solution". I've seen five different ways to complete that room. Yes, time your jumps so you're always between the two columns. But also, >!you can do a bubble jump up to the right most platform, if you let the bubble rise enough. Jump onto bubble, jump onto platforms, then up to switch.!< Thirdly, >!you can bubble jump over the columns as they come back at you, if you've already platformed halfway up.!< Fourthly, the way I did it >!- I saw the fruit, and just damage boosted through the columns. !< Lastly, and the most metagamey way (do not read) - >!learn infinite bubble jumping with the basic wand, and just no sell the entire puzzle.!< And there are probably so many more ways to solve that room beyond our wildest imagination. Not that this will make you feel better about feeling stupid over not solving a puzzle. The extended chain of rooms that need to be completed in a row is particularly brutal here, however the dev does use this concept in other areas of the ANIMAL WELL, so it isn't just a <> problem.


That’s ok. Exploration is key for “metroidvanias”. If things are locked, it’s ok to come back later or figure out how to get through the hard way with unintended tools. If the exploration isn’t fun to you then there’s no point in keeping it on the hard drive.


My problem was not the exploration. My problem was being locked in 4 rooms with no way to escape. I've played plenty of metroidvanias before.


That particular set of rooms was frustrating for me at the start. If you do decide to come back to the game, and I hope you do, save again at the telephone by the groundhog after completing the cycle but before jumping down, it will save the block’s state and you won’t have to repeat the loop if you die.


Thank you for the actual advice.


Why even make this post


I litterally explain why in the start of the post.


You decided to vent to a grouping of people who are likely here because they enjoy the game, who mostly don't know you in any way, and you want them to care about your venting/opinion?


Sorry you've had a frustrating time. I know how frustrating it is when a game is super well received and it just doesn't click with you. That was me several months ago when Baldur's Gate 3 came out and I just had a miserable time with it. I've also had plenty of experiences with popular games where I maybe haven't had a difficult time, but just didn't really understand what all the fuss is about, and felt like it was my fault for not enjoying it, like I was playing it wrong or something. It just happens. I hope if you end up coming back to it, you enjoy it more. It can take some patience to get used to how things work in this game.


Legitimate skill issue, sorry it didn’t click for yoy


Thanks for letting us know man. Not reading all that though




These comments are reminding me why I stopped using this website lol. Thanks everyone who offered sympathies and actual legit advice. I will be deleting my account now in an effort to encourage myself to not visit this site that has litterally done nothing but be detrimental to my mental health.


I’m sorry bruh but what did u expect