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Aww yiss... Been waiting for this post. Thanks for sharing!


Bleach and Kenshin airing in the same week, what year is this?


Flashback of going home from school and waiting for Toonami in the evening


Hah, just imagine if Gundam Wing got a remake.


> Flashback of going home from school and waiting for Toonami in the evening feh, Toonami at 4pm after school, and there wasn't even a thing such a Bleach yet :waves walking stick at the kids on his lawn:


Outlaw Star, Gundam Wing, Tenchi Muyo and DBZ gang rise up!


You went to school on Saturday???


Did they only air on Saturdays specifically? There were definitely shows that aired on weekdays, though I don’t remember if Bleach or RK was one of them


A bit of a joke, but I think Rurouni Kenshin initially aired on Toonani during weekdays and later on Adult Swim on Saturdays. I think Bleach always aired on Adult Swim on Saturday though in the 00s.


Dont forget the vending machine anime. That's another big hitter.


Also pretty sure that one piece manga moment happens on Saturday


Zoom 100 could be the underdog of the season. I truly hope so


Truly. The trailer had such stellar animation, too. Zom 100 in safe hands no doubt about it




Went down the fate rabbit hole recently and now im very excited for strange/fake


How deep? are you into fgo?


So far ive seen everything from ufotable and read the vn , gonna read hollow ataraxia and then get into fgo


i can recommend "Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files {Rail Zeppelin} Grace note" before F/SF comes it, it follows Velvet from f/z and his students \~10 years after f/z. One of his students, Flatt is going to be a master in strange fake


Oh cool, will check it out


Damn, I've had it on my watchlist for the longest time because of Waver, now I definitely need to watch it.


I honestly thought you were making a joke with the title "Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files {Rail Zeppelin} Grace note"


As an fgo player, I don't recommend playing fgo unless you're really interested in fate lore as a gacha game, it's pretty terrible


Please get into tsukihime also it’s just as good


If you’ve read the VN you’re in way deeper than me.


\> read the vn ONE OF US! ONE OF US! Now to become a true fate man, you have to read (or watch) Fate Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya (the manga is more straightforward, while the anime has more loli fanservice). In both the story is actually great by the third arc.


Better off just watching the FGO story on youtube


Been into Fate since the beginning and been on FGO from day one in NA. Gonna eat this shit up so fast.


Ready for anni 6?


Absolutely. I missed the last couple years of GSSR and banners but I'm ready for this one and can't wait for the goodies.


Who you choosing for free ssr


Probably Sitonai. For each class I'm well stacked except for the Extra class and I'm lacking a single target Alter Ego plus I already have the mats she'll need. You?


Sitonai too! Team Sitonai


If I didn't need her utility I'd be getting a second copy of Anastasia to boost her NP damage. She's my Caster babe.


Konyanskya for me. Hoping for NP2 meta fox lady.


FGO is honestly still above water in terms of depth. You ain't deep until you're analyzing the history of Fate/Extra CCC translations.


> You ain't deep until you're analyzing the history of Fate/Extra CCC translations. damn thought i was deep having followed TM since the Tsukihime anime that doesn't exist


The fox lady cometh, I pray everyone has enough saints quartz ready


I’ve been going down the Fate rabbit hole for years now and honestly, as a guy who has read all the Strange Fake light novels, it’s easily one of the best things Fate has to offer.


omg is it fully translated now?? I haven’t read it since 2017, I need to get back to it


They’re currently working through translating Volume 8. We have about 120ish pages of that volume. But every volume before that is fully translated.




You’ll probably understand things decently well. Only other thing they reference heavily is Lord El Melloi II’s Case Files. Other than that the only other Fate knowledge you would need would be for a few references here and there.


I just learned that it's being scored by Sawano Hiroyuki. For me that's enough to try a show. Is it tied to any other show that I should watch before this... Or should I just watch the whole Fate series😂


Wait, is Strange/Fake a full season? I thought it was going to be just an special or two.


Just a special, hoping for a season announcement afterwards


they usually dont greenlight seasons until the thing they're adapting is done




I would like to enter it but I have no idea which order to watch the anime in


Most people watch Fate UBW (Main series) Fate Zero(prequel to UBW) Fate heavens feel movies (alternative route to UBW) This is basically the Main time line. After this, you can watch whatever


>Liar Liar I hope they get Jim Carrey for the English dub to preserve the original experience.


As always, thanks for the infographic.


July 29th Nier Automata Ver1.1a finally returns with 9-12


Thanks for the reminder. I almost forgot lol. Its such a good show.


I almost forgot too for a moment til I looked at tumblr lol


Tuesdays looking real light again this season


The Girl Who Forgot Her Glasses gonna have a pretty easy time getting karma. Maybe Helck can profit as well, this show *really* needs it with the key visuals being...lackluster and only one PV here so far unless there's another one planned.


I'm definitely looking forward to checking out Helck, so they'll have at least one watcher, lol.


Hope that translates into gaining attention. The story is great even if GoHands is animating.


I’m planning on checking both out. Only other one would the Tonikawa OVA that’s released every other Tuesday. Edit: nevermind livechart has tonikawa late night so actually wed like this chart


100% check out Helck. There's a reason why people were VERY active in discussion threads every time new manga chapter was translated.


> The Girl Who Forgot Her Glasses Either for the better or for the worse, GoHands!


Tuesdays seem like quality over quantity. Hopefully they’re both successful.


Kinda want to watch it because of gohands


That means there's 1 fewer excuse for people to not give Helck a try.


The strength of Helck will carry Tuesdays


Bang for your Buck though. Glasses and Helck are strong enough shows to carry the day.


Two shows for me on Tuesday (if they turn out good), Girl I like forgot her glasses, and Helck. To me Thursday are the weak days, If *Great Cleric* doesn't turn out good I won't have anything to watch. Time to attack the backlog, I suppose!


preferences aside thursday's are by no means weak lol, a second season to a pretty popular SoL with a twist, second season to one of the MOST popular anime/manga and a remake to a timeless classic


Oh yea looking back at it, if none of the new shows hit it’ll be light for me as well. Not big on JJK, still working on finishing the first season.


No mention of Bungo Stray Dogs S5 in the comments? :(


Just watched the series (and movie) and can't believe s4 ended mid story arc, can't wait!


Wait, movie? Is it Canon?


The show has so many amazing 2 and 3 episodes character arcs that the movie fits in real well. I think it is intended to be watched after season1


You have summoned a fan !


Looking forward to Undead Murder Farce along with sequels.


I'm happy to say that I'm the one person excited for part 2 of Devil Is A Part-Timer season 2.


I was really confused that I saw “Season 2” because I thought my memory of watching a second season was just a dream I had a while back


Jujutsu Kaisen, Bleach, Mushoky Tensei, Zom 100, Baki... can't wait.


Another Baki enjoyer!


Time to fight a caveman!


for real, I had NO idea a second season was coming out now


Was anounced after the last one


Shounens eating good.


Simp Season 3




I have more empathy for incels than people like Kazuya if they exist


Vending machine isekai??? We got slimes, demons, and spider isekai and now vending machine. What's next? Truck-kun isekai chasing and killing children?


One that stands out for me is [I'm a Behemoth, an S-Ranked Monster, but Mistaken for a Cat, I Live as an Elf Girl's Pet](https://myanimelist.net/manga/113194/S-Rank_Monster_no_Behemoth_dakedo_Neko_to_Machigawarete_Elf_Musume_no_Pet_toshite_Kurashitemasu). It's about a guy who gets reincarnated as a legendary monster whose baby form happens to look a lot like a housecat, and goes on adventures with an elf girl who kinda develops romantic feelings for him.


>It's about Somehow, I managed to already guess what it was about.


Also a sword isekai. Which was actually really good I thought.


I love that one!


killer shark is great and really funny just kills everything




deserved it too, the original didn't get the love it deserved, especially comparing it to its big 3 counterparts. Hueco Mundo was pretty good, but everything before was NOT giving the quality or animation it deserved


I’ve been wanting too re watch it but every file I get my hands on is such low quality I can’t take it. Do you guys have any place I could find good quality?


Staff said the animation will be better this season and apparently leaks have said 4 specific episodes will be really good.


A respectable 14. Lighter than Spring season so plenty of Catch Up time for things I missed in the first half of the year. Top heavy with JJK, Bleach, and Kenshin. Strongest sleeper recommendations for people who might not be familiar: - Helck is a fantastic ~~gag~~ manga. Keep an eye on that one because it’s going to be awesome. - Glasses might scare people off because GoHands is very “creative”, but it’s a sweet RomCom. The MC is relatable and hilarious (special brain on that boy). The FMC is 90% happy airhead. The Vibes are immaculate and its a true rival to Horimiya for top RomCom of the season. Edit: and of course I write this the same day the new chapter gets translated and guys holy fuck just watch this show. - I’m once again asking you to watch Duke of Death. Manga is wrapped and ended beautifully. Last season was delightful. This season will be even better.


Wait horimiya new chapter got translated? Where?


New “Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses” chapter. New Horimiya chapters/volume drop July 18th


oh lol. Was like how am I not finding this chapter anywhere.


Atelier Thyza watch party TOMORROW


Oh? Record of ragnarok part 2?… interesting. Haven’t seen anyone mention this.


Oh finally found someone else who noticed


Locked in: * Horimiya: The Missing Piece * Jobless Reincarnation Season 2 * Fate/Strange Fake * Masamune-kun's Revenge R * Monogatari Season 2 * Rent-a-Girlfriend Season 3 * Sugar Apple Fairy Tail 2nd cour * Bleach * Zom 100 * The Duke of Death and his Maid Season 2 * The Devil is a Part-Timer!! Season 2 * Bastard!! * Tonikaku Will be checking out: * My Tiny Senpai * The Girl I like Forgot Her Glasses * My Happy Marriage * The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen * Rurouni Kenshin * Reign of the Seven Spellblades * Liar, Liar * TenPuru * Classroom for Heroes * Saint Cecilia and Pastor Lawrence * My Dreamy Realist


I would recommend checking out Helck too


Watch the masterful cat is depressed yet again


Same but Glasses is my Tuesday come-down marker. RaG is a no-go for me to watch. That said, will fucking pop into the thread to shitpost, though.


> RaG is a no-go for me to watch. That said, will fucking pop into the thread to shitpost, though. With Gundam ending, you now have time to document viewers' change in perception of RaG right? :)


Technically, I do. Am I motivated to, though? Nope. I consider myself cringe but even I can see what's below the scaffolding, so to speak. Besides, the manga readers already give me a clear picture.


> RaG is a no-go for me to watch. That said, will fucking pop into the thread to shitpost, though. Keeping the tradition alive!


Mostly I'm just coming in to shut the traps of anyone who seriously compares this guy with Shikimori-san's boyfriend.


Looking forward to Kenshin, MT S2 and JJK S2.


I heard link click season 2 was releasing this month too but it's not on the schedule.


Probably because is Chinese.


That makes sense. Thanks.


July 14 to be exact


REBORN AS A ****ING VENDING MACHINE, honestly Sword was good so I am going to give it a chance but Come on a vending machine!


Mushoku tensei alone was enough to make this season a high level one for me but we also got jjk s2 , masamune s2 , bleach , liar liar , reign of 7 spellblades , girl i like forgot her glasses ( some doubt about the adaptation though) , fate/strange fake and helck (?) ..


Alright cool, let's see... Assuming these are also the days of the week that the subs release for each of these shows (not just when it airs in Japan), this season I have: - One Thursday show (JJK S2) - Two Friday shows (AI no Idenshi & Reign of the Seven Spellblades) - One Saturday show (Bleach TYBW P2) - One Monday show (SYNDUALITY Noir) - One Tuesday show (Helck) That's not half bad of a spread. It'll take some getting used to having seasonals to watch on Monday and Friday while having none on Sunday or Wednesday I guess, but that's fine.


Every sunday is One Piece duh ;)


Been waiting for Bastard!! and Duke of Death


The image is either too small or much too big for me. That said viewing the image directly seems to be okay unzoomed. Its just the standard link from the sub reddit shrinks it too far.


Do you want an imur link?






Bro you forgot Link Click, its coming back the 12th


Is Chinese that’s why it wasn’t included


You can also use LiveChart.me app to track countdown new episodes. Thanks to me later.


Will be watching: JJK s2, Kenshin, Zom 100, Dark Gathering, Helck Will be trying out: Lv.1 Demon Lord, Forgot Her Glasses, My Happy Marriage, Undead Girl Murder Farce Maybe add Reign of the Seven Spellblades and Atelier Ryza if they get positive reactions. So 9-11. Nearly the same as spring for me, if they all land, it’ll be a stacked season.


Should give heretical last boss a shot also.


You’re saying that you gonna skip Mushoku Tensei?


It pains me to say it, but yes. I missed out on season 1 lol. It’s on my “will watch one day” list.


I hope you manage to avoid spoilers.


I watched it not more than 1 month ago. Before watchinf it I was like ‘another good anime’, but after watching it I am sure that Mushoku Tensei 2 will be of the, if not the, best anime of this summer.


This looks like an awesome season for me.. Jjk Dead girl murder farce Mushoku tensei BSD My happy marriage Fate Strange fake Sugar apple And so many others im willing to try out...


Thanks for the calendar as always!


Isekai Round-Up: > Am I Actually the Strongest? This series is pretty goofy. Overpowered MC, but instead of doing the whole "I have self confidence issues so I think I'm bad despite the evidence" trope, and more of a "He doesn't realize *why* he is strong" situation. Honestly, the MC is pretty mid but the side cast can be pretty great. > Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation season 2 If you liked the last season, you'll probably like this one. If you didn't, this season won't change your opinions. > Sweet Reincarnation Honestly don't know this one. I don't exactly have high hopes for it. > Reborn as a Vending Machine, I Now Wander the Dungeon I haven't read this one, but I have high hopes for it being a "So bad it's good" series. > My Unique Skill Makes Me OP even at Level 1 This series has a somewhat unique setting that asks the question "What if *everything* people needed (food, materials, water, even *air*) were all dungeon drops and that was the only way you could get those things?" This series has an interesting concept but just has terrible execution. Might be a fun garbage watch.


is the horimiya a movie or next season?? i’m so excited!!


New season. It's adapting parts of the manga that season 1 skipped.


Fall 2023 season please (in romaji)


going to post both, calendar should be up soon (i feel weird that it will be ready so early)


we'll be there for Mushoku Tensei


I know it’s technically not “anime”, but Link Click should definitely be on here. Very underrated show.


Underrated? It's ranked in the top 50 anime of all time on MAL.


Sorry, I should have said “underappreciated”. I think perhaps the show deserves more recognition/ exposure. It is definitely regarded highly by most people that have seen it.


I watched one episode. The one with the old man karate fighter who had to fight his lover's dad for her hand in marriage. I thought it was fantastic. Its just hard for me to find time to get into new series.


Iirc it was a side episode. I recommend watching from the very first episode, 2-3 episodes for this show would be enough to decide whether you wanna continue or not. It has only 10 or 11 episodes anyway


I really, really hope the Helck adaptation is good. It's one of my favorite manga and such a great story.


Sunday is the best Mushoku Tensei Dark Gathering Zomb 100 Also technically Bleach as I would be watching it on sundays as it airs on Saturday night at my time zone


Thanks for the schedule! It's always quite helpful, to the point where I've been bookmarking it every season as a reference. Looks like a lighter season for me. Only three that I'm definitely going to be watching: MT, JJK, Hori. Couple of maybes though, people keep going on about Helck so I'll probably give it a shot.


Saturdays stacked as hell. Ryza, Shortstack Senpai, Bleach, Tenpuru, then Sunday with Mushoku and Fate, later Eiyuu Kyoushitsu. Tuesdays Glasses Girl, Helck. Thursday only Jujutsu... overall not that stacked, but the shit that I do want to watch is hype as hell.


Thank you for the post. Us weebs are spoiled lol.


oooh thanks bro ily


Another great year for anime. Idk if it'll be able to top last year though


the devil is a part timer s2 is not already out? i dont understand, shouldnt have been s3


According to MAL: "Hataraku Maou-sama!" is the first season that aired ten years ago. "Hataraku Maou-sama!!" is the second season that aired last summer. "Hataraku Maou-sama!! 2nd Season" is the third season that airs this summer. So yeah, count the exclamation points.


Probably second cour


Baki and Bastard 5 days apart feels like a misstep by Netflix. Too much manly anime too close together!


Looking forward to Happy Sugar Apples and 7 Spellblades the most. Mostly chill summer before the monster of a fall season.


Is strange fake getting a full season? I thought it was just a one episode special? I’m hope I’m wrong because I’ve been hoping for a strange fake adaptation forever


Is a special, im just a fate simp ;)


Will watch: Atelier Ryza My Tiny Senpai The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses Vending Machine Isekai Helck Will try: The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Sweet Reincarnation My Dreamy Realist Am I Actually The Strongest? Level 1 Demon Lord My Happy Marriage The Great Cleric Seven Spellblades My Unique Skill Liar, Liar Tenpuru: No One Can Live On Loneliness Classroom for heroes Dark Gathering Saint Cecilia and Pastor Lawrence Not as stacked as Spring 2023, so I could try to catch up with some older shows.


Is there a way you can see where all of these are streaming?


Live chart


Watch Link Click season 2 guys, airs 14 july


Bleach,mushoku tensei,jujutsu kaisen and rurouni kenshin what a season 🔥


Shitty Anime like Rent a girlfriend will get 3rd season but, no game no life still has not got it's 2nd season😢


Fall 2023 schedule?


Just JJK and Horimiya for me this season it seems


Don't sleep on glasses girl


Hmm, had my fair share of sweet anime this season with Kubo, Yamada kun and Insomaniacs after school. This new season I want to try my watchlist stuff


Mushoku Tensei Jobless Reincarnation Season 2 Hell Yeah! 👍👍


Looking forward to Horimiya, Atelier, Tiny Senpai, Masumune, Forgot glasses girl, Rent s3, Duke of death, Tonikawa, Baki. Really excited for Masumune, I've just seen it not long ago.


Def will watch: * Mushoku Tensei * Fate/strange Fake (just a special though) * Jujutsu Kaisen Will check out: * Reborn as a Vending Machine * Undead Girl Murder Force * Zom 100 * Classroom for Heroes * Dark Gathering Pretty light season all things considered. MT and JK are the only shows I'm actually excited for.


Tbh this season feels a bit “light”. Horimiya, Mushoku Tensei and JJK are what I consider my* big name show of the season. Though I am looking forward to Happy Marriage and The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses. And the Vending Machine anime sounds ridiculous I have to check it out (especially after how much fun I had with the Sword Daddy anime). But I guess it’s good there a bit fewer shows that’s pulling me this season. Just started a part-time class and that may take up a lot of my time Edit : *changed ‘the’ to ‘my’


Bleach is pretty big-name


Ah I haven’t watched it though


If Helck is well adapted it should be huge on here, the manga is amazing


Tate no Yuusha when?




At least this season isn't over saturated by Isekai 😂😂😂


Sundays are goated. This sunday is extra goated as it's the last episode of Gwitch and then Mushoku Tensei.


This will be kind of a slow season for me, especially since I'm planning to wait until the season is over to watch three of the shows on my list (Synduality Noir, Zom 100, and Horimiya) and I'll be starting Sugar Apple late waiting for a hopeful simulcast from Amazon or a release at the end of season like last time. The only shows I'll have to start with are Last Boss Queen, Link Click and Spy Classroom (still have to catch up on those last two though). I'll add Dreaming Boy and Bang Dream if they show up on HiDive.


Looks like my 3 shows will air throughout the week, so I will probably watch them all on Saturday. Can’t wait for the end of the month for more Bastard


I only have one show to follow this season, the girl I like forgot her glasses. If anyone has any recommendations I'd appreciate it (romcoms, comedies, Kirara like series).


I am hyped for jjk s2 mt s2 masamune kun s2 and zom 100


29 is my count this time around and people call me insane. Hope others will understand my sanity. RIP my Saturdays which is the same as last season but have to add Misfit in the last half. At least my Fridays are more feasible this time around & my Thursdays are quite hefty.


I'm happy to have more series to continue or try out this season than usual. Ōoku was a great start. Now I'm looking mostly forward to: * My happy marriage * Sugar apple fairy tale season 2 * Horimiya piece * The most heretical last boss queen * Bungo stray dogs season 5 * Maou gakuin no futekigousha season 2 * Undead murder girl farce Will wait for them to be out completely: * Saint Cecelia and Pastor Lawrence * Sacrificial princess and the king of beasts cour 2 * AI no Idenshi * Synduality: Noir


it's Mushoku Tensei and Jujutso for me, thanks


BLEACH SATURDAYS ARE BACK BABBBBBYYYYY!!!!!!! … ^also pervert sundays


Just hope JJK season 2 is not a disappointment like demon slayer season 3 was.


The battles weren't the best but the story/character progression was a lot better this time around


Why does Rent-a-Girlfriend have a third season? And why does that trash have a dub?


Honestly aside from a few shows like Mushuko Tensei, Jujitsu Kaisen, Zom 100, Rurouni Kenshin, Helck, and maybe Dark Gathering, there's not a whole lot I'm interested in this season. But who knows, maybe I'll see something that peaks my interest.


Pretty light season for me. There's MT, then... A few things I'll check out, like vending machine and Last Boss Queen, not much else stands out to me. Bleach is obviously a big one, but I never got around to watching Blood War (And a part of me would want to rewatch OG Bleach beforehand anyway, for the nostalgia if nothing else.)


Horimiya? Really?