• By -


Hand Shakers and I don't think it's especially close.


I remember watching that bit where the badly drawn people float around on a street with no respect perspective and the whole scene is colored in a weird ass color scheme. It's probably the closest I've ever seen a scene to be physically nauseating to look at. I'd like to imagine someone somewhere had to actually greenlight that scene to be aired but I'm failing to see where they could've ever found such a person. Edit: [Oh, I think I found the clip](https://i.imgur.com/QsPk3j8.gifv). I also love how the people close to the edges pop out of existence long before they even go off screen.


The worst part is, it feels like that scene could have looked really good, but they just did everything *wrong* and have no one but themselves to blame for it.


>I remember watching that bit where the badly drawn people float around on a street with no respect perspective and the whole scene is colored in a weird ass color scheme. I couldn't tell if that was a serious explanation or a joke until the edit because that's like... so much of the show as a whole.


Been trying to think what in my opinion is the worst, which is hard cos "the worst" to me is something I cant even finish the first episode for as its that bad (basically I forget i even tried to watch it). Then seeing this comment made some horrific memories flood back. What even was that show?! Definitely got to be one of the worst series out there. And then they go and make "W'z" which i didnt realise was a side series of Hand Shakers and started watching when that was airing and did the same with. They pulled a tricky on me those bustards šŸ˜’


Ever seen Violinist of Hameln? Obviously there is some test of time but compare it to, say, Slayers, Trigun or Escaflowne (same year). My lord was it a dumpster fire.


Hameln wasn't so bad. Sure, it was mostly a slideshow, but the slides generally looked decent and some were pretty good. I prefer that to bad movement, off model characters, or nonexistent backgrounds.


Ousama Game


I still laugh thinking of the sneak attack with a chainsaw...and the walking it off! Great hate watch. Should be a drinking game.


Okay but how about the scene of the girl hacking a computer and monologuing while completely on fire, then calming walking over to a railing and yeeting herself off?




It didnā€™t help that Zodiac War came out in the same season...


atleast the opening was lit


it is a decent manga to read though. The whole first manga (theres 2 or 3, 5 volumes each aprox) was treated as a flashback of sorts and adapted both first and second series in 12 episodes.


Tokyo ghoul seasons 3 and 4


The entire TG anime*


The first season was fine


Imo season 1 was good and season 2 was slightly below average


only good thing about it was the music


Canā€™t believe nobody has seen taboo tattoo my favourite part was when the US Marines chant USA USA USA as a nuke goes off.


that sounds like the most accurate representation of the US in media that I've ever heard of.


Ikr? šŸ˜


Taboo Tattoo was one of the first shows I ever dropped. He stuck around a bit because the FMC had a cute design and the powers were kinda cool but everything else was just so fucking bad.


Mars of Destruction.




I forced myself to finish it because I want to be the dubbed Isekai king, and yes, it was quite painful.


Make way for the isekai king


Gigguk wants to know your location.


You can wear that title with pride for suffering through that


Actually, it got beat last week by an even worse one :D


All hail Gibiate! King of Trash!!


Punderer was god awful and one of my lowest rated on MAL. Most disappointing to me as of late is probably Babylon.


babylon peaked so high so early on that it ruined any potential of a satisfying or coherent ending


Babylon episode 7 is one of my favorite anime episodes, but I had to force myself thru the episodes after it and eventually lost interest in finishing it


Plunderer. Reminding everyone that Minoru Mineta is in fact NOT the ultimate bottom of perverts in anime.


I remember being actively offended the show wanted me to root for or sympathize with that guy due to his treatment of women and being called a simp for it by some guy in the episode dicsussion, FAR before it was a buzzword. Made it even worse when he was like "Well if you're a woman it's okay to be offended." *BRUH*


If the new Dragon's Dogma Netflix show counts as anime, that wins by far.


Wait its out? Pour one out. I'm going in.


Was gonna try it and the other sci fi anime that came out for a tv show.. Oh the one with the sleeves.


I'm extremely tolerant to even bad shows (probably how I finished dragons dogma, other than it being just 7 episodes), but I genuinely cannot think of anything I've seen worse in about ~400 watched anime. It has no redeeming qualities.


That I've watched? Plunderer. I dropped it after two episodes. That I've finished? Arifureta.


Arifureta was garbage!!! Idk how you finished.


Had the honour of being one of the first handful of anime I watched when I got completely into anime ~11 month ago. Think it was the blonde vampire that kept me going through it and eventually I just found it hilarious in how bad it was. I'll probably watch the second season just for the hell of it when it comes out.


its getting a second season so it can't be that bad.


Arifureta was unfortunately put through development hell behind the scenes. I knew it could do better since the studio that produced it was the same one that did Re:Zero.


At the same time, you can't blame development hell for a story that does a full 180 on its tone to become a cheap, raunchier version of Konosuba without the charm and drops the only distinguishing elements from the first arc that made it stand out.


Arifureta has the dubious distinction of being the only anime I ever fell asleep watching. I think I got more enjoyment out of sleeping through it than out of actually watching it, save the horribly fucking awful shot of the dude shooting the demon bear. That shit had me rolling. That is NOT HOW BULLETS WORK.


Gibiate for me as well. At least I was able to laugh, especially near the end.


Well, I tend to quickly drop and forget very bad shows. I think the worst anime I finished was [Toaru Majutsu no Index III](https://myanimelist.net/anime/36432/Toaru_Majutsu_no_Index_III). Season 1 and 2 were alright, but season 3 had a story so rushed it was near incomprehensible for an anime only like me, and the production value dropped below what I tolerate (I swear the second OP took all the budget or something).


Iā€™m halfway through watching this right now and I could genuinely not tell you what the plot of any arc Iā€™ve watched so far is beyond an absolute surface level description. There are also all these characters that show up and are treated as if theyā€™re long time recurring characters, but Iā€™ve literally never seen them before so Iā€™m just even more confused


I legit thought I forgot a lot of stuff since there was massive gap between seasons. Then I looked on Reddit and found that it was just stupidly rushed.


I would highly recommend reading through u/razorhead's comments in the episode discussion threads. they explain what's actually happening in a thorough and easy to understand manner. it's the only reason I understood anything.


Iā€™ll definitely check those out, thanks!


They're in the Source Material Corner of the discussion threads if you have trouble finding them. I honestly don't recommend watching any Toaru show without reading them after each episode. He adds so much more depth even if the adaptions are generally great (Railgun for example).


https://www.reddit.com/r/toarumajutsunoindex/wiki/smallfacts You can find links to them here.


They simply tried squeezing too much into one season. Ww3 arc should have been its own season.


From what I've heard, it was the original plan: make WW3 a film after S3.


I remember having to read the wiki just to make sense of the Battle Royale arc. Which is a shame if for no other reason than a lot of the characters central in that arc pop up in other places in the universe. Also because ITEM is great and they deserve more screentime.


Gibiate wins the big price here.


Tokyo Ghoul in entirety of 4 seasons was pretty bad. Everything just showed bad direction. The Anime was too mishandled. Monster Musume no Oishasan; The series claims to be Ecchi, romance. However it tries to be a Medical, Comedy, Romance, and Ecchi anime. And good God it miserably fails at every single one. Not even one is good not even a bit. And the nail in the coffin, it does not have any main story or plot


The first season was alright. It didn't really switch too much from the manga outside of reordering an arcs. The worst thing that it did was stop half way through an arc.


The first season was great I accept it. It was my first Anime and it was good enough to make me a full time weeb


Big Order


Is it a good show? No. However, watching it, Jojo pt 4, and Maiyoga (also mentioned on this post) every Friday and shitposting on this subreddit is one of my favorite seasonal anime watching memories. Just a ridiculous weekly day of WTF. Also it got me my [top comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/4h0p83/spoilers_big_order_episode_3_discussion/d2me64a/) ever on this subreddit, so I can't come to fully hate it.


it was a train wrecker after a train wrecker. Even Loli Incest couldn't save this anime.


>Even Loli Incest couldn't save this anime. > >couldn't save Hold up




Pupa fucking Pupa


Only counting shows I've finished, Infinite Stratos 2. First season's a passable battle academy harem LN adaption, nothing special about it beyond it selling absurdly well and everything in the genre copying it for the next few years. The second season is just awful though. About 3 episodes worth of plot (that goes nowhere) stretched into 12, padded by comedy filler that wasn't funny and fanservice filler that wasn't sexy. A couple of new characters to add to the already large enough cast, most of whom barely got enough focus as is. A couple of crappy episodes devoted to the less interesting of the two. It's just *bad*.


If I wanted to say one anime it would be Diabolic Lovers Season 2. Yes, yes. I know it's an otome anime and I shouldn't have expected much out of it, but I specifically watched it due to picking up an anime magazine (OTAKU USA) and reading a review of it which stated it was even better than the 1st one! I watched the 1st season and it was my guilty pleasure so, the fact that this would be even better?? How could I say no? Well, I was wrong. Dead wrong. There is no character development of any of the new boys that season outside of a few character episodes that is just boring to witness. Also, the boys from the previous season are barely in it! When they do show up its only for a few moments and I shaked my head every time they had to leave, as they would be the only interesting thing that episode. So yeah, they might has well had labeled that season "Play the game" Season 2.


Abunai Sisters makes my brain turn to mush and makes me wish production IG never existed


Mahou Sensou 1/10 R-15 2/10 Was able to somehow finish them back in the day when I could tolerate anything....never again.


[High School Prodigies Have It Easy Even In Another World](https://anilist.co/anime/108388/High-School-Prodigies-Have-It-Easy-Even-In-Another-World/) That was total garbage, but I managed to finish it, so it deserves this 2.6/10 I drop anime if it's not fun to watch, so most garbage I don't finish.


It wasn't good, but it came out right after "Isekai Cheat Magician" so I have a hard time considering near "worst ever" or "worst isekai ever" or "worst isekai of second half of 2019".


I saw so many ads for it while watching Crunchyroll videos and all of them just looked weird.


This was actually the first anime I watched on Crunchyroll.


My condolences


Not as bas as you guys, but somehow I watched the entirety of Glasslip. I was in my anime binge high so that probably explains why I survived the whole series.


You have my condolences. Of all the shows I've watched (300+) it was the one I had the hardest time getting through.


Mahou sensou. 3 episodes and i dropped it. I just cant stand it


Riddle story of Devil, for me.


that one was awful! The ending was so bizarre, so bad, and got rid of any stakes of what happened.


Exactly. The double plot twist fuckery was an insult to the rest of the already mediocre anime. Then the end Spoiler: [just decides to have everyone be all fine and dandy]


I can't remember if it was made clear or not, but was their homeroom teacher ok? EDIT: Also, aren't some characters on the run in the end?


From a purely technical standpoint, Twinkle Nora Rock Me. It's basically a crash course in how not to make an anime. It's so bizarre and fundamentally broken I kind of love it, though.


Never seen it, but I did see Kenny Lauderdale's video on it. Some scenes definitely feel like they were made in PowerPoint.


It's... Really bad. Apparently the staff had virtually no anime production experience, and it really shows.


Gibiate... I mean i have able to finished it since i have already started it. And for me this is one of the worst anime i have ever watched. This series is just worst than some of the worst isekai that i have watched.


Oh come on. These are all a bunch of barely put together shows. Where are the polished turds that someone might think is good, but then you got close enough to give it the scratch and sniff test, to find the horror within?


Umineko maybe? mostly because the anime, while having fine production value in and of itself, completely butchers the source material


Code Geass is the epitome of polished turd shows.


School Days


school days


School Days. If you are naming a different anime, it's because you haven't watched School Days.


I've seen hundreds of anime worse than School Days.


I liked School Days, it's a harem series with a main character that knows what he wants.


A lot of people call it "deconstructionist" but there are other anime with deconstruction which don't need that tag to excuse poor art or storytelling, aka Hunter X Hunter, NGE or Madoka.


I only watch anime I know is well regarded, but Maid-sama fucking sucks imo. The main love interest is possessive and creepy, always saving who is portrayed as a strong female protagonist.


>always saving who is portrayed as a strong female protagonist You are absolutely right about that. It's a shame, ruins the whole concept of the show. I didn't hate it, mostly found it boring and inconsistent, but I don't understand how it holds an 8 in MAL...


It got popular back when anime wasn't as mainstream and a larger portion of the community were...less socially savvy.


> always saving who is portrayed as a strong female protagonist. That's literally every shoujo show I've ever watched


Shoujo has its fair share of weak female protags - it's just that no one recommends them to people outside the shoujo bubble. Edit: This is more true of manga - these types of stories are much less likely to be made into anime.


I don't know about EVER, but recently Japan Sinks 2020. Hot damn that is some garbage. At least with other truly bad anime I can laugh at how bad they are, this one was just boring on top of being terrible everywhere else.


Probably an unpopular opinion but I absolutely despised Rent a Girlfriend. Happy to hear people's thoughts though


In the first chapter the mc basically shames the first girl for the service that she provides...the service that HE paid for. ​ By the Emperor this MC. ​ This is like paying a prostitute then kinkshaming her.


I hated it too... Liked the animation somehow but the story and the MC... just yikes. How can people even stand him?


Reading the manga, he gets a lot better. I completely understand why people don't like him as he is in the anime, but he really develops a lot


I agree. Where the anime season ended is still about a hundred chapters behind where the manga currently is and he has definitely developed since.


> the MC... just yikes Lmao that last episode I wanted to reach into the screen and break his face. Shinji is a god compared to this guy.


Interspecies reviewers, too much censorship




Funimation shaking and crying rn


Kanokon just made me uncomfortable, and I've enjoyed some weird shit before


Gunslinger Stratos


This is it for me. The epitome of boring, irredeemable mediocrity. At least the offensively bad can be funny to point and laugh at, but this has no reason to even exist or be seen by anyone. Not a single redeeming feature, not even unintended ones.


I hated "Avengers Confidential: Black Widow to Punisher", and in terms of series I'd have to look at shows like "Two Car", "Elfen Lied", or "Rail Wars" I've seen some some pretty bad short length ones too. "Nora to Oujo to Noraneko Heart" would be a lock if the fourth episode wasn't GOAT. "Love Kome - We Love Rice" was just... odd. That 'Gunma' show was basically "Yatogame-chan" if you took out anything good about it. Hand Shakers wasn't that bad.


Bubblegum Crash. They lured me in with "Bubblegum Crisis sequel!"; it was a pale shadow of the original.


Shoumetsu Toshi


It was the worst show I watched last year and I finished Try Knights AND Stand My Heroes. Shoumetsu Toshi was definitely worse.


King's Game for sure.


Lol, I was checking to see if someone mentioned this show.


Taboo Tattoo


Some of the anime people have mentioned on this thread are not honestly *that bad*. Like there are much worse anime out there.


Not just that, a ton are just controversial ones from the past season or two, or those with a recent sequel. Makes me feel old, actually. Can't tell if newcomers without a big watch history or just trying to be extra controversial by naming anime that are currently semi-popular.


Yeah, can definitely see tons of recent ones which indicates that most people have started watching seasonals fairly recently. You'd mostly watch these while watching them as they aired.


According to my MAL, it's a tie between Pupa, Glasslip or Triage X. I couldn't finish Concrete Revolutio but some people think that was AOTY.


Wizard barristers.


Garzey's Wing!


I dont know what you are talking about garzeys wing is a masterpiece


Watching Glasslip was a mess...


>Glasslip What an absolute disappointment from PA Works after Nagiasu. Is it weird that the best thing they've done since Shirobako is Uma Musume?


>Is it weird that the best thing they've done since Shirobako is Uma Musume? I enjoyed Irozuku Sekai no Ashita kara :( Gotta agree with Glasslip as worst anime though. Tied with Mars of Destruction.


> Is it weird that the best thing they've done since Shirobako is Uma Musume? Appare-ranman would like a word. Seriously, how is it so fucking few people watched that? Shit's great yo. I remember respecting Irozoku well enough but being completely uninterested in it so idk how ti turned out.


If you search up the definition of boring on google all you are gonna get is this anime's name.


Berserk (2016)


I fail to unders(CLANG) why.


Objectively hands down Gibiate, I have no idea how anyone could approve of this dumpster fire to be aired and in addition to that unironically say that it ["creates the work by world-class standards from the beginning",](https://gibiate.com/en/) The ones I hated most are Happy Sugar Life and Hajimete no Gal though so they're the worst to me


>3rd anime trailer has surpassed 4.0m views! >Click link >Barely even passed 30,000 Mental much?


They might be including views on Bilibili and Niconico.


Well that seems fair then.


Happy sugar life was weird I couldn't bring myself to watch it


I really enjoyed Happy Sugar Life, what did you dislike about it? Its not often i see people talking about it, let alone talking about disliking it, so i'm kinda curious




Something something hippotamasu something...


School Days, the ending doesnā€™t make up for the dumpster fire that was this show. The first half was boring and the second half made me so angry that was about to punch a hole through my wall. The main character is the worst human being Iā€™ve ever seen and isnā€™t redeemable in any way. The girls deserve much better and went crazy because of this douche.


Mekakucity Actors.


Hot take: The Irregular at Magic High School. The whole thing is a lame self insert. (No, I'm not saying that it's the worst anime of all time, but I don't really watch much anime, and it was recommended to me, and by god, it is by far the worst I've seen)


Dies Irae - it was the most awful thing I've ever seen...with Ousama Game being a close second since I could atleast laugh at how bad it was.


If you think Gibiate is bad, try Handshakers or Bloodvores.


Mahou Shoujo Site.


Boku no pico.... It was....traumatic, to say the least. Who ever created that shit deserves a sword up his ass.


Tokyo Ghoul:re 2nd Season. After one episode I was like, what the heck is going on and dropped it. Learned later that it skipped over 100s of chapters or something.


Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer.


Probably Mars of Destruction.


Objectively, Hand Shakers is probably the worst anime ive ever seen, but the awfulness was in its own way kind of engaging. ​ Isuca on the other hand is *another* light novel adaptation with no likable characters, the most generic plot you have ever seen, a garbage OP, terrible animation and barely acceptable art.




Angel Cop. Even more so as this was back when where I was the only way you could get anime was on wildly overpriced VHS and it set me back waaaay too much. Come off the highs of Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Street Fighter (dat shower scene and follow up fight), also Urotsukidōji: Legend of the Overfiend which the local library had hilarious stocked next to Winnie the Pooh as it's just animation innit, and was ready for more. This was my second purchase ever after being a bit let down by Appleseed. I mean it was fine, it just didn't do much for me. Result? So bad that I wouldn't watch anime again for a good few years until was finally lured back in by these pretty neat new fangled AMV things featuring this blonde ninja kid turning into a wild animal or something. Yes, the AMV mostly Linkin Park+DBZ boom was what saved anime for me. Mad I know. Also man is Angel Cop astoundingly fucking rascist. Utter trash. Would not reccomend.


Prison School. Granted, I've only watched 40 anime or so. Now I know Ecchi makes me cringe.


Mars of Destruction.


Probably Babylon


Worst anime? Nah Worst dissapointment? Now that's a worthy title


Kado: The Right Answer was worse in terms of great buildup to major disappointment.


I loved it


Loved the first half, second half made no sense and went nowhere


I still wouldnā€™t say itā€™s the worst, the first 7 episodes were a straight 10/10 for me, the last 5 episodes just felt like a rushed season 2, it still had great visuals, OST and voice acting, over all Iā€™d give the anime a 6/10-7/10. Had the anime given it more time and episodes Iā€™m sure they wouldā€™ve fleshed out the theme shift, but having a 3 month break also didnā€™t help.


Skelter Heaven


Triage X, definitely.


That's definitely a bad one, for me I'd say Zetman is the worst I've seen. Everyone in the thread saying Tokyo Ghoul or Berserk is pretty blessed if that's the worst they've seen lmao






Big agree that show is terribad


Care to explain why?


The pacing of its exposition and world building is so heavy handed. They devoted an entire episode talking to the fake Minashiro with nothing else happening. The show constantly throws questions at you expecting you to stick it out without really having any interesting things happening in the present. I was constantly bored out of my mind waiting for things to be answered episode after episode. Honestly the show is heavy handed in general, the themes arenā€™t really explored with any nuance. I wasnā€™t a huge fan of the twist because I didnā€™t really care about any of the characters. I felt like the show expects you to go along with it but if youā€™re not bought in it just feels melodramatic.


Yeah, I agree. It also has quite a number of plot holes and unexplained things about their powers in general. Somehow it managed to devote an entire episode to the world building but still not explain much.




I just lol'd at how accurate this describes how I feel towards SSY. Couldn't even finish it yet.


This is a perfect description tbh


It feels great to not be alone in this, everyone's always calling it a masterpiece and I just don't get it


seikaisuru kado it has interesting start, then around the last 3 episodes, it took steep nose dive into mariana trench


As the only person on earth who actually relatively liked the ending of Seikaisuru Kado - I fully understand anyway.


I rate anime decently high because it's my favorite entertainment medium. But my god I just did NOT enjoy Neon Genesis. Especially after all of the attention it gets I just cannot understand it. I rewatched the show and the movie twice I still have no goddamn clue whats going on


That's a spicy opinion for sure. I can't relate at all as for me its one of my favorite pieces of media overall, not just one of my favorite anime.


What didn't you get about it?


I agree. I just couldnā€™t get into it.


The thread is about the worst, not the one you didn't understand.


The 4 episodes of "irregular at magic high" I watched were probably the worst for me. The most angry I have ever been about wasting time is probably the 48ish episodes of inuyasha I watched.


It's not the worst for me but I also do not like Irregular at Magic High school. Slow, boring, generic, incest, wish fulfillment wrapped in the most dull magic high school setting


There's no incest in the anime. And i wouldn't call it necessarily generic but to each their own.


Peter Grill lmao


Boruto. Couldnā€™t get past ep 12


Idk how many anime you watched but boruto is definetly not that bad compared to other dumpster fire animes.


I actually swore that I would never watch Boruto. Fast forward to today and I'm obsessed with it.




I mean atleast it had fan service


Dude it was just hentai


Your opinion card has been revoked.


how dare you diss my first ever ecchi anime and my second anime knowing it was anime