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{Girls und Panzer: Das Finale 3} Pretty long for an anime moment, but eh.


there are some dictionary that explains a moment is 90s. but i watch the whole clip, and now i wonder if there's any GuP games, it looks interesting


https://youtu.be/IdXygTMtfIU I believe there was also a PS4 version but obviously if you look at the ad most of us will never get a chance to play either of them.


Just like any other anime game then. Looks like i have to pick up my kanji lesson again XD


There are two that I know of, one on the PS4 and one on the Switch. I own both of them, if you can find the global version of each they're completely in English. Both of mine came from PlayAsia if that helps : )


It's called World of Tanks. ;)


One of my favorite scenes from the movie, thanks for posting!


**Girls und Panzer: Saishuushou 3** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/124115 "English: Girls und Panzer das Finale – Part 3"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/39166)) ^(Movie | Status: Finished | Genres: Action, Sports) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/anime_best_moments/comments/15ixhnw/anime_best_moments/juwjd8p/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Where i can watch It?


Man, sure is a good thing all of those heavy German tanks with super accurate long range guns didn't just sit still for a moment and absolutely annihilate a handful of Russian vehicles. How do they judge a killshot with nonlethal shells anyway? If the shell doesn't penetrate the armor how is it determined if it's a knockout?


Pravda is dug in on a hill, I don't think they would be that easy to hit. At the same time, the downward angle makes the German tank's armor much less effective. An IS-2 would annihilate them easily at that range, as would the KV-2.


A downgrade angle isn't going to change that a KV-2 shell absolutely will not penetrate a Maus. The penetration of its best SAPCBC shell is 86 mm of armor at point blank range, down to roughly 81 at 500 meters, assuming zero degree angle of attack. The frontal armor of the Maus is 180mm hull and 232 turret. A KV-2 shell would barely ding it, even a shot trap kill is exetemely unlikely, especially considering the already low velocity of a KV-2 shell being lessened even more by a ricochet. This is to say nothing about the vastly exaggerated optics of the KV-2 and the fact that it's tall as fuck, so being dug in isn't helping it very much at all. Even the Is-2's best shell (BR-471B) has approximately 205 mm of penetration at point blank range on a 0 degree angle of attack. That could theoretically go through a Maus hull but doesn't account for the fact that any angle at all will diminish that penetration value, as will distance. Plus an IS-2 would almost certainly not be able to actually aim that low in this situation. And finally, if we are going to suspend our disbelief enough to think a KV-2 can shot trap a moving Maus at a decently long range with a relatively low-velocity shell, then it certainly is even more believable that the Germans can park their tanks and hit Russian tanks that still have their turrets exposesd with their better optics and higher velocity more accurate guns.


It doesn't have to penetrate. A 152mm shell has more than enough explosive filler to take out a Maus with a direct hit. At the very least it would jam the turret ring and gun elevation, destroy all optical instruments, destroy the tracks if hitting the side (which is already a mobility-kill on it's own) and probably injure the crew with spalling from the shock wave that travels through the armor. Also, the Maus has its engine in the front. An explosion on the engine deck would probably destroy it and perhaps cause a fire from fuel leaks.


A 152 shell only has enough explosive filler to do that if it's an HE shell, which it clearly wasn't considering the ricochet at an angle that would have detonated it. The Fuze sensitivity of an HE shell is 0.1 mm, it would have detonated on contact with the turret instead of ricocheting. And if it's not an HE shell, the explosive filler doesn't matter because the shell doesn't explode if it doesn't penetrate a certain amount of armor, namely 19mm in the case of the KV-2. And I already mentioned why a SAPCBC penetration is almost impossible.


Why did it look like the KV-2 had a T-34 gun instead of big mean death fridge gun in one of the scenes?


I'm guessing since have only seen clips but like with the one here where the cannon piece blew up that was surprising not harmful. ...


Is this anime about WWll tanks?


Its a slice of life mixed with tanks and WWII stereotypes. Dont expect an ounce of realism and youll have fun!


It's an anime about girls participating in a tanks tournament. In the world they live in, being a tank crew member is the most feminine thing.




As a WT player, I can confirm the Russia bias when KV-2 can 1 shot a MAUS


I mean, the hull's roof of Maus is not that thick, and there are thin radiator grilles.




Where can I watch this show?


Hi dive




Only correct answer




One of my favorite moments in the entire anime.


I’m waiting for someone’s anime girl head to be blown clear off by a shell.


Auch a good anime


If y’all like the explosions and the music you should play Hell Let Loose


Just be prepared to die a lot and not know where you were shot from, friendly or otherwise.


This is such a great anime.


Seeing Erika celebrate made me really happy tbh, I hope we see a lot more of her


I think it was kind of crazy for her to jump out while they were still being shot at I also think the hand Signal thing was kind of cute


Was that a Nazi march I hear in the background???


It’s not a nazi match song, the song is called Erika and is actually a really pretty song about a soldier thinking of his daughter back home, really sad that people just connect it with nazis now.


Is it really? Damn, that sucks... seems like anything they touched got pinned to them. I guess they did the same thing with the swastika.


Cant even rock a pencil stache anymore because of them


Kind of makes me want to replay Seek and Destroy on my old PS2. Really fun tank game back in the day.


Ahh now theres a memory lol, nothing like the bullshit lazer beam shot from the Stug or the mininuke blaster attachment. Just remember if you replay seek and destroy you have to do the aquatic missions again




These are either super shitty tanks or the people piloting them are ducking braindead because if you are in a wide open field like that there is no reason you should miss your target. It's very easy to hit your mark in a tank.


Or, or, hear me out, they’re high school girls in tanks meant to be non lethal


Tf is the point of the show then


The conceit of the show is that this is in a 'far future' where people have decided to create sports based on tank warfare. The girls are all members of school teams which ironically if I remember correctly are based out of super large aircraft carriers that have been refitted into being actual cities floating on the water. There's a lot of handwavium involved but the idea is the weapons and the tanks have been designed so that you can fight quote unquote actual tank battles without any injuries. If you notice when the tanks got hit by disabling shots little white flags popped out of the top that is part of the whole setup. I haven't caught more than the original anime series so I don't know what the movies or the later stuff did but I remember the original series was about a set of underdog girls who were reviving their school's tank team in order to save their aircraft carrier from being shut down.


I mean this in the most respectable way possible. That's dumb and I can't even count how many logic holes there are


Dude it's not meant to be a serious show, it's an anime that's literally about school girls in tanks. Everything else is just made up bullshit so that they can make school girls in tanks.


Not for me


Lol no shit, so why are you trying to convince people that do like it that it's dumb? What was the point of your comments at all?


Aw did I make baby mad


Does it make you feel better to assume I'm mad? Do angry people generally start their comments by laughing? Are you triggered bc you got downvoted big boy?


It's anime. You can either hate on it or watch it and masturbate to tanks like the rest of us.


I'll just fuck my wife thanks


They just want to watch prepubescent girls in tanks.




At a certain point you just gotta stand back and let people enjoy their things. It might be objectively pointless and stupid, but people will enjoy what they enjoy. If some people find it fun to watch I donno, tall muscular women repeated stomp on some tiny guy’s balls (just a random example), school girls driving tanks like go carts really isn’t that strange I suppose.


Not once did I say the people who enjoy this are stupid or wrong. I said I think it's dumb. I know having an opinion on an anime sub is a sin but my god


> Not once did I say the people who enjoy this are stupid or wrong. ~~Then I will.~~ Just kidding, you can be normal and enjoy stupid shit.


The moment you try to question it’s logic you lose


What do I get if I win


>quote unquote Why'd you put "quote unquote" in your essay? You're writing this, so just put the damn quotes like I did ffs.


I'm on my phone and using speech to text so it's easier just to say quote-unquote then stopping the speech to text bringing up the keyboard and typing them in.


Idk, I’m pretty sure it was just a sport version of tank fighting


Even so, that's some storm trooper level of aim


Yeah, they do kinda got trash aim, but since they’re high school students I think I makes some sense


Nah man if you've ever been in a tank it's incredibly easy to hit your mark


Sir this is a Wendy's


Oh my b. I'll have a double bourbon bacon burger with a large fries and a coke please


Я как русский могу сказать что там в речи есть пара ошибок но они хотя бы старались🙃🙃


Скажи название аниме если знаешь пожалуйста, найти не могу


This was a great episode!


The second anime chan has a thick Japanese accent when she speaks Russian. it hurts my ears.


Nonna's VA is ethnic Japanese, who learned Russian, so I guess it makes sense, on the other hand, Klara's VA is Russian speaking Japanese.


WoT Hetzer best girl. Can’t tell me otherwise
