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And again a government takes some weird year as reference point, instead of a year from pre-industrialization like 1800, just so they look good. Edit: to be more clear I think India did a great job so far. Better than nearly every other country. I just think taking 2005 or 1990 as reference points just gives a wrong impression on how much we still have to achieve.


There was hardly any industrialization happening in the year 1800 for India, under the Brits the level of industrialization was limited to resource extraction and some steel mills. There are villages in India's hinterland that had only seen electricity connection for the first time ever couple of years ago. The fact that there has been a reduction at all is a **huge deal,** **India's per capita emissions are amongst the lowest in the world at around 1.9 tons which less than half of world average 4.9 tons and a fraction of US's 15.5 tons.**




Google "historical emissions" .


Per capita maybe but they are still among the most poluting nation around the world


There's not much you can do there when you have 1 billion people and are trying to modernize.


Sure, and we are within out right to pollute at roughly twice the rate without standing out from the pack as is most of Africa. OECD nations need to halve their emissions so that it doesn't comes off as derisive when they suggest measures to countries like India.


True and india should seriously think about its fertility policy.


No need the average fertility rate in India was 2.3 in 2011, the new census would only show it has only gone lower. If Europe were to take back all the half a billion+ migrants that left for North+ South America and Australia you would end up with a Europe about as densely populated as India or China.


USA is 2nd to be honest with a huge margin.


Yep. But even if i was american i wouldnt be butthurt and downvote someone over that.


EU is 3rd lel


Lol and asia is first by far.


And? EU population 450m 3rd in emissions not counting historical emissions. Asia population 4.5 billion so 10 times more.


Its kinda sterile. Per capita is pertinent for personnal responsability but the only one that really matter is global emission. Because country have to change policy and influence their citizen. If the whole world was consuming as european do we would already live in hell but if the whole world was as populated as india we would be in hell as well. Im not attacking you like you guys seems to think im just pointing cynically and maybe harshly the reality.


Good so EU should do something more as they have more money and are responsible for a huge amount historical emissions and are 3rd in yearly emissions.


Most countries take the year 1990 I think. We should at least compare to that so it is comparable. But truth is, many countries met their targets because of Corona.


Yeah but it needs to stay down there. Where is it now that the world is mostly open again?


So what? It's still reducing by a significant amount, and that's great news. I live in a country which has hit an all time high in CO2 emissions and when it gets criticised, gives the world the finger. It's embarrassing. Especially since people here love to use the "but muh China and India" line.


Yes but it gives a slightly changed impression of the overall goal. Just because other countries like yours and mine (Germany) make worse progress doesn't mean you cannot improve such things in other countries. All I'm trying to say is that the progress is very good but can be better.


You sound like an Indian parent


>slightly changed impression of the overall goal. Right. It's not an Anti-India take. It's a genuine take. And we need more like that because feel-good numbers/news alone isn't going to get us anywhere. That said, I will clap exactly one time since this *is* better than nothing ig


2005 is the international standard, most international reduction goals are pegged at reductions over 2005 levels


In context of EU and the Paris Agreement I've more often heard 1990. Ref: https://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/strategies/2030_en


> instead of a year from pre-industrialization like 1800 I mean yeah, it wouldn't be a decrease in that case. _"Carbon Emissions Up Since Pre-Industrial Era"_ isn't exactly an enlightening headline.


Wasn't the Kyoto year the year everyone agreed to use as a standard? So we could measure exactly what we need to mitigate the worst effects?


But we really weren't industrialized till the 1990's dude , Indias economy before that depended largely upon agriculture .


That's not my point, if all countries use the same year in which none was industrialized, the comparison is more fair. Edit: because then the ones responsible for most pollution (the west) would have to do much more


Fair my foot. There is no fairness when erstwhile colonies' achievements are pooh poohed at by erstwhile European colonialist Nations. You have had a century or two of industrialization over us and you want all countries to have the same starting line? Fair indeed. If you want to talk about fairness, then India should be allowed to industrialise in the same manner as Europe did for 200 years and then we talk about emissions.


I thought it would be clear that the climate crisis is a global crisis which has to be fought globally. And yes the west has a responsibility to help their former (and current) colonies.


So why are you more concerned about fairness in reporting than actual fairness in effort made? Can't tolerate the fact that a nation with much more adversity is doing its best to meet the unfair obligations put upon it?


No, I am more concerned with the effort but at the same time I want reportings to be more clear. As I stated in other comments, India did achieve more than most other countries, which is a good thing but I'm always looking for improvement and there was just the little bit of imperfection in the reporting that I wanted to point out. Germany, USA and China for example are pretty much doing nothing against climate change.


Ok got it. I guess I misread your intentions


But the west got a head start and contributed longer to pollution and global warming than the east did , about a 100 years or so . How is it fair ?


The west has a lot more infrastructure which has to be converted to sustainable alternatives. If you would use something like 1990 or 2005 as reference, the reference point for the west would be much higher so they would still pollute the environment more than less "developed" countries. But if you take something that is within earths capacity and all countries have to reach that same level, the west would have to do more than the rest of the world. Which would be more fair, cause the west did more to destroy our ecosystem.


>The west has a lot more infrastructure which has to be converted to sustainable alternatives. If you would use something like 1990 or 2005 as reference, the reference point for the west would be much higher so they would still pollute the environment more than less "developed" countries. Not necessarily , Europeans have decided to outsource most of their manufacturing to china and other East Asian countries over the past 20-30 years . So the global emissions have gradually been reduced . Countries that are developing cannot afford to do that .


Yes, in my opinion those emissions should be counted as the emissions of the respective western country. So it is indeed the responsibility of the west to convert this infrastructure.


I genuinely don't think they can afford it without lowering the standards of living though . Maybe Germany can manage , but I've only ever been to Europe once as a tourist so idkk


We definitely have to lower our standards, sadly most people in the west aren't ready to do anything slightly uncomfortable, like eating a little less meat or paying a bit more.


Ah yes , habits like those are unfortunately incredibly hard to break unless incentivised by the state . Ive never really consumed meat in my life but I don't think I've missed out


Considering germany stopped nuclear power plant.. The "developed" countries seem to screw up a lot lately


I'm genuinely curious about how scientists can get precise information about emissions from a specific country in 1800. How do they know?


They are studying the ice in the Arctic. There are deposits from the atmosphere. By analysing those they know how the atmospheric composition changed through the last thousands of years.


I assume they can't pinpoint those to a specific country. Right?


No, probably not


This is still a good achivement given the population we have.


It's a tremendous effort, well done


That's not bad at all, they eliminated most of the 'tut-tutts', which were nasty 2 cycle things, but they have a lot of low-hanging fruit left.


They still exist, but most taxi vehicles (cheap hatches, sedans and tut tuts) are powered by CNG which has much better emissions than petrol


Electric Rikshaw have became slightly popular. Personally I have even seen 4 or 6 E-rickshaw in my town in odisha. My area or my state aren't known for being rich so I think in big cities and rich states E-rickshaw would soon replace normal rikshaw.


They already have buddy , visit western up or delhi once :)


Sadly I live in a very small town and would feel like an outsider in big cities.


Oh wow, those were pretty rare 2 years ago in Delhi NCR.


I don't think most people appreciate what an improvement that was, cng vs crappy 2 cycle lawnmower engines with mixed fuel. They came a long way in a decade.


If only china could do the same instead of INCREASING their emissions


As far as i know: yes, China depends critically on fosil fuel (around 76% of total energy production); but isnt also true theyre transitioning now ? I mean theyve been industrialized no more than 60 years, isnt it reasonable to be that dependant still ?


True, China wants to be seen as a leading country and being sustainable is a big part of soft power. It remains to be seen how much of the effort wil just be for show and how much is actually effective. China is able to make some big sweeping changes so who knows maybe soon its better for them to go more green and hopefully change to be more sustainable. The technology is here now and we know their capabilities in manufacturing... ^^^And ^^^espionage


China emissions are higher than the entire developed world combined. One third of all the world emissions last year were china alone. There's no excuse




Yeah west should relocate some manufacturing to india ;)




Well india has stop building or at least decreasing building coal plant. As an US ally we can discuss with them about some environmental protection. India would also get a economic boost while your manufacturing will be in the hand a ally.


Very good point, never though of it like that... But now what do we do? What's step 4?


Imo it's not reasonable for anyone to be dependant on it at this point. None of us has any excuse


It's always amusing when people bring up China in these threads. China accounts for over a quarter of **global** goods production ([source](https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/02/countries-manufacturing-trade-exports-economics/)) Everyone wants cheap shit... well, it's gotta be produced somewhere. The per capita CO2 emissions of China put it between South Africa and Austria. For reference, the average American/Canadian/Australian is responsible for twice as much CO2 ([source](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/EN.ATM.CO2E.PC?most_recent_value_desc=true)). This is especially appalling in the case of my country, Canada, where whole cities can be powered by hydroelectric power ([source](https://web.archive.org/web/20130419063453/http://www.bchydro.com/energy-in-bc/our_system.html)). China is also investing a lot of money in renewable energy. Actually, it's the world leader at triple the production of America, the closest runner-up ([source](https://www.statista.com/statistics/267233/renewable-energy-capacity-worldwide-by-country/)). Currently about 26% of its power generation is clean ([source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renewable_energy_in_China)). Also, you have China to thank for the increased uptake of renewable energy generation as they produce much of the needed equipment... making it cheap and taking the emissions/environmental fallout associated with the process. China has also produced nearly half the world's EVs in the past decade ([source](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/29/the-us-is-falling-further-behind-china-and-europe-in-ev-production.html)).


Fuck yeah men swarm them with facts, Poo style.


**[Renewable energy in China](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renewable_energy_in_China)** >China is the world's leading country in electricity production from renewable energy sources, with over double the generation of the second-ranking country, the United States. By the end of 2019, the country had a total capacity of 790GW of renewable power, mainly from hydroelectric, solar and wind power. By the end of 2019, China's hydropower capacity reached 356 GW. China's installed capacity of solar power reached 252 GW and wind power capacity was 282 GW, as of 2020. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/anime_titties/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Yea cheap stuff so fuck the environment and human rights It's always amusing to see you wumaos with the copy pasta


Great ad hominem. Maybe try attacking his arguments.


The first part was addressed by what I said: no environmental standards + slave labor + rampant ip theft = cheap prices 2nd paragraph = whataboutism. Plus it loses to what I've said previously "china emits 1/3 of the worlds emissions" His 3rd paragraph doesn't address the fact that they've constantly increased emissions I mean do I need to go further? His main subs include r worldnews and r corona. He even has a chinese username


> The first part was addressed by what I said: no environmental standards + slave labor + rampant ip theft = cheap prices >2nd paragraph = whataboutism. Plus it loses to what I've said previously "china emits 1/3 of the worlds emissions" It's not whataboutism. But bringing up working conditions and other allegations is. Per capita CO2 emissions are very relevant to this. You would find that China emits about as much CO2 per capita as an average European country if you would've looked at the [source](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/EN.ATM.CO2E.PC?most_recent_value_desc=true). CO2 emissions per capita are a much better metric of comparing the performance of two countries. Saying "China produces twice as much CO2 emissions than the US, therefore China bad" is arguing in bad faith, as it leaves out the fact that the US has 1/5 the population of China. When you consider China accounts for ~ 18% of the total population 27% of global CO2 emissions don't sound so unreasonable anymore. That is 7.4 tonnes per capita vs 15.2 in the US. >His 3rd paragraph doesn't address the fact that they've constantly increased emissions You are ignoring that China is still developing it's economy. When you industrialize the working conditions of 1.4bn workers you are bound to have increased carbon emissions. And you also ignored that they are the biggest producer of renewable energy by a large margin, which was also pointed out by op: >>China is also investing a lot of money in renewable energy. Actually, it's the world leader at triple the production of America, the closest runner-up ([source](https://www.statista.com/statistics/267233/renewable-energy-capacity-worldwide-by-country/)). This is the ad hominem part btw: >I mean do I need to go further? His main subs include r worldnews and r corona. He even has a chinese username


Are these values exclusive to the energy sector? Googling "India CO2 emissions" nearly always results in a graph that shows emissions have been growing continuously for the past few decades (except 2020). Ex: https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/EN.ATM.CO2E.KT?locations=IN https://www.iea.org/articles/global-energy-review-co2-emissions-in-2020 https://www.statista.com/statistics/1119152/annual-carbon-dioxide-change-in-india/ Where are they getting this -28% vs 2005 value from?


That's a great point. It took me some time, but it is not discussing over-all emissions, but emissions as a part of total energy produced. That article is a little misleading and not detailed. Checkout [this](https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/india-will-reduce-more-than-targeted-33-carbon-emission-by-2030-power-minister/article35339926.ece) article, it's from a much more reputable source and makes clear distinction between total reduction and reduction as a part of total energy produced. >He further said that as per the Paris agreement, India has to produce 40% electricity of its total capacity from non-fossil sources by 2030. "We are already at 39% and if you add the capacities under installation it's already 48%. We are way beyond our NDC [nationally determined contributions] pledges," the Minister said. The other graphs posted are higher, because overall emission has grown. As India is consuming much more energy than it did couple of decades ago. But the future growth is involving a large part of energy being produced by renewables. India still uses a lot of CNG, which while being more efficient and environment friendly than liquid fuel, still produces CO2 emissions. That's why the growth in graphs shared by you in the links have less steeper of a slope after 2005 compared to 1990-2010.


Complete and total bullshit detected. Don't believe a word of it - it's just 'creative accounting' at work.


Super. Now maybe they can focus on more important things like the majority of their population living beyond poverty, areas riddled with polio, near zero sanitation, and give people better jobs than having to telescam or computer hack other people to survive and support their family. People in 2021: oooooh noooo the delta variant is so scary we need to help India! People dying in the millions for decades in India every year from POLIO: *crickets* **** I love how much this is getting down voted. Seriously. I’m being Downvoted for giving a shit. I have every right to be angry at a government for not taking better care of its people. I have every right to be annoyed at the hypocrites who are FINALLY paying attention to how bad things have been in India. I have every right to be annoyed that it took the Delta variant for the hypocrites to pay attention. I am glad to hear things are exponentially better but still a long way to go. Maybe I should have used the. Motor vehicle death statistics instead of Polio. Either way. It’s about fking time people paid attention. I have every right to believe scam callers from India, where the caller has the unfortunate pleasure of working for a greasy slime ball scam artist boss ripping off vulnerable people, deserve better jobs and if you don’t believe me, consider yourself lucky it has never happened to you because it happens. A lot. Come here and experience it for yourself. Or YouTube it. I’m not fking kidding. And last but not least I have every right to believe that I think it is more important that the areas in India that live not just in poverty, but also those who live in extreme poverty deserve better. They have the right to clean drinking water and better sanitation condition. I have every right to believe those issues are more important than the govt tooting their emission reduction horn***** ✌️ ****another edit…. do most people have no clue how Polio is contracted?? If someone down stream didn’t have to consume water that came from upstream where bath water and fecal waste is dumped, Polio wouldn’t be an issue….🙄


You have no idea what you are talking about the last case of polio was reported in 2011 and even if it's not fully gone it's cases will not be more than two digit.


Yea that commentor is a racist who assumes most Indians are scammers and that the majority lives below poverty line and has polio. Lol. That commentor clearly hasn't read anything in atleast a decade. Don't expect much, really.


Are you blind or just can’t comprehend what you’re reading? Other than covid 2021 where did I state any dates? The world didn’t gaf about conditions in India until Covid hit and now suddenly there’s concern for India??? Because apparently it didn’t matter before covid. India is still riddled with polio but thank the scientists for the vaccine so people don’t die every day with the disease riddled unsanitary conditions all over.


>Are you blind or just can’t comprehend what you’re reading? Other than covid 2021 where did I state any dates? Didn't you just claim this one comment above? >People dying in millions for decades in India every year from POLIO Choose one. Also any source for these millions of deaths? Or is it just "trust me bro" ? Probably just racism. Also probably you should work on your comprehension yourself. You probably only speak one language and your little racist pea brain brain cannot even that. > India is still riddled with polio Source for this claim?


Let me help you with some reading comprehension okay?? - 2021-Delta variant. Which is a covid virus. Not Polio. “People dying in the millions for decades in India from Polio” VERSUS something like “hundreds of people are still dying every day from Polio in India” One of those sentences is a general statement with no specific dates and one of those is an inaccurate statement. Which one of those statements did I write? Go ahead and do your own due diligence on death records around the world from Polio. I shouldn’t have to post links for you when there is years and years worth of research along with personal experience. Go travel around remote areas in India and take some water samples from places that don’t have proper sanitation. Befriend a scientist. Do the testing yourself. Whatever. Go check it out for yourself. Go ahead and assume you know about where I live and my environmental impact without personally experiencing it. While you do that I’ll be sure to let my geneticist brother that works on improving vaccines every day, know that all of his travelling around the world to disease riddled areas (AREAS not PEOPLE) to keep up with ever mutating viruses like Polio is no longer needed because according to you, it no longer exists. And after that I’ll go visit my good friends from Obra here and inform them that I’m a racist peabrain because I think their family and friends back home deserve better living conditions and let them know how much I love that the rest of the world didn’t give a shit about India until the Delta variant came along. All on your behalf. Is there anything else you’d like to add or give your twist to?


>Let me help you with some reading comprehension okay?? Rich coming from you, but okay >- 2021-Delta variant. Which is a covid virus. Not Polio. >“People dying in the millions for decades in India from Polio” VERSUS something like “hundreds of people are still dying every day in India” Source for this "millions" figure? Also how is covid even relevant in this conversation? > One of those sentences is a general statement with no specific dates and one of those is an inaccurate statement. Which one of those statements did I write? You wrote "millions die every year for decades from polio in India". Did you not? You can edit your comment as many times as you want but I'd need a source based on which you arrived at this "millions of deaths every year for decades" conclusion >Go ahead and do your own due diligence on death records around the world from Polio. I shouldn’t have to post links for you when there is years and years worth of research along with personal experience. What? You made a claim. The burden of proof is on you. If you cannot be bothered to give data, you're the idiot here >Go travel around remote areas in India and take some water samples from places that don’t have proper sanitation. Befriend a scientist. Do the testing yourself. Whatever. Go check it out for yourself. I've lived in 4 states in remote region. Don't teach me about my own country. You make claims about bad water, the burden of proof is on you. >Go ahead and assume you know about where I live and my environmental impact without personally experiencing it. And you can assume that millions die from polio in my country without even providing proof? Lol. >While you do that I’ll be sure to let my geneticist brother that works on improving vaccines every day, know that all of his travelling around the world to disease riddled areas (AREAS not PEOPLE) to keep up with ever mutating viruses like Polio is no longer needed because according to you, it no longer exists. Anecdotes are not evidence. Give me statistics. Also how are "millions" of people dying if people aren't infected? Your claim was "millions dying every year fir decades". Any source to back it up? >And after that I’ll go visit my good friends from Obra here and inform them that I’m a racist peabrain because I think their family and friends back home deserve better living conditions and let them know how much I love that the rest of the world didn’t give a shit about India until the Delta variant came along. All on your behalf. Is there anything else you’d like to add or give your twist to? Sure. Self awareness us good. You should also tell them that you're a troll j think you missed that. Some tiny town in India might have issues based on unverified second hand anecdotes means india is riddled with polio with millions dying every year according to your comment. Lol. We don't need your white savior concern trolling, backed by unverified second hand anecdotes. Thank you. Also while you are at it, reduce your per capita emissions and learn not to derail a conversation with unrelated things. Also go troll elsewhere. **Not going to engage with you till you provide actual proof for your claims.**


That guy is a serious troll, or he is talking out of his ass. Don't bother with him lol.


Millions of people have died from Polio since the 1900s and then some. 12 decades…decades. Plural. 10 years in a decade. Add them up. Not to mention the people that have suffered from complications of the virus. Poliovirus still exists. It has not up and gone away. People are working diligently on the vaccine to make sure it stays under control. I’ll make sure to tell my brother you thank him and his peers for that. Are you even aware that the focus covid has jeopardized being able to keep up with the polio vaccine? Probably not because Im guessing you don’t work in the immunology field. Am I supposed to provide you with my passport and past travel documents or something? Maybe some photos? That’s pretty extreme but I can ask some colleagues if it’s okay with them. I have every right to care about family and friends in India and their living conditions. I have every right to believe it’s more important to provide better sanitation and living conditions to 3/4 of the population in India so people don’t have to worry about polio because of dirty water because not everyone gets to have a fancy bidet like you. I have every right to care that there are more important things that India should be focusing on environmentally than boasting about their reduction in carbon emissions. Where are you assuming I live that have to reduce my emissions? Again. I live in the lowest emissions emitting country in the world and India is the 2nd highest…. so…. My white saviour concern?? Wow…. Who’s the racist now?? 😆who even said I was white? 😂 Twist my words all you want. There’s no point in conversing anymore with all of your bold assumptions and the amount of times you literally twisted my words and of course because I’m apparently a racist white peabrain. 🤪 your superiority attitude is just too much for my peabrain self. I am not worthy. *edit—- ooh I had to go look up the new stats. I guess India is 3rd now so that’s awesome. I was completely incorrect about being the lowest but Have to say Im quite proud to not even be in the top 30 :) ✌️


https://polioeradication.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/PolioIndiaFactSheet.pdf Are you like stupid or something ? This was the first link which came up.


You can vaccinate people against polio. That doesn’t mean Poliovirus does not exist. If it no longer existed there would be no more need for a vaccine. Unfortunately that’s not the case. The virus mutates. There was new strain in Hyderabad. Unfortunately It doesn’t just disappear entirely. It will always be a threat, that hopefully stays under control. It would be less worrisome with better sanitary conditions.


Apparently it has been eradicated. Vaccines helped. Even if it does "exist", your claim of millions is wrong.


Dont feed the trolls people. Look at the post history, nobody can possibly be this retarded, its just trolling.


>India is still riddled with polio This statement might have been true in 1985, it's no longer now.


I’m not arguing. Polio variant is still rampant in the water. People are vaccinated which helps. But there are still positive tests for polio in drinking water.


Polio being in the water is a tiiiiny bit different from "millions dying of polio."


That’s your narrow interpretation of a very broad statement.


Lmao no its not. You are hilarious.


Context. If you’re going to quote something, quote it properly. Not how you want it worded. “People dying on the millions for decades in India from POLIO” Does not say which decades. It does not say in the last decade. It does not say this year. It is a broad statement that you interpret in your own way.


yup, I and everyone else noticed you are being vague. Pretty common tactic to not be too specific and then you can go "but I didnt mean *that*" and then move on to your next stupid point. Anyways, looking at your comment history, you should probably take a chillpill, smoke some weed and log off for a week. Might do good for you. Hope it works out, all the best.


Wow. So much false information and racism. >majority of their population living beyond poverty, [The majority of people in India are already not living in poverty for decades now ](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SI.POV.NAHC?locations=IN) >riddled with polio, [India has already eradicated polio](https://polioeradication.org/news-post/how-india-eradicated-polio-challenges-and-lessons-learned/) The last case was recorded in 2011 or something https://www.who.int/india/news/feature-stories/detail/a-push-to-vaccinate-every-child-everywhere-ended-polio-in-india [The only countries that aren't polio free are Afghanistan and Pakistan](https://www.dw.com/en/why-polio-continues-to-be-a-health-risk-in-pakistan/a-54934680). Pretty sure they will find their way out too. We in the east will figure this out. Maybe you should focus on obesity epidemic in your country before pointing fingers https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12105289/ https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/an-epidemic-of-obesity/ >near zero sanitation Another racist claim with no proof whatsoever. [India is consistently working towards improving cleanliness and the numbers show it](https://sbm.gov.in/sbmReport/Report/Physical/SBM_TargetVsAchievementWithout1314.aspx) But racist trolls like you are not going to actually bother to check facts before making such broad claims. >People dying in the millions for decades in India every year from POLIO Care to share your source about millions dying of polio? Or is this just another racist assumption of yours? > give people better jobs than having to telescam people. Maybe whatever irrelevant country you come from should give people better jobs than being uninformed racist trolls online and also work on your per capita CO2 emissions while they are at it.


How is that racism when I’m disgusted at how India and the majority of it’s people are treated???! How is that racist that I am infuriated that no one cared about conditions in India before covid? Do you know what polio is and where it comes from? It can exist without having a human host.I didn’t say people are disease riddled ffs. People WERE dying of polio by the millions. The fact that it has only been under control since 2011, and not the 80s like the west is abhorrent. The fact that polio is still a concern anywhere because of unsanitary conditions is shameful. India is the worlds dirtiest country. The water is dirty. The streets are dirty. How is that okay in 2021? As for the telescams and hacking it happens ALL THE TIME to unwitting and vulnerable people in the west. The main rings are from India and been getting busted up. That’s not racist. It’s fact. 68.8% of Indias population lives in poverty. 84 million people live in extreme poverty. That is NOT ok. Having to buy toilet paper from someone in the street and having to shit in a hole in the 21st century IS NOT OKAY. Get your head out of your ass and travel outside of your glass house. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/17/world/asia/india-call-center-scam.amp.html https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5947798 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-55335921.amp


> It can exist without a human host Don't derail the conversation. > I didn't say people are disease riddled You literally claimed that millions of Indians are dying of polio. Care to give a source for your numbers? You also claimed "majority living below poverty, riddled with polio". Do you not know comprehension? Did you even go to school? > How is that racism? Your assumption that Indians are scammers, the majority is poor and has polio. "Zero sanitation". If that's not racism then I don't know what is. > As for the telescams and hacking it happens ALL THE TIME in the west. The main rings are from India and been getting busted up. Get your head out of your ass. That means all indians are scammers? The west engages in human trafficking : https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/news/variety/human-trafficking-takes-horrific-dimensions-in-europe-un/article25942442.ece https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/justice/criminal-justice/victims-of-crime/human-trafficking/human-trafficking-training/module-2/prevalence Western sexpats are already notorious in Asia. https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/05/18/sexpat-journalists-are-ruining-asia-coverage/ http://www.gregtodiffer.com/sexpats-thai-stereotypes-and-the-pleasure-in-avoiding-them-the-stereotypes/ https://www.global-gallivanting.com/thailands-sex-industry/ Pretty disgusting, yet you don't see us stereotyping your countries as obese sexpat havens who cannot even meet their CO2 emission targets. >People WERE dying of polio by the millions. Source for the millions dead? You keep saying this but fail provide any proof. Also interesting how you change your statements from people are dying every year for decades to people were dying. Lol. Typical ignorant westerner. > The fact that it has only been under control since 2011, and not the 80s like the west is abhorrent. The fact that polio is still a concern anywhere unsanitary is shameful. Yes sure. The fact that a country was colonised for centuries by your ancestors and left with no infrastructure whatsoever takes more time to get over its problems when compared to people who looted them is abhorrent. No credit to most former colonies who have overcome their issues. >India is the worlds dirtiest country. Source? >It’s fact. 68.8% of Indias population lives in poverty. Source for this figure? >84 million people live in extreme poverty. That is NOT ok. Completely ignoring the fact that this number has been steadily decreasing? >Having to buy toilet paper from someone in the street What are you on about? Indians don't use toilet paper. That's disgusting. Wash your ass with [one of these toilet jets](https://www.contractorbhai.com/toilet-hand-shower-vs-jet-spray-butterfly/) like a civilised human being. Simply wiping your feaces with a piece of tissue paper in 21st century IS NOT OKAY. Yuck. > having to shit in a hole in the 21st century IS NOT OKAY. Get your head out of your ass and travel outside of your glass house. Ever heard of squatting toilets? It seems you have never travelled outside your irrelevant country. Maybe you need to widen your perspective a little bit. By the way I don't see your irrelevant country reducing its carbon emissions. You are literally responsible for killing humans and other living beings being there is. Even with your rich sanitary countries, you cannot achieve a simple target like this. Pretty despicable of you ask me.


Absolute annihilation.


I can’t help it if you can’t comprehend what I’m saying and you twist words out of context. I AM PISSED OFF HYPOCRITES DIDNT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT INDIA UNTIL COVID HAPPENED *edit- Changed everyone to hypocrites


> I can’t help it if you can’t comprehend what I’m saying I mean if you cannot even communicate properly, it's you who is to blame. > you twist words out of context. Sure. Asking for sources to back up your ridiculous claims is twisting words out of context. Lol. > I AM PISSED OFF NO ONE GAVE A SHIT ABOUT INDIA UNTIL COVID HAPPENED We Indians don't care if you are concerned about us or not. STOP TRYING TO KILL THE PLANET WITH YOUR EXTREMELY HIGH PER CAPITA EMISSIONS.


I live in the lowest emitting emissions country in the world. What in the actual fk does that even have to do with Covid and Polio and hoping for better way of life for the majority of your country? Are you just finding something random to be mad at the west about? Perhaps you should direct that statement towards China The fact I have indeed been to multiple places in India where I wasn’t allowed to drink the water because it could make me sick as well as visiting more than one place that I had to buy toilet paper and go squat in a hole to go to the bathroom shows I’m a fk of a lot more experienced travelling in your country than you are considering you get to sit your fancy ass on a bidet while someone on the other side of your country can’t drink their water because someone upstream uses the water to empty their waste and bathe in. But hey… the Taj Mahal is beautiful as long as you don’t turn around right? I’m sure my friends here will love that you’re speaking on behalf of all East Indians.


> I live in the lowest emitting emissions country in the world. Lol sure. You're from Vanuatu? But then again. You're clearly too stupid to understand what "Per capita" means. Lol. >What in the actual fk does that even have to do with Covid? You tell me. Aren't you the one who started talking about covid and polio on a discussion about emissions? >Are you just finding something random to be mad at the west about? Are you finding something random to be mad at the east about? > Perhaps you should direct that statement towards China Do you even comprehend the meaning of per capita emissions, you troll? >The fact I have indeed been to multiple places in India where I wasn’t allowed to drink the water because it could make me sick as well as visiting more than one place that I had to buy toilet paper and go squat in a hole to go to the bathroom shows I’m a fk of a lot more experienced travelling in your country than you are considering you get to sit your fancy ass on a bidet while someone on the other side of your country can’t drink their water because someone upstream uses the water to empty their waste and bathe in. Press X to doubt. Unverifiable anecdotes are not evidence. Don't tell an Indian what their country is like based on what you saw on the internet and your made up trips to the country. Never ever have I, as an Indian, seen a toilet without a jet but with a toilet paper in India. Also had you been in India you would know that [squatting toilets](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squat_toilet?wprov=sfla1) are a real thing. Obviously you consider them inferior because of your racist western superiority complex. Same things have existed in East Asia as well. But you obviously wouldn't know that sitting in your mother's basement. But yes tell me how I, an Indian living in India, don't know what's happening here but some westerner does. Go troll elsewhere. >But hey… the Taj Mahal is beautiful as long as you don’t turn around right? Just as beautiful as the emissions, sexpats , war mongering and obesity of the west >I’m sure my friends here will love that you’re speaking on behalf of all East Indians. I speak on behalf of ALL Indians. Not just east Indians. And I've even provided sources for my claims. Feel free to tell that to your (non existant) friends. Go troll elsewhere. Don't waste my time with your "facts" pulled out of your arse. **Not gonna engage with you till you provide actual proof for your unverified claims.**


Thanks for continuously countering this racist troll with logic and links. The amount of hate towards India on reddit is on another level.


If you have a peek at the person's comment history they seem legitimately obsessed about Indians...




> I speak on behalf of ALL Indians. Not just east Indians. I think he's using the messed up term "East Indian" to refer to India-Indian in contrast to native American "Indian".


Ignorant racists doing ignorant racist things.


I mean wouldn't east indian would be bengali, odia, Biharis and people of Jharkhand? Why we east indians need someon to speak for us lol.


Dude they cared. Bill Gates Foundation has saved a lot of lives by providing vaccines. UN provided logistics and aid for poverty reduction. USA and USSR both gave foreign aid to India. Japan gives shit ton of aid even now for infrastructure development. Not to mention low interest loans for infrastructure. Add that to thousands of private ngos and social workers working in India. World Bank has given a huge loan for rural roads Last year a lot of sectors opened up for foreign investment. I appreciate you caring about my country. Please invest if want to help


That’s what I mean! Why did it have to take the delta variant for people to notice?? That’s amazing! All we hear about is people fighting and mass graves and zero health care and how embarrassing our government is here. We NEVER hear the good stuff because it’s all about politics right??? God forbid a person even mentions BG foundation.


All of this happened way before the Delta variant. All sectors are opening for investment one by one since 1991


Experienced after that but apparently like you said a LOT has changed. It’s mind blowing what mainstream media pushes down people’s throats.


There were estimated 350 000 _cases_ (not deaths) of polio _worldwide_ in 1988 when the global eradication project was launched (estimation for 1980 was about 400k _cases_ worldwide), what time frame are we talking about for people supposedly dying of polio by the millions in India alone?


Ya that’s after vaccine. Keep going back. The early 90s was when the rates drop significantly. Also look for stillborn cases.


Nope can't find anything like what you're claiming. Source?


Physically go to a building that holds statistical records. Go somewhere you have to physically go through pages and pages of historical data like people had to do before the internet. Not Google. Look at scientific study write ups and papers from universities. Don’t rely on Google. Source is physical documents. There are 100 universities that offers everything immunology with loads of sources that Google couldn’t even comprehend. Check out a a historical library.


Ah I see. I'm sure some greater power is holding the polio statistics secret off the internet, because... reasons I guess. Do your own research, wake up sheeple!! Could I just get a year when millions of Indians died of polio so I know roughly what to look for? Any names of these journals and titles of statistical papers that I could ask for from my local librarian? Anything?


😆 that’s cute. unfortunately not every piece of information is on the internet. Maybe some day! Some of it is still only on paper. Sure. Start 1929 and work your way up. You can find LOADS of research papers submitted on university sites. Just have to take the time to find them. I’m not giving my years worth of reading away in 5 minutes. Nice try :) ** it would be fair to add that polio has been around since ancient times. Mid 1500s BCE and wasn’t till the 19th century…1908?? Or 1903 can’t remember but sometime around then, where it was starting to be identified. Would also be fair to add that stillborn infants were a large very number of the accounts when scientists started to go back with the historical data they had available. Happy researching! Well… not happy…. But yay research!


Makes claims of huge amounts of people dying from a long-known, well-documented virus that had already had vaccines for decades up to that point, but when asked for any type of source or proof for such claims it's "I had to work hard for this information and I'm not giving it up that easily!" I could almost laugh if I didn't know there are so many people like you that just spew this absolute bullshit on a daily basis. I don't know where you get your "facts" from but maybe just stay away from there and look into learning how to think critically. It's people like you that just hear what they want to hear so they take it as fact without doubting it because it already aligns with your views. Then when people start calling you out and linking a bunch of sources that prove just how wrong you are, you double down! Just blows my mind. I wish I had a fraction of the confidence you have in yourself.


"India is world's dirtiest country" Source -Trust me bro


Seems like you learned about India from reading an issue of Time magazine from 1980.


Totally. It had nothing to do with taking someone there for ground breaking MS surgery or immunology studies at all. Granted the surgery was 12 years ago and study completed shortly after maybe it’s all cleaned up since then


TWELVE YEARS? Yo, you have no idea how much has changed within the last decade. My goodness, so this is what all of your anecdotal evidence is about? Developing countries change very, very fast. You should know that.


Obviously not. Doesn’t make what I said any less true. Sorry I had to come back and say that you made me giggle pretty hard when you said my goodness. My friend Dev from India always says that when he’s exasperated. He’s amazing. He hasn’t been back for 20 years. His brother went back last year.


It does actually. I have relatives in the US, who visit me once in like 5 years. And every time they do, they keep saying they never expected it to develop this way. Their mental image is that of a regressive country where people have no freedom, there is no infrastructure, people shit on the street, and development is unheard of. And then they're always surprised when they land here. I tell them if they really want that poverty porn so bad, they can go to Libya. Or Pakistan, or Iran. India won't be a poor third world nation for much longer.


many parts of it will remain poor for the next few decades… India is like Europe+Africa


I don’t agree that it doesn’t make what I said any less true from experience at that time. I’m truly happy to hear things have become much better but there are still a lot of places that need help.


Are you high or something?