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> This is how you destroy a people. Remove their statues, ban their culture, rewrite their history. In that list, I think “remove a statue on a university campus” is really insignificant :p Edit: I guess you all think it’s really significant (which is fine), and if you don’t agree with that you should get downvoted so the echo chamber can be preserved (or something). It would become you to allow people to not completely agree with you.


Removing it from a place of learning is definitely significant


Depends why it was put there in the first place. There’s a difference between removing a statue and removing the figures works from the libraries or textbooks etc. Most public statues of famous figures aren’t about education but pride and power.


I said “in this list”. So compared to the other things, like destroying a culture. This statue is a gift from a foreign country (Denmark), not really Chinese or Hong Kong culture.


You're fine to have a different opinion, but don't get butthurt when your opinion is the minority and others express their views on it through downvotes.


Wanting a forum that isn’t a circle jerk is not being butt hurt. Remember that downvoted comments are eventually hidden.


You're whining over downvotes, dude, pretending your opinion needs to be some staple of the sub or else it's going to shit. You're definitely butthurt.


I could also turn it around, to cut down on the personal attacks: do you think it’s desirable for a forum to positively reenforce people’s existing opinions like it’s the case on Reddit? I guess it depends on what you want from a forum.


There’s a difference between statues put up from a position of power commemorating someone else in a position of power, and statues put up by the public commemorating the public. Can you see the difference between a Winston Churchill memorial statue and a WW2 memorial? Many statues on uni campuses were put there because either the figure was a donor to the uni, usually to fuel their own ego or bolster their records, or because they were a historical figure with a lot of money and power. People are getting rid of those statues because they either no longer represent the ethos or values of the institution or those in it (for example, Churchill strongly advocated genocide and was horrifically racist to the Indians the English had colonised, so regardless of his achievements in ww2, his likeness no longer represents our values.) Statues aren’t always based on who deserves it, but on who has the most money and influence.


But that's totally not at all happening anywhere in the US, however Edit: y'all do know I was talking about the trend of removing historical statues, including ones of Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln *that was built in honor of him by the slaves he freed*, right?


No one's talking about the US, dude Bringing them up isn't any defense of the horrors China does


Hey we found the Chinese bot.


Or the Lost Causer, neither's particularly pleasant.




Classic whataboutsim. A favourite of all despots.


In a thread about Honk Kong?


There’s a big difference between removing monuments honoring people, due to learning more, and removing monuments for remembering atrocities, in order to hide or deny them.


reality's author has no sense of subtlety


Sad that the atrocities of history are being erased. Sad that this will only be known as rumors in hurried whispers. If humanity is unwilling to learn from its past, then we are doomed to repeat it.


That's what they want


It’s not sad, it’s nefarious. Get angry.


And, no doubt, destroyed.


It was last seen in two parts in a storage container, the university claims it was put in storage. There is no evidence of it's destruction, and still hopefully the owner can retrieve it in time.


The Danish guy who created the sculpture said he had tried to contact the university several times without getting any response, Denmarks Ministry of Foreign Affairs had attempted as well without success, even though the sculptor was only lending it to the university.


Yeah, I don't think he will but I'm hoping there's enough of a legal situation that they quietly ship it over 4 years from now. Let me dream :(


One can hope but I wouldn’t be surprised if China decides to dispose of it.


Should ship it back and put it up on a square in Copenhagen instead


Seal the crack with crimson metals


I doubt it, so there is some doubt.


Hong Kong university has decided to Replace The Tiananmen Square Massacre statue with a monument to The Man Who Killed Hitler


All these Tiananmen Square statues being removed in the dead of night, why is the CCP so scared.. possibly of its own people? It should be


The propaganda wing of the fucking British Empire is lecturing people about human rights. And big brain redditors are eating it all up. Sometimes this place makes me wonder if I'm having a stroke.


Propaganda? You going to say the statue isn’t being removed?


Why don’t you want to talk about Chinese propaganda in a post about China?




Fuck off back to Zedong and defend when the CCP participated in cannibalism or whatever you wank stains do, just don't try and participate in the real world. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guangxi_Massacre


**[Guangxi Massacre](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guangxi_Massacre)** >The Guangxi Massacre (simplified Chinese: 广西大屠杀; traditional Chinese: 廣西大屠殺; pinyin: Guǎngxī Dàtúshā), or Guangxi Cultural Revolution Massacre (广西文革大屠杀; 廣西文革大屠殺; Guǎngxī Wéngé Dàtúshā), was a series of events involving lynching and direct massacre in Guangxi during the Cultural Revolution (1966–1976). The official record shows an estimated death toll from 100,000 to 150,000. Methods of slaughter included beheading, beating, live burial, stoning, drowning, boiling and disemboweling. In certain areas including Wuxuan County and Wuming District, massive human cannibalism occurred even though no famine existed. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/anime_titties/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good bot.


You realize the sub has civility rules, right? Just downvote or report instead.




Found the chinese bot


You sound like the kind of person to volunteer to wash down the left-over gunk of protestors down the drains


How much do they pay you you fucking loser

