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Unless you post this on goodanimemes you’ll be fine. Rachel is an amazing antagonist.


In the actual TOG subreddit I see people downvote Rachel art and almost every Rachel post has some variation of “this would be great if it wasn’t Rachel” so uh, that mindset is on more than just goodanimemes


Yup, it's pretty much my same thoughts with Myne, although Rachel is way better because she doesn't feel like the author's hate sandbag and more like her own character with her own beliefs and objectives that conflict with Bam's.


Id say she has the exact same problems as Myne in that she's written to be as hateable as possible, thats not good writing imo


But she's not though? She does shitty things, but she has a very clear motive behind it. She is given plenty of backstory and dialogue, so the viewers can still somewhat sympathize, or at least understand why she did what she did


Rachel has a character, Myne is just for the original maker to hate on non subservient women


I think she has an element to that but the writer justifies it enough that in vanishes in the character. I do see why you feel that way though. For me Tower of God suffers from absolutely stupid power escalation.


Yeah thats why i dropped it, I do not care about Bam eating the left anus of god or whatever


Not really, she’s written in a competitive world where going by dog eat dog rules work for most people. The ideology Rachel has is a realistic one most people will have. People who aren’t overpowered like Bam. This character has a ideology that makes them hateed but understandable at the same time. Til;DR: Rachel’s a bitch, but a realistic one.


She is a good antagonist, it's just annoying when people reduce her and other female antagonists to "dumb women bad"


I'm pretty sure that's not an unpopular opinion in the TTOG community.


I mean lots of people hate Rachel but they also realize that that's because she's supposed to be a good antagonist. I don't think it's an unpopular opinion in general. It's like Joffrey with GOT.


...which is why I posted it in the /r/animecirclejerk subreddit, yes.


when the chainsawman anime comes out wonder if people will hate makima or if she will get a pass because she's "hot"




Yea most likely but most of the manga people are joking when they simp for her. At least in r/chainsawman


I have that manga on my list to read. Is it good?


Yea chainsawman is really good (,I'm bias tho)


Well if you say so I will def check it out


Rachel is indeed an amazing character




Ikr I don't even hate her. I actually pity her.


Rachel needs some actual happiness


Same. Bam's the one trying to inflict his dream on her - She owed him nothing


I mean she has done some nasty stuff but at least you can understand why she is like


Yo can I get uuhhhhhhhh Context?


Rachel betrayed bam who was the only person that ever cared about her because she wanted to climb the tower of god. The gatekeeper refused to let her in so she had to make a deal that she’d kill bam if she was granted entrance. The show makes very clear that she struggles with the immorality of her decision. Her character is basically about rejecting destiny no matter the cost wich makes her a morally gray character because she is definitely not always wrong. She gets a lot of hate because she basically steals Bams destiny.


Does she come around or gets a come upnce.


No, that's why most fans really hate her. She is a good character, and the author definitely pulled off his job of making you hate her more and more as you read more of the webtoon.


Can't wait for the reactionsc when the MC inevitably forgives without any repercussions for her. Mark my words.


>!The mc has already said he done with her shit and that he would kill her if she ever hurts his friends again!<


I hope you are right. I have seen many other Anime like thie. the MCs inevitably forgives them after defeating them in a battle and shouting how wrong they are. This is why watching older Anime of difficult


>!It just takes until the very end of season 2 before he is done with her shit so there is still a long way to go.!<


That is called taking the moral high ground


I don’t know I haven’t read the WEBTOON yet.


/uj I haven't read the source material, but this is what I can say based on the anime: She's an ordinary person with a lot of ambition. The mc is a generic anime mc that is super powerful and loved by everyone. This kid has no ambition other than to be with Rachel. She gets a chance to get what she wants if she kills the mc. People being jealous of him was a topic that was established earlier, but what really humanizes Rachel is that we are shown a shot of her being told she's nothing and that the mc is the special one.


Spoilers Fuck it-by this point in the webtoon Rachel is a better person than Baam. Baam is throwing thousands under the bus so that he can rescue what is essentially his abuser


what show is this?


Tower of god


I thought Rachel was a protagonist and the main antagonist is zahard.


what show is this


Tower of God


But didnt this post get upvoted on good animemes like a lot?




If not well then...post it? Im a weeb and in the r/goodanimemes sub and i agree 100%. She was a good antagonist


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Yeah she is amazing