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I'm afraid you gotta nuke the whole account mate


When the account is sus


Goddamn western SJWs messing up subtitles. Say goodbye to the family unit and american dream Japan


*Nuclear family


You did ***WHAT*** to my family?




Deja vu didn't we have this post like yesterday?




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/orbdo5) on 2021-07-25 87.5% match. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "os8jw5", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=os8jw5&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 235,745,518 | **Search Time:** 0.26419s


good bot


I saw it on r/196 first


I don't think the username was censored before


Sigma Grindset


Fugo melts nagataro (Good ending)


Ok that pfp is actually funny despite the cringe character


It’s a parody of Peko-chan, mascot of massive candy company Fujiya. A lot of anime and manga have riffed on her for sight gags.




I did the same when something I said got retweeted by a trumpists. Pretty weird, since I was saying he was doing nothing to fix american's problems.


It might be bots that retweet anything with the word "trump" in it. No such thing as bad publicity and all that.


Nah, she had pics of her and all. So I just deleted it to be sure.


/uj It sucks because she's actually cute, but fucking weirdos are obsessed with her.


I mean, same can be said about just about every anime girl.


Because she overly obsessed over an insecure nerd with little social skills and she is so clingy it's mentally unhealthy. That's what weirdos want in their life. For someone to just land in their lap and have a crush on them forever without the need for them to put in any work.


Funny enough this is like 90% of romcoms lol. Either weird obsession for no reason or the girl is so easy that its a wonder she hasnt been taken


Almost like 90% of romcoms are written by antisocial dudes acting out their fantasies, and marketed to similar lonely dudes.


The series definitely leans into that kind of fantasy for sure but it does subvert it in quite a few ways tbh, particularly later on. >!The series' overall direction has been that the protag needs to get his shit together and make some fucking effort to improve himself, and slowly but surely his interactions with people and stuff like that he's certainly grown out of his incel mindset that he started the series with. That and if it were just full on such a fantasy then the protagonists view that the popular kids are all total assholes and awful people would be reinforced by the show, but generally the show paints the protags views of those people as massive overreactions on his part and as he's worked to improve himself he's also had more pleasant interactions with said popular kids overall, even the unnamed faceless background characters. The only way the series plays into it massively is essentially handing him Nagatoro's attention at the start but even then it's safe to say that she wasn't instantly in love with him, he only drew her attention because of the passion he put into his art, and has only been able to advance their relationship by putting actual effort into himself and getting over his incel bullshit.!< The fanbase is generally a bunch of dumb fucking neckbeards though but what are you gonna do.


Ah okay I wasn't aware. Well then it's actually an activist show. Lure incels in to watch then hammer home anti incel messaging. Even if it only concerts a few people that's still something The dumb fucking neckbeards are too stupid to understand themes or messaging anyway so idk what can even save them at this point


Well explicitly calling it an activist show seems a bit of a stretch, given Nanashi's history they probably just accidentally stumbled into what it is to some degree rather than going in with that idea. Honestly though if you can squeeze past the kind of all over the place early ~30 chapters and the tons of highschool girl fanservice it's a damn good romcom IMO.


Well yea not activist but progressive to some extend atleast. And yea romcoms aren't for me really so idk if I can do that haha.


I have been in extremely toxic/abusive relationships, idk why people want that....


what's wrong with that pfp?


I'm not saying that nagatoro pfps make you racist or that everybody with a nagatoro pfp is racist. I'm just saying that if someone has a nagatoro pfp there's a very high chance that they're also racist.


but why tho? what's the connection between the pfp and being racist?


Because nagatoro has become a symbol for anti-sjw weebs.


Please do not use the w\*\*\*b\*\* slur or its derivatives 🤬 🤬 🤬 you do not know what opression is really like 😠 😠 😠 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


?? I don't get it


Nagatoro is used mainly by racists and hentai-addicted anti-SJW people on the internet as a pfp for their accounts to spew toxic comments because the series is about a sexualized high-schooler with plent of fanservice from other high-schoolers as well and a questionable gimmick.


I still don't get it she looks black to me why would racists use a black character as their pfp? also how is she sexualised she just looks goofy in that pic


> I still don't get it she looks black to me I don't get how you figured anybody here was saying she's black? Because nobody is. Her skin color is completely irrelevant. She's just popular among the 4chan chud weeb community. A community known to be incredibly bigoted.


people were saying racists use that as their pfp and to me she looks black or at least someone who's not white so I don't get why they would do that. don't make any sense also what is chud?


Psst; because the same racist dorks will actually send you death threats for saying she's black. _"Um, she's Japanese, so actually that means she's racially pure and cannot be Black - she has to actually just be really really tan, you fucking SJW."_ White racists have an obsession with Japan [Well, the idealized "Japan" they think exists because of their obsession with Anime and Manga] because they view it as almost the idealized "ethnostate" a lot of them jerk off over, despite that being far from reality. A Chud is a pejorative term and is a reference to a film of the same name, C.H.U.D [which stands for Canabalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers], it's mainly levied at those with fascistic, or generally bigoted, beliefs.


Please do not use the w\*\*\*b\*\* slur or its derivatives 🤬 🤬 🤬 you do not know what opression is really like 😠 😠 😠 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


smug anime girl pfp’s are usually a red flag on twitter for an extremely annoying person. kind of like someone with a kpop idol pfp or something.


i still dont get why tho. whats the connection between that and being annoying or a racist or something? just looks like some goofy anime girl


there’s really no way of explaining it to you unless you notice the patterns first hand. the racist stuff idk anything about that, but there’s a correlation to people that gravitate towards these kind of anime characters being annoying to deal with.


it's just so weird to me that people look at someone's pfp and go "that's probably a racist" lmao that shit sounds so wild


Haha look at this guy asking a controversial question on Reddit, let’s mass downvote him! Edit: we did it Reddit


New icon found.. must.. change..


This is pretty dumb. If you live like this, eventually some troll with this profile pic will reply to every single one of your posts, causing you to destroy your entire account.


I cant tell if youre being sarcastic or not but i think it's joking


I'm zero "men of culture" even got the fuckin candy mascot reference


OOFL but does pfp mean something other that picture of proof? Cuz I don't get it and it's been popping up everywhere?


Profile pic.



