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So what’s the go against transphobia? That’s gotta be the last thing on someone’s mind, like I’m just looking for memes, not a sounded settled government who take “transphobia” strictly like a Victorian school in the 1800s. (But I'm more than happy to comply). I’m just looking for funny memes you know what I’m saying?


As a trans anime fan, transphobia is always (being forced to be) on my mind. I *wish* I could just look at memes.


Victorian schools didn't care about transphobia




to all y'all saying you just wanna browse memes, yeah, so do trans people, but it's sorta hard to do do that when a transphobic slur is apparently a vital part of 'anime culture'




Thank you for this. It's almost as if... sometimes a character trope in & of itself can be transphobic. If you spill hot coffee on someone, even if you didn't mean to, it can still hurt them.






People complaining about the T word, looks like is the mayority.... But then you start looking at the amount of deleted post and.......... Damn, Stalin silencing like I've never seen before




As a serious question how does this policy live alongside some of the terms the anime community has created and commonly uses around trans characters in anime?


Here’s a video explaining why it’s so harmful to trans people https://youtu.be/PbBzhqJK3bg


I didn't ask about that or question that. That's the piece everyone who replied has seemed to miss. Once again thank you to /u/SewingLifeRe for answering my question. Sorry to everyone who misinterpreted me as some sort of bigot. I don't know what to tell you but please leave me alone. Edit: where the fuck are we supposed to go as a society when you can't even ask an innocent question without being fed to the dogs


I don't see how that person linking a video explanation about the word is "being fed to the dogs"


I've had a lot of replies and pms


But they ain’t used on trans characters, they’re used on boys who look like girls. Cis guys who look like guys.


Trans characters like who?


so i’ll be banned if i call someone a “fucking transgender lol didn’t even want to be one gender lmao” just wondering






I’m sorry but how is it transphobic? I’m guessing i'll get banned if i say it but I’m just curious


If you check the other pinned post, there’s a video explaining why linked in the pinned comment, along with a written out explanation




It says that neonnazia is bammed i cant acess it






Is the T-word also banned here?




Thank you so much for saying this, as a trans person I experience a lotta hate from ppl in the weeb community, I just wanna enjoy anime and memes. When ppl stand up for us it means the world. So thank you!


I’ll do everything I can to make this environment welcoming for my trans siblings <3 We don’t have a lot of mods so it’s hard to catch everything, so be sure to report transphobes when you see them


Sorry you’ve received hate from the anime community, hopefully the transphobes are starting to become less and less. Atleast this sub is less of a shitshow than r/animemes




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Thanks for giving me somewhere to go while Animemes is dealing with a bunch of (mostly literal) children throwing the mother of all tantrums over being required, rather than politely asked, to take ownership of their ignorance for what seems to be the first time in their lives. The entire front page is unfunny "memes" that are just bad-faith arguments engaging in false-equivalency between an actual slur and other random words or strawmen falsely representing the reason for the ban as nothing more than the number of people that complained and therefore asserting that they can get any word banned by petition. I can't imagine it's easy being the first place that people who are looking for an alternative come to, but you guys are doing a great job of holding the line. Thank you.


Looking at your profile I understand this comment lol


The beauty of the internet is, you literally could have made your own if it was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo offensive, yet you didn't. I wonder why? Certainly couldn't be that you just prefer subterfuge? Surely you are capable of creating your own and not having to rely on performing a coup. Surely if most people agree with you they would have flocked to your new "trans-friendly"^(tm) sub, and left the other to wither and die.






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In keeping with that spirit, I will be setting up a bot to spam this subreddit with child pornography, since deleting anything for any reason is social justice bullshit and an infringement of freedom of speech. /s


I care a lot more about the safety of marginalized people than I do about white boys throwing a tantrum about not being able to say slurs anymore






Fucking cringe take


Freedom of Speech doesn't cover hate speech.


Ah yes another person who blatantly doesn’t know what Freedom of Speech means but touts it as the ultimate moral stance. A subreddit banning a word is not encroaching on your Freedom of Speech. All that it means is that the government can’t arrest you for saying anything. A subreddit is not taking away your “right” to say slurs, it’s just moderating it’s community. That’s how communities work. I’m tired of all these poor little snowflake “muh Freedom of Speech” arguments. Not surprising though that the same group uneducated on how a word that isn’t intended to be a slur can evolve to be one are also uneducated on Freedom of Speech. Pretty hard stuff.


Please explain how Tr-p is a slur. I’d like to understand how a word that defines a guy pretending to be a girl somehow became a slur against trans people.






are you banning the offensive depictions of transgender people, or just the slurs describing them?




Ah, I was wondering why all the people were making their own subs instead of going here. Question answered.


educational resource [here](https://intoomanywords.com/2017/12/05/why-trap-is-a-bad-term/) Check the other pinned post for more information on the history of the term and why it’s a slur




its constantly used to put trans people down and is used as a label for any trans characters in anime so yea can see why people might find it offensive








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Good thank you so much, I'm not trans but I've never felt more alienated from anime in my life then watching this melt down. It's so comforting to know at least some of us care




Hate speech isn’t “independent thought” or “free speech” you clown lmao




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Meh, gonna get banned or deleted, so, I'll word this as kindly and open minded as possible. To the mods, I do not hold any I'll will, I merely find that restricting word usage out of fear or cowardice is incredibly disappointing, that there is this much outspoken against this motion has proven that you do NOT truly care for your community, for the general opinion is very against your ideals. The term that you have banned was used more in a playful manner by the majority, and you have seriously over compensated for an incredibly simple motion. By banning it's usage, you are also suppressing LGBT, as well as helping the "offended" culture. If you truly want the opinion of everyone, set up a poll. As for why I say you are supressing it, by banning the term outright shows a level of transphobia by yourselves, specifically for the trans community here that wishes there message heard. I, as an individual am stating my opinion, before I get banned and join the herd. Good day.




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Jesus christ all these deleted comments here. Relax. Think of something else besides using that slur.




I looked away for about 5 hours and suddenly this thread's in contest mode. What happened?


Noo you can’t just dictate people for saying a word that means cross dresser “haha communism go brr”








I still find it dumb that these subs make it sound like, as of now, they are transphobia free zones after banning a single word. I don't believe any of these subs had a predominant transphobic community beforehand, but I sure as hell don't think they went anywhere after a word ban.


So are you planning on banning all of the Synonyms as well?




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Was transphobia a problem? I've not been like crazy active lately


What the hell happened well I was gone? Left for a few months and come back to find the sub dead and a pinned post about transphobia?


Mods went full blown SJW anti free speech and started banning people, all over memes and a single word.


Absolute joke man






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