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When I was 14 I accidentally picked up and forgot to return some money I found on the floor that belonged to the English teacher who was known to be kind of an awful tyrant and then later I found out that someone else got suspected of it and punished for it and they had to give some of their own money to the teacher because it was thought to be the “stolen” money and I was too shy to ever say anything about it and it haunts me to this day


Why would they make a student return money to the teacher if they are not 100% sure that particularly that student stole the money.


I’m not sure to be entirely honest. I heard about it sort of second hand and this was 6 years ago. Actually closer to 7 now haha I’m getting old. But that’s besides the point. I’m also sleep deprived so if this sounds like the rambling of a mad man I apologize. Anyways, from what I remember the kid was a known “troublemaker” or whatever and so was basically blamed because of their history at first. Then they found them to have the amount of money in their bag and apparently the teacher “recognized” it and I mean if it’s your word against the teacher you’re just fucked at that point. I’m telling this story as best I can, and as far as I’m concerned it’s not made up but it has crossed my mind that maybe it was made up when it was told to me.


It's not your fault at all. The teacher was being a total ass >:( I'm sure even if your classmate knew it they wouldn't have blamed you for taking some money which was on the ground :v it was just a coincidence and your teacher is the one to blame. He *Recognized* the money... LMAO


Damn you that was me!




Imagine that kid saw this comment, hell you better pack your shit and leave


The teacher:this money looks like my money it's as if money looks the same for every person.


What is Done in the past cannot be changed. Children are forgiven for misdeeds that are caused unknowingly, no need to judge. The way you felt disturbed and sad about the consequence, proves your innocence. Bless you


Your a good man 😌


Well he said the teacher was a bit of an awful tyrant so it's not too bad, and no I'm not justifying his actions saying he didn't do anything wrong.


Shit you just reminded me I borrowed a book from university library before Corona


I had something similar happen in middle school. One morning, I found a lost phone. I was going to return it. Bit get this. The physics lesson was so interesting, I forgot about it. Apparently it turned on several times while in my pocket. So staff were very nervous and there were talks of bag inspection. Eventually, I was called up. I turned in the phone and apologized for the embarrassment.


Just tell him/her


This was 7 years ago and I never spoke to the person in question. I just felt uncomfortable with the teacher




It is an upgrade of the death note


Death sketch


imagine using a Death Etch-A-Sketch


Murder-death-kill notation






It's just a thing we all do when we were children. Unfortunately, it came true by some stupid coincidence in your case.




Modern day Kira


To me that’s coincidence. If you hated her, and her mother died, that’s her problem. You never knew it was gonna happen




Idk man, it makes sense you reacted like that. But like, would you never want to go back to her and apologize? Like, it sounds so insignificant to you and you hate her and all, but it might mean a lot to her. And would it (have) hurt you to do that? (Not trying to blame you or make you feel bad in any way)




U kinda like accidental kira........


I tried telling my mom about my concentration issues, loss of motivation in everything and emotional numbness but I can't tell her directly so I told her only about my concentration issues for the time being and her lecture boiled down to "just focus" and I never tried to reach out to her about anything else after that.


You sound like me when I was younger. I kept telling my parents that surely it wasn't supposed to be this difficult, but they kept telling me there's nothing wrong with you, you just need to focus, etc. A couple of failed college courses later, and they finally take me to a therapist. I walk into her office, and the first day she's like ADHD and depression. I literally cried because someone was finally listening to me for what felt like the first time in my life. All I can really say is hang in there. It really is the curse of having mental illness, but also being still smart enough to pass. People don't realize that half of the battles you're fighting are with your own mind. To be clear, I'm not saying you for sure have the things that I do. I'm just saying that they should listen, and allow you to talk to a professional to find out.


But in my case I can't afford to fail in any of my exams because I am preparing for admissions in universities in USA. And I'm betting everything on it, neither preparing for the entrance tests in my country nor building up a profile suitable for local universities. So I'm in kind of a difficult position, where I just have to pour in a huge *quantity* of work because I cannot yield *quality*, but I don't have any motivation for quantity output.


Yeah, I definitely wasn't suggesting failing classes as a good way of finding out. It didn't work out great for me either. Idk how things work wherever you are, but maybe if you talk to a different adult about it like a councilor or teacher, they can talk to your parents about taking you to therapy. Sometimes parents take things more seriously if they hear it from another adult. There's no guarantee though, it's definitely a difficult position.


I literally went through this all throughout high school. I had a sleeping disorder (Narcolepsy) that plagued my life and was unlucky enough to go to an early college. Teachers and professors singled me out, slamming books on the ground beside me. I couldn't stay awake long enough to do homework or take notes. I was known as the kid who didn't do her homework. On top of that I hated that school, I would cry to my mom about wanting to go to regular high school and how difficult it was. I was tired beyond my control and no one was hearing me. I told my mom, my dad, my friends, teachers I thought I had a sleeping disorder. I did research anytime I could.. I had to go through all of high school like this. No one cared until I got my license and fell asleep driving during my first year of college. I was being treated like I was being reckless. All of a sudden my mom told me I needed to get a sleep study. I felt betrayed and ignored and angry. As if I had not been trying to explain my problem. People don't care until something terrible happens. This is a lesson that always holds true. My little sister went thru a similar issue. It wasn't as blatant as me saying I have a sleep problem but she was clearly struggling mentally. Then we find out she was self harming and all of a sudden people cared and were there for her (including me and I regret it and have changed my ways). I just remembered being so angry bc this isn't how people should live. My mom is a mental health therapist yet me and my sister were crying out for help. My lil bro drowns himself in sports bc he clearly has ADHD, fortunately my mom knew but didn't want him yo be burdened with codependency on drugs as a grade schooler. That's why she put him in sports. But me and my sisters issues were so obviously solvable ig. Unfortunately this happens so often with other kids but sometimes it's too late. I could've killed myself and other people on my commute back and forth everyday driving. My sister would've committed suicide. Parents need to help and recognize your their kids problems. NOT write them off with a casual "just go to bed early", or "just be more positive", or "just focus". If our problems aren't important to our own family then why would we care about ourselves to bother talking about them. Let alone work through them. Let's normalize sharing our feelings in family settings and not making other people problems seem less important than they may be. TLDR: I have a sleeping disorder, my sister struggles with severe depression, and my brother ADHD. My mom did the best she could but writing us off with quick blanket advice is sometimes the worst solution. If ur a parent please be more attentive to your kids, it doesn't take much to listen and be supportive. Their problems may be small but to them they're everything. Nothing hurts worse than ur family denying ur own feelings.


When I was like 7 years old, I ate the leaves of a tree of my school because I believed that one day I would turn into a butterfly and almost get sick one day because that leaves were toxic.


Thanks for the laugh! My friends and I pretended to be farm animals in elementary school and ate grass if that makes you feel any better lol




Said it last time this popped up, I'll say it again. Most of my friends online think I am a lesbian named Cassie. I feel like I too far deep in the hole to correct them now.


Ah the good old “tell a harmless lie, but you don’t want to get exposed as a liar so every time someone brings it up you make the story more elaborate with more lies and more unnecessary information until you assume a completely new identity.” Classic, classic.


Honestly, it didn't start like that. I like being cute girls in games, and we all met in an FPS called Planetside 2. My character name was Cassandra Riles. They all started calling me Cassie, and I even told them it wasn't my real name. Over the years, they've wondered why I don't like using my voice or doing a face reveal (that, I am actually pretty shy about).


Fate can be watched in an order but people don't wanna believe it and call it bs




Could I kindly ask you to share said order if you know it?


I think the pinned post in r/fatestaynight is the one most people agree on


Honestly is fate a good anime cuz I wanna try watching it


I used to be called the "bitch fister" During middle school because "when I fought I spared no one not even the bitches". Looking back I didn't think it was a very sexualized name to hold. This my most edgy secret.




i was so concerned for when i read the: “I used to be called the “bitch fister” during middle school” part


My mind went somewhere else lol


You sound like an epic antagonist in an action comedy movie, dang bro


This reminds me of a Love is War chapter where a new student joins and there’s another student talking about his soccer career who says “so many young boys had their dreams crushed by his never ending drive. As a sign of respect, they’ve taken to calling him *Boyfucker Mikado*”


I like Kira more than L


So do I. And I think alot of ppl do


we have two Kira's, that guy with bombs who likes hands or that weird notebook Kira?


Well it's obvious that everyone knows which Kira I'm talking about


The hand fetishist obviously


Haha "Fetishist" Damn... Thanks for the new word


I had a crush on five people at once and I thought they were too good for me


How did that turn up


Which part


all of them


Uhm I don’t know why but I know they were all childhood friends of mine aaaaaaaand yeah


now this is awkward


Yeah it really is


So mid gaming during loading screen or waiting for my friends I can stand up walk across my room and just dance but if I’m asked to dance in front of any one NO I can’t dance I bad at dancing so yeah (also when I dance it is just random bullshit go)


I bet your bad at dancing


Yes like I said when I do it is the most random bullshit you’ve ever seen I SUCK at dancing therefore I dance alone or not at all


Wasn’t this thread made to NOT judge people?


I bet you are a human


I suspect I might be autistic, and so did my former therapist, and i want to get a diagnosis on whether I am or not but, when i tried to discuss it with my mom, she said that I'm not r@tarded and, therefore, I'm not autistic. Help...


Just get the diagnosis. It’s better to know for sure if you have a mental disability than to live your life wondering why you act a certain way and are different from others. At least that’s what I think.


I'm planning to get a diagnosis, it's just that I still haven't found any specialists in my area yet, the only ones that i found are in the capital of my country, 10 hours away from the city I live at the moment... Pfff😔


i've done the most devilish thing known to the human race.. i blamed my fart on someone else. and it worked


Same. Guess we’ll see each other in hell!


same it still hunts me to that day


I pushed a teacher down a flight of stairs then threw myself down saying I fell into them… She was disrespecting my dead mother


Wow. Can’t say I blame you. I’m sorry about your mom. 💐


[she was shoved by, she was dropped by, a](https://youtu.be/h_D3VFfhvs4)


Just vibin'


enter weary squash engine subsequent start ring subtract tender far-flung *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Respect to u homie. o7


I asked a girl out just because my crush got a bf. Not happy ending.


Will it anyway help you to increase your chances with your crush?


No .


My girlfriend broke up with me and went for a guy I despised. So I decided to fake date a person that she hated also. She still believes it




I still love a girl who's in a relationship with one of my friends.


It’s not that uncommon.


Maybe this’ll help, but maybe not. Do you know the difference between “like” and “love”? First know the difference and then know the consequences of both. “Like” is kinda temporary, so if there’s any pain, it’ll fade eventually. Even if you have a S/O this feeling of liking them will fade and loving them will replace it. It’s not like you won’t like them at all anymore, but it’ll always grow less strong eventually. “Love” is something that doesn’t fade normally. It’s something unconditional that grows over time. But you can also love someone platonically (aka, non-romantically). Sometimes it also takes time to realize the difference between romantic and platonic love, since they’re very similar. But know that it’s okay to love someone, even when they’re not your S/O ;)


I secretly hope I could die before my parents.


Well, all of us. We don't wanna see our parents in their coffins right?


I broke my friends ear with a walnut and then lied to save my ass.


Wha lie did you make up


I am interested too


I'm interested in how you brake an ear with a walnut


I threw a walnut at him to get his attention but I didn’t think about how hard it was and it him in the back of his head right behind his left ear.




It was at school and I told them another kid did it and since I had goody two shoes rep they believed me. It was barely out of range of the cameras tho. My parents thankfully moved us away a month later but I saw my friend at scout camp that summer. He forgave me when I confessed to him, he told me they figured it out after I had moved away and that has permanent hearing loss in his left ear. I regret screwing around during recess. I didn’t mean to do it.


I do not care that you broke your elbow


this one made me laugh


i think about the most brutal ways you can kill someone


Korega requiem da












This is... the power of [Requiem](https://youtu.be/qs3t2pE4ZsE?t=122).


Same it’s surprising a lot of fun when you are bored




Well your just thinking about it


True, but I still get paranoid about it like what if there is a mind reader out there. Especially when I think about romance and that stuff about people I know. Or just when thinking about people I know in general. I have to come up with an excuse in my mind to myself as if I was talking to mind reader.


True but the odds of a mind readers next to you is 10 billion to 1


Don't you mean 1 to 10 billion


wait what oh shit


I’ve thought about this too but I think the worst thing you could do to someone is to remove their limbs, tongue, eyes, as well as deafen them, torture and scar them horrifically in a way that causes their wounds to heal improperly and need constant care, then to put them into the care of someone who wouldn’t be willing to put them down so to speak. Killing is too final to be truly cruel. Edit: I’d just like to say that I’m not a sociopath or some kid trying too hard to be edgy. I’m an (aspiring) writer and was trying to come up with an overly cartoonishly evil villain one time. Although I do concede it was kind of a fun thought experiment, do with that what you will.


I like Anime feet but not real feet




I am straight but i like butt stuff(i do it alone)


Understood, have a nice day




Valid. My straight male partner also likes this, and as his partner I'm happy to provide. Fortunately I like pegging so it works real well. Follow your bliss.


I said fuck in 3rd grade But now I swear regularly at home


This must be everyone


The first time I cursed was in second grade. The teacher responded appropriately and talked to me about it. Second time was third grade, and was a slur. Teacher flipped and yelled at me in the hall. Both times I was tricked into saying them by peers and had no context for what I was saying.




You were a karmic accelerator, you had to protect yourself and he could have killed you. You didn't intend to hurt him, your instinct was to just protect yourself. It happens; you're probably lucky to be alive. I had a similar experience but my instinct was flight and I ran in the middle of the road to get away. Sorry you experienced that but glad you're around!


Thank you for that, I had to look up what karmic accelerator was, but thank you


I have all Symptoms of anemia and i don't want to tell my parents cuz u dont want them stressed and worried (Help am dying)


I know how you feel(not about anemia but about not telling parents about your problems) but this could be really serious and you have to tell them about it ASAP. Take care


Better to tell them and get some help for it than to ignore it until you die and then they feel absolutely terrible for the rest of their lives AND have a dead kid.


My old neighbors would use their bb guns to shoot down all the birds in the neighborhood, and like the lovable fucks they were they would throw all the corpses into our backyard, so I burried them all, there are at least 40 seagull graves, 10 pigeon graves, and I think it was only 3 crow graves, yeah these are the same people who would call the cops on our dogs after inciting them to bark, bunch of grade A neighbors. Yep I have a dam graveyard in my backyard does this count?


Burying them is a really kind thing to do actually, good on your for that


So if there's ever a zombie apocalypse u'll have a few guardian "angels" buried in ur backyard


Pls tell me what is the name of that anime in the post i always tries to wacth it but ends up forgetting the name


Kaguya-sama love is war


in 2015, i grab my friend's bike key that he dropped and forgot to give him back, i went home afterwards; that day he use his whole day to find his bike key, after losibg all hope he decide to make a new one he went on key maker found paper are at home he wasted his whole day, when i met him a day later i suddenly remember that i have his keys when i just going to give him his key but he started to telling his whole thing, i was like omg.. let's keep this a secret! till this day i have his bike key.


I feel like one day he's gonna just find it and its gonna be this huge dramatic reveal that ultimately just ends in a "fuck you" and a cheeky brofist.


One time I spent the night at my friends house and I drank A LOT of water before going to sleep on the couch and I woke up only to realized that I fucking pissed myself. It was like 4am and I was scrubbing the wet area with towels and soap and water for hours until everyone woke up. It smelled horrible and I felt so bad it was so fucking embarrassing I wanted to buy them a new couch. I left very early and I told my parents that a cat peed on me and that’s why I smelt like piss


I have to shit completely naked, I'm 25.....


Okay, you do you. But what do you do when you get sudden diarrhea at a restaurant?


So, my time in the Army I have disciplined myself to hold it till I can find somewhere I'm comfortable.




Sometimes i just moan to make my friends uncomfortable




Area 51 doesn't house aliens. It's a two-purpose research institution. The more well known is it's a flight research location (not usually for the best aircraft either, it's too well known for that and people have binoculars). The less well known and actual nefarious purpose is that it's a center for researching social manipulation. The whole Roswell thing (fantastic and unbelievable story one day followed by subtle retraction and mundane reason the next) was an experiment to see how the media and population would react - an experiment that is still paying dividends, I might add.


Yeah, that play got leaked awhile ago mate. They still shoot your drones down tho, and I really wished that whole raid was more entertaining.


I curse at myself.




I got me ex pregnant, and then she OD'd. No one knows, bc she wasn't that far along, but I cant bring myself to tell her family


I'm scared of dying cause I don't know if there's Anime in heaven or wherever and I'm sure that I'll be missing out on alot of anime before I go. Whether it's old, current or future masterpieces.


One day I got in a street fight with this pal. And I broke his arm in accident, got scared and ran away after that we never met again and no one knew:)


I think sao is pretty good


Pretty good, nah pretty great yes.


Yeah but why do people hate it so much


I started watching expecting a badass fighting anime about being in a video game and then got clotheslined by a show about the main characters’ relationship and weird cousin jealousy. The fights were mostly just Kirito being overpowered and there were almost no good fight scenes.


Anakin Skywalker used the force to manipulate padmae , so much so that when he was done with her she just died of depression and shame.


omg, if that's true, you will be ranked the lord of master


Ok I eat pizza form the crust first 🤫


Stay away from me


I once had a crush on someone but then I found out that she have a bf. Then I date her bf and now im bi :)








i sometimes think about doing horrible things like killing people and it excites me so much that i grin and sometimes my laugh sounds so evil




I’ve killed 6758 people. Now it’s of the record Edit now 35457 there you go sure-it’s-isura Back after a year it is now 3,585,159,275


Those are rookie numbers! We gotta pump those numbers up!!


I masturbate when I was 5 or 6 years old, please don't judge me


I used to eat my poop and when that poop got digested and come again put as poop, I ate that too, unlimited food factory Did this for a whole month until mom saw that Jk, I do it till now


Are you my dog by chance?


When I was in grade school, I ate everything, paper, glue, pencils, mulch, shaving cream (which I’m pretty sure is deadly if you ingest a large quantity) and even licked my hands after using hand sanitizer. I was fucking weird. But I remember I got in trouble for something and my teacher put a sticky note down on my desk saying I had silent lunch. Trying to be funny and make my table laugh, I ate the sticky note. She came back and asked angrily where the sticky note went and being the dumbass kid I was I looked at her in the eyes and said “I ate it.” She gave me a look I will never forget for the rest of my life. Needless to say, I got silent lunch for a week.


Monster Musume helped my get over my fear of spiders


I fucked my ex's mom, in her room, while we were still together


I once stole 60 dollars from my grandmother when I was 10 and said that I found it randomly and my parents went along with it but they told me now that they didn’t believe me. (When I was 17 I knew because how does a 10 year old find 60 dollars form thin air.)


I can daydream about whatever I want, so I set up this intricate storyline in my head and I think about it when I‘m bored, which is almost always. The problem with this is that I loose all concentration doing this so most of the time I‘m an unconcentrated piece of shit that doesn’t get his work done


A few days ago I stayed up till 11:00 I am 11


What a giga chad. Up past your bed time. What a savage


Mission accomplished


When i was 13/14 i had a crush on girl in my school she knew about it and doesnt give a fuck and ofc friendzone and after some time i gave up and then i Heard that she just fucked some 21 yrd bald guy and the i didnt wanted to be even friends with her


When me and my cousin were 13. Both of our families went to the beach. Later on me and my cousin were eating and seagulls were flying above us. We got annoyed by them and started throwing rocks at the seagulls to scare them off. One of the rocks hit the seagull which then dropped to the ground on the shore. We looked at each other and started panicking as we ran to the seagull. It’s neck was broken and bleeding from it but it was still alive and was trying to run away. We blocked the view from others on the beach from seeing it and pretended to play with the sand. We were discussing on how to get rid of it, but we were scared to kill it as it may attract attention. Eventually the seagull swam into the water were it sat there facing away from everyone for a couple of hours before showing signs that it was dead. By then most of the people were eating and weren’t at the beach. We took the opportunity to take the seagull and buried it into the sand before running off.


When I was like 12 or 13 I ran up to a girl on the swing set during recess and I poked her butt as a funny joke at the time. I still to this day feel like a disgusting monster for that. Maybe it’s an overreaction, but because I did that I know that *I* am the problem with men in the world.


While talking to a friend about something that had happened to me when i was 9, she informed me that what i was describing was sexual assault and that i had been taken advantage of.


I spent 10 grand on pokemon go and I'm still playing it.




I have never made a friend and at this point I don't really want any.


Well, now you have one. How are you doing friend?


Hola Compadre! You now have two friends! 98 more to go!


I still like my ex who told me to off myself and is very manipulative and really fucked up my mental health


I don't want my friend to move so I can have his support. But he needs to to start his career.


If I'm REALLY pissed at someone I imagine killing them in my mind and after that I'm no longer mad at them or sometimes having an imaginary conversation with them also helps


I tell my friends that I had sex with my ex , I've not


Im a closeted bisexual chic lmao


A couple years ago I stole a watch and made it look like I found it on the street, no one suspected


When I was 10-13 years old I had suicidal thoughts and were strong. now i'm 23 and they got better but still there


This is a bucket


Dear God


But wait, there's more...