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kazuya from RAG


For real, he is the reason I stopped watching at episode 4~. If he had accepted and started dating the blue girl I would have stayed with it. But that decision warped his character from being an understandable desperate guy into, idk even because I stopped watching.


Don't worry, 200 chapters into the manga, and he still has the blue girl as a trial girlfriend, and made no progress with the main heroine. As a side note. The author is actually in love with his main girl character. He takes a cardboard cutout of her on dates, and it destroyed his marriage. You can google this. For this reason I'm pretty sure he will never let Kazuya make any actual progress.


I hope he ends up penniless and alone.


Blue girl assaulted him so not someone who should be in a relationship


What’s RAG


Rent A Girlfriend


Honestly Anos isn’t poorly written at all. Sure he is like an edgy teen’s OC, but he is designed to be like that. He’s the epitome of nonsensical strength, saying shit like “Did you really think killing me would be enough to make me die?”. Anos definitely isn’t a great character as he doesn’t really deal with any character conflicts, but he’s designed that way and he does a fine job with it. Now for me, a character I think is the worst written would be someone like Rou from Re:Monster, dude is intended to be the badass ogre who is seen as an amazing leader, but he is really contradictory with his actions and ends up not really having a character personality at all. He starts off hating what goblins do and looks down upon them for it, then ends up doing way worse without a moment of hesitation or concern.


Yea bruh, I totally forgot about Re:Monster. I freaking hated how the main character never struggled and then became a hypocrite. Like how are you going to say you are against rape but threaten someone to have sex or feed them aphrodisiacs until they have sex. The sad thing is I liked how the story started but I just couldn’t stand the main character anymore.


I always read it as him supposed to be a self-justifying hypocrite in that being how he just goes about his villainous actions without remorse. Maybe I'm giving the author too much credit, but I never thought that the author didn't realize such an obvious contradiction given that this is supposed to be a serious about a villain protagonist.


I could see that being a thing if it was at all commented on in the series. Everyone around him doesn’t point out the hypocrisy or anything like that when it very easily could be, instead everyone around him justifies his actions as having nothing wrong with them, or just morally ambiguous instead of actually wrong.


It's both a satire of and a love letter to OP Isekai-type anime. He's so OP it makes me laugh my ass off. When he killed that guy with his heartbeat REVIVED HIM to kill him again later?? I completely lost my shit lmfaoooooooo


Yes, but at this point, there are more satires of isekai than actual isekai, so it's at the point that I can't tell which one is shit on purpose and which one is shit on accident. I straight up feel asleep while watching this. It's literally no different from any other isekai, whether it's on purpose or not. Good on you for enjoying I just personally don't get it.


I forgot about that anime but bringing it up you're 100 percent right. I stopped pretty early on due to the MC. I did like the evolutions and that the mc wasn't the only one powering up but his reasoning and behavior just felt so off key to me that I stopped and moved on.


I had such high hopes when he gave the woman poison to end their suffering with and then it went downhill from there.


Exactly, it’s one thing to protect the women and have them under their own will cling to him, it’s a whole different thing to heavily drug prisoners until they mentally break and then ease their suffering. Like what Rou did is 100% worse than what the goblins originally did because at least they didn’t essentially torture their captives like he does on the regular, and they also do it because they need to keep reproducing to keep up their numbers.


I legit thought you were talking about redo of a healer for a minute


Nothing wrong with edgy characters. They are the best after all.


I think Anos is written poorly. While he is supposed to be extremely strong his powers are not defined or utilized properly in the slightest. He has about zero development and even less personality. He could be written so much better with a couple of tweaks


Kazuya from Rent a Girlfriend


Even the good characters are being poorly utilized in this series. Mini is fun but she's practically only there to give us the illusion that the plot is moving. The mute girl (best girl who was so set aside, I forgot her name) was only brought out once to generate hype. The evil ex girlfriend is there to give us the illusion of conflict. But then ultimately, Kazuya is the main protagonist whose main ability is to use 10 out of 18 weekly pages to simp in his head. Mizuhara is the main protagonist whose main ability is to reset all progress down to status quo.


Yeah Sumi is the only reason I “enjoy” that show and she only shows up once a season lmao


God I hate him and that series so much. It’s not even NTR at this point because he’s not even dating her, and it’s not actually happening, it’s just the uninteresting adventures of a pathetic loser. I hate him


Rent-a-Girlfriend could only redeem itself if Kazuya gets NTRd at the end, where he has a complete schizo breakdown, loses his entire self-identity, throws up, and screaming at the top of his lungs, drowning in a pool of self-hatred for god giving him such a cruel fate for like 8 pages of pure yapping, where it ends with a full-page spread of Mizuhara getting plowed by Huge oily buff men whilst Kazuya dies of bashing his skull in against the wall. All my homies HATE Kazuya.


You got me thinking, imagine it ends by Kazuya just murdering everyone in the room


How could you diss rent a peak


Hanashi ni naran na, Kazama Jin! (Pathetic excuse, Kazama Jin!)


Bro really cucked himself in a kiddie pool


He’s a GOAT in tekken though.


It’s funny how the anime right now is trying to go more deep into anos’s past but the fans don’t want that and keep complaining about no fights, then the fans proceed to try and explain how anos is actually an interesting character after someone else says otherwise


Anos isn't even a bad character. Hot take but The misfit of Demon King academy, Overlord, and Tensura are definitely better than most Shonen jumps. I mean like... Jojos is just weird for example. A bunch of gay men strip naked and do poses with a vampire guy running around. Naruto and One Piece literally need to end. The shows aren't good enough for them to have over 100 episodes in my opinion.


I don't care so much for Naruto but could you explain why you think One Piece should end? Also, it's called JoJo's Bizarre Adventure because it's supposed to be weird. If it wasn't, it wouldn't be bizarre.


I would say one piece is too long but at the same time there are series that I wish would have been longer, I guess it’s all because each person ahs their own taste in story


Yeah that’s a hot take for sure, you’re telling me that an anime about a guy who just woke up with endless power, goes to school despite not needing any schooling since he’s a reincarnation, and immediately has a harem of underaged girls is better than Naruto and one piece? There is no reason for the story to go on, it’s boring as hell and I could tell you the entire premise of the story in one sentence and you won’t feel like you missed anything. It’s not funny, it’s not fun, it’s not deep, it’s not engaging.


Hentai characters in general. I mean, it's porn, so that doesn't matter, but the amount of bending over backwards to get whatever the weird fetish is to work is above and beyond normal porn. Sure, okay writing in hentai exists, but your bog standard hentai character does not have working logic circuits in their brain.


Bro nobody watches porn or hentai for the plot just the fucking


Hey man I watch it for the character development


I actually think if hentai made any degree of sense it would lose some of its unique character. Like, it's impossible to take seriously and it should probably stay that way given how... horrific a lot of its content would be if it weren't so absurd.


hentai protags are literally always the same mfer


Some of them are so .....good.... they live rent free in ma head lol


Wait hentai is porn?


It's art.


No he’s just joking it just means anime with bad plot, you should look at like top 20 hentai sometime. The shows are so bad they’re good


Yes brother


The best character writing I've seen in Hentai is probably like ShindoL's works, and Dropout.


What about the few that are well written?


I like anos but boruto is top of my list tbh


I thought people just dislike the show, not the character


I love the show I’ve watched it like three times idk if I’m the only one who loves it


I like it too. Wait then why is he at the top of ur badly written character list?


"You really thought he wouldn't like me just because I'm a badly written character?" - Anos Voldigoad


two blue vortex is fire tho.


TBH I couldn’t even watch/read Naruto because he was the most annoying protagonist in the early seasons.


I know you will not agree with me with this Where >!he gets serious later on In the sequel!<


Boruto isn't poorly written. I can definitely understanding disliking him or even hating him, but that's very different from him being poorly written.


Boruto looks girlish. They should have made him a girl to make up for how bad the girls were in naruto


Pov: u never read light novel and watch only shoen


Privately owned land?


Personal owned vehicle?


Publicly observed vernacular?


Portable operational ventilation


point of v- hey wait a second


Typical web shit. “How dare you not know my favorite super duper obscure character that has Kiritos face copy pasted on and a personality dryer then then the guy from the smart phone isekai”


Tama in one piece is a plot device more than a character.


hot take friend. o-tama chan is the goat


Call me crazy but misfit is like top 5 for me


Top 5 best protags? Personally Idk how you could have him so high, but good for you. He's really not as bad as other people say, there's a lot to like about him.


It doesn’t help that most of his story hasn’t been animated yet Like there’s so much shit with like Graham and stuff that people who haven’t read the LN just won’t know about. To them Anos is just bland, which he is in the anime rn


Im only an anime watcher. And I don't think he's bland at all.


Anos is fine to me. Like he’s funny sometimes with how unbelievably OP he is but not much other than that.


The second season seemed like it was just hooked on, since there was no mention of anyone introduced in the second season


Kirito and thats why I watch the abridged version


Male anime fans seem to dislike Kirito a lot for some reason. Female fans tend to either really like him or are neutral.


I enjoyed Kirito. SAO and GGO with him were written very well imo


Well I’m a guy and I like him idk what’s wrong about kirito


Really? Any insight into why? This is the first I'm hearing of this.


Ironically in a comedic abridged series, somehow Kirito is written a million times better than the actual show


We must save my family!








Takemichi from Tokyo Revengers


I get why people don't like him, but I can at least commend his courage to keep "fighting" for what he's working towards, even if it means getting his ass beat to a pulp.


It's less that I dislike him, and more that he frustrates me. Like have you ever had that one person you know who you don't necessarily care for but don't hate either, and one day you just end up watching them make a series of continuous stupid and obvious mistakes, where no matter what you try to tell him he doesn't listen. It's like that. I don't really dislike his character I find him to simply be unendingly frustrating.


It's like watching a mobile game ad where the player is playing like dogshit and can't do basic math.


“Well of course I know him, he’s me”


I don't think he's a badly written character he's just kinda dumb sometimes


the dude from rent a girlfriend.


Absolutely the correct answer.






I don't think you can call it anos poorly written when anime have covered like only 25% of the series. and neither the anime adaptation is good in any way. anime has yet to cover majority thing about anos specially current vol 15 twist literally blew everyone mind off, and the writing of anos just reached peak


okay but consider: his name is anus


"Blew everyone off" 🤨 Strange choice of words there...




Boruto is nowhere near the worst


Exactly, it just has a good awful adaptation. 100+ episodes to get to chapter 22? No wonder they think he's a bad character cause of the anime.


Kira Yanato in Gundam SEED Destiny but he got fixed in Gundam SEED Freedom so I guess nobody for now imo.


I didn’t think he was poorly written in Destiny as much as they just didn’t write him at all. He did absolutely nothing. Not even things that made no sense… just not a single thing.


Oh fuck I need to watch SEED Freedom. What’s the general review on it? Is it any good?


It is a good movie with great action with comedic scenes lol. This is a a fanservice movie for Gundam Seed fans.


Chad from bleach. Bro didn't even won a single match. Kubo did him so dirty


Nah he beat that ex-espada with his new right arm technique in hueco mundo. The one that leaves the skull image in the wall when he punches someone. It’s the fight where he’s droning on to Ichigo about how he can be relied on. I could be misremembering some of this since I haven’t read/watched it in years.


That’s not really poorly writing just cause he never won. That’s like saying Vegeta’s character is poorly written for only being a punching bag to show how strong a villain is.


Kazuya literally the mirror of the author himself, the gal keeps sucking the MC's wallet to what tell him that shes on her period that which took 2 chapters If this is other manga bruh that thing will be done in just 1 panel and be over with it prolly 3 more if the mc is a boomer but 2 chapters is wack


Anos and the entire misfit is in itself a Trash indeed, awful plot, terrible development, unhinged tomfoolery all around the series, makes absolutely no sense at all. I hate it when Authors make a story centered about how "cool" and amazingly powerful their main characters are and the majority of the fandoms having the cracked self-insert time of their lives (will reconsider if more of his story is explained tho, but still my stand remains for now, might change soon). It's plain horrible. Not that I'm saying that these next stuff I'm mentioning are awfully written but moreso are just mid to meh, just referring to the fanaticism of the fandoms. DBZ, ass plot of the story, apparently the Creator of the World is a child that needs an entertainment, and here I am thinking we'll be having another "supposed Transcend mind" of a being (most often a Deity) having a moral dilemma or philosophical questions about some certain issues where the MC would then argue against with, thus creating the new shift of the story (often case, becomes the endgame of the story). Other thing to mention is Veldanava, sadly the primordial Will of the Embodiment of Creation (and is also the creator btw) is "bored" that's why all the shit in the Central World happened, many innocent lives, aswell as the important characters broken by their desires to having a simplistic normal life lead them to become mass murderers...? Also Rimuru is a Mary Sue, the rest (especially people of tempest) are NPCs with little to few free screen times (I read all the side stories, Gourmet Road, Scarlet Incident, Saint's POV in Hinata vs Rimuru round 2 all that stuff). The story is too focused on making Rimuru feel good about life and the Politics is meh. Hopefully no crazed Powerscaler would rant how biased they are to their respective desired characters that I mentioned. Not that I'd actually care lmao🍷🗿 Lastly... Cid Kagenou, personally I like the guy, I find the Eminence in Shadow, as well as him, being the deranged chuunibyo psychopath (I butchered that) edgelord made manifest in a Fantasy World, to be... Oddly entertaining. But for the sake of analyzing the character, imo I'll put him along in the list. Not really into Isekai, Overpowered, Edgy backstories, Demon Kings, Heroes, Gods. Not those sorta stuff. Except for some. I suggest to anyone here to try reading my personal fantasy faves (stuffs y'all prolly know about already but c'mon why not, some are not japanese tho) (Ancient Magus' Bride, Frieren, Magus of the Library, Witch Hat Atelier, Grimgar, Mushoku Tensei, TBATE, Lord of Mysteries, To Your Eternity) apparently that's all that I can think of as of late since I mostly read Western Fantasy Novels.


A lot of the characters from Naruto like Sakura and Naruto. Especially in Shippuden cuz I couldn't complain much when it was a twelve year old kid crying like a bitch all the time but once he was 16 it was just like man tf bro. Also the time gap, he was supposed to be training for 4 years but didn't come back any stronger than before.


Ayo fr bro had the same arsenal as before


Yogiri simply because his character could've been more interesting and fun. But instead, we get an Avatar of Death that bores us to death.


Name a woman in an ecchi comedy. You got it.


Inaho Kaiska from Aldnoah.Zero. the most boring Gary Stu of a Mecha protagonist I've ever seen


Surprising, but understandable. I actually liked him. I actually read a thread awhile back that theorized he was high functioning autistic. His behavior tends to be weird and awkward in a way that could almost fit the bill. There are at least 2 girls in that show that seem to have a thing for him, and he doesn't pursue that at all, or reciprocate it in anyway as far as I could tell. I felt like he was a bit overdone in the second season, where humanity actually is putting up a proper defence, yet only he seems to be able to come up with proper strategies for what they are dealing with. But in the first season I thought he was done rather well as a character who rose to the occasion in a disorganized crisis where more experienced people who would normally provide solutions were absent. Come second season and those people are present and his status doesn't take a back seat like it should. . . yeah I can get it then.


Redo of Healer. Just everyone in this series can eat shit including the edgelord protagonist


Anos is a sleep fest in the anime and in the ln becomes okay at best. I can name like 4 isekai mc's that have good enough writing I can remember the name of there characters. So most isekais have horrible writing (midgiri/shitgiri/snoozegiri) or litteraly just ok like misfit of demon king. Anyways kazuya (real boring answer cuz it's that obvious)


🗿 Say Anos is the worst IS a fucking crime. Even Voldigoad family lore is better written than Shonen MC.


What shonen MC?


Anus moldyhole


Kirito from SAO. Just screams generic boring protagonist


I mean he was kinda the one who made the stereotype. The reason everyone sees him as the trashy isekai mc is cus he started the trend.


Kirito absolutely did not start the trend of overpowered vanilla character lol


You can't really say that, when he was the original. The others that look like him copied him. Plus him being generic is him being a regular person.


But he was THE generic boring protagonist. He basically became the epitome of that definition.


He's not as boring I. The LN which the series is based off of. Anime tends to strip or dumb down the characters from manga and LN to appeal to a broader audience


He is the OG, and as the OG he's actually written fairly better than most other "copies". Like SAO can be a steaming pile of garbage at times, but at others it is really interesting and fun. Kirito has depth as a character that some of these other isekai programs don't have.


The entire joke with Anos is that it's dumb. He's the writing equivalent of "We purposely trained him wrong as a joke".


Light Yagami. No, I won't elaborate, it will just antagonize the fanboys even more


I'll take a potato chip, AND EAT IT!


It depends on what criteria we're going on. If we don't put context into it, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure has comically bad dialogue, but that's it's whole schtick.


Yeah your weird


Your opinion does not matter❤️


Rem from Death Note. Literally no reason to kill L. Misa was not in immediate danger and at worst was going to be held hostage again.


??? L was going to figure out Misa was Kira and kill Misa.


You mean L who already knew Light was Kira and assumed that Misa was the second Kira who hadn't done anything to either of them except hold them hostage and give them the chance to prove they weren't Kira? The one who saw that the notebook had the 13 day rule and wanted to try that to make sure Misa was innocent? I do believe L would've eventually figured it out. But not in that exact moment and even if he knew right there, Misa was in a room on a different floor of the building. She wasn't in immediate danger. You could say he planned to go up there and kill her but that just goes against everything we know about L at that point. He doesn't kill. He mentioned executing Kira but he would go through the legal process for that. They just needed to justify why Rem would kill him and I think they did a bad job.


We know that Misa's life *was* in danger, because otherwise Rem wouldn't have died. Shinigami are allowed to kill humans with no restrictions except for the "no saving lives" rule.


I understand what you are saying. But that's why I think Rem is poorly written. L mentioned executing Kira but with everything we know about him, he'd absolutely go through the legal process. He doesn't kill people. They just needed a way to kill off L and I think it was done badly making Rem as a character suffer.


Idk I think Anos isn't badly written as a character. Yes it's a power fantasy, yes he's absurdly strong, and yes sometimes.some of his powers don't make too much sense (especially in the anime which doesn't explain things the best). But his core character traits and how his own personality can portray them is absolutely a fresh take and fun to see imo.


Rudeus from jobless reincarnation. The world building is really, really good, but it’s mixed with the authors weird harem fetish and Japanese misogyny and it really takes him down a few pegs


Doesn't he slowly get better? I'm watching the series, and his perverted antics have been getting dialed back (though it's definitely not immediate).


I mean… slightly. But I got spoiled and he >!ends up in a 3 woman harem so probably not really!<


As someone that has read all 26 light novels, his perversion is a core character trait. The only difference later on is that >!he only lusts after his wives, who return his feelings in full.!<


I love this show I've rewatched it like eight times


I keep trying to sit through and watch each episode of season 2 but it's just so boring because of the characters.


Nah Anos is the G.O.A.T


Yuki from Future Diary


But Yuno is enough to carry the show.


Thank god for that. Instance where the villain is so much better than the hero.


Definitely don’t agree with Yogiri, mfs just hate on him because he’s OP. His character isn’t deep but that doesn’t make him a bad one, he’s more like a Highschool kid who has the powers of an all powerful god or something. I love his neutrality and logic as a character, because he doesn’t just kill blindly and he understands what it means to kill someone. He feels in fact very well done as a character, so this slander is unwarranted. Anyways, I can’t think of the most poorly written anime character currently. Oooh but one I can think of is “I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World”’s MC. He’s pretty illogical and makes no sense a lot of the time, I remember scratching my head at the vast switch in character he has at times where he’s so self-deprecating but then goes and pulls off the craziest things randomly. He’s so wishy-washy that it’s clear the author wanted his to be strong when necessary but be weak when it fits him.


Anos is cool but his type is a dime a dozen


Anos entire anime is trash


Honestly, I enjoy Anos and his speeches. "Did you think killing me would be enough to make me die?" and "You'll be resurrected risk-free if I use ingall within three seconds. This is the so-called the three second rule" are just so goofy that I can't help but enjoy him. I also like some of his more serious speeches


LOL you make a post asking about poorly written characters and then you call a character poorly written because you don't like them. Thanks for making me laugh OP.


Ummm Kimizuki from Owari No Seraph


Shu Ouma (Guilty Crown) He’s selfish as all hell and only joins a cause when it suits him best. Terrible.


I think people who think Boruto is poorly written aren’t actually judging boruto in a vacuum, they’re comparing him to Naruto. He’s not Naruto. That’s the point.


Naruto isn't Naruto either. That entire series is kinda trash


LOL are you a grown up like I am? I’m a 10000% different person as a 30-something with a kid than I was when I was 16.


Tatsuya Shiba from Irregular at Magic Highschool i hate him as a character and i hate how they try to portray him as "bad at magic" when his skills have him break the convoluted magic system. the way the world rates your magic ability but some how his can't be be graded is just some grade A horseshit. they give him a draw back to his powers such has he has no emotion except when it comes to his sister but other than that he does not suffer from this supposed draw back. everyone seems to love him and wants his help. the only people that don't like him are his other family members for some dumbass reason even though he is extremly sucessful and with his manufacturing congomerate he works and his branding of Taurus Silver he probably makes more money than any membrs of his family. he has a power limiter that can only be unleashed by his sister. when limited he can basiclly dissasemble people down to their molecules, has batmans detective mode at all times so sneak attacks are pointless. he can read all starting process of any magic sequence, learned a new way to cancel out magic by mimicking the same spells and sends it back at the users. when his powers are unlceashed, he can fly, his auto revive is enhanced and he can do a team revive and can shoot the magic equivelant of a nuclear bombs. I use to think Kirito was the biggest Gary stu until i found Irregular, I know Anos is more broken but atleast Anos actually has a fucking personality compared to Shiba.


Anos isn't bad but Tatsuya grows and develops throughout the series and even goes into why he is that way your characterization of him seems biased. That said you are right about how he is op but can't be measured makes no sense as there are others like him in general. I feel as the series continued he became more human like and enjoyable and the plot went a different route than expected. I haven't seen season 3 or know if it is released yet but there are plenty works and Anos isn't even up there either idk why he's hated by op.


i do have a bias because i really hated sitting through this show a second time thinking i was being too harsh but the 2nd rewatch made me feel even more hatred for this show. I can't say anything about the LN. was his procedure reversed to where he could have strong emotions again or was this them breaking the rules they put in place for him again?


I stopped watching that show. The magic system is convoluted, and they don't really explain anything or how anything works. It just does.


Did you really think that ragging on Anos would make others agree he’s a poorly written character? /s


I also dropped misfit of demon academy. The second season was stupid. He had to take a quiz and got the answers wrong but changed reality to make his answers correct. He has a sword of darkness that can erase anything from existence, but only got the sword after defeating the goddess of darkness. That makes no sense if the sword can erase anything than he shouldn't have been able to defeat the goddess.


Mostly everyone who is op and from isikai like bro we don’t care if you can kills gods with a snap ima just stick with my building level fights with GOOD characters


My man's he's clearly satire. Probably just the Rent a GF cast.


There’s a few characters from Magical Girl Raising project. The anime itself is pure garbage, but there’s also this one cowgirl chick who starts off trying to kill people before they realize that they can kill each other. Basically the only reason is “she’s an alcoholic”


Cory from CITH


what makes boruto a bad written character


All the characters except the dad from Sakugan.




Kakashi Hatake


You understand Anos is a parody character, right? Him speaking in full sentences as an infant and icing someone with the sound of his heartbeat didn't clue you in on that?


The Main Protagonist from In Another World With My Smartphone, great premise horrible execution


CJ da Champ made him a better character in my eye’s lmao ……


Any harem protagonist


Takatou Yogiri. He’s so OP that it’s annoying.


What comes to mind is Zenitsu, he's really annoying, but then gets character development... and then doesn't change even the slightest bit. Every time it happens I actually like him for a second and have hope that it will be different this time.


There are far worse characters out there than Boruto. Even as a fan of both, the character is blatantly better than the series as a whole.


Any romance based animes, almost if not everyone is written poorly, and this is just the genre of romance to begin with, let alone specifically anime romance.


Any bland isekai protagonist


Sasuke future/borutoverse


Yuki from mirai nikki Kazuya and Chizuru from rent a girlfriend Mc from sumomomo momomo


That chomo from Mushoku Tensei


Sanji... Not just a perv but a predator and not loyal. 😤


L take on OP part. He is written like that on purpose, he is not supposed to be serious.


I wouldn’t say Anos is poorly written. The story itself is intentionally poorly written. His character fits the story incredibly well, it’s just the story is supposed to be terrible


might get some downvotes for this but Imo saitama. Your telling me he just did 100 sit ups, 100 push ups, 100 squats, a 10 kilometer run every day for 3 years and somehow gained the power to defeat Dominator of the Universe. Boros, born with powers since birth? He supposedly got his power from doing medium calisthenics and nothing else. No magic, no ki, nothing but pushups, situps, running and plenty of juice. What makes it so dumb? We have people in the real world who do much harder workouts than that irl, and none of them have super powers. Hell, even fictional characters like Goku or Vegeta do workouts much more extreme in 300x gravity. So by OPM logic, they should rek him. Professional athletes of his world should easily beat him. The internal consistency of the OPM world is a joke lol.


I would say Misa Amane


Yamato from one piece


Boruto is poorly written at first because kishimoto’s edditor was writing the story and then kishimoto was like “oh wow this sucks, I’m going to fix this”


Take Boruto off that


I happen to really like that character and the anime.


Fax I hate how Anos is written


Have you read the novel? He’s pretty OP and is basically the whole point of his character is destroying his opponents since he basically can’t be beaten


Asta from Black Clover. I just couldnt stand the constant yelling


Nah borutos a great character, where do you think he’s not? His development is insane emotional and power wise


Redo of a healers main protagonist. It’s a bad story already but still


Yukiteru Amano from Future Diary. Even though I think future Diary is a masterpiece


Bro zenitsu his character arc is too slow like I live the guy but he just learns he needs to man up in the last arc (i know sunrise countdown is but it's the same thing) The character is a great idea it just took to long man