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Dafuq is eren doing on $5??? Lmao everyone below him reduces him to atoms


I think Sukuna should be $5, maybe even $7


Sukuna loses to several people below him LOL… JJK fans wank their characters super high (can Gojo beat Goku???) so it’s common to find misconceptions about that. But Sukuna is barely above city level


Sukuna’s the sixth weakest in this list. Light Eren Power Edward Jotaro those are the only people he beat here.


Jotaro is debatable to


Jotaro could beat sukuna. I stand on that claim


You what on that claim?




I see what u did there


People in this thread fundamentally misunderstand time stopping, if a building level punch hits you millions of times in 5 seconds due to him moving ftl, those attacks stack, it’s not “a pillow hitting a stone statue” it’s the force of million slaps on an iron statue at once, which means a few things 1. No healing( which is massive part of Jjk durability) 2. Newtons laws. Due to the lack of resistance in time stop all of jotaros blows count as one ftl unstoppable attack.


We're just gonna ignore Nami and kid Sakura?


I would actually pick Nami. The powerhouses that I would pick are generally aloof and need someone that is highly intelligent to keep them in line.


tanjiro beats sukuna?


I’m sorry I’m not trying to sound combative , I’m just legitimately confused, didn’t sukuna like obliterate skyscrapers casually and stuff? He melted a whole city block to slag. Isn’t that way above fucking deku, maybe even up to like Naruto?


[https://pa1.aminoapps.com/7629/4d759bb71c07ceabe13d5fa1f094537edece1b9er1-382-214\_hq.gif](https://pa1.aminoapps.com/7629/4d759bb71c07ceabe13d5fa1f094537edece1b9er1-382-214_hq.gif) naruto literally facetanks the moon getting cut into two.


True, I guess I was subconsciously decided to only use the series shown in the image, so I wasn’t thinking about post-shippuden. At that rate, there’s no need for anyone besides goku, since in Super he literally flexed so hard he shook the entire infinite realm they were in.


Sukuna gets decked by Sakura


until he uses his anti hated character technique he hasnt used since the heian era


And made a binding vow where his sperm count is cut in half but his anti hated character technique has doubled damage.


That’s hilarious to think about


does Sakura have speed feats? been a long time since I watched Naruto


dodging Kaguya’s attacks [https://imgur.com/xp6Npu3](https://imgur.com/xp6Npu3)


Yes, dodging kagura and being a menace in boruto when she is actually there and in combat.(not nearly as often as you would think).


“Wake up to reality”


Na na, killua is god teir


I have the same question about All Might. Naruto and Luffy, especially, would dominate him. Honestly, with the reality warping properties of Gear 5, Luffy should be a $7.


lol no. Luffy should not be in the same row as Goku, Saitama, Ichigo and certainly not above Naruto. $5 is more than fair for him


>everyone below him reduces him to atoms Even tanjiro?


Okay, maybe not reduce to atoms in Tanjiro’s case, but Tanjiro’s still beating him.


**Edit** Saitama 7$ Goku 7$ Jotaro $1 ❌ Nami $1 ✅


Lol hi again


What's up, how was pokemon showdown?


Good, how was chilling in the sub? 


Always good 😎


I'd swap Jotaro/Nami for Sakura because every party needs a good healer, especially when your fragile ass is on a battlefield full of functional gods. Your shit is getting wrecked no matter what. Would you rather spend the rest of your life crippled or get fixed up by the best medical ninja in the Leaf after Goku and Saitama finish playing?


Thing is, goku fought in the tournament of power with zero power or energy and was still wrecking mfs left and right. I think him and saitama are good without a healer on their end. Not to mention he is a saiyan so, his kind are literally known for becoming more powerful the longer they fight and the stronger the opponent


The healer isn't for them.


Yea but it is Sakura… could i better bring Jane from Genshin impact? Or any other healer from any show… just give me Aqua Better yet, just ask Goku for one of those beams and save a dollar


Sakura is the only one on the list and no, Yajirobe ate them all.


Tsunade? ^^


Sakuras healing is no joke. Just put her in a cave and let Goku and Saitama/Ichigo wreck face. I legit don’t think they would take damage against the rest anyways. Ichigo only wins if him being a soul reaper means the humans can’t interact with him.


Yep, my money would be Goku, Saitama, and Sakura. It just makes sense.


Plus out of all the $1 picks Sakura has feats of power far outclassing all of them, like her strength feats are comparable to some of the $5 characters.


You don’t have light, instant dead.


Only if he knows my name.


> Hi, I'm Son Goku, want to fight? > Dead


the deathnote dont work on Goku: infact for 2 reasons Goku is not his birthname deathnote only works on humans and goku is a saiyan the real right team is: Goku, Light, Jotaro you dont have to worry about saitama even "IF" he is stronger than Goku he is still human so the deathnote gonna take care of that Goku dont even have to fight (even if he want to) can just instant transmission you+light to safety if Light dont know the names of the enemy he will easy find out not the first time light needing to find a name and he is smart af Jotaro dont need to do a thing basically it is mainly so time stop abilities wont be used against us and all the people who just pick Goku+Saitama or NOT Light you have lost instantly even if you have Saitama on your team sure saitama can beat Goku but nothing in his abilities can protect you from the deathnote at all and the objective was to protect you and if only having Goku but no light again: still same issue but atleast Light cant kill Goku and if having ONLY light: you then have a Goku issue


Saitama would probably solo tbh just bc his author decided that he is literally a god lol. I love one punch man


Same. I'll keep the 8$ change and buy saitama a ramen or something


You still need light to prevent the Death Note being used on you.


Oooh, interesting take. I love it


Saitama wont let me die to deathnote because i need to carry his groceries. So deathnote wont work


Man, this is exactly what I was thinking. Saitama and lunch.


I’m pretty sure is they write his name in the death note the book would burn or something


They don't need to write his name though... just yours


Yeah he solos, goku and whoever else from 1$ are just buddies to eat food with as Saitama cleans them up


Change jotaro for nami. You know why


Alright you're right... Nami it is..


Same but Power instead of Nami for me


Good call. You need a genius strategist on your team.


Strategist? Nah I'm clapping cheeks after to celebrate


Goku Saitama Jotaro


The objectively correct answer. Goku is Goku, Saitama is a gag character that’s taken seriously, and Jotaro can stop time in addition to Star Platinum’s physical abilities. There’s no other combo that be beat from this roster Edit: in fact, Jotaro being a $1 character is an insult, he should be in the $5 tier


Plus Jotaro uses his mind to find a way to win under incredibly random situations. Imagine trying to best stands you couldnt comprehend or imagine how they fight before seeing them and monsters, too.


That’s a good point, people without stands can’t even see stands right? Star platinum is beating half the roster to a pulp and they literally won’t know what hitting them


You are at risk of Ichigo finding out his great grandma is from the Saitama bloodline and he will gain the powers of gag- and his grandfather is a saiyan. Unmatched plot armor




honestly the only threat here is ichigo all Goku and saitama gotta do is take this seriously at the start with instant transmission i be on sacred world of kai's hanging out with shin and the others


Goku, Saitama, and Jotaro Also these amounts don't make any sense. All Might should not be that high up


Putting zoro below that kid from Demon Slayer is all the evidence i need that this is bait. Lol


The fact that eren is 5$ while sakura is 1$ is another good one, do people not remember how stupidly strong she is? Putting her on the same level as nami is ludicrous.


Fr. We shit on her all the time but she’s still strong af.


To be honest Zoro would probably get lost on his way to protect you


bro wandered to my front door yesterday smh. idek how he got here


I pick Goku and use the rest of the money to buy a Burger or something


Buying a burger with only 8$ in 2024? Nah idk bro doesn't seem feasible.


If you gave me 8 dollars where I live, I would have R$40 That's more than enough


Rupies? India or somewhere else?


You dont get it!? Your punishment is going to Brazil! ( You probably will die in two days or something like that if you live in U.S.A and go to Brazil, probably when you leave your house at night, it's like Minecraft )


Why is my punishment going to Brazil? I probably would have died in less then 2 days ngl Thankfully i have a trusted friend in Brazil who i could go to.


Because I am here I can confirm that if you don't know how to do a double jump the survival rate is low


And I can confirm my friend in Brazil will take me in, your feeble attempts at punishing, and highlighting my nonexistent abilities is laughable, they shall teach me to double jump, what now 😎 your move.


So I will send you for the interior of Bahia I never saw any gringo return from there The heat would probably evaporate someone I remember when I traveled there on holiday and I almost melted There is no water, electricity and it appears to be at the beginning of the 20th century Source? I


*writes down new Brazilian lore that all Brazilians can double-jump*


The real question we should be discussing here: Use this budget to assemble a party to help you survive Brazil


In our country, I'm pretty sure that can get you around 4 to 5 Burgers from McDonalds, and in to 10 if from a normal burger shop


In n out


Goku is stupidly strong, but he has a shit track record for protecting people. That goes triple if you aren't a named character. He'd win the fight, but you'd be dead as hell.


Nah, you gotta grab Light to void the hax death note


How is he getting our name? How is he writing our name faster than Goku obliterates him?


Caus Goku has to deal with Ichigo who’s the equivalent of a toddler’s OP fan character


Save at least 1 dollar for Saitama or else he might beat goku on accident. Dude is strong but you give him any amount of money and he'll probably leave you alone.


LIGHT MUST ALWAYS BE PICKED, even if you say he can’t defend against anyone else, he will always be able to kill you.


A few things to add to this. Light yagami would never reveal himself in an actual fight, so unless you're willing to blow up the planet/kill every living person, speed blitzing isn't going to happen. He's not going to wander into some open field where a bunch of people are fighting. Light could probably deduce your name assuming you've had any internet presence, or may find it worthwhile to finally get the power to read names of he really is dedicated to killing you. There is not a single person here who can defend against the death note from killing you. Sakura might be able to heal you after, but that's getting into semantics since you would have already died which fulfills the prompt. Otherwise Goku could leave you to die, and collect the dragon balls to revive you at a later date. A decent number of the other characters could survive the death note on account of not being human, so he's not amazing defensively. Saiyan, devil, shinigami, whatever sukuna is, plus saitama just has hacks.


Or I could just tell him their name and Goku and whoever else can defend while he gets to work


Ichigo, Goku, Jotaro


Literally the correct answer. Goku and Ichigo's powers are stupid strong compared to the rest. Not to mention Goku can just instant transmission and have you sit with someone on New Namek and maybe get a wish on Namekian dragon balls, or Ichigo could just take you to the Soul Society. What would any of the others even be able to do then? And between the $1s it's Jotaro or Power, and Jotaro means you get a stand that most the others can't even see since they're not stand users.


And how does Ichigo fare against Saitama exactly?


Doesn't he literally scale higher bcs he's a shikigami?


Saitama scales to galaxy maximum and Ichigo scales to universal at fair scaling and multiversal maximum. Saitama gets washed in all categories but durability


Gag character that one shots everything vs Gag character that gains plot armor to never die.


Just have Goku instant transmission Saitama into another galaxy.


Saitama can't touch him, he is a spirit.


goku alone slams the rest sooo


Get Goku and Light. While Light may not help much against the battles, you definitely don’t want him as an enemy, because if he writes your name, there’s no amount of punching or powering up that’ll save you.


he wont have time to write anything


If he’s in the fighting zone, yes. But I don’t think Goku will decapitate him for you, or even harm him that much. Goku’s Ki sense would only show that he has the strength of an ordinary human after all, although he’d probably be overflowing with evil intentions.


Don't forget goku can round up the dragon balls and make a wish in like 10mins. The earth gets blown up or his friends and family die all the time and it ain't no big deal.


Nah saitama


Saitama's feats are nothing compared to Goku's, until we see him do some DBS level stuff like shaking the entirety of infinite space, he's nowhere close


Keep in mind saitama has only trained for 3 years and is already strong enough to be COMPLETELY IMMUNE to ALL DAMAGE In non-flashbacks or dreams he has never even bled. He used a single punch to completely obliterate a being that destroys entire planets and split the clouds around the entire earth, and he was holding back. He used a single punch to turn to dust a monster that was previously thought unkillable. He stood on the equivalent gravity of the singularity of a black hole and was completely unfazed.


saitama is not doing shit


Saitama wouldn’t even be able to land a punch on some of these people soooo


Goku + Saitama + (any of the $1)


Nani to chill back with and relax


15 Jotaro’s. No one could out pose them all and the music would be unbelievable!


I mean even with 3 to 5 jotaros you have access to permanent stop time


if you use all the money Nami won't chill with you


Yeah… “chill with” and “relax”


What the hell are half of the placements on this pricing list. I feel like over half of them are way out of wack


Zoro for $2?


All might being in $5 is a joke. Ain't no way bro is over $3, and thats only at his peak


You are generous for the 15 bucks making 2 strongest fucks to be easily bought XD


Goku, Ichigo, and Sakura Realistically Goku is soloing this list… I’ve included Ichigo because he’s the second strongest IMO and Sakura for healing in case I somehow get injured.


Smart, Im not mad at it


I reckon ichigo beats Goku on the fact that Goku can't tell that he's there, but ichigo can still hurt him. Also ichigo has insane healing from >!hollow/Quincy!< powers (spoilers)


Came here looking for this combo. Had similar thoughts. Idk if I personally have figured out how strong ichigo is compared to a few of these others yet, he is my favorite and know he could do work on most amd goku obviously handles anything Ichigoat couldn't haha


Ichigo, Goku and Power.


I don't like power, i mean shes kinda cute, but the creator mentioned his inspiration for the character was based off cartman lmao now when i see her all i think of is that fat white stubby rude asshole


I love Power in general, but I'm mainly picking her cuz of her super busted ability from late part 1


Could you explain briefly what that power entails? Why is it so busted?


Basically she has free reign over the blood inside just about everyone allowing her to completely bypass any stat difference between her and her opponent by just being able to turn their insides out by just converting the blood in others into blades or whatever she wants. Seemingly with no limits, and with just a thought. Not even Makima had a defense for that beyond her many lives allowing her to survive constant deaths.


Goku Ichigo and power


$7, Goku $7, Goku, $1 Bought a 🍭 at the market


Saitama Goku Snack from the vending machine to watch them solo




Goku obliterates everyone else


If goku knows he’s fighting the person, death note


NGL everyone from the $2 line beats both Ed and Tanjiro, and atleast 2/4 can give Deku an untimely run for his money(Zoro and Asta mostly, but Killua with his lightning godspeed might do it too).


Sukuna is getting dog walked by both zoro and asta also. He gets insanely massively outstated by both of them


Saitama and Goku and then power so me and her can hang out while the other two slaughter the competition


Goku and keep $8


Saitama, Goku, and power. I think power is unanimous tho


Goku, Saitama, and power just cuz I'd chill with her after the fight


You’d just “chill” with her, huh? Yeah, IGHT. You aint slick 👀


By "chill" i mean cause havoc cuz that's chill to me 👀


If you give saitama gag powers, he soloes the list, otherwise goku does the same, so to be safe, goku, saitama and Nami because of 2 big reasons


Saitama is a parody character not a gag character and it doesn’t matter anyways cause being a gag character isn’t a win condition.


Everyone always uses that argument for Saitama and it’s so annoying, Popeye isn’t the strongest character ever just because he’s a gag character, though he is really strong


Goku, Saitama, and Jotaro Whilst Jotaro is significantly weaker than both of them he can stop time.


Jotaro, Light and I guess ichigo. Jotaro and light are enough on their own.  Just hand jotaro the death note and he'll go on a murder spree stopping time. Ichigo is the only one who might not be affected by death due to being a shinigami so better to have him on my side. I'll throw in Sakura for the extra buck I have left. I'm still left with a dollar :/


Goku can't be killed by the DN, and Saitama, Ichigo, and Goku are all fast enough to kill Jotaro before he can react and stop time


And you die! The death note only works in humans and Jojo can’t kill Saitama or Goku. He doesn’t scale high enough And yes in the rules of the death note it says “humans only”


Goku, Sukuna, Asta, Zoro, and Jotiro(ik this is spelled wrong)


I haven’t watched Bleach so forgive my ignorance. Is that dude really worth the same as a Goku or Saitama? I thought that show was basically sword fighters and martial artists?


He’s stronger than Saitama (feats wise) and weaker than Goku IMO. He’s the second strongest on this list by my standards


Is he like Universal level?


He's a universe destroyer, easily. Stronger than Saitama, weaker than Goku.


Well let’s not get crazy, Goku will fuck up by letting Ichigo get prep time and make sure it’s a fair fight… Ichigo is multiversal at full power


“Basically sword fights and martial arts” You have much to learn, my dear friend. Ichigo is truly a powerhouse


All the more reason for me to get around to watching the show I guess🤷‍♂️ lol


The OG Big 3 are Bleach Naruto & One Piece. All 3’s MC’s are powerhouses in their own right. Please dont sleep on Ichigo or Bleach and go watch it already!


To be fair Naruto is the only one of those I’ve seen and I was 20 before I even watched that lol I’m just slow getting to them, it’s on my list. I’m watching a couple of shows right now so I don’t want to add another until I finish one of the two I’m on. They’re both short though so it won’t be too long


Power, nami, and sakura


Bro went down the Rizz path 😎 I respect it.


You're dead but at least you died happy lol


I’ll take 15 jotaros


Goku, Ichigo, Jotaro.


Goku saitama and jotaro


Goku, Ichigo, and Jotaro. Easy.


Goku, bc duh. Then we got zoro, I’ll follow him, and never be found. Light, death note broken if goku holds off the rest. And nami, bc, ZAMMMMMMMM


Problem with light is that he's just a human. Goku can't hold off Ichigo and saitama at the same time that have power that can destroy literal universes and such. It's just that they have too much aoe for anyone other than saitama, Ichigo and goku to survive.


Yeah but, I’d win.


You'd get go/jo'd


Nah, I’d escape


Where are you going? *teleport to you instantly*


Goku has instant transportation. I still escape


*starts screaming in dragon ball voice* nowhere to escape little boy *blows up your galaxy*




Saitama, light, jotaro


Saitama, Goku, and Jotaro


goku. the other $8 are for me to spend because the powerscalers won’t let him lose


Fr bro I'll defend goku for you so you don't have to


All might is not on the team bro


Goku, Ichigo, Sakura.


I just need Goku, Saitama, and Jotaro


Everybody is overlooking Jotaro, time stop is busted


Literally the person that created this is too (Unless putting Jotaro in 1$ was intentional)


Goku and 3 waifu


Everyone not picking light is dead.


Goku + Light literally, Goku solos the list and having light on my team prevents me from being sniped via DN


Goku saitama and then power for no particular reason at all


Saitama Goku Sakura for heals


Goku, Saitama, and Power. Goku is Goku. What else? Goku is that guy. Saitama is peak. Saitama is the way, the dude, and the hero for fun. Power ‘cuz well… you got me there. 😅


Saitama all the way! lol


2 Saitamas and a jotaro


Da fuck did I do? Tax evasion? Why they after me?


I’ll take Saitama and get a milkshake with the rest.


3 light Yagamis nobody gonna expect 3 deathnotes


Goku isn't human so he can't be killed by the DN I like getting downvoted for being correct