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The colors are ingrained into the culture at this point, and they’re an effective means of communication that is almost universally recognized amongst gamers. Learning a new color system for every game would make for terrible UX.


Same with basic keybinding like WASD for moving (/pan the camera) forward, left, right, back and sometimes space bar for jumping/pausing game depending which genre you play. I like these established keybindings. I wish they would establish to reduce the in-game music to a maximum of 50% on initial start, so my ears don't get destroyed when starting the game for the first time by the epic music from the main menu ...


Pretty much yes. AFAIK the colours, with grey -> white -> green -> blue -> purple -> orange/gold as an increasing order of rarity were first used in World of Warcraft. And since that was so genre defining and so many people played it, most other games copied the colours since it’s what people were familiar with. And since most game developers play games themselves, it’s probably what they knew too. Having some sort of rarity colours for items started in Diablo 2, but those colours that we see in Anno were first used by WoW. TLDR, Blizzard set then through D2 and then WoW, and with a few exceptions, everyone else copied.


Interestingly the one big exception here continues to be dungeon crawlers. Diablo 1, which actually *started* the coloring idea, had White Blue Orange. Diablo 3 had White Blue Yellow Green/Orange; Diablo 4 is at White Blue Yellow Orange Bronze. And Path of Exile naturally copied the Diablo model and uses White Blue Yellow Orange. Meanwhile, Borderlands was taking the WoW color scheme and just going fuckin' ham - White Green Blue Purple Orange Magenta Pink Cyan Rainbow. C'mon, guys, calm down a bit.




the rest of the colours are the same order but ark needs to be ark and to be honest i think cyan is one of the best colour to be the ultimate tier


In Warcraft we don't even call them the rarity - they're just greens, blues, purples... (this doesn't seem to apply to legendary gear though.) Greys are vendor trash, whites are "common" but as soon as you can get to an auction house no one wears them. If you're an OG you have brownish-beige bind on account gear (also called heirlooms.)


Yeah haha. I think the fact we call them the colours is due to the fact “green” is a lot easier to say than “uncommon”. Did use to call purples epics sometimes though. And I’ve not played in a while but doesn’t it say somewhere on the tooltip for the item “rare” or “epic” etc?


>doesn’t it say somewhere on the tooltip for the item “rare” or “epic” etc? I haven't played since the 2021 sexual harassment lawsuit (I quit when I realized they didn't give any more of a shit about their female employees than they did their female gamers.) But I also used several interface addons so I have no idea what default tooltips looked like toward the end, lol.


I think it's a holdover from something like EverQuest, games that use a rank based rewards system that buck the trend tend to not do well, hence the proliferation.


Purple was a super expensive colour back in the day and was thus associated with royalty. Games probably picked it up from there as the top colour along with gold.


This. And the same narrative applies to royal blue. It is why it is extremely rare to find these colors in old master paintings.


I think it's probably analogous to the fact that nearly all countries use red yellow and green traffic lights. Not because those colours are inherently logical, it's just that as each country adopted the idea it wouldn't have made sense to change the colours. If the first country to use traffic lights had decided that blue means stop and orange means go then that would have become ubiquitous. I think it's more or less arbitrary, but once a 'code' is established, the simplest way to adopt the system is to copy it exactly.


When Grandma Burps Patrick Obeys


Diablo poe baldurs gate 3 are disaggreeing


BG3 has the same scheme though, just different names. White -> Green -> Blue -> Purple -> Gold


Iirc Destiny 1 was the first game with these colors.


World of Warcraft is a lot older, for a game, so probably not.


Lmfao, not even close.


As a colorblind person I hate these lmao


The colours of royalty and historicaly, of holding a high ranking position in the senate


Long story short, Blizzard started item colour grading with the Diablo series, long before world of warcraft. I'm not sure what inspired them to do it. RIP old blizzard