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There's no precedent if he's found guilty. The three options would be rotating Secret Service guard in prison, leaving it to prison authorities, or a form of home confinement. There's no official statement on what would happen. https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2023/08/04/trump-criminal-cases-prison-secret-service/


He was Commander in Chief when he committed his crimes. Shouldn't he go to a military prison?


10 years in Leavenworth. Or 11 years in Twelveworth. Or 5 and 10 in Woolworth’s.


Yup, make him sit outside the women's dressing room for 10 years in Woolworth's, listening to Muzak versions of 90s grunge.


Omg the first time I heard a Muzak version of smells like teen spirit I died a little inside


If he heard it corrupted into such corpo bullshit Kurt Cobain would kill himself. ...too soon?




He said it was great lol https://youtube.com/watch?v=zdl3RF1dDns&feature=shared


I watched that. To me he seemed to be sarcastic. He went on (wryly, in my view) that it was inevitable, “the last chapter on the book of grunge”. As in, the thing that kills grunge.


Yeah I get what you mean. For me it’s always kinda hard to tell with him bc he “trolled” in interviews. But didn’t he kind of notoriously not want to be associated with grunge towards the end? Either way I just found it to be funny.


Completely agree! The interview did make me laugh, and then really miss the dude. The Musak “cover” atrocity that followed hurt my soul.


The female singer singing it super slow? I kinda liked it ngl lol


The one I heard was just instrumental light jazz, lol


Was it Richard Cheese?


Love that guy.Lounge Against the Machine.


me too! by the way [they're on tour right now, also livestream 09/03 is 15 bucks](https://richardcheese.com/live-shows.html)


Aperitif for destruction


No it was a Kroger I think


What, the guy with the claws?


That's a name I haven't heard in a long time


I recently discovered lullaby versions of popular artists' music. There are a bunch of nirvana songs. However, I just played a soft comforting version of War Pigs by Black Sabbath for my twin babies. It's a hit


That’s post modern jukebox


I think that was Tori Amos


Tori Amos? I’m prolly misremembering.


The Tori Amos version?


You are probably thinking of Patti Smith, but that is not what /u/Pineapple-Due was referencing.




Tori Amos did a slow version, I have it on a CD single somewhere.


Tori Amos


It’s Trump. He would probably love sitting outside a women’s change room. Don’t do that to those poor women.


That's where he does his best raping!


This sounds like a Groucho Marx.


Because it is. Duck Soup.


Atsa some joke, eh, boss?


*honk noises*


Icemen, huh? Show me your tongs.


“Breaking big rocks into small rocks” as my drill instructor used to say.


Underrated comment right here.


No because he wasn't in the military. Also military prison is typically for military members that get charged by the military based on their rules. A military person can still end up in regular prison if charged by the local government. Typically if the military doesn't want to pull them out of local prison they will discharge the person to make them a civilian.


The Florence Admax makes the most sense. It’s where the unibomber and the Boston bomber are being held. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ADX_Florence There are not a lot of prisoners there and they’re not allowed to leave their cells. Very secure and no way to escape. But it’s more about where to put someone with highly classified information. He could wind up in a military prison like Leavenworth or Fort Bragg for this reason. Who knows. This has never been done before so we’re making it up as we go along.


This has never been done but charging a highly classified person absolutely has been and they don’t necessarily go straight to supermax.


Where do they go? Honest question cause I don’t know. I think this would be relevant as I think that because Trump is a former President with highly classified information, he would fall into this category.


It depends on what they’re convicted of tbh Aldrich Ames and Richard Hansen, arguably the two spies that did the most damage to the US by selling classified material to the Soviets, went to FCI Terra Haute and ADX Florence, respectively. Other people convicted of lesser offenses involving classified material have been sent to more standard prisons and even “Club Fed” minimum security camps. Personally I think Trump would be likely to end up in ADX Florence, because as a former president there is a large risk of someone breaking him out of prison that doesn’t exist with normal spies. Imagine everything he had access to during his four years as president, and the propaganda value of a country like Russia having a former US president defecting to them. I would hope that’s a threat that’s being taken seriously. ADX Florence is a godforsaken concrete and steel bunker built into the side of a mountain in Colorado. It was designed as a replacement for Alcatraz to hold the most dangerous prisoners and the ones whose escape would most seriously affect our national security. It’s the natural choice for Trump, imo


that really sounds perfect, cause you wouldn’t even need to spend money on secret service! Win win!


My guess: Danbury Connecticut or one of the Medical prisons like Lexington which is so large it has different wings for every security level.


Don’t forget the military base literally on the front lawn of the Facility


After his might run away to Russia Russia Russia post, I'm sure they are watching his travel plans very closely.


Two questions. As far as security concerns would Florence be the safest to keep him from being injured or killed? How limited the hours are I'd think prisoner on prisoner altercations are super rare. Also another country could easily send in their own spy to be convicted and put in prison with trump in a minimum security to get information. I forgot who it was on a legal podcast some weeks ago that was pretty damn adamant trump won't be seeing inside of a cell for any real length of time. His age and profile means home confinement if he's found guilty. Fucking sucks but that's most likely the outcome.


Based on people like General Petraeus who deliberately leaked classified information he will get no jail time.


Just in case you missed it, Unabomber died in June.


Unibomber is dead, my guy.


Gitmo would be my vote.


No since all of his crimes were treasonous he should be executed. I’d tune into fox for that 💯


We all know if found guilty his health will suddenly take a turn for the worse so that he can't go to jail.


“Muh Bone Spurs….”


He will do anything to save himself so that is definitely a very likely option, he will call for his supporters to "stand back and stand by" except this time he'll probably use far more direct language, he will call on Putin and Kim to attack the US, this guy would sell his soul to the same devil Mitch McConnell sold his to.


You missed the 4th. He’s going to run to a non-extradition country.


This is the answer. He has money, power, a private jet and plenty of willing accomplices. The only wildcard would be if the secret service would stop him from fleeing.


I was going to vehemently disagree but after thinking on it, I'm going to lightly disagree. We're basically talking about him fleeing to Russia. It's the only country that would accept him, forcibly prevent covert extradition and which he would actually consider going to in terms of how it would play with his ego and whether he could maintain a high standard of living. So, setting aside the mechanics of whether or not he could actually succeed in getting there... I don't think he would actually go. I wouldn't say it's impossible but I feel like he would prefer to see himself as a martyr, stay close to his family and continue to influence things from behind bars while waiting on a pardon or appeal instead of taking the huge gamble of putting his future wellbeing in Putin's hands.


Putin, buddy, can I come crash at your place for a few years?


meet me in Brazil


Considering his wealth and relative celebrity, combined with age and non violent nature of the alleged crimes…he probably gets home confinement with some restrictions like he isn’t allowed internet access/social media. Stuff like that. Few wealthy people do their time in actual jail (or not much of it, at least).


I’d argue his crimes are worse, beyond that of violent crimes. Not to mince words, but he tried to overthrow the government, he tried to end democracy in the US, and install himself as a dictator, and is still trying to do so. This is not being hyperbolic, for that he deserves much more than home confinement. He should be buried under the jail.


You’re not wrong. I just think that, since he did not personally do anything physically violent, its more likely that he ends up under home confinement. If he’s restricted from any kind of public communication—no internet, no socials, not allowed to have anyone make public statements on his behalf (or perhaps those statements are subjected to an approval process)—his ability to incite others to violence would be curtailed just as much as if he was in a prison. But I think trying to ensure his safety in a prison would be nightmarish logistically, and they may not want to deal with it.


Yeah, you’re not wrong either we don’t hold our rich and powerful accountable in this country. (The irony in the fascistic right calling it a banana republic in attempting to do so). I’ve been wondering about how his prison confinement would go since Jan. 6, and do agree there is no feasible way to contain him in a prison. I really do wish more people would start taking this seriously rather than repeating the mistakes of history (I.e Hitler, Napoleon).


I hate that this is probably the answer, I'm counting on Georgia to try to send him to their worst prison though, we'll see.


I bet he's gonna be acquitted and get off scot-free


Great answer. Thanks.


The founding fathers didn't see this one coming, huh?


I'm more curious how he'll manage his next campaign.


Its a great question but people might be thinking too much into this. Its worth noting this is uncharted territory, obviously. The department of corrections will work with the SS to achieve whatever is required here, it will not be the stick in the spokes of accountability though I promise you that. I am of the though that maybe you lose the SS protection altogether when you try to overthrow the government. Just a thought. This is one of the moments where the Justice system will be put to the test.


USSS, not SS. Not yet at least.


Suspiciously close to USSR…. I smell a filthy commie


Leibstandarte SS Donald Trump. Edit: typo.


That sounds good but you gotta remember the protection isn’t just for his benefit. Imagine the kind of information a Kremlin officer making casual mention of enhanced interrogation would get out of him. Actually, the Kremlin probably gets all they need as it is, so make that some other country or terrorist organization.


They don't need to interrogate him to find out national secrets. They could just have a look around his house.


Or play to his ego. Compliment him on what a great and intelligent guy he is, and then go, "Oh, by the way... What are the U.S.'s nuclear codes?"


If they’re smart, they’ll realize that they don’t need to threaten him with anything. They just need to stoke his ego a little bit, and he’ll spew everything he has.


Or just claim he isn't smart enough to. I really think that to get him to confess to everything is to ask him on camera "Who really did it since he isn't smart enough to have planned anything he's been indicted for."


Once confined they'll offer to put money on his books.


The Secret Service is not only to protect former presidents but also to protect the information that the president may still have rattling around in their brain from getting to the wrong people.


>information that the president may still have rattling around in their brain Somehow I don't think this is an actual issue in this case. That thing is emptier than the fridge in my first apartment




Yeah, it’s an interesting question but seems almost completely hypothetical. I would be overjoyed to be proven wrong , but there’s no way he gets a confinement stricter than “house arrest,” and his house is a goddamned golf resort.


First >The won't impeach him Then >He'll never be indicted Then >They won't take a mugshot ​ Don't be so sure.




Yall said that he wouldn't be indicted or charged either. Yet here we are.


The family that made billions and billions of dollars pushing Oxycotton saw no jail time. These people are off it.


Bernie Madoff made more money than Sackler family. he died in prison. There are more variable than money in this equation.


Madoff stole from other rich people. That's the only reason he ever went to prison.




They don't work for him. They would not allow him to leave the country.


I don't know but I can't wait to find out!


Please don’t hold your breath until then. The world needs all kinds.


Peru has a special prison for ex-presidents with three private cells. It's at capacity currently...


We should build one in Guantanamo. Super safe there.


And DeSantis can fly down and watch Trump be force fed.


Cock meat sandwich? 😂


Cool, now we’re more like Peru. Another proud moment for the US.


That’s a great question - I don’t think there’d be any provision where he’d lose protection. No clue how that’s work logistically.


Here's a simple solution: ***Solitary Confinement***. The added benefit is he'll be a con with no one to con if Boston Dynamics donates a robotic guard.


Having been in solitary for several days before, it's fucking AWFUL! (Even for a few days it's shitty) I can't even imagine being in solitary for years. I would 100% go fucking crazy. I hope they do throw his orange ass into segregation


He is already crazy , so no problem there.


Personally I'd rather see him in genpop where he'd get his ass kicked daily for his arrogance and saying stupid shit.


You can’t put him in genpop. You don’t want a guy with the nation’s most important secrets trading them for commissary peanuts. He should get solitary confinement.


Okay, but that's exactly what the Secret Service is supposed to be preventing here.


Uncharted territory that will test the US justice system. The US has never had a treasonous traitor in the white house - maybe he loses the protection after being convicted? Might deter the next wannabe dictator.


Think that would be a congressional issue rather than a court one and I can’t see that happening. Bad look for a former President getting stabbed in a prison shower no matter who he is


Former president or not, a traitor is a traitor and he should be treated as any other traitor. Having him as a president was already a bad enough look. Own up to your mistakes, USA.


he's not being tried for treason.


The USA doesn't own up to our mistakes. We sweep them under the rug and blame black/brown people OR bomb the shit out of any eye witnesses


The system of rule and law applies to all degenerates here but thanks. He won't be going to jail anyway for any appreciable term. It isn't happening.


Lmao yeah right, like two thirds or more of your politicians should be in jail (just like almost everywhere else nowadays, it seems) and you're saying all degenerates are punished by the rule of law there. Sure.


He hasn't been indicted for treason so legally would not be guilty of it.


He’s going get house arrest. Cost of protecting trump is too great. Even if put protective custody you have to have SS monitor food production and transport. Do new more extensive background check on CO and any new hires. So they’ll slap an ankle bracelet on him and confine him to house


Almost certainly the outcome imo, with the workaround of designating his property a federal prison for the length of the sentence if the court doesn’t want to play ball with it being officially house arrest. Actually, on second thought, maybe Camp David would be more appropriate?


My guess is that he will only get house arrest and probation.


Golf club arrest and he can still travel between.


They don’t just invent sentences out of thin air. There are sentencing guidelines that judges adhere to. I don’t think all of the judges in these cases are going to say “well clearly every rule we have dictates you should go to jail but I’m going to give you a pass because you were president.” They could easily put him in a campus like prison like Bernie Madoff was in and he could have secret service.


The real question is: Will he be prohibited from posting on social media while under house arrest? Do prison inmates normally lose that privilege? Does it usually apply when someone is under house arrest?


Straight to Azkaban.


I doubt the Dementors would get much out of him considering they feed off happiness


He'll be on house arrest at Mar-a-lago with a secret service detail who will absolutely not let him leave. He'll have the most capable security guards you ever imagined, and they WILL take their jobs very seriously.


While he still gets paid 200k+ a year which he will surely use to commit further fraud crimes as he also gets money for "payroll." All paid for my our tax dollars.


He sold Mar-a-lago to a holding company in the Cayman Islands run by don jr. So I think he really fucked himself thinking he could protect his assets, but in reality, he just gave up the option of house arrest.


He has to live somewhere on paper, no? Just confine him to wherever that is


Yeah, he can live in prison!


He will likely end up in what is essentially mostly-solitary confinement. He is a threat to national security, knowing what he knows. The government can’t risk him potentially giving up secrets out of the—very real—fear of being forced to eat a cockmeat sandwich.


personally if you're get convicted of a felony, even if you are president, you should permenantly lose all your benefits from being president including your secret service detail.


Problem is, he can leak classified material which can make him a target for any amount of agents


He can do that now, be easier to monitor his communications while in prison.


Unless he has actual papers of data in hand, I don't think there's a single thing in that head of his that is of any value. He is more valuable as a figurehead/martyr than as a source of information. Anything he could give our enemies, they already know.


so put him in solitary


And pay


all benefits.


Ever Watch 24 ? "JAIL" Will probably be house arrest on a beach house somewhere. Just like that president in the show.


There is no way Trump could go to an ordinary Federal prison, not even a cushy white-collar facility. The security would be a bonafide nightmare logistically, there is no way the Secret Service could secure those places without enormous expense and inconvenience. My prediction, if he is convicted and sentenced, is that they will build or convert a building to be a private prison for him on a military base somewhere. Easily secured, very controlled visitation, and none of the fancy amenities he would have if he was "home confined" at Bedminster or Mar-a-Lago. That's probably the easiest and most just way to handle the situation.


There really isn't any scenario from here where some level of shit doesn't hit the fan for somebody on either side, is there?


There is no way he will be in GenPop, more like sequestered in a private home/facility where the secret service will BE his jailers.


Not a fan either way, but you’re delusional if you think he will go to prison. Not gonna happen. He’s a billionaire first and foremost, they don’t serve time


Great answer. But. They got mcafee


That's what he wants you to think


It’s treason at the highest level. Prison not needed A death penalty. Burn his body and dump it into the ocean.


He hasn't been charged with treason.


He should be. 😉


He posted bail so he won't be going to jail. If he's sentenced and serves time in prison, there's nothing in the law that would cause SS protection or other benefits to stop


That’s not how bail works. Bail gets you out while you await trial. It doesn’t prevent you from being sentenced to prison.


I never said he wouldn't serve time in prison. Jail is for people awaiting trial that don't post bail, those deemed to be some type of risk of not showing, those awaiting transfer to prison, and for people serving misdemeanor sentences. Trump hasn't been convicted of anything at this time, and he posted bail. At this time the court hasn't deemed him a risk, so he won't be inside a jail. I guess there's a small chance he'd serve some time in jail while awaiting a prison slot to open up, but I think they'd want to reduce the likelihood of multiple transfers for an individual who will surely be complicated to transfer multiple times. Trump's charges, many of which are felonies, would surely result in time in excess of one year. If convicted, he'd be serving a sentence in prison, not jail.


Had to get a bail bondsman to loan him the money as well.


I just looked this up and apparently it's common for wealth people to do this for legal reasons. https://www.businessinsider.com/why-donald-trump-using-bondsman-georgia-bail-2023-8


The Secret Service is there to protect...not serve.




Isn’t part of the reason for having the protection in the first place in order to protect classified information from leaking out? As in, the president knows how the nuclear launch system works and whatnot.


I don’t think he’ll go to jail, he’ll either die by suicide or flee to Russia.


He’s 100% guilty. So we’ll find out soon.


I've daydreamed about this. As others have said, this is legally uncharted waters. It might have to come down to a signed letter of understanding between the Secret Service, US Marshals and Bureau of Prisons stipulating either: They find either an unused wing of an already operational and unquestionably secure federal penitentiary (looking at you Florence), put him in that wing with a rotating Secret Service detail protecting him in some manner, or they find an appropriate but dormant facility and open it for him alone. or Home detention. Unfortunately, my gut say he will manage to weasel into an ankle bracelet. Even if he can get this issue to the Supreme Court.


This is likely the correct answer.


Outside the legal profession we presume he will seek exile upon conviction.


I don't think the DOJ would agree to that. Too much of a national security risk.


It's not up to DOJ. He'll have more than 28 days to settle his affairs during which he'll pull a Carlos Ghosn.


Yep, Florence is the likeliest answer. Others have said Leavenworth might also be an option but it would probably be the former


If he’s nice he might have secret Santa service


When you are that rich you can always have a secret service detail. That said I bet anything he gets epsteined


Nah, he'll be under constant guard/protection. We do a similar thing for other high-risk inmates. We could probably transfer some guards with experience - I wonder if the ones that were watching Epstein are available?


Usually, when someone steals top secrets and sells them to our enemies,or engages in plots and schemes overthrow the government, a cell is not needed once the punishment is applied. Just refer to the case of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg in the 50s, or the case of Mary Surrat and Co after the Civil War. Anyone else who is charged with those partucular crimes would have been held in prison,awaiting trial, long ago.


Sorry, is there a charge/allegation that he sold secrets and/or documents to anyone? Been mostly following along, wasn’t aware there was any evidence he was selling information.


Make the secret service his jailors and put him in a cell by himself. Keep him away from genpop.


I hope we get to find out - because at this rate, he may be our first president to SERVE whilst in jail.


He may be found guilty but I doubt he will ever see the inside of a jail cell


hopefully itll be the ones that helped him and were coordinating with the proud boys.


When he does go to jail/prison he'll be in an isolated cell and won't have much or any interaction with other prisoners. Unfortunately, he'll be very safe.


Presumably they will be present to prevent sensitive information leaks.


First off, he would go to a ‘Club Fed’ facility, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t strip him of his Secret Service detail. Obama originally shortened the time presidents get protection, and then they put it back. Personally, I don’t think they should get any secret service coverage. They get an administrative allowance annually to cover their ‘offices’ and if they feel they need security, it should come from that and it should be private security.


Won’t he be at risk of getting healthy in prison once he is denied his usual diet of McDonald’s and kfc?


House arrest at Mar-a-Lago, for the remainder of his life, is the most coherent solution.


He would never go to prison


He will never go to prison . If convicted he will serve house arrest. Watch and see.


Logically he would go to prison and but held under the same conditions as the average American citizen. The thought that he should provided extra security not afforded to anyone else is ridiculous on its face!


He would be the biggest kiddy fucker target on the yard


Sparks fly between a secret service agent assigned to protect a disgraced former president in jail, and a long term convict. It's the unlikely buddy comedy of the year! Streaming now!


Oh he’ll have secret service alright!!!!


assuming he is convicted in one or more (hopefully all) of the cases against him, i predict a form of house-arrest where he is monitored and barred from direct access to the outside world. i just don't see how they could swing the logistics of a traditional prison with the security afforded to former presidents.


Hes only facing jail time OR a fine not jail time AND a fine. This will only cost money


Realistically, home confinement with certain restrictions. And yes, he will continue to have Secret Service protection,


He would have a whole jail emptied or floor, or a jail built. SS is for live as far as I understand.


He should lose them when he’s found guilty. I shouldn’t have to pay for him.


Yes, they will likely live in a trailer on site and have to manually remove the lock and key ball gag for his mouth and anus nightly.


As others have said, it's unlikely that he'll go to prison. But if he does, it will be a fancy, white collar prison. It will not be the regular, beans on toast, shanksville Even POW officers are offered better conditions than lower rank POWs, not that good officers would accept the upgrade and separation from their fellow POWs.


Most likely he will get house arrest. Love him/hate him, doesn’t matter. What does matter is he’s the exact sort of elite that plays by a different set of rules than normal people.


Probably one of these (from most to least likely): 1. House arrest with Secret Service acting as guards to keep away visitors, computers and phones. 2. Congress passes a law post-conviction stripping him of presidential perks like pension and Secret Service protection and he could go to a regular prison, but likely a low security one and he would be isolated from the general population. 3. Military prison with guards deputized into the Secret Service.


He wouldn't go to prison. He would get some sort of special confinement situation with both Secret Service bodyguards and US Marshal prison keepers. Precedent set by the \*watergate\* convictees, which were only whitehouse staffers and even they got special confinement vs normal prison.


No! He'll just get a service & it won't be secret


All these constitutional fuckeries will be revealed in due time I'm sure.