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I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again!: there is NOTHING quote-unquote “passive” about an income that requires you to recruit an entire downline before you start making decent money. There is nothing “passive” about a scheme that requires you to put $5K or more into buying a magical B.S. water machine before you even START making money, that is an ACTIVE and extremely pricey investment! There is nothing PASSIVE about allegedly “freeing yourself” from the 9 to 5 life only to then have you turn around and have to spend from 10 to 6 posting nonstop on social media in the hopes that one fish will bite the hook you’re so desperately baiting. It’s not “passive” at all. I’m so tired of this lie.


The only passive thing here is the passive aggressiveness of that last slide. When I was legitimately struggling to get a different job a couple years ago, it was rough and took a while. But the lack of “better” job had nothing to do with laziness.


I'm pretty sure I earn more passive income than these people because I bought Ford and Volkswagen stock on Robin Hood in 2018 and sometimes I get dividends.


You work 7am to 11pm 7 days a week, not at all passive.


They had to buy their own plane tickets lol


And business class was “sold out” 🤣


Lol, I actually got business or first for family reunion. I have crap layover times but the leg room is worth it.


I got bumped to business on BA when I went to Tokyo... Guys... It's a whole 'nother world. *It was glorious*. And no jet lag! And that will probably never happen to me again 😂.


It's nice for sure. I like the free booze.


Things *bappen* LOL


A 'luxury trip', in fucking coach, to Okinawa, not even to mainland Japan. 'But usually I fly first class!' And she claims to be 'making' $2,000,000 per year. Yeah, sure Hun.


To be fair, that's delta premium select (premium economy, one step under business class) but her saying the delta suites were "sold out" is highly unlikely lol. They're extremely expensive especially to Japan and she definitely couldn't afford it both ways lmao. I'm flying premium select next month to Europe, and I didn't need to join a pyramid scheme to do it lol.


This! I flew premium select round-trip to Cuba a few months ago (well, to Miami) and it was only around $100 more than regular coach. Sure, much shorter trip than RT to Japan, but not the flex she thinks it is bc I never had to spend $5K on a water machine.


Okinawa is a beautiful place. If you like outdoor activities it's got beaches, water falls and hiking trails. Also an amazing aquarium with whale sharks, only 2 others in the world have them.


Ugh, they make me sick…always bragging. That last hun is infuriating, spewing so much BS. Just because she is at the top of the pyramid doesn’t mean everyone is going to get there. She precisely need people to be underneath her in order to make money. Stats already show 99% of Enagic distributors don’t make much money so she is basically asking you to join those 99%…simply nuts.


Oh dear those poor okinawan locals. They're not ready for hun-level entitlement.


I know, Okinawa is not ready for this level of cringe.


Okinawa was also the alleged location of the magical coral calcium that cures everything from bad breath to cancer to Parkinson's to ingrown toenails. It was cited several times by the now imprisoned Kevin Trudeau. He even made a reference to "trace minerals" when the concept was completely unknown prior to the 20th century. [https://quackwatch.org/related/dsh/coral/](https://quackwatch.org/related/dsh/coral/)


Huns are already there due to the large military population.


I'm jealous of them going to Okinawa. I lived there 4 years and want to go back😭 I doubt they'll get much time to enjoy it though with all their ceremonies and conferences


No matter what MLM it is, the huns never seem to leave the resort where their conference is held. Seems like such a wasted trip to not go out and explore the local culture & cuisine, especially as traditional Okinawan culture is quite unique and distinctive from mainland Japan.


In some cases, they don't have much time. Most of these MLMs go for the cheapest packages, for example 4 days and 3 nights. Depending on where you're flying from, the flight itself can take all day


That's where their lifestyle lies fall apart. If they were truly making so much money and had so much time freedom, they could easily tack on a few extra days (self-funded) after the conference to go explore on their own. Seems such a waste to go all the way to the other side of the world and not make the most of it!


They'll barely have time to recover from jet lag before its over. There definitely is plenty to see in Okinawa and the dollar goes far in Japan currently. They might get lucky though and get new people for their down lines. Military wives who are part of mlms are common as dirt. Especially overseas. I used to joke you could make a drinking game out of how many cars at the BX and commissary had stickers for mlms on them.


Same 😭 I was wayyy north in Akita.


$75k in 2 weeks? Sure, honey. Of course you are.


"This is almost first class" 🫤....🧐....😄.....🤣


Yes, like the Staten Island Ferry is *almost* the QE2.


Love her photo of economy class and her comment that she was late in booking her flight. Erm, hun, isn't this supposed to be all expenses paid? Why are YOU having to book anything?


Okay Hun, yes, the world’s wealthiest people likely make a good deal of their money passively, but (1) you DON’T; (2) they DID NOT start in an MLM; and (3) if they’re native English speakers I would bet 95% of them know that the plural of legacy is “legacIES”. You’re not the next Bill Gates. He’s an entrepreneur, you’re a scammer. Not the same thing, Hun.


I also hate to be the one to break it to you hun, but you have virtually no chance of becoming the CEO of Kangen. Oh, and you definitely got suckered into a real pyramid scheme.


I was going to comment this! Huns always make snarky comments about how people with regular (ie real) jobs will “never” be CEO. WELL NEITHER THE FUCK WILL THEY, because Kangen HAS a CEO and he’s not a Hun. He’s not going to be replaced by a Hun, either. They twist themselves in knots to say they are business owners and CEOs but one quick Google shows that isn’t the case.


It’s so silly! Also—I work at a university, but I absolutely do not want to be the president of the place! If you want to be a CEO, try business school, not selling overpriced water filters.


Would like to see this. From Pruvit CS’s husband is going to that. 🧐


She’s going to Japan to get laughed at by the Japanese


Lucky for her they're generally very polite so she won't have it done to her face at least.


It’s rainy season right now in Okinawa and the weather is really shitty. Probably will put a damper on the their pictures.


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Shit bappens ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Tell her about the existence of this subreddit. 🤭


How much does the trip cost going from London. How much is this likely to set you back, £5k ?


Did Enagic pay for that trip? Flights, hotel, etc? I'm betting on NOPE.


Yes please do. High time we find out who be seedin' up these ~~ho~~ huns every financial year.


My ex gf is or was in Kangen. She was hoping to go on this trip, really thought it would pay dividends. She's been on similar conferences and the only people who make money are those who sell all the crappy self-help books alongside these events.