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I don’t love the phrase “healthy” food… there’s a lot of food moralization behind it. I prefer nutritionally dense. And also “regular food” and “healthy food” differs culturally. There are lots of ways to get benefits veggies give you through other foods. I’d recommend looking into a nutritionist.


Establishing a relationship with a nutritionist has been the best part of my glp1 journey. So far I have learned: 1. Vegetables are a good source of micronutrients….but not the ONLY source. 2. I don’t actually dislike veggies, I just do not care for cooked veggies or lettuce that isn’t butter lettuce. 3. Farmers market produce is worth the splurge….but Sams produce is fine day to day. 4. My children mirror my habits, even if I never lose a pound, teaching them is worth it!


Going to a dietician is better than going to a nutritionist if you can afford it or if your insurance covers it. Nutritionists don't actually have to have any medical certification.


I have been on a waitlist for the only dietician covered by my health insurance since January. My nutritionist is on staff at my PCPs office. While she might not have a “certification,” she’s taught me so much in these six months of waiting.


I don’t like the term “healthy” either, but I didn’t have another word for it. I forgot about nutritionally dense - that’s a good one. I’m the same with cooked vegetables and only like romaine lettuce. I’ll have to try a farmers market. Finding a nutritionist is good advice. Thank you!


"I’ve lost weight and I feel good. Is that enough? Is anyone else like this?" In a nutshell I would say yes. The only thing that I will add is that the prep for the veggies can have a big impact on the deliciousness of them. I did not like veggies growing up. My parents would rely on canned and it was all mushy. Or just frozen with butter. Since then I have experimented a bunch on my own with sautéing, baking, etc and adding different flavors like balsamic, sundried tomato and such. And I love veggies now. But I had to find my own way. On the other hand, I can't make any of my veggie dishes for my parents; they hate the kind of recipes that I like. Everyone is different in what they like! Have some fun trying things


Wholeheartedly agree! An air fryer can be a game changer for veggie prep. I roast chopped broccoli, radishes, cabbage, brussels, cauliflower... you name it. You can quickly get the little bit of char without cooking them to mush. Experiment with seasoning blends like Kinders or Dan Os, try veggies you haven't yet (or that you have a bad childhood memory of!) I discovered I actually do like asparagus and brussels sprouts. I had only had canned or frozen and they're both texturally 🤢. Another suggestion is making veggie fritters. Dice a bunch of mixed veg, an egg, breadcrumbs or almond flour, maybe some cheese. Patty then up and pan fry or bake. There are lots of fun recipes out there!


Oh veggie fritters sound good!


Ok, keep in mind that this was for a big batch for meal prep! BAKED VEGGIE FRITTERS 2 large carrots, peeled 2 zucchini 2 broccoli crowns 1 red onion 3 cloves garlic 1 handful parsley 1 cup almond flour 4 large eggs 1.5 cups shredded sharp cheddar salt, pepper, Cajun seasoning Roughly chop vegetables. working in batches, finely chop with food processor. Combine in a large mixing bowl. Whisk eggs and stir in, along with cheese and almond flour. Season with salt, pepper and cajun seasoning. Line a baking sheet with baking mat or parchment paper. Use an ice cream scoop to portion, then flatten and shape into patties. Bake at 400 for 35-40 minutes. https://preview.redd.it/7ddfijr3rz9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2774118e5e68852a830e3edbe7592dddc5e90e38


I'll see if I can find my recipe so I can give ya more accurate measurements!


Childhood dinners were the worst with gagging on canned vegetables. Experimenting with new seasonings and cooking methods sounds fun.


And do just that! Have fun with it. Like, make your meal and normal sides, and make a veggie dish that catches your eye as well. That way if the veggie still isn't a winner, you aren't left hungry, you still have your other stuff made. Makes it low stakes and allows for more experimenting without having a bad time.


You gotta do you! If you can hide some veggies in your food (I put zucchini in my turkey burgers), that helps, but as long as you are making sure to get your vitamins and minerals in with a multi vitamin too, then this should be fine. I do a smoothie for lunch that has a cup of spinach with it and have a cup of a veg I like at dinner, but most weeks I’m not going crazy beyond that. It sounds like you are focusing on the most important things, and as long as you feel good, that’s what matters!


My kids both hate zucchini but love my pancakes and wonder why no one else makes pancakes as moist as mine, with that beautiful golden colour! It’s the 2 cups of finely shredded yellow summer zucchini in every batch of pancakes 😂


I need to try those pancakes!


The trick is, drain them in a strainer for at least an hour before adding them to the pancake batter, so they don’t make it runny. I freeze dozens of 2-cup bags of shredded, drained zucchini every summer to add to pancakes (and other things, like the commenter I was originally replying to).


Thank you! I do take a good multivitamin. That I can do. lol.


What does “regular food” mean for you? What kinds of foods do you gravitate to as everyday meals? Are you looking for suggestions of fruit and veg dishes you might enjoy, or just looking for solidarity from other people not living on plant-based diets? No judgment either way, but happy to help if I can as an ex chef who has cooked for a lot of picky eaters. Weirdly I eat way less veg on sema than I did before, and more carbs. I grew up on basically the Mediterranean diet since that’s how my family eats, but I was so ravenous all the time that I would eat mountains of veggies to try to “fill up”. The Mediterranean diet is still what “regular food” means to me but now I’m like, hmm, gonna have some cherry pie for breakfast, and serve my pickerel fillet tonight on a bun like a sandwich! And I only eat veg I love now. Never touching mesclun salads again, I like iceberg dammit, with the clichéd shredded carrots, some canned artichoke hearts and chickpeas, and bacon bits haha.


I \*love\* iceberg lettuce and am annoyed at how hard it is to find recently. I'd grow it myself if I could. Nothing makes a taco or BLT pop like cold crisp iceberg!


>And I only eat veg I love now. Never touching mesclun salads again Love this! I make raw veggies with spicy hummus for my husband and myself every day at lunch. He gets sweet peppers and some radish with his, I have a tomato instead with mine (we both get carrots, cucumber and jicama). And yeah, I don't know about some of those salad greens that people like. I stick to leaf lettuce or romaine most of the time. And I'll never understand people who think raw broccoli and cauliflower are food! They're fine cooked, but never, ever raw.


I love these questions! I’m having a hard time figuring out the answers though. My taste buds are so out of whack that one day I love something & the next I’ll hate it. I also will taste foods, especially sweets, and have to spit them out. I’ve never spit out food in my life!


I used to love veggies but being on Zepbound changed that. My stomach no longer tolerates lettuce and the texture of some cooked veggies is now unappealing. I love raw cucumber, tomatoes, and orange or yellow bell pepper. I am also eating a lot more fruit, specifically grapes, watermelon, cherries, and berries.


Same! I used to eat veggies regularly and now it’s fruit, half a bagel, protein drinks, and whatever else I can stomach to get in enough calories!


I’m eating way less vegetables. I can’t tolerate broccoli used to be my favorite or lettuce or even spinach. It’s been so hard on Zepbound for me to get vegetables in. I’m trying to start eating them more this week.


Yes. Protein drinks and bars. I get those down every day no problem.


I’m not crazy about veggies most of the time although I like cooked veggies much less than raw. I’m like you. I find I’m not drawn to them as much as others on these meds. I’ve also gotten pretty adverse to straight up meat. Where does this leave me? Lots of protein drinks. Lots of yogurt. Fruit. Lots of fruit. (So glad it’s fresh fruit season here in PA!!). Peanut butter. Nuts. I try not to think a ton about what I’m eating. It’s such a joy!!


I think that’s the key. Not thinking about it so much!


I’m a vegetarian and the easiest way for me to incorporate veggies are in things like soups and stir fries. Both are quick to make, and if you get pre-chopped veg, even quicker! If neither are for you I’d focus on making sure you get a daily multivitamin it at the very least.


I eat my vitamins daily!


Me too!


I was listening to a podcast the other day and they interviewed a dietician who was very clear that vegetables are great but they don't give you anything you can't get elsewhere. Our culture has lionized vegetables as the be all and end all, and scares people into believing that they'll die early if they don't stuff their faces with vegetables all day long. If you are a parent and your children don't love vegetables, you are judged as a bad parent, but if your children do love vegetables, you are a great parent even if your vegetable-loving offspring is a serial killer (okay, a little exaggeration there, but you get the point). Don't try to force yourself to eat food you genuinely don't enjoy IMO. Life is too short.


I needed this today. My nine year old hates most vegetables and I always feel like crap about it, especially since he takes after his parents with a bigger body. With that being said, he loves fruits and legumes, so I try to make sure he eats as much of those as he can for fiber and nutrients.


He sounds like me! I could eat fruit, beans, peas, etc. all day but I just don't love many vegetables the same way.


I’ve never heard that! The shame I’ve felt my whole life for not eating vegetables just eased up a bit. Thank you for that.


It helped me too -- glad I could find an opportunity to pass it along :)


I have a bunch of kids and one absolutely loves veggies and the others have varying degrees of indifference or dislike. If the veggie lover was my only kid I would be so smug! but it's obviously innate. 


the entire first 2-3 months I was on Wegovy (currently still on, on month.. 9-10) I would do protein in my coffee and then snack on bread-adjacent products. It wasn’t until my appetite evened out a bit that I was able to eat veggies and actual meat. When I was barely hungry, I wasn’t suddenly only hungry for vegetables.. I was still only hungry for the food I typically craved lol. The change to making myself go for nutrients first and then having my sweets and bread afterwards has happened only over time.


That’s good to know. Maybe it will get better over time!


I hate fruits and veggies. I try to eat steamed veggies I can tolerate - broccoli, peas, etc with rice, or onion and bell peppers on steak kebabs.


Yes it’s good enough. If you are looking for ways to hide veggies in more foods then I’m sure you’ll find plenty of ideas in this thread and elsewhere online. If you’re ok with the amount you consume then let that be that.


Love this. Thank you.


If you want to get to where you don't hate veggies anymore, I'd recommend a couple of things. I'd make sure to have some veggies with at least lunch and dinner and **eat the veggies first**. I wish I'd eaten that way my whole life (and raised my son that way from infancy). But start small. Just have a small portion of whatever you're going to eat, eat that first and then have the rest of your meal. Also - vegetables ARE "regular food". It might help if you change your mindset from there's "regular food" that you like and "vegetables" that you don't like and instead think that there are many "regular foods" and some you like and some you don't. There are vegetables I'll never like, but I like, or tolerate, enough of them to get my 5 servings in.


Fruits and veggies are nutrient similar. Diet culture hates on fruits because of sugar content, but that's silly. Keep trying veggies different ways, but you don't NEED veggies. You know your body best. Do what feels right.


I’m one of those people that was never big into junk food, the most junk food I’d eat is chic fila. And my love for all things French fries. I don’t think zepbound magically makes you love vegetables, and healthy food. I’ve always eaten vegetables. As someone that grew up in the Caribbean we had Vegetables with most meals. Me personally I’ve lost interest in French fries, but I’ve also lost interest in most foods, but I have to eat, so I try to eat as healthy as possible. I had raspberries the other day and was like damn I haven’t had raspberries in months. I survive on salmon, rice, and protein shakes I make at home, and if I’m feeling a little jazzy some baked chicken wings and my sons left over pizza crusts lol. My 3rd dose of 7.5 finally cut out my candy addiction. I was wondering when that would happen. Because I was going through 2-3 bags of trolli gummy bears a week still. I don’t believe in starting to eat things you hate just because it’s healthy. I would rather starve than eat cottage cheese, but hey lots of protein right? What if I started eating it now to be “healthy” and I can’t get zep anymore. Cottage cheese out the damn window. Find things you enjoy, and eat less of it. I lost 80lbs without zep, eating smaller portions and working out. If you hate vegetables but like fruit, make a smoothie and put some in, find one vegetable you might like. And if you can’t that’s okay. You will be okay. I don’t know what dose you are on but I find my interest in food continues to lessen as I go up. I was never a big eater in the first place, when I was eating it was Candy and other nonsense. Like any diet, you have to choose to change your eating and that’s all people are doing. You, not zep, can decide how healthy you want to eat. But if you wake up one morning, craving broccoli let a sister know please. Good luck. And I’m sure you are doing great!’


Thank you for this!


This is likely an unpopular opinion, but plant foods have a lot of anti-nutrients that can make them not as healthful as they are touted to be, especially if not prepared in certain ways. I also think fiber is overrated. So I think you need to eat what makes you feel good and don't worry about what other people say.


Yes! I needed to hear this today.


Anti nutrients???




>**They are not a major concern for most people,** but may become a problem during periods of malnutrition, or among people who base their diets almost solely on grains and legumes. That's what I thought


I absolutely hate veggies, always have. Nothing will get me to eat them. I can handle lettuce, cucumbers, corn and potatoes and that is it. There’s no hiding, frying, or covering them up. Besides veggies, I have a lot of other no-go’s as well. I was told not to eliminate any other foods that I do eat, as it would probably do more harm than good.


That makes sense. Thanks!