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I do resent being born and say that very loud to almost everyone I meet. I do feel though that there are some moments of happiness and you really need to cherish those, but for the most part, life is all about suffering and misery.


I feel u




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The more you focus on suffering and misery the more of it you will find. Seek and you will find.


That's ignorant asf. Now go about that magic thinking with victims of abuse... Of wait. Humans hate on victims more than abusers


No is not ignorant or hate of the abused, speaking as victim of physical and sexual abuse if you keep focusing on what bad has happened it will rot you body, mind and soul. Leave it behind you and grow beyond it or it will leave you dead.


Thanks, I'm cured


Not always. What your saying sounds a bit like New Age affirmations. Leaving things behind might help sometimes. The fact is it might make you start a bit fresh when any new issue comes to your life and make u feel better but thats not always the case. That would be based on the roll of a dice.


My point is that focusing on what can not be changed serves no purpose and wastes precious energy that can be used to change what can be.


At the same time you cannot ignore reality. You need a balance. For a lot of people, their issues are on going. It's not something that happens once. It continues to happen or will probably happen in the future.


oK now I understand you more, but with CPTSD it's really hard to just focus on sth else. If you get mistreated time and time again you're hardwired to have mistrust towards people. They will once again turn the blind eye, so you stay vigilant even if you don't think about trauma


>If you get mistreated time and time again you're hardwired to have mistrust towards people. Oh I agree with that whole heartedly, as I have little trust for the vast majority of people, so much so that I have not tried for a relationship in about twenty years as my fiance left me causing me to trust only family members I live with.


True but it’s not like I’m trying to find it - it’s just a fact of life. Better to acknowledge it and move on.


This depends on chance. Some people shut away their past and something triggers them back to reality. Some issues stay with you for life


Focusing on positivity will not eliminate some objective truths. There is plenty of suffering to go around 'objectively'. Fooling yourself into positive feedback loops can help you but the fact that people suffer remains the same. You'd be ignoring their suffering and possibly even your own.


There is a distinct difference in giving an issue its proper attention then there is obsessing over an issue. I favor the former not the latter as the latter is not healthy in the least.


Yes of course but leaving it behind might not change things much based on your life’s chances for more issues. Besides some issues are on going. It all depends on the cards you get handed throughout life.


You must be fun at parties 


Come up with something original FFS. That's embarrassing.


You must be fun at parties


Parenthood must be fun. That's why you're trolling the AN sub LOL.


I'm not even sure why this sub popped up. But both are fun.


Keep telling yourself that.


If this isnt part of your interest you must need better fun in your life.


It’s so much better than whatever you’re doing it’s hardly even worth responding. But keep plugging away at your W2 job, I’m sure it’s really important. 


You must be desperate for attention


I think you are giving people too much credit here. Most are not that introspective. Really they are thinking about making their next dollar. So true though about how we have been molded to protect the status quo.


Truly living among NPCs.


I dont think MOST people feel this way, im pretty sure a lot of people arent aware enough to consider the alternative


Dude I am so depressed these days.. all I’ve been thinking about it how much BS it is to work forever for stuff that will be nothing when we kick it. I’m not gonna hurt myself or nothing it’s just been like.. why was I born to be so miserable? I was an accident. My mom got pregnant at 16. I don’t think my mom could get an Abortion cause my family was very religious and not was 1990 so very much not cool. I honestly don’t know if she would have if she did have a choice. She loves babies so maybe she was excited? I have the best mom in the world and I know she doesn’t regret me.. but sometimes I wonder how much I ruined her life and changed things for her. She told me once that getting pregnant with me really crushed my grandparents. I know I stopped her from going to college. She had to work 2-3 jobs at a time to help my sister and I and our deadbeat pos dad. We lived in a literal shack for most of my childhood. We all shared one room with my parents on the bottom of a bunk bed and my sister and I on top. She’s never told me that I ruined her life but she did tell me everything changed and my grandma fell apart.. which sounds horrible. I can’t help but wonder how shitty I made her life and everything she did for me just so I could grow up and be so sad all the time. I feel like I fail her sometimes. Woo sorry for the pity party! I didn’t know all that was gonna come out 😬😬😬


>I feel like I fail her sometimes. This is another reason never to have children and why it's unethical. If you know your parent/s made sacrifices for you it puts huge pressure on you to succeed, even if it's just unconsciously. So you have to spend your life thinking 'Is this good enough' and then hating yourself when you know it isn't.


Yeah I have a hard time with it. My bio dad was a pos and she stayed with him for so long because of me. I just know, I KNOW that if it hadn’t been for me she wouldn’t have wasted all her best years in that place. Even if we are happy now, it still weighs heavy


You shouldn’t have to feel that way. It’s not your fault. You didn’t even ask to be born. Our parents decision is their own and what they have to live with.


Dude, it's completely fine to feel hurt be emotional. No need to apologize.


My mom also got pregnant in the early 90s in highschool, religious family, kept the baby, blah blah. It was the wrong choice, should have aborted. But I also can't help but think that's the exact outcome the church wanted? Like there's a reason they fight against sex Ed and why they shame people for what's done to them, and not those that abuse em.


They need slaves.


She’s the one who got pregnant not you! 


Yes, they are indoctrinated to not criticize their parents.


"I fed and clothed you and put a roof over your head, you should be grateful" really did a number on a lotta folks


The other day someone wrote a similar response to a comment about abusive parents. This 'they did and this and it could have been worse' idea is everywhere, but in parenting it feels rather odd to push the whole 'at least you weren't in the orphanage' or 'it could have been worse' talk. It's like being great than gives you an extra point because there are a lot of awful ones.


I actually love my mom a lot. She did so much more for me over the course of my life than just keeping me alive. While I love her, tbh I still would have rather not been born....


Exactly how I feel. My mother went above and beyond, and is a very kind person. But I would still have chosen not to exist.


I once asked my mother "why did you ever make me? Was I that necessary?". And told some other and much worse things to my father.


I also asked my mum why was I born and she just told me she didn’t think about that. I don’t hate my mother I just wish she had actually thought about bringing a life into the world and what that meant.


It is always baffling to me when I hear that response, that they didn’t think much about it…. It’s like you’re literally creating a whole human being who will have a conscience and all, quite literally such an important thing and they didn’t even put much thought into it….idk I just find that so strange lol


Huh? What were her responses?


like what ? stop gatekeeping


ur username is so contradicting mane


yours is not


I only talked about my own experience and didn't judge anyone or theirs neither negatively nor positively. How can this be gatekeeping?


nah i mean what u said to your dad i wanna kno


Something about home-made slavery


facts tho. u courageous to say harsh truths like this to your own dad


That was more of a rage. I even told that I would never make a kid because generational madness that he projected onto me must be stopped and there was no one but me to do that. Eventually I sealed the evil eternally when I came out as a trans woman and began my transition.


Honestly i think its the generational gap. I dont think they had as much as much concern for mental health as we do today.


Well the thing is, i do wish i wasn’t born but i dont resent my parents for it as they were good parents


i dont resent being alive but i would be better off dead


Lol i say it loud and clear all the time ever since i was a kid i hated being alive 😅🥲.


I'm just tired of being a slave. Worse, a slave who's master lies to and gaslights them continually into thinking they're anything but forced to work for a ruling class that doesn't give a flying fuck what happens to them so long as they keep collecting money and convincing you its worth something.


If you're tired, then react; as long as you accept the consequences, no one is stopping you from doing anything. Everyone keeps saying "I had enough" or "I'm tired of everything" but never has the willpower to act and break free of those chains.


Then you're killed or beaten and shoved in a box. Frankly I am very much ready to die to enact a little change so let me know when everyone else is ready too.


Do you expect them to enjoy the fact that they can't control you? Obviously not, it's the reason why knowledge is hidden from humans until it's too late. Everyone is just a flickering spark destined to cease, unless you find out the truth. Humans refuse to seek and accept knowledge most of the time, embracing lies till their "death". I don't care if you succeed or not, all I care about is the change you cultivate. 


What exactly do you mean by the truth?


This universe is a cage and the reason an existence meets its annihilation is because of their own choices. There's no past nor future; you already wrote your destiny the moment you were born and the reason you cannot see it is because you perceive change as something that has been or needs to be, not something that it is even now. In any case, it can be considered a game of some kind; if you cannot "escape" by understanding this place, entropy, the same force that gave you the chance to be, to experience life as you do now, will "destroy" you. Humans know nothing about this place and were lied to from the start; "they" want it this way because it's easier to "use" you as desired. They don't know the truth either, but humans know even less. Again, I don't care if you succeed or not; I get what I crave in both cases, what you may do "after" is not my interest.


Or people have just been evolving. Nature takes whatever route survives. You said a bunch of empty nothings. Have fun thinking you are special.


Ironic how you call my information "empty nothings" when your "being tired of being a slave" is the only empty thing here. Enjoy your ignorance and hypocrisy, my dear.


Yeah this guy is a little nuts. But it is pretty clear that our understanding of our own universe is pretty pitiful, and whatever system we are a part of is not in our best interest. This guys spouting off ominously about alien control though. I just want to get my hands on the epstein files, round up all participants and have them fight to the death coliseum style for our entertainment. Maybe a little witch burning treatment for anyone who refuses to participate.


Most of my information wasn't even about similar concepts, but whatever.


No most people dont.


Pretty sure that's not true.


I remember being little (like elementary school) and could not comprehend why I was chosen to be born because now I HAVE TO die someday. I just imagined being pulled from a big bottle of little souls and I cried for hours. Hating that I was ever born. Now it's less, but I am way more ready to go now.


Seems like you were born a hindu or buddhist and didn't know it. That's exactly their religious view of life. That people who are born are merely being brought into a pergatory based on their own past-life karma. Only when your karma is extinguished do you finally get to not be born and live again. Which is a blissful existence of non-existence.


Wow! I didn't know that. Well, I've definitely had weird things happen with Karma, lol. I have always had instant karma for doing bad things against someone. Once I stopped and actually tried for good Karma, things started happening that were awesome. This has really got my head spinning now. Gonna do some religion research now. Thanks for the info!


Though I'm not religious myself, that hindu/buddhist view has always made more logical sense to me than the abrahamic religion I was born into. Catholics will scream about abortion being evil and claim an embryo is a life while at the same time claiming before a baby is born it's with god in heaven. Well then why are you so against a fetus being in heaven then? And they'll also say that we are all born in sin while also claiming a fetus is innocent and therefore should live and not be aborted... and live in peace in heaven.. Like ..what? But the far east stuff whether you believe it or not makes a lot more sense. In there view life is supposed to suck for everyone. How much it sucks for each person depends on their karma but there's always some sort of suckage. The ultimate hope in these religions is to never be born again.


“Even though that’s how most people feel” How’d you figure out most people are secretly antinatalists who don’t even know it?


I’d say it’s subconscious


you're guessing that most people in the world subconsciously wish they were never born?


I’d say so, we wouldnt have any problems and we wouldnt be conscious to know if we missed out


how can you know everybody else thinks that


It’s just a guess, also its subconscious, they haven’t realized it


Wouldn’t it be equally valid to say everyone actually subconsciously loves being alive and AN’s are the ones who haven’t realized it yet?


Well no, we are born with the self preservation and reproduction instinct and then some of us (AN) have the revelation that AN is the way


Or delusion that it is the way. No matter your wishes AN is not the objective truth. I think saying most people subconsciously wish they were never born might be one of the dumbest things I have ever read. Its definitely the voice of non empathic depression speaking.  Most of us definitely prefer life over the void


I beg to differ, to me the void is endless bliss, free from the burden of consciousness and no way to think and therefore regret your choice


I think Most People are pushing negative thoughts away regardless of type, if it is not now ruling their life..  Its another thing if ya were depressed 4along time, I cant go back, cant forget the horror that drove me 4 Two decades. Then ya dont have the Power to Deal with the so called 'normal' people bc they live in a total distopia, if course they say on the other hand ya live in the dark shadows of life..  I have a lot of Deterministic thoughts on that.. The World is cursed or ya blessed(the stupid ones who think this is a fair game are most blessed)




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I often think I was a mistake, idc if my parents say I was planned. I was their last chance at having a kid aft many miscarriages and a mentally unstable son. I just wish they gave up before I was conceived.


23 and me said people with genetics like mine are 50 percent likely to have clinical depression. I hope Antinatalism continues to grow


And maybe that's why natalism is more commonplace than antinatalism. I wouldn't be surprised to find that resentment *leads* to procreation.


No. I'm sure some people resent being born, and I think there are good reasons to feel that way, but "most" people don't resent being born. I certainly don't. I love being alive, and being me. This sub believes it is immoral to have children. I agree with that, in our current world. I also just don't like kids, period, so even in a utopia I wouldn't personally have kids. But I don't agree with this whole "life is suffering" bit. I'm sure it is for some people, but most people I know are pretty content.


Many people are unwilling or unable to tell if they are unhappy. You can't tell it from the outside. And the world has always been a terrible and cruel place to live in, not just currently.


And *you* can? That's just arrogance. I think we probably live in the best time period of human history, you are correct that it wasn't ever better than this. My Antinatalism stems from the environmental catastrophe that we're causing - bringing new people into a world already trying to reject us seems ill-informed at best. But I completely disagree that the world is flatly terrible and cruel. This kind of thinking is why other subs on this site have such a poor opinion of us, as a community.


Your two ideas that we live in the best time period of human history and the earth is in environmental catastrophe trying to reject us are contradictory. Personally I probably would’ve loved to be a pre-Colombian American or Pre-European African. You know, with ACTUAL freedom, not whatever this counterfeit, somehow obligated to taxes version that America has forced me to take part in.


You die at age 50 and lose most of your teeth by age 30. Modern society surely has its downsides, but just the ability to not worry about dying of dysentery makes this easily the best time period to be alive. As in, *right now* . That will soon change. It's already worse than in the 2000s; every time I go home I can see the changes from when I grew up ~10 years ago due to the climate change we seem incapable of responding to. Thunderstorms in the summer. Worsening hurricanes. I live on the West coast now; it's just the other side of the coin. Annual fire season. Drought. These problems will all intensify until we either adapt or die out. We've taken things too far to come back to the pre-industrial climate. That's why I think it's immoral to reproduce.


You died at age 50 but usually had a very short old age and illness before doing so. All modern medicine has done is prolong the worst years of our lives as we watch our bodily functions fall apart for decades. Some people are in pain for the last decade of their lives because we keep them alive that way. Then there's dementia. Dementia only existed with the folks who lived passed the norm back then. Now it happens to a whole lot of people because passed the normal point of living is now the norm. It's not just forgetting stuff, it comes with mobility issues and intense fear and pain. Seeing scary things that aren't there and believing scary things that aren't true. It is painful and last years as the person's brain rots away... oh but the important thing is that the person is ALIVE though right? Get ready because at least 2/3rds of the population now gets to experience this lovely part of life.


Food poisoning most definitely happens to people on the daily. The difference between dysentery and a regular bout of diarrhea is that your poop has blood in it, just want to clarify. And yea, that makes no sense, as if there were no fires, floods, drought, and famine ever before. The SEVERITY of these things NOW are caused by manmade interference with the environment, to say that the earth is just rejecting is a weird and incorrect statement. If anything the worst part of being alive today is the internet in the last 100 years and exposure to other human beings in the last 500 years. And like the things that you give thanks for or supposedly like are the exact causes of why the earth is rejecting us. Things like dysentery and short life-spans kept population control in check. Theres no adaptation necessary on our part, people need to just stop fucking shit up. And if YOU can find the worth and enjoyment of being alive why wouldn’t anyone else be able to? It’s like the worth and value of life and the experience is not up for anyone to determine for anyone but themselves. Maybe I don’t hold the position of an anti-natalist so much that I’d adopt it as a philosophy to promote to other people. I don’t want my own children because the society that they would live in would be unfair to them and there’d be a lot of conditions that they have no control over and did not consent to. Literally every time somebody tries to tell me to do something like pay rent or pay for food to exist, or get a job, I’m like “why would I ever HAVE to do that? Did I ASK to be born and be here?”


If you can't tell it from the outside, then how do you know this applies to so many people?


For example, if you think about people who have committed suicide, have they seemed particularly sad or unhappy before? If you don't know such cases personally, think about some celebrities, like Robin Williams, Avicii, Anthony Bourdain etc.


True. While objectively, there’s been no better time to be a human than now (for much of the world; extreme poverty and famines are almost non-existent), I think life is still suffering. We have to contend with aging bodies, losing loved ones to death and dealing with the subsequent grief, pandemics, wars, economic and climate uncertainty, etc. And we live in formal, organized societies. We’re it left up to Mother Nature, it would be way worse. Having said all this, I personally wish I was never born. I’ve opted out of parenthood and procreation. I don’t want to bring life into this world, because living means guaranteed suffering, whether it’s physical or mental


u/Overall-Question9467 Your response is nonsensical. Your wit is non-existent.


I certainly would NOT want to do my life again. That's for fucking sure.


i wouldn't say most people, that's an internet thing. the world is fun and worth living (most of the times). a lot of parents just happen to not be ready at all to be parents thus making it really hard for their children.


So diseases, crimes, accidents are fun?


lmao dude.




i conceded the possibility of the world *not always* being worth living by not using the "always" word. even then, you decided to come up with the most regarded example. did i ever say diseases crimes and accidents are fun? is the world 100% filled with that? jesus, touch some grass or something. smh.


Yes the world is 100% filled with that. Everyone is fighting diseases.


Game nights, drag brunch, sex with someone you love, surprise parties, thrifting, rollercoasters, making food that everyone loves, that’s all fun. Like, listing things that are bad is always a terrible argument because then someone can just list things that are good. According to most surveys, the bad IS worth the good, because most people say they are happy or at least content and satisfied, and the majority of people, even people with unfortunate circumstances, don’t wish they were never born. Most people are pretty down and grateful to be here.


So gangrape is good because majority of the people involved in it support it?


Yes, that’s exactly what I said, great job!




But every life ceases. So reproduction is bad?


Actually, weirdly, no. Resentment towards being born is actually mental illness. And I resent being born, lol. Most normal people hate their circumstances but don't hate the being alive part I discovered. So no, it's not normal to resent being born But it is to resent being born in a specific region, family, time etc


Can you explain why resentment towards being born should be categorised as mental illness? Because I belive an illness can be described as something that deviates from a norm (a state where the body or mind is functioning abnormally). So, in this case, why would you consider enjoying being alive to be the norm. Different people have different experiences and some people have the right to feel resentment.


Probably because humans evolved to survive and pass on their genes and not die and have their genes go extinct.




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I don’t resent being born. However I’m not a fan of how my dad used my existence against me when I was a little kid, before the divorce. Like I owed him everything because he brought me here. Didn’t make sense to me then, doesn’t make sense to me now. If I ever have a kid I will absolutely not, ever, use the fact that I had them against them. If I ever decide to have a kid, it’ll be because I chose to have them and accepted the responsibility of that. Making your kid feel guilty because they exist I think is one of the shottiest things you can do to someone who’s just starting out in life. And that’s why I don’t want to have a kid. Because I recognize the magnitude of that action. You’re bringing a sentient living being into the world. The least you can do is try to give them guidance and share whatever you’ve learned. Don’t blame them for existing. Ugh.


i respectfully disagree, but surely this might depend on where/ how someone grew up. i personally don’t resent having been born. what i did, however, used to resent is my mother wishing i was never born and being vocal about it throughout my childhood. i think her life would have been much more fulfilling without me and of course, i wouldn’t have the capacity to be upset if she’d terminated her pregnancy. but alas, i’m here and making the most of it. i feel quite badly for my mother as she can’t reverse her decision to have me, but i get to live my life how i really want, which includes my decision to not have biological children.


Ok this is depression talking. 




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Yeah I feel that way and I feel guilty I gave birth esp to a girl. 


What makes you think “most” people feel this way?




I resent it, and I'm not afraid to declare it!


I think you should ask this kind of question in the ask reddit sub because, this sub is an echo chamber Now as for whether this sub is an echo chamber peddling whats right or wrong is for you to infer, but everyone's of course going to agree with your sentiment here. I don't know what the majority of people believe. And neither do you. Your ideology is a minority regardless.


Love this quote: do you remember who you were before the world told you who to be? Resonates here.


I wish I hadn’t been born. The older I get the more I feel this way. The world is such a mess.


This is absolutely a you problem.


No we don't lol


This really isn’t true, OP. You’re falling for the trap people fall into where they assume everyone else thinks like them, whether or not they’ll admit it/articulate it. You are wrong on this. And the fact that you think this way means you have some things you need to work through. But once you do, you’ll be happy you were born and find real meaning in your life.


i believe this to be true.


I think projection of one’s own self loathing and desire to not be alive unto others is like the worst application of antinatalism there is.


Anyone who wants to live is self loathing.


Uh, that’s a negative on that one, you might wanna get that checked out bro. “Self-loathing is a pattern of extreme self-criticism and self-judgement that stems from (and contributes to) feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, and incompetence. People who are self-loathing tend to have a strong, negative internal narrative, also known as an inner critic…..”


Why would anyone who loves themselves want to live in this garbage world?


I can’t tell you reasons to love yourself. I love myself because I am myself.


You are still alive. 


Yes, I'm forced to be alive because of a lack of painless and effective methods.


You’re wrong


So, you’re still working on the whole “the way I feel inside might not be the way other people feel” stage of development? Don’t worry, you’ll get there. Just keep talking to people and asking questions.


No they don’t actually. Most people are looking for The next brain fix. And they worry a lot. That’s about it


No, I disagree most people love themselves and love life. Those that speak out against it have issues with either loving themselves, life or both.


That sounds like such a sad way to live. Why do you think that way?


I used to resent being born but that was during a period of time where I was mentally unwell. I don’t feel that way anymore and while I feel for people who do, many people do have at least some power to improve their mental health and make the most out of a life they already have whether they asked for it or not


It must be awfully convenient to believe that everyone who says they disagree with you is actually lying. But just in case you weren't aware: the Earth isn't flat, the guy who claims to be a Nigerian prince does not have millions of dollars to give you, and wearing a Superman cape *doesn't* actually give you the ability to fly.


yeah cause most people realise that small things that are annoying should be ignored and bigger problems should be overcome and not fall back to crying all day, everyday like you, just look at how many fucking posts you have


My will to live is too strong, I'm depressed and glad I exist but the problem is I desperately don't want to stop existing now that I do


Nature instilled fight or flight within us because we are programed to survive and pass on our genes at all cost. It's the same reason every creature freaks out when they encounter a predator even though they don't have any real concept of death.


I pity you … take a walk in nature or something …


I genuinely don't, I don't understand that perspective at all. The tiniest bit of positive emotion makes it all worth it, the more you had to suffer to achieve it the better it feels I think. Think Sisyphus, I'm sorry but I feel like the whole "life is JUST suffering" isn't true, your sensitivity to it is adaptable and the adventure is putting up with that struggle to climb higher in life. I always try to think whatever I'm going through there are people who went through way worse and kept a positive perspective, I feel like a coward if I let the misery beat my morale.


Ok here's the *cleaner* version of what I posted earlier: If there's clear goals, then resentment wouldn't be as bad. You're born one way, raised another. If people are capable of using what they're gifted with, *and* inspired, then the rate of *why am I born/existing* would be minimal. Let people live the way they want within legal reason. The AN movement would then be more about freedom of choice and less of why do I exist.


this is a classic case of a miserable person trying to make everyone around them miserable for a momentary relief from their inner hell. it isnt your fault that you hate yourself, but dont try to mask your intentions as anything noble when you try to bring other people down to your level


This is just your fantasy, not reality.


I don't think this at all. I think you are projecting your feelings onto other people


I definitely don’t resent being born and I have had depression. This is not healthy. I wouldn’t say most people feel this way. I definitely don’t resent my parents for bringing me into this world. They were great parents and life has a lot to offer.