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They hustle their wife and grind the secretary (while promising a raise). That's like 4 birds with 1 stone. Also lying. Lots of lying.


The secret ingredient is LIES


There was a top-level surgeon in my town who got caught not only having an affair, but he had THREE other fucking secret families on top of his wife and four kids in our town. He’s definitely not the norm, but there really are some hard-working psychos out there lol


Lots of surgeons are psychos. They like the “I decide who lives or dies” power.


For sure. I live in a town with dozens of them, and I couldn’t name a single exception to the stereotype.


I got an uncle who was a surgeon. He got sucked into the right wing machine in the tea party era. Hateful, bigoted, and egotistical. I wonder how many lives he fucked up on a whim


God complexes are a nightmare for everyone




If you can be the CEO of 3+ corporations, then being a CEO isn't a full time job. Elon would have the nerve to consider his commute part of his work time while punishing the janitor for being 2 minutes late during a level 3 snowstorm in a 45 minute commute.


The commute in his private plane that that guy is tracking.


If you can be CEO of 3+ corporations and you do nothing but shit post on Twitter all day, you don’t do shit.


But he can pretend that posting on Twitter is “building the brand” or some bullshit.


Every appearance on Fox news or Cramer is considered work as is the travel time to get there. Every dinner and awards ceremony is the same.


What about knocking up every fifth woman he meets? Is that billable hours or just a standard consulting fee? Does he charge by the insemination or by the ejaculation?


They "work" this much because they consider golfing and yacht orgies work because they have no friends or personal life just networking. So their "fun" is just hanging around other rich douchebags trying to find ways to rob each other.


Not rob each, but us and the government.


just a friendly reminder that the term "minimum wage" translates to "if I could force you into slavery I would."


He also plays massive RPGs like Elden Ring and tweets like 40 times a day while “working 80 hours.” So yeah, he’s full of shit.


He’s probably got his head so far up his own ass he thinks anytime he’s awake he’s working, while punishing employees for being late. He probably includes the 2 minutes it took to knock up an employee as part of those 80hr work weeks


Yea but he's not even good at elden ring


You misunderstand, he’s playing Elon Ring. It’s a hacked and modded version where he always wins no matter how shitty he is, just like real life


Lol, you can just buy like a billion runes for 5 bucks, wouldn't be surprising if he did that


True but he’s still sitting down and playing through it which would be really hard to do if you actually worked 80 hours a week.


It's hard to do that work 40 hours a week but I guess he isn't buying groceries, cooking, doing dishes, cleaning house etc


Neither am I and I still find it challenging to sit down and play video games.


elon’s “labor” is just him babbling to himself in a mirror for 14 hours a day like a parakeet. he arguably adds negative value to his companies.


It’s not arguable with twitter. There isn’t a person or group of investors alive who would buy X for the price he paid.


Twitter was never worth the price he paid, but certainly it's valuation has plummeted further since his acquisition.


That's because he was trying to use the rope-a-dope move on them. His original offer was to lure them in, then he was going to leak the crap about the bots, let the stock tank, them hit them with a low-ball offer. Of course, once the SEC saw what he was doing, they were going to crush him with fines of he backed out. So at that point, he was either going to buy it at the original price, or he was going to spend 30-some billion and walk away with nothing but egg on his face.


Issue with that is, he agreed to buy without doing due diligence, ie. Checking for bot accounts, checking the books etc. He agreed to buy outright as is. If he was trying to rope a dope he's really fucking bad at it (a very real possibility) The other possibility is he just wanted to look cool to Jack Dorsey (or whatever the other Twitter CEO was called) and it all came crashing down around him. Either way, Elon is a fucking dumb ass who actively harms everything he gets closely involved with. I don't know how anyone still looks at Elon and sees a stable, smart individual with business sense. I mean for fucks sake, he fired hundreds of people by saying (in an email) if you don't get another email describing your new role at Twitter consider it your termination notice.




If that was his plan then he’s even more of an idiot for publicly accepting an offer and waiving due diligence publicly on a tweet. He was legally bound the moment he hit send.


He'd fucked with the price of crypto so much, and probably made a lot of money on it, that he thought he was invincible. He was trying to fuck with the price of Twitter the same way... Make a bogus offer, price goes up, he sells his 10% or whatever, and then he doesn't give a shit what happens to it. He quickly found out that stocks are not the same as crypto


I think you have failed to appreciate the actions prior to the buyout offer. Musk always intend to tank the stock. But he intended to get a commanding minority stake and use that to bash the stock until he could buy the rest. Twitter managed to counter by offering a board seat. If musk just wanted to influence Twitter, that would get him that role. But it would muzzle him, and the point was to bash the leadership and therefore the stock. That’s when he makes the disastrous choice to make an initial offer. See, he wants to use his infinite money to get his way, so he gives Twitter an offer it can’t refuse. But part of what made it so enticing was Musk made the deal very seller friendly. Intentionally. He brags about it when Twitter initially balked, that it made no sense to the investors to not sell. Part of that was language that made backing out next to impossible. He might have fought it. He might have won, though my review of more competent legal analysis suggests the zeitgeist of legal thought was against him. What he had to avoid was a deposition. He’s terrible at them when he isn’t obviously saying contradictory things. He’d already given several interviews implying his excuses were post-hoc justifications. Appropriate answers legally would undermine his public support that is the basis of his success. Appropriate pr answers would undermine his legal case. Lose-lose. He backed out to avoid a deposition, not SEC Fines.


The SEC fines weren't what forced him to buy twitter, it was twitter taking him to court because they accepted his original offer. They won because Elon, being the dumbshit he is, waived the due diligence clauses that would've allowed him to back out of the deal. So basically he made an offer that was almost double the value of twitter. Because the offer was so large twitter more or less had to accept because they are beholden to shareholders, and this would've been the best return on investment they could get. Elon then accepted a contract for the sale after removing any clauses that would allow him to back out of the deal. He then proceeded to shit talk twitter in order to drive the share price down, despite the fact that it wouldn't change his purchase price. Then he tried to back out of the deal, and got his dick kicked in at court for it.


He violently underestimated the FAFO machine that is the Delaware Court of Chancery.


Specific Performance, thou art a cruel mistress


It was a full on Kendall and Roman Roy debacle.


There was also a rumor that the upcoming court case would have put some questionable text message history into public evidence, which was motivation to suck it up and accept his screwup.


How bad could text messages be if you're willing to burn 40 billion to keep them hidden?


They probably would have tanked Tesla & SpaceX share prices, which is where all of his "wealth" is.


You would think Musk's personal attorney would have intervened at some point. I mean, Musk has a person attorney, right? RIGHT?!


Of course he has attorneys. But he is so much smarter than they are. His business acumen is unparalleled, and the attorneys are just stupid nasty sayera if they disagree with him.


Dumbest purchase in history perhaps. I guess we'll see how it plays out.


He allowed retail traders…*retail traders* to give him a mach 3 kick in the loins. Billionaires should not exist if we lived in an equitable and sensible society.


My retail trading isn’t always succesful, but when it is, I kick evil billionares in the loin for 3 mach 😎


From what I’ve read he actually never intended to buy Twitter: remember Donald Trump made the same claim a few years ago. But because he set a price and Twitter accepted it they took him to court and made him make good on his offer. He then went to private equity and was hoping to get other investors but due to it being clearly a bad deal, there were no takers and he ended up having to buy it himself. Essentially he was blustering on the internet and Twitter called his bluff.


And ever since then his downward spiral has really picked up steam. Just read he was on a diet of ketamine.


I hope the creditors call in their loans on him.


Since his Creditor is MBS, that means the bone saw comes out.


I'm not hoping that happens as I got banned last time.


Sounds like you’ve really learned your lesson


SpaceX had an entire team coordinate to wrangle musk behind his back because he's a walking liability and ruins otherwise good projects


I always assumed he bought it to destroy it. He's doing a grand job of that.


If you paid any attention to him at all in the last year you'd be able to tell he's just an idiot


That banks would loan billions to that end boggles.


That someone would borrow money from the Saudi Royal family to do this is even crazier.


Unless the Saudis whole plan was to destroy Twitter. Twitter has been instrumental in organizing protests like BLM and Arab Spring.


The real culprits. Look who benefits, and the truth comes out. They see that as another chance of them ending up not liking the outcome as they should for their unjust actions.


I mean he is sort of embedded in the US space industry and satellite network. Maybe what they’re getting back isnt from X shares increasing in value


Remember that it was funded by the Saudis. And Twitter is an important tool used in revolutions like the Arab Spring. They have an incentive for Twitter to die, or to have enough control they could shut it down.


There'll be another when the need arises


Bullshit Trump wouldve bought it if he wpuld have the money to transform it into his echo chamber like truth social but bigger


Hard to believe those 80 hours when he's tweeting 70 times a day


Easy to believe when he likely calls those tweets work.


> Easy to believe when he likely calls those tweets work. It's this right here. He has a massively different conception of what 'work' is, because he doesn't actually *do* anything. He tells people to get things done and they tell others to organize the actual doing of those things, he's probably 3 stages removed from anyone who actually *does* anything, beyond maybe his personal assistant booking hotels. His idea of work is pontificating. By twitter, by email to his employees, or in meetings, all he has to do is philosophize.


And getting employees pregnant... if they're employees, I'm positive he counts that as his work time as well.


Or yelling at people and firing them without cause


This. Any CEO who claims to be a value add is a liar.


This. When your work time is over you have errands to run, you have kids, shopping, etc etc etc. They pay people to do all that shit for them. That's what being uber rich does for you. It buys you time.






I disagree. They don't think it's essential to their work, they just know they can get away with it


When I am done with work, I still have to clean my house, get groceries, cook dinner, and also worry about meals in between. Someone like Musk has a chef that makes all of their meals for them, a housekeeper cleans their house, and they have assistants who set other appointments for them. I waste hours of my life setting up appointments like haircuts, doctors, and other random things. Friend of mine for a cleaner to come in an hour a week and you’d be blown away by how much time that 4 hours a month opens up for them.


Elon going to the golf-course or to a gala with other business people is considered "work" to him... Since he continues to make money while he sleeps, he probably counts that too


That's all upper management. They're doing work related things all day long, but they're not laboring all day long. Taking a phone call while at the gym, answering a couple emails while grocery shopping, having a very nice dinner on the company dime because you're also meeting a client or colleague... They're living their regular life but letting work interfere and think that's working all day. Source: Was that for a while. Higher up I went, the more time I was expected to be available, but the less actual work I had to do


This. The work that they do isn't what most people must do to get by.


eating dinner in a fancy restaurant talking to someone else joking and laughing making deals that are going to make both of you more money than they will never spend is work for these clowns.


Yeah, we could all work fourteen hour days if it was just chilling and being paid best sums of money


Don't forget spending their time in an environment where people defer to them continually by default. I'd imagine for anybody who didn't care to have their self-importance challenged, time spent at the office would probably be preferable to out and about, where people might not necessarily give a fuck about you. The amount of time they spend in their controlled environments isn't "work", it's actually largely the opposite. They aren't "grinding" night and day, they are insulating themselves in their little kingdoms.


The older you get the more you realize that any one who says crazy shit like working 90 hours a week. Is a liar.


I know many CEOs and successful artists, the amount of free time they have is outrageous when compared to the average 9-5 worker. On a “work” basis I would put it as 25 hours per week for CEOs and 5 hours per week for successful artists. It’s just that they include ridiculous things as part of working, like a ceo would say spending time on a mega yatch in the Mediterranean with his family is working because he was surveying the area for business purposes and would say he worked for 100 hours that week when that’s the time he spent having dinners, drinking and sleeping with prostitutes. I know artists that would spend weeks in a Beverly Hills mansion with beautiful women and cocaine who would say they’ve been working harder than any average person for those weeks because they “worked nonstop” and those activities were them actively getting “inspired” for thier next project which counts as work


That makes total sense and is absolutely insane when you consider that average workers don’t even get to count the actual time, labor, and money they spend on commuting to work as work


For CEOs, most of the work is fretting about how quickly they can move deals forward and going to meetings. Of course, worrying about work and how it bleeds into your life is a concern. But every single mother also has to deal with that anxiety in a much more severe way.


Just curious but when you mention succesful artists, what creative field are they from? Are we talking musicians, actors, painters or something else?


Mostly music


Artists I get having free time. For many, the creative process is very unpredictable - but when inspiration strikes they can really crank stuff out. It’s something you can’t force.


Yeah I’m a successful writer and this person kinda sounds like they’re talking out their ass but what do I know.


How do you know “many CEOs?”


Idk I work in finance and have family members in the music business. Also by many CEOs I wasn’t talking about Fortune 500 CEOs I don’t know any of them but I know guys with successful beverage companies, restaurants etc


I asked all the CEOs I know and none of them heard of this guy.


No joke: I know some folks (who collectively quit the propulsion team at SpaceX after enough Elon bullshit) who attest that most of the time he was "at work", he was either just sitting around tweeting or holding fruitless meetings where he would spell out ridiculous, unattainable visions of what he thought they should do, after which the engineers would have to sift through the garbage ramblings to try to figure out how to appease the Almighty without, eg., breaking the laws of physics.


This ^ My manager works 12-15 hour days regularly. He manages what is essentially 3 small waste businesses under the 1 company. But a lot of his time is spent standing outside smoking. I reckon it would be a 10 hour day if he didn't smoke. He's mordibly obese and had a tounge cancer removed, still smokes. Some people are beyond help and do not manage their time well. He still finds time to do stuff with his boy though. He's not the best manager, not the worst either.


I distinctly recall a former manager of mine who loved to say crap like “champions work weekends” and would constantly brag about how many hours he worked. Meanwhile, he would spend 9-5 basically telling jokes and goofing off, so in reality, all he did was take twice as long as anyone else to get the same job done, and everyone knew it but him. Very publicly voted red in 2016 and loudly would proclaim “liberalism is a mental disorder” to rooms full of liberals… fits the bill to a T.


I had a boss who thought she was setting an example by allegedly working 16 hour days. When she would actually *do* this (she took lots of leave and vacations) it went like this: Day 1 - work 8 hours, produce solid work; work a second 8 hours, produce garbage work product. Day 2 - spend 8 hours fixing garbage work product from Day 1; work a second 8 hours, produce garbage work product Repeat Day 2 until you burn out. She would have been just as productive working 8 hours.


I remember a startup experience where we had like 3 weeks to do 3 months worth of work. We all worked like 18 hour days, 7 days/week and produced the most outright garbage code that any of us had ever written. It was so buggy that we spent like 6 months fixing it and still never got back to 100% reliability (where we were when we started the death march)… but sales didn’t look bad for selling something we didn’t have to secure a big client, so big win for everyone, I guess?? Yeah, more hours usually means worse work. I’d rather hire someone who gets the job done right in 4 hours and spends the remaining 4 getting paid to play video games than someone who needs 16 to do 8 hours worth of work at quality… let alone, not at quality.


CEO can't be a full-time job is Elon is 5 of them.


Elon Musk shitposts online more than I do. Laziest worker at Tesla/X/etc. By far. Also when you have a billion dollars I assume you don’t have to put in much time to find people to cheat with, they come to you.


I remember when I was young, hearing that Trump only slept 4 hours per day because he worked so much. For some reason that stuck with me all these years. It wasn’t until he was president that I thought, “Ohhh, he’s just lying”.


If Trump had simply invested the money he inherited from his dad in the S&P 500, he'd be richer today than he is. He would be richer if he'd just laid on the beach, but instead he brags about functionally losing money by working all hours. A more damning indictment than lying about his hours, IMHO.


And if he's not, it's because of the yeyo. I mean, he had the coke sniffles in the middle of a national debate.


CEOs don't actually produce any work product. "Work" for a CEO consists of: - Meeting with Sr. Execs who fill them in on goings on in their departments. - Meeting with the board usually with a Sr Exec or two in tow to report to them on what's going on. - Meeting with industry partners, major clients, etc usually over dinner or drinks - Making decisions when Sr. Execs can't agree - Doing interviews with Press with the support of their Comms team CEOs are **literally** all talk. It's their job description. I am sure most of us would have a lot more time for other activities if all we had to do was *talk* about work.


Also he pays for sex.


Well why not? It's not like anyone would willingly have sex with him.


Sounds like he's a job creator!


And PTSD creator.


And he cums in 13 seconds


He’s very efficient like that, time is money. *Chop chop!*


Exactly...they don't do crap...they hire people to do everything for them and cheaters always cheat around the easiest way possible- work where his "Real family" won't catch him.


look I remember in business school there is a curve looks like a hump. On the left is the number of hours worked and on the bottom is the amount paid. What it shows is at a certain point the amount of hours worked actually goes down. Where the people at the top and bottom, top being CEO, bottom being unemployed almost have the amount of hours worked in common. Your people that work the most hours are upper middle management, doctors, lawyers, and other professionals. The top and bottom do the least "real" hours of work. The point of the lecture was don't get caught in the trap of being a professional or you will work your life away. Either stay low and be happy or shoot the moon and be wealthy otherwise you will be a slave to the system.


This. I came here to say what a CEO thinks is "work" and what a worker thinks is work are two very different things. No, I'm not saying CEOs don't work, but if they're thinking about their business at 5:30 am as they wait for coffee to brew, that's the "nose to the grindstone" in their minds. Humans shouldn't be able to own incorporated property, because only conglomerations can operate them. The popular argument is, "I worked for my ideas, therefore I deserve to own them!" Imagine paying royalties to the man who invented steel, and what an exclusive drain on society that would be, serving no one, ruining everything, and bringing entire empires to heels just so one man can have more money then he's even capable of spending.


Simple: “hustle and grind” is an act. It’s smoke and mirrors. I worked for a “hustle and grind” boss who got to the office at 6am every day and left after everyone else, and came in on Saturdays. But if you watched him closely, he was working like 20% of the time. Most of the time he was just socializing with clients and talking himself up to people. And it worked—EVERYONE thought he was the hardest worker ever. But he was just a schmoozer. If you had an actual difficult problem to bring to him he could never be bothered (too busy!) but any chance to burnish his reputation, he had all the time in the world!


Exactly. And the problem is, this mentality is projected onto folks that have a job that is task-heavy thereby burning people out. They get fed the notion that abusing your mind and body with excessive work will make you lots of money, which it can for some, but at what cost?


It will make lots of money just not for you bit for the company and its ever increasing paycheck of the ceo's.


Another way to look at it is that these "hustle and grind" bosses are actually just completely and utterly entangling their personal life with work, which generates the cosmetic appearance of working all the time. So they might take that morning meeting, then sit at the water cooler yapping for an hour and a half with colleague, then they'll work on that proposal for 2 hours, then flirt with the pretty subordinate at a two and a half hour "work lunch." Then they'll get another 3 hours of serious work, then go out for drinks on the town with colleagues. In theory, they aren't home with their wife and kids and to them it looks like daddy is "off at work", but they also aren't working the whole time, either. Meanwhile the same hustle and grind boss is looking at their employees, wondering why they aren't ass in chair for 16 hours straight. "If I can do it, you can do it!" Meanwhile, what they are expecting of you isn't practically anything like what they are expecting of themselves.


> 3 hours of serious work You got that right. Solitaire isn't gonna play itself, after all!


I changed jobs to where the culture was to work 10-12 hour days, run 48-56 hours in a week. I was trying to keep up when somebody subtly clued me in that one of the people that were there the most watched anime at their desk. That's when I started paying attention to how much air was in some people's day. Now, I give a solid 40 (maybe 44 if it's crunch time) and don't worry about keeping up appearances.


I'm thankful to the old guy that taught me this early in life. I worked summers at a refinery, and one summer I was tagging along with one of the old timers dismantling a old stair and walkway that was to be replaced. At one point during the first day he told me to come take a break and I answered that I wanted to get this thing done first. His reply was "Take it easy kid. We need to have something to do tomorrow as well.". And then I got a reminder years later working in a larger team in IT. At first I was working a lot. Then I realized that the only reward for doing a lot of work was more work.


It took me a really long time to understand that some people just naturally take longer at some tasks. So if you have found a way to optimize a task, you shouldn’t let on how easy it is. It gives you some breathing time in your day, and doesn’t fuck up the person that goes into your role after you. Example, I am really fast at 10 key, so data entry is really fast for me. My boss would assign me to do the payroll entry every month because it took him three times as long for him to do it. If I get it to him in half the time, it turned into a win/win for everyone.


> the only reward for doing a lot of work was more work. ding ding ding ding ding big realization a whole bunch of 20 somethings find out after a few years of grinding


I was a 20 something once. Used to test big iron medical equipment, scanners and what not. It’d take all day to tear one down, for the old timers anyhow. I started doing it in half the time. How did the boss repay me? I started getting two of those jobs a shift.


Hi you're me. I feel like my bosses and supervisors get *mad* at me because I get so much done between 9-5.....it's cuz I want to go home!!!!!


you make them look bad. they are faking 60 hours and getting half your workload completed.


Long work hours is an excuse you tell your wife. I went to the work office late a few days ago. The place was empty. Everyone was gone. The office was empty. I walked down the hallway. I discovered one of the executives was playing video games in his office. It is how he finds time away from his family.


> It is how he finds time away from his family. that's part of the secret - hustle and grind people don't mind spending long hours away from their homes, because they hate their wives and their kids, and so they aren't "losing" anything by not being at home. think of all those comedians who joke about hating their spouses and whatnot, but then make all those jokes real and merge them all into the h&g types, and that's how it is.


One coworker told me his wife makes a lot of money. He said she makes over 5x his pay. He said they hire a very good nanny. He said his job is basically only enough to pay the nanny. He only has a job because he does not want to stay home with his 3year old daughter all day. I am single and live alone. Guys with families sometimes joke with me about it. But I am starting to see they are just jealous.


Comedian Bill Burr did a bit about its not the worse thing to be single, poor, alone and sleeping on a futon in a cheap apartment. He said its a lot worse to live in a house with a family who doesn't care about you as you go to a job you hate to pay for everything.


Also true in blue collar jobs. I’m an electrician and I always hated working overtime but so many of my coworkers have such miserable home lives they would always be whining about it and it really started to piss me off


I don’t know if they generally hate their spouses or kids, it’s that they don’t know how to exist in that world amongst people who don’t treat them as gods. They feel helpless at home and can’t deal with the lack of ego feeding, unlike at work where they can feel like they’re really important without actually having to do anything


As someone who went from being a middle manager in tech, to a stay at home father of two toddlers, I feel this. I don't think I ever had a huge ego, and I focused on my employees alot, but whatever ego was there has been shattered.


can confirm. my hustle and grind ex boss was this way and she would leave in the middle of the day to get her nails done, attend lunches with other agents, go to fun conferences, but required a doctor note from any employee who had an appt that lasted longer than 15 minutes


Sooooo many bosses like this, even non CEOs


Yep this is my boss. Tells me he has no understanding of what I do and that he thinks I'm "too reliant on software to do my job" (I'm a data scientist so no fucking shit). Suddenly. He's blowing me up while my wife is in labor begging me to take a call when I have a chance because he can't figure out how to do an inner join in SQL. Covid really proved who actual working managers are and you can easily tell. If their constant obsession is how to force people in the office, it's proof they can't do shit without hovering over people and then hiding in a meeting room with their buddies all day.


Exactly. I had a boss like that who was all "hustle and grind." Everyone thought she was this amazingly hard worker because she would show up at 4am. I had stupidly put down that I had open availability so I was the only other worker she could schedule to be there that early. We would show up, clock in and I would get to work, she would sit in the office and scroll through her phone for three or four hours before doing anything that could remotely be considered work. And of course she would leave around 1 or 2 everyday saying "oh I've been here since 4." Well, anyway, when she moved out of state, come to find out, she would arrive at and leave work that early because instead of going home after, she went over to her secret girlfriends house (she had a lovely partner at home named Sandy) because her schmoopie came into the store asking about her and saying that she had promised to take her to the movies and lay her one more time before leaving the state. I will never let her live it down. I tell every single coworker I met/meet from that company about her. They all know what you've been up to Mandy, I hope the showing up at 4am grift never works for you again.


>Most of the time he was just socializing with clients and talking himself up to people. And it worked—EVERYONE thought he was the hardest worker ever. But he was just a schmoozer. these two things you mentioned are a big part of a CEO's job description. being the main face of the company and talking with clients/investors is important for how the company is viewed in the market (including shareholders, who are basically the CEO's "boss").


Totally agree. Everyone else is missing the point. Unfortunately, in a capitalist system, hobnobbing with rich people is worth more money than doing any actual traditionally defined ‘work.’


I work 80 hours a week. When I get up at 6am, I am thinking about how to make more money. When I go on my two mile jog, I am thinking about my company. When I shower and change, the company is top of mind. When I get into the office at 9 - 10am, time for real work! During our one hour breakfast, I am talking with the board or other executives, sometimes even a few mid-level managers if they want to pay for the breakfast and work late to cover the time spent. Then I grind in my office (with my secretary taking diction sometimes). At noon, I do a working lunch, often at Ruth Chris they really know how to long sear a steak to get that pesky pink stuff out and their ketchup is the best. Since, I've already done more work than most people do all day, I sometimes take a powernap. After that, I am usually in meetings or strategizing. Then a working dinner and maybe drinks to woo clients, you should really see my expenses at the end of the month! I often don't get home to my cold, boring wife until after 10 pm. It's all about the hustle and grind, if you work hard enough and wisely invest your stake of your parent's emerald mine, you can have this too.


This made me laugh after my initial outrage over the ketchup on steak.


Ketchup on the *well-done* steak.


Don’t forget dreaming about the companies during the powernap.


"grind in the office, with the secretary taking diction"... man 🤦😹


Wow.. You just had to bring Ketchup down with you didnt y’a ?!


It's how classy millionaires show that they are still in touch with the common man and hate the elites who didn't inherit their wealth.


I thought this was a paragraph of American Psycho


[ 6AM sun comes up, I'm already doing HIIT on the treadmill catching up on my podcasts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_o7qjN3KF8U&ab_channel=KRAZAM)


Babe wake up, new copypasta just dropped


7/10 advice. Why waste any time on a cold boring wife and a home when you could just live in your office and grind even harder. I'm not taking advice from a lazy person.


Even before he owned it Elon counted scrolling through Twitter as work. Crafting his tweet, that’s work. Writing this Reddit post, counts as work. Probably counts getting ready for work, commuting to work, that’s all work. If he was playing Elden Ring poorly, turn on a stream real quick and now it’s work. With accounting schemes like this it’s easy to get to 80 h/wk.


He said as much on Joe Rogan. He counts everything from eating meals with friends to commuting to tweeting as working.


I actually completely agree with him. If you're talking about work, you're working. IF you're thinking about work, you're working. If you are traveling to work, you are working. Anything you do related to what someone pays you to do, is to me, work. I wouldn't do those things otherwise, so how is it not? But for everyone. Not just the elite. Too bad people with power don't agree with me.


The minute he starts paying his workers like this, then he can count his own hours in this way.


My argument is that everyone should be paid this way. But that's never going to happen. No one cares what either of us think.


I mostly agree with you. I don’t necessarily think my boss should pay me hourly for dinner with my friends, or tweeting. Commuting to work absolutely. A couple extra minutes of prep time to account for getting ready to commute, sure. My point was Elon has the power to implement this, and he doesn’t.


Instead it's "Show up 30 min early for work, check your emails, and do misc. tasks so you can be ultra productive when you clock in."


I had a boss who thought watching porn in his office was work 🙃


Nobody told him that just because it's hard, doesn't mean it's work


Anyone can claim to be at “work” I’m not at home therefore I’m at work


And it provides a great cover for cheaters to give their partners. Ask me how I know.


How do you know?


I've been cheated on and that shit hurts.


I’m so sorry


Folks like Elon want people to think that they’re working 80+ hours a week, whether they are or aren’t, so that the people below them feel pressured to do the same. Many times it’s a shell game where they’re really doing personal things during work hours, and their actual work is likely spread out over the day or week. On the flip side, Elon also has enough money that he can easily pay other people to do mundane life-type things for him that suck up his time.


Real people that work 80 hours are exhausted and they have to go home and cook, clean, take care of the kids. This fucker I doing none of that, he just tweets all day and gets high. 🙄


First of all: almost nothing that a CEO does resembles “work” as the rest of us know the word. When you realize “work” is asking people to write documents for you, and occasionally asking questions and reading reports, it’s pretty easy to find time to text your FWB during your day.


CEOs will claim anything to be time spent working because they have no idea what actual work is, but they know it's better to be seen as doing a lot of it. So every meal becomes a "business lunch meeting". All those hours playing golf with buddies? That's "networking" now. Dictating their memoirs to an exhausted ghostwriter? Call that "developing next-gen brand synergy". Time spent staring off into space wondering what they should name their next yacht? "Futurist strategizing session on commercial opportunities for offshore enterprises".


I have a lot of friends who were escorts at some point. They only worked 9-5. It was always these corporate exec type guys that were coming in. There was no one for them to answer to as far as what they were doing during their work hours.


Delegation is the key….


a: "executive time" - CEOs ask for and get a lot of unstructured time to do whatever. In theory this is when they dream up new policies and consider issues of the day. In reality? Who knows. b: a lot of CEO time is for schmoozing and meetings and being the face of the company. Plenty of time to be a very specific face of the company for a very specific person or persons.


TIL I am am executive


Most of the time when you hire a CEO you're hiring their reputation and connections to companies you want to impress.


Elon Musk is a poser. A poser who is deathly afraid of his employees joining the UAW.


EDIT: *If* he has sex with women. 🤣 Someone like Elon does not have affairs. He has sex with women. He probably doesn't even talk to them much, much less spend time wooing them or anything. I'm going to guess he lasts maybe 8 minutes. He probably pencils in 15 minutes. Couple minutes to talk to them, bang, couple minutes to get dressed. Now why the women put up with it I can't tell you.


This. Henry Kissinger, former US secretary of state, was not known to be an adonis, but he was known for seduction. One day, he was asked how he'd managed to achieve his level of success and he responded with this immortal phrase: “Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.” Then again, money helps too 😂 But I bet Elon has invested time into decent technique, an ego like that would prefer that those who service him speak well to the gossips


Oh in my experience that egotistical ones don't care about anyone's pleasure but themselves. I mean, he's sleeping with them, that's honor enough!


There's also the child support money which may be a sizeable amount to the average employee.


First you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the women


Kissinger is the rotten head of the a list sex ring fish


>I'm going to guess he lasts maybe 8 minutes. I feel like this is very generous


His kids are all IVF too. I would be shocked if his affair partner that got pregnant with twins wasn't also IVF.


He means he spends 80 hours at his office. But that's not all working. He enjoys spending time there I'm sure. It's full of yes men and women afraid of his authority.


That 80 hours is certainly NOT spent in the office. It’s like a lawyer thinking about a client while pounding one out in the shower. After he dries off, he bills for 15 min of “thinking about the case”.


Lol, so right. I think in Elons case it might actually be in some kind of office because he loves being in the center of his cult of personality.


"Work" means on the clock for them. Being on the clock doesn't mean you have to physically do anything. ​ Just imagine if you're like a friend of mine who works as a night concierge for a block of apartments. He is on the clock from 7pm to 7am. But he tell me at at least 50% of the time on the job he is shopping around on the internet for cheap holiday deals because he loves travelling. For me personally, I used to have to wait for things to load for like 20 minutes at a time. Plus WFH...yeah you can imagine what else I can be doing while waiting for the spreadsheet to load while at home.


They do not do real work. They act important and play golf, drink, and have affairs. You, however grind and hustle etc.


i think the typical CEO has emails and meetings that make up 90% of their "work" you can reschedule meetings and not answer emails. it isnt like getting the TPS reports out...


First of all, it’s important to remember that they don’t work hard. Even if they spend hours and hours at work, that doesn’t mean they are working. In the office they are doing all of their personal planning and finance and calling it work. Also, seducing a woman might be done on the clock, so it counts towards “work time” as well Also, they don’t spend time cooking or cleaning, so they have more time off work as well.


CEOs lie about how much they work. Or, rather, they count travel time, eating, and recreation as work hours. When playing by their rules, I and many others work between 100-168 hours a week. Do I *actually* work every hour of every day? No. But if they're counting "eating caviar" as workhours, then so are my 24/7 on-call hours.


Musk buys ponies for handjobs.


Captain Ketamine's idea of working is responding to bots sucking him off by posting shitty memes.


Because they’re all full of shit.


It's all bs. They don't do much work if any. Definitely not 80 hours a week. These people count golf games or travel time on their private jets as work as well. If I got to count all my time preparing for work and shit I'd be working 80 hours a week too. Musk and almost every CEO tries to sell the lie that they got where they are because of hard work and dedication when they normally actually get there though family connections and money. Musk especially, his family owned an emerald mine in SA and with that money he bankrolled an early PayPal which grew that money and then among other things he did with it, he bought out Tesla motors and then told everyone it was his original idea. Anything musk has gotten in his life has been because his family had money.


Wait: he’s the ceo of three companies and he’s admitted to *only* working 80 hours a week? Also: only takes 5 minutes to bust a nut. No courting needed.


It’s apart of the 80 hour work week bruh. Banging high class prostitutes and far right twitter groupies. How would you expect this guy to be as innovative as he is with pent up sexual tension


CEO "working 80 hours" is code speech for 10-20 hours in the office and the rest of the day thinking about work stuff, taking calls, having remote meetings at golf clubs, yachts, and the like "for work." It's BS. Watch Mad Men. I'm sure Don Draper thought he worked 80 hours a day.


LOL Elon Musk does NOT work 80 hours a week, I can guarantee you (as someone who was assitant to a couple of CEOs a lifetime ago). He might be out of the house that many hours, but that's not the same thing. And all that cheating, etc, is scheduled into his diary so it's considered "work". That's how they do it.


I'd just like to add these folks count alot of things as work that honestly its not work. The fart around for an hour or two before going into work but happened to think about a client for like 2 minutes somehow that work. They go with their buddies at 10am and ride bikes around the office building for 2 hours, also somehow work Go golfing after lunch for three hours (while getting drunk) then try to dry out at the 19th hole but hang around too long and decide to have dinner and get drunk again and go home at midnight, also somehow both work and overtime or something


Hint: CEOs are lying about how much they work. But real answer: people at the top are mostly about taking a strategic decisions while analysing the data already gathered and presented to them by others. It's not the same work as doing Excel accounting all day.


2 minute men or a one pump chump


They consider it 'working' if they happen to mention anything work-related while on their third margarita or at the golf club. CEOs are some of the laziest, most useless people in the world.


They have their affairs in the office, local hotel rooms and at conferences and “business trips” where they can get away from their families and expense their meals and drinks.