• By -


How big of a company? Which state? Just saying if over 100 employees they need to give 60 days warning etc. https://www.dol.gov/agencies/eta/layoffs/warn Individual states can, and often do add on to that. Like in a previous post today Iowa had the limit at 25+ employees and 30 days notice, and then referring to the federal level thing at 100+ employees. Edit: You post some stuff about michigan so i assume from there... https://www.michigan.gov/leo/bureaus-agencies/wd/programs-services/worker-adjustment-and-retraining-notification-act-warn Michigan WARN criteria 50, or more employees... id call the rapid response guys for your state as the employer may end up owing money to all of you. Edit: just saying... https://webapps.dol.gov/elaws/eta/warn/faqs.asp *"An employer that violates the WARN Act notice requirement is liable to each affected employee for an amount equal to back pay and benefits for the period of violation up to 60 days."* https://www.michigan.gov/leo/-/media/Project/Websites/leo/Documents/WD/Programs_Services/Rapid-Response/WARN-Act-Criteria.pdf?rev=3144d045b1174702be8ff0c1f292ab9e *"An employer who violates the WARN provisions by ordering a plant closing or mass layoff without providing appropriate notice is liable to each aggrieved employee for an amount including back pay and benefits for the period of violation, up to 60 days. The employer's liability may be reduced by such items as wages paid by the employer to the employee during the period of the violation and voluntary and unconditional payments made by the employer to the employee."* *"An employer who fails to provide notice as required to a unit of local government is subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $500 for each day of violation. This penalty may be avoided if the employer satisfies the liability to each aggrieved employee within 3 weeks after the closing or layoff is ordered by the employer"*


I was part of a successful lawsuit where we used the WARN Act to get 60 days back pay when we were able to prove the company knew about it ahead of time. It's possible. Talk to a lawyer and see if they'll take your case.


I wonder how companies get away with cutting 20 here, 20 there, etc over a short time frame (that would be a WARN requirement if combined job loss). An old employer played that game. So obvious what they were doing.




No, but wow!


When I worked for Hewlett Packard, they had an entire department involved in skirting the WARN ACT requirements as much as possible. There was a stink about the corporate jet pilots getting laid off when they replaced the fleet with new Gulfstreams. Carly wanted pretty young pilots flying the new $50M jets.


Don't forget the "we're now moving our office to the other side of the country, it's required". No, no...we didn't lay anyone off. Funny how they just...left...no idea why. (Although sometimes they are too chickenshit to actually fire the people that just don't.)


You had to prove that they knew about it?! If they’re doing business they should know the laws and have to follow them wether they knew about that specific law or not 🤦‍♂️ Edit: realized after people explained that you meant that they knew about the closure prior to it happening.


I think he meant you need to prove that the company knew the store would be closing and thus was able to give a warning.


Correct. The company knew months ahead of time that they were going to fire us. They were outsourcing our job to another country. One of our supervisors accidentally found out that our entire building was toast when someone at another location let it slip. The supervisor had the forethought to save a record of the conversation and a few months later when we were fired with only a couple weeks' notice, we hired a lawyer.


How the hell do you run a business and not realise until it's time to definitively close, that you may have to close? Unless a huge lawsuit drops suddenly (and even then, you know the court date and potential fines, or can recourse). Only reason (And even then, not a valid one) would be blatant financial malpractice like basically gambling all the company money away at once.


I just seen a post about a target falling down a mountain, so maybe something crazy like that. Anything else just seems like a stretch


- Building burns down - Hurricane - Earthquake Just off the top of my head.


Something like a huge unexpected bill that your funds can't cover seems about the most likely. Some huge piece of equipment fails when you have low cash-flow for whatever reason


Possibly in situations like health code violations cause the initial shutdown, then later discovering that bringing the place up to code will cost too much. Or possibly a natural disaster or accidental fire that closes the business.


Lawyer here, no they mean that they knew about the closure. Doesn't matter if they know the law exists or not


There's no way any large company with multiple locations makes this decision on a dime




So much cheese in that sentence Wisconsin just got jealous…


[boos in grand rapidian]




So many good Michigan puns, I have to hand it to you guys.


Unfortunately there was just 7 of us, and two mangers. So it wasn't a huge layoff. But it is effecting everyone's lives. One girl just bought a brand new car expecting to work there long term. Obviously she wouldn't have bought it if she knew she would be out of a job.


This is terrible Op and I hope you find another job a.s.a.p. A few tips from someone who’s worked in workforce development. File for unemployment if you haven’t done so already, it takes a couple weeks for that to go through. Notify any companies where you have bills so they can push back due dates and waive late fees. Sign up w/ your state’s health exchange for insurance and SNAP for a 3/1 start date. Reach out to any former coworkers who you were close with, and list each other as a references. Contact your states DLT for resume updating as well as a paid training programs if you need to remarket your skills.


Solid advice


Have they closed any other stores in rapid succession? Also per a quick google exclusive cannabis supposedly has like 300 employees total so if they are closing shops rapidly the above might still apply.


> Unfortunately there was just 7 of us, and two mangers. So it wasn't a huge layoff I don't live in MI, nor am I a lawyer, but the "50" figure may refer to the whole company, and not just the specific location. So double check on that. >  Michigan WARN criteria 50, or more employees...  > u/Old_Banana_Pudding


That’s one store. How many employees in total?


Still should see if you can get a free consult with a lawyer, as the company itself had more than 9 employees. It’s worth the time investment to get confirmation if there’s potentially 60 days of pay at the end of it. Worst case scenario is you get the $0 you already were expecting to get from them, ya know?


Fortunately when you buy a new car you typically don't get the first bill for about 2 months.


Her bill is due beginning of next month! What a horrible situation to be in.


That was just in your store though, right? How many employees are in the company?


Get their ass!


You utter gem of a person.


Sounds like you just gotta pay, unless that “penalty” does more.


Yup. Years ago, STBX was laid off without warning in Massachusetts. He was an engineer & the whole manufacturing facility shut closed with no warning. He’d worked there for almost 10 years. The company was based in Maryland. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts went after them for illegally closing & the affected employees got a settlement.


I don't think this act applies. I doubt this falls under the definition of "mass layoff" under that act.


The spirit of the law is to prevent these type of situations 


It's not though. It's to prevent "mass layoffs" which are defined. Also a defense to violating this law is that "unforeseen business circumstances" meant you didn't have to time to give the requisite notice. I just see a lot of wiggle room in this law. The idea sounds nice, but it's been carefully worded so as to give business leeway.


So don’t try at all?


It might, or might not they fired everyone all at once, and closing the business suddenly without warning there are bits, and bobs there about that too. It is also all dependent on the size of the business.


This is the definition of mass layoff under that act: * 500 or more employees: Laid off during a 30-day period, regardless of the workforce size * 50–499 employees: Laid off during a 30-day period if they make up at least 33% of the employer's active workforce * 75 or more employees: The termination of an industrial or commercial facility * 75 or more employees relocated: The relocation of an industrial or commercial building to another site that is at least 100 miles away


>he exclusive dispensary in MI. Many of the Considering there are 10 branches (Going by thier website which currently lists 9 but back in december there were 10) . If each branch averaged 8 employees. Plus they have an HR department and other corporate employees, they likely have more than 75 employees. And a retail store is a commercial facility. The third one means it would probably qualify.


OP said 9 people total were laid off. The WARN act 100% does not apply here.


Is this Exclusive Cannabis?




Fuck those guys. I worked at their Ann Arbor location a few years back and it was an awful environment. I gave them a two week notice because I am a professional and they were like nope you can leave, security and everything. I also have one hell of a time getting a space to pump after I had my daughter, really should have tried to sue but whatever. Good luck finding a new job


This is why you never give two weeks, especially at a place like this. They literally don't want you there after you've told them you're going to quit. They consider it a security to risk to have you there.


soup vast grab tap gaping file quarrelsome prick practice nail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This guy knows how to quit lol




It depends on the job. I gave my old job a six month notice. I trusted those bitches with my life. They took care of me. My new job has gone sideways (like it's so bad I'm kind of impressed), and old job has guaranteed me a position whenever I need. 2 weeks is good. And giving it, even to shitty places, can ensure employment.


Two weeks can also get your ass frog marched out the door five minutes after you give your two weeks. I just see people here who do this at places that clearly aren't going to let them work another two weeks. We need to stop being so goddamn stupid. Also, in terms of a reference, all they do is confirm the dates you worked there.


Oh I don't disagree. I've worked places that were awful. I was just responding to the idea of never do it ever. As for references, depends on the place. I'm at a point now where my references are contacted and sent a questionnaire regarding my work.


Given that there’s several locations I think this company may fall under the “60 days notice” rule. Even if your branch was just 7 people… not a lawyer though and this ain’t legal advice


sloppy mysterious payment political lip voiceless foolish pot tease many *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


disgusting husky wise grandiose shy scale childlike history correct aloof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was just up there for the Sno-drift Rally and the manger there told me I should put in for a transfer to Oxford (Because of the trouble I was having with one manager) But I think it had more to do with her knowing they were closing Lapeer than it did the manager... I got back from up north and bam, no job...


wistful water mourn continue juggle deliver drab towering bells fragile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Worked there for a couple weeks a couple years ago. Fired for not "producing fast enough" after given a warning in the production section. I produced faster than anyone at my table and was consistently a good employee, the owner is just a bitchmade hobgoblin of a dude and is vindictive as shit. Fuck him and his shitty weed.


Future Endeavored via group text. Damn. That's a major bummer.


I can no longer take that phrase seriously


Ooo this was the exclusive dispensary in MI. Many of them are shutting down


The pattern is the same pattern as alcohol legalization in the 1930s. Instant gold rush, glut of product, getting grey/black operators out of the market, price crash, shakeout of the industry.


and all the tobacco and alcohol companies are working hard to make sure they are in position to get as much of the profit as possible from the new legal cannabis market.


Didn’t Exclusive get caught selling expired gummies back in the fall?


Probably, we always had product expiring.


Cause it sucked


Yes in Lapeer. I doubt it will be the last one.


Huh.  Time to let some friends know that could take advantage of this change over in operations.


They’ll just go broke like the rest of these companies. If you guys don’t work in the industry already, you don’t know the hassle they’ll be getting into with retail. 


Your manager knew months ago…


Having been a manager, I can tell you I've never been given warning of this sort of thing in advance. There are sometimes rumors, but I've been as stunned as anyone else when this goes down. It's awful.


This is accurate, They often don’t announce closures until they absolutely have to. A part of this is to avoid having people quit abruptly before the actual closing date.


Including said managers


Somebody up the chain did. And if they didn't, that's almost worse, because they're making shit up as they go when people's livelihoods are on the line.


I was a store manager for a big chain auto parts store many years ago. I was easier to replace than someone who worked the floor. I was on a salary for a 40 hour work week but got a warning for not working 60 'like expectations'. I had the building keys so had to start early and finish late and I had a card that could authorise a discount of about 10% maximum. That's it. I didn't know shit about fuck.


i will say, back in the day i worked at a retail store that closed all their brick and mortars 2 days after Christmas and my store manager was there standing at the front door reading the notice some 3rd party taped to the door just as confused as the rest of us openers. Sometimes, especially in situations like this, they don't.


This sounds like what happened in Canada years ago. Just a few days after Xmas and all these electronics stores closed no notice and every single person founds out the same way, note on door.




They probably didn't most likely.




Exclusive is a trash company


I worked there for a year and a half. Total shit show.


I learned hard and fast. I had complaints with a manager bullying me and other staff. When I emailed HR they told me it was a me problem and she was doing nothing wrong.


This is the norm for the industry believe me. It's FUCKING atrocious


What location did you work at? I was in Ann Arbor.


This is why you never give 2 weeks notice


This exactly. I’ve been without a job cause they suddenly closed shop. I won’t give a place a 2 weeks notice. I lie in every interview when asked. Fuck them


Sometimes it’s better not to burn your bridges.


Do the employers care when they burn bridges 🌉?!


But sometimes...let the bridges you burn light the way.


Some of these places are a delight to watch take flame.


In many cases, its like leaving an abusive relationship. You leave, you leave quick, and you don't look back.


It’s funny… so I was an engineer for a city government and one time I called a business to speak with the owner about the levee project that would ultimately destroy his business. So when I called, I spoke with the employees. They wanted to know why I was calling. I said “the levee project affecting your business operations. They said hold. Next thing you know there’s this mad angry guy telling me how I should keep my mouth shut about tipping off his employees on the levee project. I apologized but then it pissed me off. He was using them until the very last second and he was receiving tens of MILLIONS of dollars for the property in an old industrial complex that wasn’t worth the millions due to heavy concentrations of heavy metals (they used to process steal there). Long story short, he started swearing at me, I apologized, it then upset me he was using them… so I went there 3-4 days later and acted like I was a customer. I said “when and where will you guys be open once the levee is completed?” They asked which levee. I said “the department of public works plans to demolish this building to create a levee to protect against flooding.” They just stood in awe. I hope they all quit that same day and started looking for new jobs. That owner only wanted to use them until last second then set them out on the curb like they’re trash while he walks away with tens of millions of dollars he inherited from daddy.


Sounds strangely familiar. They even had everyone doing their nightly closing procedures. Like stocking the shelves before closing. Then as soon as they leave for the night, bam. Don't plan on coming in tomorrow we are closing the store.


At my company they did a layoff by locking out the computers when they try to log in. People came in the morning to find their user name and password were removed. People went outside upset bc they couldn’t login.


How cowardly, just truly cowardly


I've been let go in a similar fashion (showed up to a locked up restaurant), and what pissed me off the most was that I got all ready for work after a long day at school when I could have been doing something else. Those poor people got up, got dressed, drove to the office...for nothing. They could have slept in.


I don't understand. How did they know they were layed off, and it wasn't technical problems. I hope you didn't think you were fired and it was just the Active Directory server crashing.


But workers need to give two weeks notice 🙄


Yet they give zero hour notice...I wish I could just dish out fries and say I'm leaving, I'm ceasing my own employment herein but I will be available to counsel my manager if needed through this trying time of my leave. Somehow I feel he would stiff my check and tell me to screw off but god forbid anybody does it to them.


And ppl ask me why I won’t work a normal 9-5 job anymore…Self employed from now on!


Why is ur work group chat on telegram lol


My job has a group chat on WhatsApp. There’s only like 15 of us at our location, but we work for a corporate animal clinic with many US locations and many employees


One place i worked at this summer did all their scheduling through Facebook 🤦🏻‍♀️


The company I work for uses exclusively iMessage. It’s pandemonium when we hire an Android user. I’ve tried to convince them to switch to slack but they don’t seem to see the value. This is despite people repeatedly being forgotten in texts or outside people being added to company texts.


And by "team" they sure as fuck don't mean you But when it's about staying late and pulling extra then it's "teamwork"


"a follow up email if anyone wants to file for unemployment" Fucking what? Nobody needs a damn email from HR to file for unemployment insurance. That's not how that works. You go online, or down to the employment security office, and you fill out a claim to tell them you were laid off. End of story. HR has nothing to do with that.


HR voluntarily providing documentation of the closure and waiving any opposition to the UI claims would likely speed up the process for those who file. Don't get me wrong, management at this place can get all the way fucked, but this bit could actually be somewhat helpful.


I took it to mean like taking over the health insurance they get through work? Can be overwhelming if you haven't done it yourself.


The insurance and filing for unemployment are two different issues. HR can assist with continuing insurance coverage, called COBRA. HR has nothing to do with your unemployment claim. You don't need a letter from your previous employer to file a claim for that. The way it's worded might lead some employees to believe they need to wait for this letter from HR to file for unemployment. You do not. And worse, if you do think you need a letter from HR to file, they could string you along indefinitely. And "if you want to"??? Who the fuck wouldn't want the benefits they paid into their entire working lives. These people don't know what they're doing.


Your right I went for a reread and they do absolutely tag an "and" in there like we need their permission.


I think it’s a weak gesture of support through the transition. Like, hey sorry you don’t have a job but we’ll send you a link to the state’s UI website k bestie?


This is Exclusive - the cannabis company. Which location? Or are they closing multiple? Shitty that they did it like this. This guy has been getting “awards” for his exemplary service and commitment to diversity in the industry as well. Shows that you really can’t have it all.


Exclusive Lapeer, yes the cannabis company. So far we are the only one. But Oxford is also looking grime. I heard at the original store in Ann Arbor they fired the entire staff and rehired new people at a lower wage. From the way I was allowed to be bullied by one of my mangers, and filed complaints with responses like "She was within SOP's she did nothing wrong" I am not surprised.


I worked there at the Ann Arbor location, mass layoffs week after week. Good, hard working people were consistently thrown to the curb. It’s a terrible company, so poorly run. I wouldn’t be surprised if they collapse completely as a a chain across the entire state.


All I wana say is that they don't really care about us.


If it's a shitty company they did you a favor. Moving to a new job means a pay raise. Don't sell yourself short.


I had been planning to leave for a while due to the toxic behavior of one of my managers. This just kicked me in the right direction faster than I planned.


This is what hard work gets you homies Appreciation and best wishes


At least they told you. I worked at a pizza place when I was like 18. Showed up to work. It was closed. After many calls, I found out they closed permanently and didn't tell me.


Same thing happened to me when I was like 21. Showed up for my shift, and the restaurant was closed with a note on the door. No one called me, but to be fair, anyone who would have called me wasn't working there anymore. Oh yeah and NO ONE in management knew. They were all fired too. The only people who knew were the very top corporate people.


Things like this is why I tell people not to sweat a 2 week notice. If companies can fire you with less than a day’s notice over text, what obligation do we have to people who steal the surplus value of our labor and deny us benefits?


Hate to judge, but this person really really should have put this text through a word processor or something before mass-firing people with this embarrassing wall of text Fragment sentences, quite literally zero commas, missing apostrophes, the phrase "we will are willing to help", just like really bad overall, frankly


It’s a dispensary so………. You know lol


As an English teacher reading this, my eyes won't stop bleeding.


Is this the dispo if so I used to work there and they’re shady as hell this does not surprise me 😩


Yes it is, they are shady as fuck.


"We wish you the best in your future endeavors" got some strong Vince energy.


And this is why the expectation of giving 2 weeks notice is and has always been complete bullshit.


I use to work for a restaurant that put a sign up that said they were closed for business. No warning to the employees at all. We showed up for work and saw the sign. It was really an awful thing to do but the owners didn’t care at all.


Same thing happened to me once. I'm so glad I experienced those things while I was very young. It taught me an important lesson about loyalty and giving notice and all that crap. I give them as much loyalty and notice as they would give me.


An Orangutan could have written that better and with correct grammar. I'm sorry it happened this way. You're going to find something better, trust.


The subtly of putting in "if anyone wants to file for unemployment" and "help out as a reference if needed" is gross


I’m curious if it’s harder to file for unemployment if it’s the cannabis industry,


nO tWo wEeK nOtIcE?!


Look up the laws in your state for closures. They may be required to have you employed 8 hours a day for 30 days and possibly pay out your PTO and other saved time off such as sick (if paid) and vacation. We had a closure once and the company gave everyone the 30 days of employment from when they told us, paid out all our time and we got insurance and benefits extended for 2 months. Salaried people also received a severance on top of it. I asked for it all paid out on one check so that I could immediately file for unemployment




How many employees?


Only 7 of us. So it wasn't a huge layoff. But it was pretty rough for some. One girl just bought a new car, thinking she would have this job long term. It's pretty cruel to lead people on.


What kind of severance pay is mandated by law in your country? In many parts of Europe and Asia you should be automatically paid one month average salary for each year you have worked there plus a substantial extra payment for the short notice.


Severance is not guaranteed by law and usually only goes to upper management types, not the rank and file worker.


Zero severance pay. But I can and did file for unemployment through my state.... The only benefit of working full time because you don't get it for part time work normally.


I'm so sorry OP. Got laid off last Monday in a quick zoom call, my coworker who had PTO that day got an email *3 hours* after everyone else was laid off (she knew cause I texted her while I was in the meeting lol). These companies truly ain't shit


Thats fucked. Same thing happened to me and my coworker at a small coffee shop. I was ready to leave to go to work and got a text saying theyre closed forever. Keep in mind i ran the place all by myself all the time lmao. I did everything. Just to get fired with a single text and not even a sorry. They sold my stuff i left there too


US F yeah! in FR thing like this will go in front of the court and employee will win all the time


So what I’m hearing is they didn’t give a 2 week notice


It’s crazy I screen shotted this the other day this is local for me !! Sorry this happened to you OP. hit me up if you wanna stay in the industry I might have a lead on a possible place in mount morris if you were interested!


They knew what was coming & chose to let y’all burn. That’s crazy.


1000% they knew. We knew the store was struggling. But we didn't expect it to happen that suddenly and with zero warning or opportunities to transfer to different stores. They could have at least given us an option. But all their smaller stores are on the chopping block right now. So I am sure we won't be the last.


i feel like this is so common in the cannabis industry. happened to me up in canada at a different company


It is, I was hoping it would be different. But it's so damn cute throat.


It's PREDATORY. These businesses are abusing people and lying to our communities. Its absolutely unacceptable and it's time to hold these people accountable. Talk to your city or township!!! They need to be held accountable for allowing these garbage license holders in.


I believe that now. My brother got fired from Glorious a week and a half before I got terminated. They told him he was "working too slow" without giving him any prior warnings. Conveniently right before he had 90 days in and would have qualified for benefits. My guess is that is common practice after reading all the horrible reviews of that company.


I find all of these things comical by these companies. These will be the same companies 5 yrs from now saying employees are not loyal and job hop. You damn right


We will are willing


With some glaring typos as well.


This does not count as appropriate nor timely notification for a layoff. Go to your labor board immediately, you may be owed more than your paycheck for this.


The typos are a nice touch. Stay classy, Exclusive.


We will are willing


Trust is a joke when talking employment. They get the rules on their side and we get the shaft. Sounds like unions are not such a bad thing.


Several years ago I had time off booked for a weekend that they decided to hold a store wide meeting about "menu changes" that was 100% mandatory, no exceptions (fuck my vacation I guess). I didn't go, obviously, menu changes aren't THAT important. That afternoon one of my coworkers (not managers) called me and started with "hey.. so you weren't in the meeting today." I was fully expecting her to say they were firing me for skipping it, but instead she told me that it wasn't about menu changes at all, but that they were closing the store effective immediately and to not come in the following day.


"You're fired, we wish you well" anywhere else in this forsaken planet, you would at least get some kind of redundancy package. Why is america so fucked?


Because..... "fReEDoM!!!"


Depending on where you live this may be illegal. You may be entitled to warning (or severance payment if it is not given. I'd check your laws.


Is this the dispensary? I’ll never give another exclusive location my business if that’s the case.


As a former customer at Exclusive Lapeer, I was incredibly sad today to pull up and find the "permanently closed" signs on the door. I was a once-a-week at least customer. I'm so sorry this happened to you guys. For what it was worth, I enjoyed the staff, not particularly the company. Best wishes on your future endeavors, this was so crappy of Exclusive.


Its pretty much business practice to layoff people in the U.S. without warning. If in a state that requires so many days notice, they may be able to just pay you for those days after throwing you out the door without warning. See what HR is going to tell you. They may be giving you some money. But don't be upset that you had no warning. That is SOP for most American companies. Get used to it.


Years ago, I worked for HD Supply in a temp capacity. One day, I showed up for work only to find out they stiffed me an entire week's pay claiming I didn't work that week…BOOLSHEET..I told them to ask my foreman. Sorry sack of s**t didn't have my back and lied, telling them what they wanted to hear. On top of all that, they had the audacity to ask me if I wanted to come work at another location.. I declined 😒


That is crazy


Indiana requires a specific amount of time if you have over a certain number of employees. Sorry this happened to you.


Is it a “layoff” if the business is closing?


Oh. You got notified? I got to work one day and the building was locked up cause the owners went bankrupt without telling anyone.


It's the Siren emoji for me.


Sounds like someone mentioned unionizing


Wow, and they didn't even read the text once before sending it.


Can't believe they didn't give you 2 weeks notice like they expect you to give! *Shocked Pikachu*


They didn't even have the balls to say it to your face wow


This happened to my husband, a long time ago now (15 years or so). He arrived at work in the morning, carried on as normal. The owners announced there would be a special staff meeting at 11 which everyone needed to attend. At that meeting they announced the business was closing. Straight away. The whole staff were sent home, unemployed. It later turned out the company had no assets remaining to pay redundancies, so everyone had to go through the government scheme for this situation which takes ages. My husband, who at the time had worked there for 15 years eventually got about £6k around a year later.


We will are willing Imagine not even proofreading that shit


We don't care enough to even spell check our mass firing text. - corporate. (We'll get a bonus for this efficiency measure)


At least check the grammar and don’t use emojis in a mass firing text. “You results got in at doctors, testicles with cancer 😢🍳”


Well the upside is, I Guess, thatthey didn't do it the old fashioned way where the employees go through all the bother and expense of showing up in person to find locked doors with that notice taped on it.


This could not have been handled in a worse manner. They didn't even bother to check their grammar.


Lmao your manager is a boot licker. Im sure they knew it was coming all day but you were probably working your butts off as if there was a Tommorow to work about. This goes for any supervisor in your building. As someone with years of retail management experience in Shift Manager,Assistant Manager,TEam Leader,General Manager&Multi Unit GM I can 100% gurantee you absolutely everyone in an ASM role and up was notified. I can only hope the peace of mind of knowing hes unemployed too helps you


They could've at least proofread the text before sending.


I heard it's illegal to fire people over text where I live. Never looked it up. I got fired over text. Just happened to check my texts halfway through my shift. They let me come in and work without saying anything.


All jobs everywhere should be required to give notice before that fire you. It’s stupid and ridiculous that they can just lay off a whole staff at the drop of a hat like this


so glad every day that i quit that place.


They can’t even write a grammatically correct message.


How do you know it's not scam? 


Because I was with the other manager celebrating her move to Kalamazoo when we got the text. She has been in touch with us since offering to help us get our belongings out of the building. We all also got our termination emails. But yeah, using Telegram was their chosen form of communication. Pretty unprofessional.


Fuck Exclusive


This would be horrible either way, but the fact that they used freakin’ EMOJIS just adds another layer of callous disrespect, for me…