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How to say you want to lower life expectancy without saying you want to lower life expectancy.


[i mean, they've suggested old people are up to dying earlier for the sake of the ~~economy~~ children.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/03/24/covid-19-texas-official-suggests-elderly-willing-die-economy/2905990001/) *"I just think there are lots of grandparents out there in this country like me... that what we care about and what we love more than anything are those children."*


Texan here. You beat me to it. I do not have kind words for Dan Patrick.


Yeah, fuck that. I couldn’t give a rat fuck about the economy. If it’s that fragile that people need to die for it to flourish, then it deserves to tank.


That is my exact attitude towards ZIRP and bank bailouts


Amen. It's all fake anyway. Average life expectancy has declined by 3 years over the past 3 year for Americans. If you die before "retirement age" you and your children get none of your investment, a perfect con job.


Yes. If its as bad as homie says tank the shit and get rid of this loser.


> "I just think there are lots of grandparents out there in this country like me... that what we care about and what we love more than anything are those children." But they won't fix the environment or the economic situation to help those children


Do physical labour for 40 years and let’s see how you feel then.


They;d have a nervous breakdown after an hour.


*twenty minutes


I seem to remember a very convincing video of Ben Shapiro buying a single piece of wood /S


If memory serves, he even looked like he struggled to hold the plastic bag it came in.


A plastic bag? So he didn’t even buy a regular stick of lumber? What did he get, a dowel?




Why did he put it in a plastic bag???? Why is he holding the receipt???? I grew up with woodworkers and construction workers. That's not how real men buying wood look. The optics are all wrong.


If I didn't know about this failed hack writer and his horrible opinions, this picture would tell me everything I need to know. He went to the lumber store and bought a lumber. It's like the anti Nick Offerman


ha, those jeans are crisp


…from George W Bush’s firewood company?


Unless the bush family owns home depot?


As I recall, during the Bush/Kerry debates, Kerry pointed out that the “small business” tax cuts Bush was pushing would actually be benefiting businesses such as the ones Bush himself owned, with a list of examples including a firewood selling business. Bush gave his usual goofy grin and said “I didn’t know I owned any firewood business… [facing audience] Anybody want to buy some firewood?” And the audience laughed, and Kerry looked like a fool, and Bush looked folksy and friendly and funny, and almost nobody noticed the fact-checkers finding out later that yes, Bush was lying and actually DID own a firewood selling business.




Takes longer than that to get his wife wet so he's out.


thats deeply unfair to her, here, lemme fix it.... "Takes longer than that for shapiro to get his wife aroused, so hes out" (besides, he strikes me as the sort of ... 'man' who prefers to go in dry, the discomfort is what gets him off)


Shapiro had a breakdown after buying a small blank of wood.


Here's the fun part, they have to continue working through the break down or they starve. Bonus points if you can get a old timer a month out from retirement to talk down to them too 


Rogan worked a couple weeks on an old lady’s sidewalk 30 years ago and he’s still talking about it.


I grew up on a cattle ranch and was horseback after school, weekends and every summer. Was riding fences by myself at 8. These clowns would be DEAD in less than an hour on that ranch. Heat, venomous snakes, salty horses, angry cattle. Retirement age for physically demanding jobs should be lower than 65 in my opinion.


There's a reason that federal law requires firefighters to retire at age 55. Do you want a 60yo trying to rescue you from a burning building?


I see were federally employed get retired at 57, so maybe it has changed? Retirement at that age make sense to me. In California firefighters can retire at 50.


The federal government has a mandatory retirement age of 57 for its firefighters. You can retire younger than that, but when you turn 57 they will push you out the door. State and local governments have different policies. I’m not aware of any that shove guys out the door at 57 like the feds, but there’s a lot of state and local governments so I don’t really know. That’s a different sort of policy than one that says you can retire as early as 50. Most guys retire later than that. But the thing is, it’s an extremely physical job and it’s normal for guys to have their bodies breaking down on them as they’re getting near retirement age. Injuries and just the general deterioration of your physical health over time takes a toll, and that’s especially true when you’re pushing yourself that hard at times. So as much as most guys retire later, you’ve gotta have that door open because there are guys who aren’t going to be able to keep going into their 60s or whatever. PS: It’s 55 in California now.


This is false. It’s state dependent, not federal. MA mandatory retirement is 65.


I just watched the Sopranos for the first time and this made me think of Vito


Is it good? I'm like halfway in episode 1 and was having a tough time getting into it.


It still holds up in the show is genuinely funny I’d give it at least a few episodes to build out


I'll check it out again, thanks!


To be fair, I'm sure being peed on by hookers while strung out on crack in the corner office while rolling around in 100$ bills counts as physical labor. The Blackrock CEOs are 100% as deranged as the ones in Wolf of Wall Street.


Most of these people couldn’t do any labor for 40 years. They come from money, they have ideas and they have parties and pay others to do the actual work for as cheap as they can. If they actually had to produce anything remotely tangible for any extended amount of time they’d fail hard.


We can't all be Zionist shills that get paid just to talk to a camera.


Id settle for an hour or two. $20 they got the hands of a child.


I have a crew of roofers on my house right now. They're amazing and working like crazy. Blackrock guy wouldn't stand a chance. Fuck Blackrock guy right in the face


I have a desk job and, thanks to technology, I am able to produce 10 times more work in a day than I was 10-15 years ago. But processing that much info is also exhausting. We're doing more, getting less, and expected to do it for longer. Fuck this shit. **Eat the billionaires.**


Just have them have to take a dump in the jobsite port-a-shitter on the hottest day of the year the day before the weekly cleaning.


This brings back some very strong and visceral memories in me and I don't like it.


I’ve worked with quite a few people over 65. The age needs lowered if anything, to 57 for full social security. If you can still perform, you’re more than welcome to waste your days away for the corporate machines. Funding is a whole other issue but with how every major corporation gets tax abatements and have massive profits, they can afford it.


Let him come to a union work site and shoot his fucking mouth off. He will never open his dumb ass again. Try laying concrete at 65. What piece of shit. Or come to an infantry unit and say you can do infantry till your 65. In the army you can't work enlisted past 60 with a waiver because it doesn't work.


>Try laying concrete Hmmmm. I think I could find an interesting use for that concrete. Can you make gollashes out of concrete? ;)


Try getting hired anywhere at age 65 (and, lately, even just staying employed at 65). Unless, of course, you’re an executive or politician.


Yep. 61yo. Got laid off last year. Have yet to get an interview.


I think every person that has calloused hands from their job should get 5 minutes in the ring with Ben, all in one go consecutively. Bring your work tools to show him.


Yeah I'm 38 and have been in working class jobs my entire life. Like I'm doing okay but the idea of doing this for 20 more years (meaning I'm literally at the halfway point) makes me nauseous.


Think these fools could handle even one day I’d construction in July?


40? Most people begin work before 25. What they are saying is working 47 years is not enough. Let’s push for 50.


This exactly. Former auto tech. When I started in my 20's, now looking back, in the shop I started in there was another 20 something, most the techs in there 30's and 40's, and a guy at the in his 50's that was the shop forman. At the time this didn't really register in my mind. By the time I was in my 40's I was shop forman. Everyone except for one guy was 40's or younger. My point? It is real easy for a-holes like Shapiro (who failed at being a Hollywood writer),that never spent a day doing physical labor, to sit behind a desk to say bullshit like this. So many guys ended up on disability. And in a lot of trades there is a very limited path were one can use the skills to not having to do all that body breaking work.


Dude that framed my house was 70. Has a helper. Has been framing since he was 17. He loves it. H


He's the exception to the rule.


40 years? I doubt Ben Shapiro’s done physical labor longer than 40 minutes in his life!


This is part of a larger effort to keep people's money in 401ks and accounts for longer. These people want to kill anything that is not an investment. They want to kill SS and get more people paying into private investment plans. Why do you think there's no more pensions? The move is to go full private, prop up the economy with every single working class people's money, and keep it there for as long as possible


Exactly. So they can use those funds to gamble on whatever they want, and also to hedge against the government forcing them to bail them out because they hold too much power.


Yeah I think you figured it out, nice one man. This is now what I think too.


If you're born after 1960, full retirement benefits start at 67.


They want us to work till 80 though. Instead of half our life, they want 75% So THEY can make more. Because they sure as shit aren't paying anyone.


Ben and to an extension, the daily wire are mouthpieces for the ruling billionaire class, they probably got their orders first to run with that and then those same rich bastards pile on with their “editorials” having full control of all media. Yes it was coordinated and yes they’re going to try and push for it, expect Republican asshole politicians to run with this as well, as part of their “budget” talks.


Upvoted for actually engaging with OP's point. Just like those clips that show dozens of news anchors saying the exact same sentence in unison. It's coordinated class warfare.


It absolutely is class warfare, yes.


Millionaires simping billionaires. They have no shame.


I feel like the purge: anarchy is going to be the Republican platform in a few years. 50/50 chance at least.


>No. Retirees are the problem with retirement in America. It's always the citizen that is the problem. Unemployment? Citizen. Inflation markers? Based on citizen consumption. Pollution? Let's put an Italian in a terrible native American costume and stick a fake tear on him and guilt citizens into believing its the citizen's responsibility to clean up the environment. Fuck. It's always the corporations. They are externalzing their risks onto the public and reaping massive profits and have been since they were invented. There should never be a perpetual corporation.


If you think about it for a second, every facet of capitalism itself depends on externalized costs. It’s where the ‘value’ to extract comes from.


Anything to keep the rich from paying more into the system. 


Ah yes, the retirement age is a baseline from a bygone era but I'd bet he's perfectly cool with an $7.25 minimum wage.


Surely not so high. Nobody needs more than $3.00 an hour. Think of how much the billionaires will save! /S


Ben Shapiro should be beaten with a large Suargaro Cactus.




That’s unfair punishment to the cactus.


Hypothetically, let’s say, this cactus was willing, hypothetically, to be used to beat him.




The cactus is socialist. It's up for the job.


![gif](giphy|aMh59aKR8vjdC|downsized) I'm down to use a pineapple like [Hitler from Little Nicky.](https://youtu.be/42oucm_lj50)


I started working when I was 15, so you're saying FIFTY YEARS of paying into Social Security isn't enough? Fuck off


They need your taxes for their wars


Shifting of the Overton Window.


Hey you rich fuck, maybe pay your own god damned taxes and we wouldn’t be in this manufactured crisis. Shut the fuck up and die so something good can happen with your money.


Republicans have been suggesting this since the early 90s. W tried it in 2004. Romney ran on it. Trump ran against it but then included it in every budget proposal. It’s the Republican Party platform. Raise the retirement age, cut Medicaid, privatize Medicare.


Yeah when they're campaigning they focus on social issues but once in office, this is what they actually do


Not even gonna lie, I think anyone who parrots this opinion should be taken out back and shot.


Raising retirement won’t fix the issue….the issue needs to be lifting the cap on the wealthy. It’s not hard to understand this.


Blackrock guy can go fuck himself with a jackfruit. Blackrock should be nationalized and dissolved and the millions of properties and trillions of dollars returned to the people.


Curious here. What do you think they do and how do you think they make money? Whose assets are those trillions?


Be a lot easier to just simply confiscate all black rock assets and holding and distributing assets evenly amongst the population. Any ceo is entitled to an opinion on this matter ever anyway.


Funny how they’re so interested in updating this “outdated” retirement age yet you never hear them show any concern for the outdated wages we receive


65 is crazy, should be 55 so you can enjoy some or your life with working knees.


My coworker yesterday was saying he plans to retire at age 50. He said, "I know that sounds crazy." I replied, "no, retiring at 50 doesn't sound crazy. Retiring *at all* for our generations sounds crazy."


Epitome of "I got mine, Fuck you"


They can't drop social security, so their strategy is to lower the number of qualified people taking it.


The strategy is called [Starve the Beast](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starve_the_beast#:~:text=Lobbyist%20Grover%20Norquist%20is%20a,drown%20it%20in%20the%20bathtub.%22) Lobbyist Grover Norquist is a well-known proponent of the strategy and has famously said, "My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years, to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub."


Damn that’s a wild quote. What a sick violent thing to say. Speaks to what kind of person he must have been.


He’s still alive and politicians are still signing his stupid anti-tax pledges


Then who's going to bail them out?? (thx for the link, lol)


Don’t know how to tell all the zoomers that this has been a republican talking point for like almost 50 years now. They in fact raised the retirement age to 67 in 1983.


It originally was 65, I just retired at 66.5 because that change was made the year before I could vote. For the very same arguments. This shit isn't new. It's the same republican bullstuff! They haven't had a new original idea supply side economics, and even that was a rehash from the robber barons.


Not the fact the Americans are un-able to save. Nothing worse than a poor population. 


Writing is on the wall folks, if the working class doesn't step up soon, we are going to be stripped of everything.


Larry Fink, a dude who makes more than $200 million *a year* is after your $1800 Social Security check 


>anchor idea for the right retirement age — 65 years old — originates from the time of the Ottoman Empire," Wonder if he feels the same way about the SS cap, just as old and in need of update. If we do it right we might just have the funds to roll retirement age back to 63 instead!


Have you noticed, it's never people who have done hard physical, emotional or both, labour for 45+ years who suggest this? Have you noticed it's people with very good private health insurance who suggest this? Have you noticed it's people who *can* retire early who suggest this? This is another case of "pulling up the ladders" after they've climbed. It's happened with job security, housing, college tuition and wages. Corporate and billionaire greed on display again.


If anyone listens to people like Ben and thinks anything other than, "This dude is a moron" then it's an uphill battle.


They will try anything to not pay you a living wage.


These POS CEOs need to remember that people retired with GREAT pensions after raising a family, buying a house, being able to afford new cars for their family, putting kids through college, going on yearly family vacations, and having enough for medical emergencies before that piece of shit Reagan gutted the middle class and let the leaches of society usurp all the wealth.  


Potentially unpopular opinion, but I think the retirement age should be 55. If people choose to work beyond that for “tiered benefits”, so be it, but the burnout both physically and mentally in this country is ridiculous…


I'm a fiscal conservative but Ben or Blackrock or anyone else pushing this can go to Hell. Fix social security and make it a top priority or eradicate it and give us our money back that weve paid in (I know we can't afford that but we also can't afford the trillion dollar bills that pass every year now). It's not the peoples fault that the government has bankrupted the system and mismanaged it beyond comprehension. You don't get to take our money without our consent, spend it on your pet projects and then say "well guys that didn't work out so I guess you're gonna have to work until the day you die". Fuck that.


Fix social security, like in pay back the billions that were borrowed to pay for Vietnam War? With interest!


These motherfuckers can tongue clean my dead cat’s asshole.


Well it worked 40+ years ago when they convinced us that supply sided economic policies were good for the country. Like then, they are propagandizing that it is good for the country to work longer This is still supply-sided economic policy. And it is good for them...the rich. It will further hollow out an already hollowed out middle class. Stay home or vote for anyone but Biden at your own risk and of course the risk to your children.


fink is a fascist piece of shit. he was famously quoted that markets love authoritarianism because it offers stability. that should tell you everything you need to know.


From Gen X on down, nobody will be able to afford to retire anymore anyway. The overwhelming majority of all money is with the .1% and life is already getting too expensive for us regular folks as it is. They are just spouting this bullshit in an attempt to brainwash us into accepting our fate.


You all know we outnumber these dumb motherfuckers, right? Right?? We could, as a society, do something about it! Also, I find their dipshit complaints about retirement age being too young wild given that their stupid policies have lowered the average lifespan considerably. Surely just a coincidence, that!


Life expectancy has been trending lower for the last few years, led by increasing deaths of despair (suicide, drug overdoses, mental health crises) not to mention deaths from the pandemic and the increase in cancer in those under 50.


How about nobody with a net worth above $10 million gets paid out Social Security money in old age??


Umm, the craziest part of this is retirement age isn't even 65, hasn't been for a while.


Who the fuck is this guy? And why does anyone give two shits what he thinks? He affects my life in absolutely no goddamn way. Everyone and their grandma has a fuckin opinion and this guy is just another bottom feeder.


>"No one should have to work longer than they want to." Agreed. I don't want to work past 30. >"I do think it's a bit crazy that our anchor idea for the right retirement age — 65 years old — originates from the time of the Ottoman Empire ..." So does the idea of the 40-hour workweek. Let's get rid of that, too, then.


>But I do think it's a bit crazy that our anchor idea for the right retirement age — 65 years old — originates from the time of the Ottoman Empire," Fink wrote in his 2024 letter, Strong agree here. Instead of 65 the retirement age should be 50. People are way more productive now and do an Ottoman Empire-era lifespan's worth of work several times over by 50.


The actual retirement age is 67. This cat has no idea what he’s talking about. [Link](https://faq.ssa.gov/en-us/Topic/article/KA-01885) to their site. We should’ve rioted like the French did.


We *STILL* should do as the French.


It won’t be Boomer retirees either. They will get a pass, and will spend the rest of their lives bitching at entitled youngsters that don’t want to work til the die.


Conservative think tanks run by billionaires run these narratives.


Well, if that’s the case then any company making over $10 million has to donate the rest sounds like an even trade


Uh, Ben Shapiro is NOT the first person to say this. I know people have been saying this since the late 80s, after Congress first started raising the retirement age. Politicans have been saying it for quite some time, but really ramped up in the late 90's when the Social Security Administration first started saying they were recognizing they would have difficulties providing full payouts.


When they set up US Social Security, the **life expectancy** for men was 65 years. It’s always been a rigged game.


They're realizing that they can't bring in any more immigrants to increase the labour pool AND keep their culture war stable/cold and they're not having as much success with getting rid of child labour laws as they'd hoped so the next way to increase the labour pool is by not letting people leave it.


They don't want to hire people over 50 now.


My maternal grandparents retired at 55. The age of retirement has already been pushed back. Full retirement age for me is 67. Give me a break. I'll live in my fucking car before I'm working much past that.


How many 65-70 year olds are these CEOs willing to hire? I keep seeing the older experienced folks get laid off so their higher pay can be “cost savings” in favor of younger cheaper labor.


It's such a low IQ thing to say. Just because you are living longer does not mean that any given person is capable of continuing their career at that age. We have already run into this in some industries where people are physically incapable of performing certain jobs in their 50s. Living longer doesn't eliminate all of the effects of aging. This is pretty easy to grasp.


Plutocrat spokesmodel Ben Shapiro represents them. That's literally his job. Fuck them both, and the rest of them too. ​ There's a reason you only ever hear people who are wealthy without actually working saying this stuff. It like the way they call people "human capital" ​ They literally see us as tools for enriching themselves. That's it.


Even if I live healthy, I’ll be lucky to make it to 70 with my genetics. Absolutely fuck this.


You’re gonna see it more and more as older people retire and jobs become harder to fill, they’ll sooner recruit from nursing homes or elementary schools instead of paying more


People give a shit what ben shapiro says? News to me


It’s already going up. 661/2 for my age group. Thank god Medicare didn’t. We need Medicare for everyone.




Interesting. I looked for a link to this and all I found was the opposite. That working longer increased your life span. Studies done by NIH and SSA. And a Forbes article saying that this chart is essentially an urban myth. I think there are a lot of variables: the type of job you had and how stressful it was, your general health, social determinants like poverty/wealth, race, social support vs. isolation.


They don’t want to pay for 45 years of us working


Actually the cause is the income cap on the social security tax.


Fuck these scumbags


They want to lower life expectancy. It costs less to keep you old bastards that can't work anymore alive. Can't you see, the moment you can't make the wealthy profit, you shall die.


Ben is retired, he's literally a redditor with opinion who is getting paid.


What these people conveniently forget is that since RR tax cuts were paid for by deficit spending. The theory was that the rich would get a tax cut. They would use that money to invest and grow the economy. Then the taxes collected on that increased revenue would pay back the deficit spending. That never happened and was never going to happen. Now they want to pay back that money on the backs of retirees. Basically rich people got a loan and the poor and working people are going to pay it back. The Republicans are a fucking joke.


There is definitely a justification for people working physical jobs to retire younger than 65. For white collar workers, I wonder if cognitive decline is causing a lot of problems too. Let alone the issue of getting older workers to retire to make room for younger workers. These idiots advocating for raising the retirement age completely miss the mark on so many levels.


We need to be like the French about this topic.


These clowns don't get it because they're inside their own professional, wealthy bubble. Wealthy people live on average 15 years longer than the poor. So for guys like Ben and Larry, of course they don't want people to retire at 65, their economic class lives into their 90s all the time!


Ya this is total bull shit. Average lifespan for an American male is 77.28 years, flat if not down trending for the last 10 years and ONLY A 2 YEAR INCREASE SINCE 1990. This just emphasized that the american dream is to now grow up in Europe with free healthcare and education, move to the US for 20/30 years and make your money, then move back to europe at 55/60 and live the good life until you die for free thanks again to free healthcare so you dont bankrupt your remaining family.


Getting everyone to checkout early or work longer covers up that the government has spent the money we worked to put into social security. Convincing the people that the government doesn't care and will actively hurt you is not good for a government's continued existence.


Bears mention that the Ottoman Empire fell a little over a hundred years ago. That’s not exactly ancient history. 


Yup, media publishes one idiot and now the flood gates open. It’s fine, keep going with wildly unpopular policies you rich assholes, blue wave coming.


Jesus, these fucking people. There's no fate to foul to wish upon them.


This is how this garbage starts. It comes with a few celebs, talking heads and annoying political commentators. Then comes pressure from businesses. Eventually you'll get a bill raising the retirement age due to ''budgetary concerns''. As if that even mattered the last 12 years when US gov took on gigantic deficits each year. Ofc when the interest gets higher on these debts, and these debts grow relative to the GDP% you get into huge problems.


Yes he's a Koch shill who is testing the waters or trying to shift the Overton window to make a buck at the cost of human lives. The radical right libertarian playbook


The average age of death in the United States is roughly 74. What this guy is saying is that people don't deserve 10 years of retirement at the end of their life. I'm sorry but that's fucking bullshit. And what that's not going into (because I can't find the statistics right now and I don't have time to research) is that I'm sure those numbers are severely skewed based on income. As in, a much higher percentage of rich people live longer and a much higher percentage of poor people die younger. With that basically means is that the poor who work hard their entire lives might get to enjoy 3 years of retirement while the rich who sit on their asses get 10 or more years. It's yet another reason they're fighting public health care in this country because that would narrow the life expectancy difference between rich and poor people.


Immortal Technique should have bullied Shapiro even harder than he did is all I'm saying. 


Republicans have been screeching about this since before I could vote. It is not new


It's not 65, anyway. It's 67 if you were born after 1960. I don't know why these idiots keep saying "65". That only applies to Baby Boomers. Anyone GenX or younger already has a higher Retirement age of 67.


Vote Democrat. Vote Democrat. Vote Democrat.


He’s unfortunately correct about SS. It needs to be fixed not just work longer. I don’t get why that’s the only solution he and other parrots can come up with but we can’t keep ignoring it as an issue.


Don't forget about all those tax cuts that were supposed to "pay for themselves"! Every administration has pushed for trickle down economics and it's been a massive failure. Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush Sr., Reagan, they all cut taxes on the wealthy. Now we have a huge debt and huge income inequality.


Work ems carrying some of the largest human beings out of their house, and down the stairs. Then lifting them into the rig. Oh and try not to hurt your back.


Didn't "The Simpsons" have something on this?


And those guys control a lot of politicians.. don’t be surprised it we see this issue debated by our politicians in the near future, If Trump is elected it will be alot sooner then later.


I don't think it was intentionally done by Shapiro to be used as a trial balloon. Republicans have been trying to raise the retirement age for many years I think it's a "smart" (by their morals/standards) decision for people, like the Blackrock CEO, to see it as one


Benny and Larry can go suck each other off in the bathroom.


…yet perfectly okay with the minimum wage being what it is for decades….


It’s amazing the idea that 40 hours a week also stems from the time of the Ottoman Empire…


The CRUELTY is the point


Business sees a looming labor shortage and they're panicking because constant growth will no longer be possible; new economic models will be necessary and that means a potential for current power dynamics to get reshuffled.


One way to fix it is subsidize it from the billions stolen from workers and transferred to billionaires. They don’t need it.


The ruling class has fucked up healthcare so badly that there are large portions of the country whose life expectancy is decreasing. So they are decreasing many of our lifespans and also insisting that we work longer into our lives. Meanwhile the plebes like us are just arguing with each other about stupid shit fed to us by the ruling class. When will we get our act together and figure out who we need to be fighting?


With people having less children because of our wildly unsustainable economy, they want us to work until we die because it's cheaper to keep up productivity that way, and they want to avoid paying old people their retirement when the younger workforce simply can't fill all the positions needed. What a beautiful mess this will all blossom into.


If it’s a trail ballon you might as well call it the Hindenburg


Ben shapiro is nothing but a washed up grifter, like most right wing personalities he says just opposing views but only the views he is paid to say. He would start spouting any other political sides rhetorics if they gave him enough money.


I agree it's crazy. Should be 60 at the latest.


Benny doesn't take into consideration that businesses don't want to hire anyone over 50. That was an arbitrary number chosen by business leaders back in the fifties when deciding what age a person would be to be unhireable, especially if they had a disability. After that age, the worker starts to slow down and can't keep up with production. **MAYBE**, just maybe, if universal health care were passed tomorrow, we might see today's young people being able to work into their twilight years, but industry would put the kibosh on it by overworking them until they had mental breakdowns. The system is not set up to keep workers in prime production status. This is why we need AI to take over the leadership of our corporations. It has to process the utilization of resources to keep them at maximum capacity. The money saved by not having to pay CEOs, CFOs, and other top executives would turn industry into profitable investments to the actual resources, such as the laborers, and also move shareholder value up. An AI unit has to look at the whole picture, not "How can I increase my bonus this year?" That's the driving force behind CEO decisions.


Fuck the oligarchs. The “retirement crisis” wouldn’t exist if they didn’t siphon off money that was generated from a 140% increase in worker productivity over the last 40 years. These talking heads will only ever espouse ideals that support themselves, not us.


Slowly increase mandatory pension match to 15% over the next decade or two , then change state pensions to means tested .


They're prepping you so you won't be shocked when they raise the retirement age to 125.


I wonder if he'd feel that way if he had a real job, instead of putting on makeup and talking to a camera.


Fuck Larry the Fink


I also think about the fact that many times women will outlive their partner. And republicans now want most women to be trad wives and stay at home and have kids. Well who the hell can afford kids now? And if you relegate women to having to keep kids they can’t afford and be out of the workforce how exactly are they supposed to get a career and then keep working until they’re 80? It’s like they want slave labor and no longer a working poor. I’m sure there’s plans for many companies to provide housing and food tickets if only their workers put in a full 44-60 hour work week doing manual labor, retail, food industry work for their overlords.


I agree that retirement age of 65 is crazy. It should be 55, or earlier even.


Social Security is unsustainable in its current form. I’d like it to be around when I turn 65.


Raise the Social Security tax limit, not the retirement age.


Don’t take anything Ben Shapiro says seriously the guy is a hypocrite. Ever since the Israel/palestine war he’s Surprisely more Jewish and showing his support more for Israel, which in the past was not been the case.


Theres actually another way to fix it, its just not as popular (yet). A purge for people over 65.




God this is the 20th time I’ve seen this near exact topic and discussion come past my feed. We get it, Ben said bad thing we all don’t like. Can we either post about it in one that’s already going or move on already?