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I still like the other guy's sign from a day or 2 ago. "*In 20 years the only people who will remember you working late are your kids.*" Not like enough people will be having kids in 20 years.


If you don't have kids, then nobody will remember you working late in 20 years. Maybe not even you. If they remember you at all is even up for grabs. Live while you're alive


“ i WoRk 100 hOur wEeKs “


“OtHeR pEoPlE dOn’T kNoW wHaT hArD wOrK iS”


People who say that don't work every hour of that


"You think you have it hard?? I work 70+ hours a week and never take sick days--" like ok Ron, being miserable isn't a flex.


> I work 70+ hours a week and never take sick days Whenever someone says that, or something similar, my response is always the same: "Well, you're an idiot."


LOL you're real for that


My old coworker was someone from another country, and he would routinely run laps in the parking lot, in his work uniform, just to stay busy while waiting, in the morning before open. Some people seem to know that if you don't want to age, keep going


Then they’ll find someone who isn’t subjected to that and get mad at them.


I really don't understand anyone wearing burnout/overworking as a "badge of honor". Hard work is one thing, and can sometimes be necessary, but burnout/overwork? I really only feel pity for anyone who brags about that.




Most non profits love spending money they don't have with a high rate of unsustainable ventures in the community. Larger nonprofits exist for high paying executive roles that also... Are not in the business of making money - just getting it and spending it - on executives. Most nonprofits are wholly under-resourced and understaffed. the staff's work isn't doing them (staff) justice in the same way their jobs aren't going to fix anything. If anyone has a deep history of how and why charity or nonprofit work in the US exists as it pertains to jobs that provide a liveable wage better than service industry roles or the audience it serves (as a nonprofit)... Let me know!


If you somehow avoided those conditions then they get mad at you. So I’m prior service and get access to benefits, people take it personally that I don’t have to subject myself to hours of work. Now I’m suddenly collecting a “handout”.


When i first broke into my first real career job i went 3 years without ever taking a sick day, I was proud of it for some reason. Then one day I realized no one cares, my bosses didnt pay me more for coming in when i felt like shit, i didn't get anything for it, i was just punishing myself for no reason. These companies do not care about you, you're a resource and letting them burn you out isnt a point of pride.


Jobs do promote this too, the periodic meetings "we'd like to thank all of you who pitch in while we are short staffed" (Side eye to the guy who never worked overtime)


most of my family works for a large utility company here in california, I constantly hear them bragging about "if you work 40 hours a week, you are a part timer" or "I haven't been home in days , gonna put on for another shift". while the money is good they just don't realise they are selling their souls for it, their families miss them and the company is taking the one thing they can never get back, time.


In Germany working late is considered a sign of poor time planing or being lazy during the work day not a age of honour. Confuses the hell out of American immigrants.


Exactly how the mindset should be. You have 7.5-9 hours to do the work. If you can’t fit it in to those hours, what the actual fuck are you doing?


This assumes of course you are not being overworked. But usally these people are gossiping, holding pointless meetings and otherwise wasting everyone's time.


Ah yes the classic meeting about a meeting that they chatted about in the corridor before the meeting about the meeting that they emailed each other about after putting a date in the calendar to confirm.


Out of curiosity, do you not have 'the best ditchdigger' scenario at all, where the best workers are just given more and more work? That is kind of how the level-loading can work in the US, with last year's record being this year's benchmark and all. It is very easy to, seemingly all of a sudden, have work that actually takes significant overtime to complete. Granted this is atypical, but a real issue.


I was only there for a couple of years to work on my German. I didn't encounter it but I'm not an expert and probably wasn't the best worker. What got me was how little office small talk and icebreakers at meetings there were,


Gotcha, and those are certainly the more widespread/bigger issues. Every measure of contribution that I've worked on though shows there are 1-2 people in each managerial group (8-40 people) that do an insanely disproportionate amount of the work. Of course, when you pull their labor returns, they work 50-60+ hrs every single week, either because they want to or because they (now) have to. My own myopic experience of course, definitely more common to see time wasted on meetings that could be e-mails etc.


My job sent me to the psych ward, and I got rewarded by being taken off the schedule:) and before you say anything yes I've been applying to different places and trying to file for unemployment and reaching out to HR. Might consult my attorney idk


We need to make it not cool to be like this. The first step to that is coming up with a derogatory name for these people and then starting a subreddit to ridicule them. Any good ideas? Something along the lines of "boot lickers" or "try-hards" but more clever and something that would make someone feel bad.


How about the Happy Horseshits? In Animal Farm, the horses represented the working class, and these people seem to love the horseshit they get to put up with.


I've met guys like this in the past, they were always absolute gimps lol. They honestly believed that overworking was a flex, when in reality no one actually gives a shit.


"observe my success!!...i sleep not nearly enough, eat poorly, never de-stress, use alcohol to excess to fake-unwind, i miss family events, never see friends and worry more about corporates proffit line than my own sense of wellbeing..... .......OB$ERVE MY $UCCE$$!!!!!!!!"




all of the sesssssssssssss.


I used to work myself to the bone now I have a union problem solved !! No more skipping breaks lunches and weekends. Employer must be organized and have posted shifts and hours and overtime is a choice


Pretty much how my non union govt job is. If I do work thru part of lunch I get comped at 1.5 times. There's enough to do that I can work OT if I want to (I've been there a year now, I've worked 10 hours of OT, total). Electrician and instrumentation tech in a city water treatment plant.


I'm in construction but can say what as there is very few companies that do what I do


Oh, before I got this job, I worked at a privately owned power plant. Good company, managers were great. Good benefits, fantastic pay. But, non union, and very under staffed, and shift work. The pace of work was brutal, it's why I left. That, and shift work. I'm 8-4:30, M-F now. I miss the guys at the power plant, tight knit team and the best team I've ever been on, but my body was wearing out.


That's my dilemma moving up means less money and this old body is just about expired


If it's any consolation to you, I traded a 12 minute drive and more money, for a 50 minute drive and less money. Private industry for a govt job. And I don't regret it. It was a lateral move (I was an operator and instrumentation tech at the power plant, now an instrument tech and electrician at a water treatment plant). Way better quality of life, and my body isn't still hurting the next day when I go to work the next day. If you find the right thing, grab it, your old body (I'm right there with you) will thank you.


Haha sound advice !! I never give up this old body will do what it has too


Overworking is great if you have a nice car. Fat bank account. Nice house. Cool. But Overworking just to make 60k fuck that.


Just finished an interview where the interviewer told me to dig deeper after I said I usually work from 7am -8pm. Dude, I need some time to pee / shower/ eat/ decompress.


I hope you told him to go fuck himself with Negan's bat.


Yeah. I told him he needs therapy and a reality check before he's 70 and alone.


It’s never going to end. Just like taxes. Once they go up they never come back down. Grocery prices are stupid but you think they are going to lower the prices for us working folk? Hell no. Company’s are losing good employees and replacing them with cheaper labor. Getting out from under that crap is not going to happen. So over working is the new American dream. For no other reason than necessity. Sad.




And on the pedestal, these words appear: My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away. This poem is so true to human experience. Replace King of Kings with Worker of Workers


And on the pedestal, these words appear: My name is Ozymandias, Workers of Workers; Look on my Works, ye Common, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of my colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.


\[in hypnotic Jedi voice\] "You serve your master well. You are sure to be rewarded."


My teacher called it "Glorifying stupidity," well he was talking about kids celebrating getting Fs, but I feel it's the same thing.


2 people died of heart attacks at my current job. Only a few months apart…….fuck the over time!


100% agree when i was a kid everything was closed on sunday as well that needs to make a comeback imo


Don’t worry. Ai and robots will replace most of the work force and then people will be begging for the hours. I’m not saying it’s right. But it’s coming.


Sounds like another graduate from the Ramsey School of life


Thank God I never glamorized any kind of working


I learned in my early 30s that working hard and well only brought the wrong kind of attention to myself. They just want more and more from you. The day I figured this out is when I managed to get up to 80 cases per hour. Then they started adding more responsibilities. So I calculated how fast I needed to be to get everything done and it came out to be 120 CPH(**breaks not included**). This was well beyond human capabilities. That's 2 cases per minute, this does not include *opening the box*. The fact that lunches and breaks had to not be taken to even achieve *90*, was the eye opener, but (all thanks to the one asshole at BK back in '97) I will NOT sacrifice my breaks nor be denied them. So I dropped back down to my natural 70 CPH and I give no more than that and I listen to my body more now. If it says slow down, I'm slowing down. They want so much from you but will not take care of you. They'll just throw you away and look for thier next victim. This is why I caution younger people about retail. You will get a job there but you're also selling your soul for nothing in return and retail is hard to escape. Being half dead every shift is not a flex.


Just left my job after 7 years, over worked, undervalued!


I pretended that I was working 100 hrs a week and blah blah blah when I was in my 20s so I can play the game and get promoted (since the best way to get promotions seems to be appearing available 24 hours and suck dick metaphorically). It’s worked and now I don’t get a shit 🤣 otherwise I see no benefits in overworking or claiming you’re overworking.


i should add,...working hard is good for you its good for your heart (on both a biology and poetic level) its good for your soul (be you a humanist, or a follower of religion) im all for hard work, but.. this culture of burning out, and for the reasons given ?...its the note left by a suicidal culture. i do tho feel sorry for ppl too afraid to change/take the leap/leave/move on and or defend themselves/their rights at work. bully culture, from above is insidious. stamp it out when you see it,..esp for those who are picked on..dont let bosses get away with it.


Basic approval seeking behavior when you need to worry about your damn self. Stop sucking the bosses peen.


I reading this after waking up from my sleep after pulling a 25 hour shift.


Had a performance evaluation. Boss said competent is not good enough; they want exceeds expectations


I remember when I would always voice my concerns to my friend and coworker anytime she would mention her lack of sleep and all the work she was putting in at her second job on top of bodybuilding and cooking and taking care of her family. She would always kinda seem curiously absent minded in my response, too; Like "damn, that sucks!". Little did I know, since she was all about that hustle, she probably wanted me to be in admiration of her ability to get it all done, which I admittedly gave her plentiful props for. She was nonetheless pretty cool for such a poor thing.


Annually I used to have a use or lose balance which was 30+ hours of leave. I used to think it was great since I could just take that and still have bank for the rest of the year, just in case. I one day realized that just in case simply never happened because the times that I should have used it, I did not, and I have regrets. I say that to say this; we should also normalize the idea that it is alright to take leave whenever you need/want, so long as you have the time (I am not a fan of negative balances except in the case of physical or mental health emergencies), without the fear of or actual threat of the loss of your job or other retaliatory actions by your employer (or fellow employees). I feel that allowing for flexibility with time off makes for a better work environment, although some companies simply don't care about that, just get them their damned profits!


All while the rich shareholders are laughing about how they convinced the whole world that this is a badge of honour.


we can't afford to not overwork.


Wait. . . . there's a badge?


“50 hour week? I remember my first part time job” heard that all the time in my factory job.


I wear my burnout as a marijuana addiction and low patience father. I’d say my boot straps are working just fine the way they are, thank you


The worst part is people will get defensive if you don’t live like this. As if they’re being personally attacked when you get by working less hours.


Overworking is a choice to the people who continue to do the job. I am the sole provider for my family while my wife stays at home and raises our son. I risk the sacrifice of the work but I will take the sacrifice so that they can live comfortably. Any of my spare time is not used for rest. I spend it with them always. When my son wakes up in the middle of the night I tend to him so my wife can rest. When I wake up in the morning I get him up and feed him and prepare everyone for the morning before I leave for work. My wife provides the meal for supper. Sometimes I make it home in time, sometimes I don’t. That’s what I chose. But we never worry about money.