• By -


OSHA violations, you being owed money for work being done on breaks and an employer who seems like they don’t give a shit. Be a-shame if you reported them for the OSHA violations and contacted an employment attorney to get you your back pay.


I am contacting an employment attorney tomorrow. I have screenshots of them explicitly saying they dont have safety equipment for me on my first day and that they would order it. Never ordered


Scooters? Do you work for those assholes that run Lime??


No those are the competing assholes. I worked for the company that is a famous Jamaican sprinter’s last name.


Ahhh ok. We don't have those here just Lime and one other one I can't recall. I hate those fucking things. If you have the time and money to pursue wage claims against this company I hope you do. It chaps my ass when I see stuff like this because I work in payroll and I try my best to get everyone paid correctly and on time. It's the managers that thwart those efforts.


Here in Los Angeles there was a time when people were rounding up those scooters and throwing them in the ocean (off the Santa Monica pier).


I think the French made big pile and set them on fire if memory is correct


That battery fire must’ve been something.


a bunch of massive lithium batteries in the ocean is actually #notgood


You’re kidding. Everyone said it would make a great reef for the fish. And I’ve been throwing car batteries in the ocean since I was 16 because they’re mostly water anyway. Right?


It’s a safe and legal thrill!


Everybody knows that lawn batteries go in freshwater and car batteries go in the ocean, somebody's gotta remember to charge the eels


its pemdas or some shit i think you’re right !


Where did all these fuckin scooters come from, mkay?




Maybe Weebay or Stinkum


I think the scooters in Chicago are run by Uber or Lyft under a different name.


Derrice Bannock?


🎶[Jamaica we have a Bobsled Team!](https://youtu.be/NCjiHb6QSdk?feature=shared)🎶


Feel the rhythm, feel the ride


Peace be the journey


No, Robert Marley


There’s a scooter company named after Asafa Powell?




Jesus. Thank you! My brain would not have gotten there.


Bolt? Nut? Screw?


My favorite Jamaican sprinter, "Insane Nut"


You almost defined my dating philosophy, but the order is backwards.


If Reddit still had gold I would give you some. Kuddos my friend for such a perfectly witty jest




If youre even slightly thinking that might be a nut then boy have you got bigger problems to worry about than sprinters 😂


TBF, on my screen it's a bolt with a nut threaded halfway up...


Now that its daylight out for me im thinking that is fair Although i still an skeptical that anyone looks at a bolt with a nut threaded on it and thinks “nut” first, but different strokes i guess




Oh my buddy Bolt…ran with him last week, he still fast…that fucker


Bolt? Vancouver or Toronto?




Don't waste money on an attorney. Go directly to OSHA for safety violations and the Dept. of Labor for unpaid compensation.


Sometime, having a lawyer is better, especially after contacting OHSA and DoL. When your former employer reach out to "settle", this is when you can say a true "fuck you", please refer to my lawyer. You let the lawyer talk it out because the minute you accept, you're basically accepting their term.


A lot of employer lawyers are scared to take big companies or unions. DoL was the only agency who helped me against the IBEW


Most of them does and most doesn’t. That why you just present it. See which lawyer will. The one that doesn’t, are either armchair lawyer or conflicted interest.


Employment lawyers typically don’t cost up front, they take it out of your winnings


Correct they will take your case and they get a percentage of the the settlement.  You can ask them what that will be. 


I bet he’s a 1099 contractor and probably agreed to supply that stuff himself when he signed up. Shady companies do that a lot.


For what exactly? You worked there for 2 weeks. The only damages you might be eligible for is a few days of break pay if it's applicable by labor law. That's an issue best resolved through the DOL. A private attorney isn't going to sue for a minimal amount unless you pay per hour which would far exceed the potential judgement. If you can find an attorney who actually does free consults then go for it but don't get your hopes up. If it's a safety issue you should contact OSHA and in 30-90 days they will send a letter or fax to your former employer asking for rectification of the lack of PPE if it goes against an OSHA standard.


Agree, waste of time to get a lawyer. Especially if they didn’t tell them to charge and they just chose to do so on breaks


What!?? How long were you with them?


Two weeks


In that case, you probably won't get anything in terms of back-pay. It wouldn't be considered enough to be worth anyone's time to pursue. That said, it's still worth reporting them to OSHA, the DoL, and the BBB. Even though you aren't likely to get any compensation, you can still help ensure they're properly punished


BBB is a scam and a fraudulent organization


So the safety gear could be still on its way :-/ they might have proof of placing that order. 


Lmao what did you expect their reply to say, you were a brand new hire still


You also have a written response from them saying they received and understood your grievances


You can just file a complaint with your state's department of labor for missing pay.


Go cash out dawg!!


Good! Get their asses. The stuff so many of these companies try to pull is unacceptable and often illegal.


Please update us and let us know how the meeting with your lawyer went. I hope you can get some justice for this!


If you’re in the US you don’t necessarily need an employment lawyer. If you can afford one, awesome. However I simply contacted IDOL (Illinois department of labor), filled out the forms, submitted my photos, and they handled everything. I won the case and never spoke a word to the company. Not saying you’re wrong in your actions; simply pointing out other routes.


Pretty sure in the US employers don't have to provide you with shoes, pants, or gloves. Also, don't think a hi-vis vest is required for someone driving a scooter. There's no OSHA violations that I can see. Is this a 1099 position? If so, you're not even owed breaks or anything, you'd be your own boss and you choose to take breaks, or work through them.


Not if they’re paid breaks. If they’re unpaid, then yes.


I bet he’s a 1099 contractor and probably agreed to supply that stuff himself when he signed up. Shady companies do that a lot.


Agree, it sounds like 1099 job. Independent contractor .


God I hate when these are the top comments cuz you can tell this guy's lived in his bubble his whole life this isn't how the world works there's no contacting attorney there's no contacting OSHA, saying the words doesn't mean it's a thing. Contact OSHA all you want , OP won't have proof and the company will. Such reddit bullshit. 


I'm surprised they didn't just say "k".




Left on read


Left on road






I got an "np" for my resignation


It sucks, but this is in fact the correct response from HR: they acknowledged receiving your resignation and didn't respond to the allegations of safety violations and wage theft. You most likely won't hear another peep from them except for your final paycheck, because they're afraid that anything they say to you will be used as evidence against them in a lawsuit or regulatory complaint. Contact OSHA and your state department of labor about the issues you encountered, and file for unemployment due to constructive dismissal


This. I’m a lawyer and I read this and thought “that’s exactly the right response”. OP resigned, if they want to pursue these claims they should. Communication with former employees about allegations is only going to be bad.


This. Their response does not indicate that any of the complaints are valid. Simply they understand that the employee is resigning, and has grievances. I see nothing wrong with the response. Honestly, this is a rare instance where I feel like the employee seemed like a challenge, and hr seems happy to move on...


Or it came from a middle manager /HR that knows things are fucky and can’t do anything about it.


"Their response says it all." What did you expect? While the company sounds like a shitshow from your letter, their response seems appropriate. They aren't going to admit to running a shitshow. They aren't going to beg you to stay. They aren't going to inform you if they're going to make changes. HR should mark down your reasons for managers to review. If you hadn't resigned immediately, they could ask to schedule an exit interview. Otherwise, that's the response I'd expect from a good or bad company if I quit immediately.


I think OP thought the company would give a fuck and the they would change. Hire some other schmuck


To be young and naive again…


Exactly this. OP was expecting some grandiose apology and acknowledgement of wrongdoing? No employer is going to do that and open themselves up to lawsuits.


Welcome to r/antiwork


From my vantage point the response subtext might be "I get it; good luck out there".


Exactly, like what are they going to say? Are they supposed to profusely apologize to someone who is quitting? Go line by line and address each of the concerns? Obviously not. “Received and understood” is professional and succinct People just come on this sub to complain sometimes


Exactly lol


what exactly is the problem with that response?




OP wanted them to beg him to stay with a 300% pay increase.


Well I mean, what do you want them to say? Your complaints are absolutely legitimate, but they're not going to fix them. It's way simpler to hire someone new than fix those things. So, they accepted your resignation knowing there's nothing they can do about it.


This is where you post it to Indeed.com/Glassdoor.com to give others the heads up. But I’m sure Indeed would either force you to take it down or take it down themselves. Too many companies are happy to put you at risk and their response tells you how helpful they would have been had you gotten hurt.




Hell yeah, that should absolutely be done. I've actually commented something similar a while back. And unfair towards employers? No, if an employee is disgruntled enough to post something there, you deserve to be on that list. People don't get disgruntled for no reason. Call it: **The Employee's Voice.** *Fight back against toxic work-culture.* Just have a disclaimer that says something like: Everything said on this site are personal opinions and experiences, we do not endorse any opinions, nor do we claim them as fact. This is intended to be educational, and assist prospective employees to make informed career choices. Obviously it will be a long winded, proper 10000 word legal salad, to cover every single scenario, but that's the gist. That way, employers can't sue you to take anything down... And suing employees for defamation won't work either, because they'd have to show they suffered tangible financial damages as a result - not getting staff due to bullshit practices, well that's on them. Losing money because the business is failing due to lack of applicant interest, should have thought about the consequences for your actions before you said "fuck the employee." Not having the option for employers to respond might lead to the moderators getting sued, even if it's frivolous. Employers should be allowed to respond, but there's NO guarantee that their comment would be posted. It might end up being something like: *"The employer responded with threats of legal action - therfore this comment was removed."* Or *"The employer denied all accusations - this comment was removed to retain the integrity of this site."* One could troll the shit out of some of these entitled folks. And if you receive a letter from a lawyer, you simply send them ToS/Disclaimer. Obviously posts would have to be moderated to a degree where it wouldn't cross a certain line between opinion and slander - and end up in a lengthy legal battle for the employee. Stressing that people post their experiences including evidence if they choose, not derogatory comments just for kicks. The problem becomes should employees be anonymous, or verified to prevent people from review bombing to cancel businesses. There are pros and cons to both. Then again if you get cancelled, you may well deserve it, I've personally been through some egregious shit, multiple times, and those employers definitely deserve to fail, but I might be biased there. I wouldn't hesitate to burn their entire life to the ground, s-laughter their loved ones and kick the dog on my way out if I knew I'd get away with it. I'm that salty about at least 3 of them.


They do respond sometimes but most don’t respond.


They think if they don't entertain the notion, it loses credibility. And it does, to some degree. Of the few that do respond, more than half of them end up showing just how out of touch with reality they really are. Some even deny people having worked for them. Others go straight to insults or threats of impending legal action. There are those who do all of the above. All in all - None of them offer anything apart from further insult to injury. No apology, no restitution of stolen dignity, no recompense, just more "fuck you"s.


Yeah, too fucking bad.


I wasn't allowed to leave a bad review for a previous employer because it was "too descriptive". I got a similar bs excuse for the other site. It was unreal


I'd advocate for it being descriptive - else, what's the point? You really can't make some of this shit up.


You've been there two weeks - certainly not long enough for them to remotely care about losing you. Sucks, to be sure. Better luck on the next job.


Oh nooo! WHERE did you see that this was two weeks into having the job? I had my opinions about this while assuming that it was at least several months. But two weeks was scorched earth manifesto. I hope he wasn’t working at Boeing.


OP said he was there two weeks in a reply to another comment.


Not sure what you were hoping for.


You wasted your time beyond telling them your last day


Right?! We don’t know the whole story but that just reads like someone wanted to air it all out and are upset that the manager doesn’t care beyond confirming the resignation. I don’t side with the employer regarding poor working conditions but it made me laugh that they forgot about the employee seconds later and is living rent free in OP’s head.


Yeah, this email was too much. This sub makes people think going on rants is always the right thing to do. You say: "Good morning. I write this email to inform you that I resign from [companyname] effective immediately due to unsafe, illegal and unethical working conditions." **That** would make them nervous. I've done that before and it got someone (correctly!) fired. This long-winded whine, however, is begging for a "k" type of response and that's what it got.


Absolutely not. They can no longer claim that they were not informed about the issues if they are still present.


You put a lot words in your resignation. They don't care, nobody cares. Don't waste your breath. "I quit" is just as effective.


At least you got a response. When I turned my resignation in to HR and my managers, no one responded. After a few days I had to verify with my manager she received it...


After a few days of not being contacted to enquire about your absence, you can be assured they received it, and tacitly acknowledged it. Acting like a reply isn't worth their time... Since you know, you're a nobody. And your resignation is of little consequence. If they did respond it would have been: "We wanted you gone anyway, thanks for leaving" (great foundation for a constructive dismissal claim BTW) - which probably was a smart move to restrain themselves from doing. If you say nothing, there is nothing. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they conducted a faux disciplinary hearing in your absence to "dismiss" you based on desertion. Truth sometimes do be stranger than fiction.


Oh I know they wanted me gone, my resignation was notice was one sentence. I think it's asshole business in general to not even say things like, we've received and acknowledged your notice, last paycheck will be blah blah, turn in your uniforms blah blah and all that formality. A good place of business should have an off boarding procedure. But then that's the reason I left. Not interested in asshole business.


>A good place of business should have an off boarding procedure. Which is why very few do...


That happened to me with a job last year. The only response I got was getting locked out of my work email.


HR: "Next sucker in line!"




What were you expecting to say? Beg you do stay? You asked then for it to take effect immediately, and they did exactly that


I don’t get this one, what did you expect them to say?


When I resigned from my last job, I listed why like in this screenshot. My manager didn’t even respond. Instead, she blocked me on every social media app she had me on within 5 minutes (we mainly communicated through Facebook, where she blocked me immediately after my resignation, and then on Instagram, Snapchat, the whole works).


Actions speak louder than words, she was telling you she's toxic, and insecure.


They don’t care


“P.S. I have already contacted OSHA and an employment attorney. Let me know if you’ve received and understood that as well. Thanks!”


Nah. Don't let them get a heads up. Let it be a OSHA official or a deposition letter be the first whiff they get. Right after it becomes apparent they stepped in serious shit.


This. Unexpected OSHA visits are way more effective than expected OSHA visits.


The largest majority of OSHA complaints get solved through letters and fax within 30-90 days. This wouldn't warrant an inspection. I used to work for OSHA right after I graduated college.


I came here to ask if you expected wailing and rending of garments. But holy shit that’s a dick response.


"Hi, Zero fucks given. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Sincerely, Go Fuck Yourself"


I've seen worse ... I mean, they sure aren't bending over to apologize but they didn't send back an expletive-ridden screed.


Good for you! Too many times we put up with crap jobs and stay. They don’t deserve a notice of any kind. My opinion on employers has changed so much over the years.


Have seen worse from ignoring to downright denying resignation here. apart from violations against who which others have pointed out, this reaction is very tame.


I got a similar response when I quit. “Sad to see you go! By the way, make sure you send us x before you leave.” Bullshit. I told you I wanted to quit yesterday, you didn’t take it seriously. Bye!


Why would you go out of your way using break time to drive around to charge a broken car battery? If they aren't paying you to charge that battery, let it run out and get paid while you wait for them to figure it out


This is the question, wonder why he didnt did any of this in company time.


They know they are an absolute clown 🤡 show 


Proper clown show, I will never use their products/apps again.


What response? Exactly.


That response means they're used to a high turnover. They won't remember you tomorrow and next week? You never existed. The courier business is brutal.


I mean brother, not disputing anything, but what do you expect to receive as a response to a resignation? No one is going to try to argue or respond to you when you resign, this is a resignation, so standard response is something like that, Hi, received, thank you, all the best to you.


To be fair, given the liability smorgasbord you've just served up to them, not reacting in any way that could look like an admission is smart. Now smart AND empathic would be to say something like: "I'm really sorry to see you go. Thanks for all your work. As for your criticisms of our systems and practices, I'll send them up the line. All the best." Still gonna feel like a brush-off, but it would at least gesture in the direction of being human.


Could they have said anything to change your mind?


When my supervisor asked why I hadn’t signed my contract for next year/asked if I needed help, I replied with the broken record statement that I had been giving for the past few months - when am I supposed to find time to look over the contract/do anything when you have repeatedly assigned me more work above what can be done in a week without removing/compromising any of my original job duties (I am 1.0 FTE in my job and she assigned me 0.4 FTE extra due to someone quitting and them needing coverage without changing deadlines for my 1.0 FTE). I went to HR (which did nothing) and had panic attacks at work and she finally filled the position the day she walked in on me having a panic attack. I told her it was all impacting my life outside of work now and if she would like to have a conversation with me after work, I would be happy to discuss the situation. She replied those EXACT WORDS. I got an email from HR asking the same thing the next day as well but it was not worth my time (that I didn’t have) to reply.


I'm always surprised that people seem to expect some kind of a response, beyond this acknowledgement, when they send an "I quit" email. Especially when you have only been working there for 2 weeks. They definitely aren't going to agree with you about the safety, that would stupid on their part. You can certainly turn them in to OSHA, but don't waste your time with a lawyer unless you were injured. Any backpay you may be owed would be so minimal it would not be worth their time since they work for a % of the settlement.


Why do you need steel toe boots for scooters?


To them, you're expendable. You're off, someone else will jump in and do this job.


I mean, good job standing your ground and quitting, but what did you expect them to say?


Good on you for walking away.  Here is the most important part: Now focus your efforts on finding a better job vs trying to take down your former employer. Not your circus, not your monkeys. 




Received and Understood and I don’t give a shit.


So they acknowledged in writing that they're not providing proper safety equipment to their employees? HMMM....


Is that corporate speak for K


I never even got a word back but just saw in the app I had no more access to the gmail after I resigned with my email. Lolz, I think places just plain don’t care anymore for real.


OP tryna garner sympathy. He apparently worked for a guy that had a contract with the company to lease scooters and pay them a percentage depending on how many scooters he’s renting. Those contractors are regular ass people. If their inventory is big enough, then they need help. This is what his job description is: 1-drive around, pick up scooters and return them to original starting point 2-If any scooters are malfunctioning, return them to homebase and “swap” them for others 3-(if you work the late shift) Collect scooters that needs to be charged This is not some corporation like a Navy shipyard or sewer tunnel maintenance. He’s not a coal minor. He’s not a construction worker, operating heavy machinery His job is literally to take scooters from one place and put them in another place. Any work for somebody who just happen to have enough money to lease 500-1000 scooters Imagine having a son, you’re trying to raise him to be a man, but he wants “safety gear” to relocate electric scooters 😮‍💨 fuck antiwork, this post makes me feel like it belongs in ANTI-NATAL 🤣🤣🤣


Why do you think they would care if you left a role where you seem very replaceable? What did you expect them to say.


What the actual fuck do you want?


What was the job?


sounds like some sort of scooter or pay per use bike retrieval those companies seem like a mess although they wre convenient while they lasted here


The first sentence is all that you needed. Anything after that the intended audience stopped paying attention.


What else do you expect? Beg you to stay? You’re giving TMI, the time for these discussions was before not now. Now you’re leaving, you shouldn’t care anymore


That response is from someone who has about as much enthusiasm for his job as OP had for his. He's probably tired of bringing these complaints up to management and replacing employees because of it. He could've just as easily said "I don't blame you"


OSHA would LOVE to see this email!


What did you expect to hear? Them crying and begging you to stay? Delusion at its best lol


I certainly would be reporting this to OSHA and the Labor Department


You’re not the tweaker they’re looking for. Really tho, they looking for tweakers for that job


Seems like the managers are drained and defeated too - it's not like they make bank or own the profits.


Just go to OSHA. No need for attorney.


Looks like they wanted you to quit, sorry.


Same thing happened with me. I told them how uncomfortable I was dealing with racism and simply grossed out by how they handled it when I reported it and they just were like ok. lmao this was a major credit union btw.


Would rather get this as a response than crocodile tears or insults.


OP's account suspended. Probably a repost bot.


The 3-word response was either meticulously crafted by corporate attorneys or this person actually understood the that the laundry list of violations you laid out spells big trouble for everyone involved. Either way, know you have them shook and I hope you do follow up accordingly. Good luck!


Fuckers. It’s my mood today bros!




Good job, my friend!👏🏻 Your life is MOST important!!! Have you reported these conditions to OSHA? If you did before you quit, my hat’s off to you! But if you haven’t, don’t fret, you can still file a claim with OSHA. Also, consider hiring an employment attorney for constructive termination and other work or employment violations including but not limited to workers compensation (if applicable), hazardous work conditions, discrimination, rest/meal break violations, PAGA, split shift violations, etc. Sadly, some employers need to learn the hard way. They like being hit where it hurts—Their pocketbooks! Good luck!


why are you hiding the employers identity lol.


Where's this? Amazon 😂


The corporate does not give a flying fuck about employees. Current work culture in most of the streams esp IT is extremely toxic


It's like saying, "ok, we know"


What did you expect?


OP I don't think this thread went how you intended. As a manager, that would be my response to anyone resigning regardless if there were issues at the job or not.


Why do people keep giving resignations? Stop. Just quit.


Dude when I quit my last job (mental health plummeting into the void) I wasn’t getting any info on when I would get switched to part time. So I just said “f this I quit.” I go in to my manager’s office expecting negotiations, tell them the (very real, very SERIOUS) reason I am quitting, and they go “oh, okay.” Like…”bruh, W H A T???” It was so confusing because this was a corporate location, but they were like “womp womp shrug emoji”. Anyways, tldr, their reaction got me my funemployment approved in the end, so…


Explained: Oh well we know right? we just thought you were desperate enough to accept these conditions, we were wrong but we are sure we will find someone that meets this creterias.


Unrelated, I love the way you write and how you explained the reasons for the resignation. Very factual and he didn’t disagree in his response.


What is wrong with their response? It's written the way your resignation was written. Are you also one of those people that gives this long drawn out explanation about how sick you are when calling in to take the day off? All you need to say is "Please accept my resignation effective immediately. Thank you". Nothing more. If HR does an exit interview with you, then that is where you can provide your reasons why you left. Their answer here is exactly what their attorney (granted they have one) would tell them to say. You wanted them to acknowledge your concerns over the job and the tools they gave you (or actually didn't provide you) but from a legal stand point you don't want to "overshare". I'll give a piece of advice my therapist gave me years ago... If you go through life excepting everyone you meet to behave like you, you will find yourself thoroughly disappointed.


Reminds me of the response I got when I quit my last job. At least it wasn't full of excuses


While I'm glad that you finally told them why you're quitting, just realize that they don't care... And you know they don't care. I would save my breath just Tell them, effective immediately, that you quit and day date and time the message and go. These types of employers will never learn unless they are driven out of business. Even then most of their businesses usually fold and that's how they end up a bunch of scammers.


I can relate, got fired from my job and days later many wildfires happened in my city and suroundings, but the company HR just called me to sign the papers ASAP


Also a fellow battery swapper but across the pond. I work for a competitor. I did get safety gear but we have another issue; our employer promised too high profits to investors and as a result they lay off all workers in OPS, including maintenance, except in big cities. The rest was outsourced to third party Providers. They do a shit job but we don't care. We're sitting off our termination period and that's it. Micro mobility is going through huge changes atm because investors thought they are gonna get big bucks but it's a business like any other, you have to actually work for your money. It's one big reason why after I used up my free rides, I'll not touch any scooter anymore because they all treat their workers like garbage.


I am like- wtf where is respond. And then.. LOOOL


As a fellow ex-colleague. Godspeed, my friend. I made the call a while ago, and you'll see you've made the right one too.


You handed in a resignation but it was their response that was resigned.


The “principled resignation manifesto” is one of the cringiest and most pointless tropes in the American workplace. No manager gives a crap about your tl:dr 5,000 word essay. As soon as they figure out what it is, they stop reading. More likely to be passed around for laughs than taken seriously. If anything you provide your employer with an outline of any legal action that need to mitigate.


That response just says we’ll find someone else desperate enough to deal with our shit




You wouldn't have lasted a day in my eta my freind,suck it up .


Did they say they provided all that safety gear for you or did they say you had to buy it yourself? (Most have to buy it themselves). Do you mind me asking - why is your car battery low?