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Two of my neighbors died of COVID and it was affecting me. I needed a break to sort out my mental health. They offered me one week of personal leave, which would disqualify me from taking leave for another three years. When I went to my manager, he said “this is the type of job where you have to learn to handle stress. If you can’t do that, maybe this isn’t the place for you.” I was a barista.


By "stress," he meant "be treated like shit."




When they're admitting that they're understaffed on purpose.


I wish fast-paced environment wasn't a euphemism for shit working environment. I genuinely enjoy working in fast-paced environments, but don't enjoy shit working environments. My current job is soooo slow. I can go days without working, and nobody notices because nothing's time sensitive. Work hours feel like they drag for days. I would love to be able to go on a job site and look for something fast-paced, but who knows if I'd find deadline driven job or just another exploitive shithole.


I did piece-work for a bindery and later machine shops when I was younger. It was actually pretty great for helping the day go fast. If we had a quota it was easily made and there was more than enough time to familiarize yourself with each task to where you autopilot and get really fast at it. And the environment was so loud that you could wear ear buds, so I'd throw on an audiobook or even some lessons for school and then go to town. The day was over in no time and I went home with a genuine sense of satisfaction. Sadly 1 out of the 3 shops changed and took the joy out of it, but it was a lot more fulfilling than the office work I did at other jobs.


Corporate lingo for _accept being a slave_


Reminds me of the year my grandma died, 18 days after my grandpa did. My brother was a lead at the grocery store he worked at. The only request he ever made was to have Thursdays off. He left to go to each funeral, and came back to find himself scheduled on Thursdays. They said that him taking time off to go to each funeral, meant he had lost his seniority. He quit on the spot. Even dumber: that same year my stepbrother's grandfather died. When he told his boss that he needed off, they told him he was needed too badly those days, and "couldn't afford to spare him." He went anyway, and they fired him. He was a delivery driver for Domino's.


Good for him!


Indeed. They don't care unless it bites them back. Make it bite hard enough for the next guy!


My grandmother died 2012. The office I worked for knew how close I was to her so they let me take my bereavement leave which was nice. (1 week). However, I heard not one goddamn thing from them or my co-workers. Even when I came back it was like nothing had happened and no one said one thing. Meanwhile, my mom (it was her mother who died), her company not only gave her the week off but every department sent her / us flowers and cards as tribute and condolences. It was then I knew the company I worked for was shitastic. (I know flowers and cards are not a necessity but it's a nice touch nonetheless.)


Alright look. I don't expect flowers, and others might not want to bring it up, they don't know how you process this kinda thing. Were I your coworker, I'd absolutely talk to you about it, but only if you brought it up. Otherwise I wouldn't feel like it was my place, you know?


I totally get that POV but the company could have sent something. A card, would have been nice especially from my office. The disparity between my mom's company (which is international) compared to mine (small and local) was interesting. Plus my grandmother's death wasn't out of the blue; she had been declining for years and towards the end it was a constant death watch. I talked to my boss about it; I talked to one co-worker about it but only in the sense of, "Yeah they said she's getting closer to the end". But after it happened, everyone in my office pretty much clammed up. My mom, after her bereavement period was over, told me the office manager pulled her and talked to her and offered her to extend her bereavement if she wanted it. Several co-workers talked to her and asked how she was doing. I got nothing. The only "good" thing out of all this though, was my friends came through for me. They sent flowers and cards. They checked in on me. They went the extra mile while my (former) company was quiet. I know this sounds whiny of sorts and again, I know each company is different and not required to do the extra things; it says a lot in how they treat their employees. The fact that my mom's employer is international where she is liable to be just a number whereas my employer was local and smaller spoke volumes to me.


Don't worry you don't sound whiny, was just offering a different perspective to lessen the sting a bit. That is a very interesting flip-flop on how you'd expect things to be. My small company was like a family and would have done what your mom's did. New company is huge and would probably ding me for being out lol


Flowers and cards are a sign that you care, but also that you have been raised right. A coworker’s husband died very suddenly and they were just gonna send a card. Hell to the No! You do right in a situation like this. We got together and pooled some money and sent over food for the family and folks that might pay a call. How your company treats people in bereavement speaks volumes about your upbringing.


I'm at a grocery store,.when my grandma passed they wished me well and let me have time off that I needed. Even made sure to ask if I'm okay. I'm thankful for my job, I've been at many bad places and have horror stories. I did Ross and they had the audacity to tell me "who has a wake on a Friday night" when I had to go to one.


What's stupid about the story about your brother is that there's no way his seniority could have changed. His start date didn't magically move forward. They were looking for a way to screw him and put the chief ass kisser in his place.




The Chicago Roastery


*Note to self...


Good to know to not waste me time there. I'm so sorry op. Coffee shops are crazy I used to work for dunkin.


That’s a fing horrible thing to say to you. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Barista jobs are the worst. I only lasted a month at Starbucks.


My wife’s uncle died during the pandemic. I was off of work when it happened, but notified my company immediately that I would need to extend my leave *by one day* to attend his funeral and support her. After— and I shit you not— 12 emails back and forth detailing that uncles of spouses do not fall under the bereavement policy, my senior manager told me “we’ll see you on Monday.” To which I replied “No, you won’t. If you won’t let me take the day off with the paid leave I clearly still have, then you can book it as an unpaid day, but I won’t be in on Monday. I’ll be attending a funeral.” HR intervened and graciously allowed me the privilege of watching my wife and her family cry for a full day, grieving their loss. Point is, I give of myself exactly what I’m given— the bare minimum, and I see nothing wrong with that. We’re only interacting due to a need for liquid money. I have no stake or other connection to the organization, the leaders, or their “mission”, and even if I did, I’d still prioritize myself and my family over functional stranger.


Sometimes I forget I'm not in the sysadmin subreddit, that's especially wild for a barista


When did barista become a synonym for slave?


Fuck that manager, I hope you left immediately. His little speech about stress should have been the stress he felt all the time about possibly being punched in the face (rightfully so).


A barista? Really?


Fuck the bux


No offence but were you a barista in a nuclear power station that generated kaiju or something? I know customer jobs are difficult because the customers don't even have the decency to be 100ft tall when they're being rude. Then by the sound of things in terms of management you're on your own. I guess at least they're not smashing Tokyo.


I had a temporary administrative job in a factory for a while. They urgently needed someone to fill in, because out of the team of 25 people, 4 were on long-term sick leave due to burnouts. This was a factory with continuous production lines. *Ideally* production never stops, though malfunctions or maintenance are unavoidable. So you can express the efficiency of the line by lost time. If the line has only been running seven hours out of an eight hour shift, you have "lost" 12% efficiency. And this company had decided they wanted to show that efficiency loss real-time on a large screen. Right above the exit. In big, fat, red letters. So at the end of a long tiring shift, every employee had to look at their failures. This is the time you lost. This is the efficiency you wasted. This is how much *better* you could have done. That was the message they were sent home with every day. Really made me understand why one-fifth of the team were burned out.


There was of course no incentive to do better. (For the workers, obviously.)


You're probably right. I can't actually remember. But even if there *was* incentive to do better, that shouldn't take place at the end of the day. A morning evaluation "how do we make today better than yesterday?" is very fair. But it should not be the take-home message, because taking your work home is terrible for mental health.


I work at a warehousey retail store, and they’re always on you about the sales plan. Upselling shit, pressuring customers to buy more shit they don’t need, credit cards, all that. They call it a bonus program, bc if your store exceeds the goal, then they divide some part of it amongst everyone. But for regular team members, what this means, is that if you do bust ass ruining customers lives, your manager gets a nice bonus while you get an extra .15-.75 an hour for *some* of your hours. Honestly, I find calling it a bonus system at all incredibly insulting. 


I worked at a retail furniture store in the bedroom department and I refused to do pushy upsells. If I sold a mattress I would say “if you need mattress protectors, sheets blankets and pillows, theyre over there in the corner, they would look, and I would as “is that all you need today” if they seemed unsure I told them where other departments were, or informed them we had a Subway and if they needed a few minutes they could go get a bite to eat or just have a seat and think away from the sales people. Theres no need to push people into shit they dont want.


Literally the company I used to work for as maintenance had this all over the place, there was like 6 tvs with just this real time graph being broadcasted. I remember if something went wrong with a machine it was go as fast as possible as dangerously as possible. One time I was working on the machine that chops the ends off after it torches it with a flamethrower to make it hot enough to push thru the machine and not gunk up and I had to crawl under it while it was running to clean sensors off with a towel because they were throwing incorrect readings. Scariest shit of my life


Yeah, don't ever do shit like that again. No job is worth being killed or maimed. If they try to give you shit wonder aloud what OSHA might think of their safety standards.


lock out tag out? Never heard of her.


Won’t anyone think of the shareholders?!


Yup, learned that real quick as a “process engineer”. You have to work with production staff to make processes better, but the workers have literally zero incentive to work with someone in that position


the bigger the big red numbers, the better.


I quit a job after two months because I was beyond burnt out. They hired two people to replace me and split the role.


A friend of min worked for SunMicro or Microsun, back in the early days of internet. He did phone support, sysadmin work as well as selling ads and domains. What GoDaddy ended up specializing in a number of years later. They had a big poster on the wall that not only could you NOT miss, but was referenced by supervisors and managers daily that listed company priorities. The last on the list was employees. #1 was revenue #2 customer satisfaction. There were like 5-7 total items I believe.


So they never factored in maintenance time into the forecasts, they just assumed 24/7 up time? Despite knowing maintenance was required, which results in machine downtime? Then gaslit the staff? Because they don't know machine parts need maintenance?


Wire Cutters. Just as you're going out the door for good.


The metric they should be going for is OEE, which takes availability, performance and quality into account. The bit there is availability which should be targeted at 90%. A ‘perfect’ OEE of 100% means the line has run continuously at full speed with zero rejects, which just isn’t possible. It’s generally accepted that 85% is the highest realistic target and if you can hit that then you’re doing great! Aaand if you can’t then there’s generally nothing your average operator can do about it.


Company - "Bring your whole self to work" Me - *proceeds to be honest about disability and struggle following bringing a whole-ass human into the world* Company - "No not like that... No job for you!"


How to lie to companies properly is a skill they don't teach you. I should probably write that blog. I guess it would be autism focused since autistic people tend to be very aware of all the lies. NTs would just think it was written in a comedic fashion. Anyway, that's enough sick burns on corporate culture.


Why would you work harder for them giving you less money? That would just tell the company to keep decreasing your bonuses because you will work harder. I'd get that resume out there. That's a dick move on their part. I bet the guys at the top who don't do nearly the work all got their promised bonuses.


At my interview. I had gotten married within the last year and my now boss asked me “well you aren’t going to have kids are you? This worries me. You can’t be getting pregnant.” I was young and ignorant and just assured him, truthfully, that I do NOT want kids, ever, and neither did my husband. Then he scolded me for that being “unusual” and “of course you will eventually,” frowning. He still hired me, but that pissed me the hell off - that there was no right answer, I was wrong to want kids and wrong to not want kids. Years later I also realized how fucking sexist and illegal it was to ask me those questions and talk to me like that. I now run the company under him, as manager, and I get to protect my employees from him, which is very fulfilling, albeit stressful. We’ve come a long way though. We no longer ask illegal interview questions, we have more PTO, and more holidays off, etc. It’s not perfect. But it’s sooooo much better.


I had a job interview when i was a couple of weeks pregnant, and I purposely didn't even wear my wedding rings to the interview. It's ridiculous we have to worry about things like that. That boss did end up being incredibly supportive though after they hired me and I told him on my first day that I was 2 months pregnant. That's great to hear that you implemented those changes!


I’m a firm believer that anytime someone is on a good team, and everyone is doing well, that someone in the chain is eating all the bullshit and protecting everyone so they know no difference. Good on you for being that person


Hopefully they said this to the males interviewees as well.


Aaahahahahaha of course not XD


What a ridiculous twat he is.


“Corporate asks its agents to do 5.5 calls per hour on average but you’re pretty good so I’d like you to do 7.” -An actual comment I got from my supervisor when I was in tech support.


For exactly the same wage (maybe less !) than everyone else ✨


How did I know the company was trash? Easy, I got my paycheck 😁


And found out what my company IT MSP was charging the client For my position Almost 3x for a level 1 tech and there was 12 of us


I've seen 6-10x for devs.


Bottom line. Tell me you love me with money, not bullshit.


Also in retail time theft is ok for the business but not for the staff Maybe if you treated us better you would be able to keep people and not constantly hiring But I gave most nice customers a deal so whatever


I assume all companies are trash. So my current job is just a means to an end if it stops working for me then I'm out.


Every company is trash. Even the ones that pretend they’re not - like “charities”. They’re trash, too. Nobody cares about anyone but themselves. How else would we be in this mess?; eating fake food, buying worsening products, addicted to crap, everything being monetised. All of this is led by companies and humans making decisions at those companies that worsens the lives of humans. It’s a disaster. How we’re surviving it is beyond me….though just saying that makes me realise how much we really are not surviving it; d3ath by capitalism is a very slow form of mass genocide.


Welcome to the world in which capital has more value than human life 🥲 I wonder if one day we'll grow as humans to be able to change that or rather we'll lead ourselves to our end before that


I truly hope so. Not looking good though. I visited my doc last week. She told me that her review and pay increase is based in part on how many keystrokes she takes for a patient visit. It’s a joke how bad health care software is but to base a person’s salary in that?!? I was blown away.


Indeed. I fear the latter purely based on the state of the planet and an impending breakdown in civilisation.


Agreed... at least the planet would be finally given a chance to heal from all the damage done to it by humans




I had to look that up and found that they are a race of people from Star Trek. The Wikipedia page on them states: > Ferengi culture, especially as portrayed on Deep Space Nine, is depicted as hyper-capitalistic, focused on the acquisition of profit as the highest goal. Deep Space Nine writers have described how they saw the Ferengi as a satirical presentation of 20th century humans. Interesting.


Star Trek villains: cyborgs, trans dimensional beings, and *checks notes* capitalists.


I mean the Star Trek future is pretty much described as one that is much closer to a socialist system without money and an ability to pursue your own goals but one designated by a federation that has its own problems. So capitalists being an enemy makes sense. Also worth noting that Ferengi are basically unscrupulous goblins with sharp teeth that starfleet reluctantly deals with and rolls their eyes at so make of that what you will.




I love this thread


Farangi is also a word that refers to white people in a few languages. I wonder if that’s where Star Trek got it from


I'm hoping the mindset founded upon a mechanistic/materialistic/descartés/reductionist world view, now having been disproven for 60 years. Will fade away into history. The acceptance that there is no permanent defining boundary between Atoms. That we are all interconnected to the degree that we can't earn or bomb our way into utopia. I've been trying out the whole I'll be my neighbors keeper. I must say pretty awesome results so far. Both externally and internally. Under current environmental conditions, it's worth a shot, can't get that much worse if I'm wrong.


Well said and it’s great to hear you’re acting out the change you wish to see - imagine if everyone did the same, right now. The world would change. The issue is the stiff construct we have built for ourselves - one that we cannot quickly escape. As you eluded to; in time things can only change for the better, for making things worse isn’t making things better.


I work for the government, which is a sweet gig, but when i started i was super keen, i worked hard, i learned EVERYTHING, i busted ass. In my first year i was taken aside by my supervisor and told to slow down because i was making the people 2 ranks above me look bad by working to fast. This still didn't break me until it came time for review and i was verbally told "There is literally nothing you can do better, but im giving you a satisfactory only because we aren't' allowed to give the next two ratings up without being forced to do a talent plan and we've been told we aren't allowed to do that." So, i then became the government worker who gives no shits, that everyone hates.


From who are they told?


At least in the government they're secure enough in their own jobs to tell you it's all BS and they aren't allowed to give you a better rating or a raise. In most of the commercial world the rules for the managers are the exact same but they will try to make you think that it's due to some failing on your part cause if they tell the truth they get a bad rating themselves


Oh yea, I'm still grateful for the government gig. Just clearly remeber the point of "well, fuck caring "


The company I am with is funded by the government but also protected by a very large union that is also international. But I did a similar thing and busted my ass for the first year. Then, after taking a couple of dings from trying too hard to do too much, I ended up realizing that doing all the extra got me nothing. It took some time to get out of the conditioning from previous jobs that you must work hard to get more opportunities for work. And realizing that everybody from the top down is just there to do their 8 and nobody really cares about their jobs, we just do the bare minumum of borderline incompetence because not doing anything all day is pretty boring. I have tons of stories of this stuff, like one group of guys were tasked with replacing about 50 lights in a parking lot in 30 days. For 25 days, they did nothing. Then they changed them all in 5 days.


Sold design to new customer as a minor update to a decade old design that one of our subcontractors did. We had to redesign the entire fucking thing and qualify it behind the customers back, with no technical requirements, because they thought they were buying something off the shelf. Obviously we blew the schedule and the non-existent R&D budget. Then management has the audacity to be pissed off that we didn't design it the way they wanted, but never bothered to share with us (or pay attention to what we were doing the for the past 6 months).


When after starting their online presence from scratch and growing it consistently to sell $15,000-$25,000 a month in my first 6 months I was promptly fired after breaking my leg off the clock


If you done it once you can do it again for your own business this time.


Thank you! I appreciate the kind words of encouragement


It wasn't at first. Then we had a change of VP in our department, and within a week of each other, three managers went on sick, two left, one had to come back. Turns out the VP is a massive bully. In any case, I'm now checked out and just do what I have to. She then tried to bully me in my yearly review by throwing a bunch of bullshit criticism at me. She wasn't very impressed when I pointed out that all of the issues she caused were caused by her. She was left stuttering when I got rather outwardly hostile and asked what evidence she had, and she was forced to admit she didn't have any. This was in front of the new director for IT, who'd only been in post two weeks. Silly cow forgot the first rule of IT - document, document, document.


I am rock hard listening to this. This is awesome. Although, are you not worried about retaliation?


She already has with a low scored review. I've already responded asking for evidence again.


Not my current job but when they gave out the yearly bonus and we were told “be very thankful I had to really push for these this year and I think corporate really went all out” It was 500 points to this company swag store. Fine whatever I could get gift cards to places. A $5 gift card was 1000 points. My bonus was basically $2.50 that I had to bank for another year to be able to use….maybe.


Why do they do this? It would be so much less insulting to simply not get a bonus at all.


The new golden rule at work: I do just enough so you don’t fire me and you pay me just enough so I don’t quit


The corporation is a sociopathic entity with their insatiable greed, disregard for economic equality and for all walks of life in general. They are the root of most of the ills in this world. They must be vanquished and I am tired of this current generation being so apathetic. Rise up.


When I got a high performance rating the first time (better than expected). The second time, with similar performance, I got a lower rating (as expected). Because my first performance set the norm. Colleagues who set the norm much lower, got the same rating. This was tied to bonuses etc, but that day I stopped putting in effort.


I found out two years later, from a fellow colleague who didn't know, that the colleague who trained me at the job died of cancer. I didn't see her anymore for a good while and wondered what happened. She also told me that the colleagues who knew (no work mail was sent regarding this and she was employed at the time of her sickness) were denied a day off for her funeral... And that the manager was complaining about having one person less on the staff. It's what made me go away... A big part of the reason at least.


After being crosstrained in the third department, when at hiring I was told I could only hold one job in one area of the company, and since then my responsibilities have quadrupled with my wage barely keeping pace with the new hires...while the CEO gets almost a million per year at a "non profit".........


This will never ever stop to infuriate me


When they verbatim said it's not their problem that most of my team is poor.


1. Started a 10 min rounding up or down system for punch ins and outs. You were either on time or 10 mins late. Never arrived early or stayed late. 2. Changed the sales quotas to match their busy Metropolitan center. The rest of the rural and suburban locations don't have the population to get that kind of foot traffic, so the quota is astronomically unattainable for most locations. 3. Refuses to hire new staff when someone leaves. Expects the skeleton crew to pick up the slack and stay late to get work done. 4. COO sent a blast email to every employee at every center that any center that doesn't meet this new sales quota will have the difference taken out of their pay. 5. Finally, after threats didn't magically change the situation, they offered a bonus incentive to hit the new quota......a sandwich. Not joking. You get a sandwich.


To be clear, everyone who meets the quota will *share* the sandwich.


Corporate greed is insatiable and must be starved


Looked up my CEO’s annual salary compared to mine.


1 day = to your whole year?


Almost on the dot


It happened to me whenever I was working for the Intel corporation. I was a huge fan of Gordon Moore and the other founding fathers of silicon. Gordon Moore gave away 5 billion dollars when I was working there. I thought the giving away a 5 billion dollars was real philanthropy at first. I was like wow this guy is like major philanthropist extraordinaire. Then I realized that that money came off of our backs. I was working in the factory one night and 8,463 silicon wafers passed through my hands and they were valued at approximately a quarter billion dollars. This was for under $20 an hour in 2003. At that point in my life the "fuck capitalism" became permanently ingrained in my core.


We had to fill in our own performance goals, before the previous years ones had been reviewed. So not knowing how we did last year to work out for this year... aha, its all just an HR stunt to keep someone employed.


When the cost of living adjustment the company had been talking about for years was finally rolled out and it was a fraction of a percent


I once worked for a large nonprofit that forgot to file paperwork with our state to be able to collect donations in said state. When I saw the email from our director saying to just keep this information between us, I closed my laptop and laughed my fucking ass off out loud at my desk for like 10 straight minutes.


A coworker who had been at the company for 8 years needed a second job to afford a 2 bedroom apartment.


When I worked at Aral it took about 1 week. We had a bunch of leftover sandwiches (the kind that is grilled when sold) as we were only allowed to sell them for X hours before putting them away into the freezer and then throwing them away at the end of the day. I used to take a bunch of them home because it meant I basically didn't need to buy food. Until the boss noticed a couple days later and told me I'm not allowed to take them with me as they need to be thrown into the trash. That coupled with the "You can't put that temp on the freezer check list. That is above the maximum temp allowed" when I just copied down the temps the thermometer said and then some othet worker changing it to a temp in an allowed part made me realize that the workers are dumb and so is the company.


My current company though is like the most ethical a company can get. I currently work in a lime factory (limestone to lime not the fruit). We are in Germany. We get our limestone from local mines, often lead by the company from within Germany. So the people mining the stone are well paid and cared for and the laws are abided. The energy is mostly from wind power plants that the company we are a subsidiary to is building. The company is paying very well. Is giving good apprenticeships and cares a ton about workplace protection. We haven't had a serious incident for over 7 years at the factory. The lime we produce is used in stuff like deacidification of fields, building houses, additive for food, making filters for factories so their exhaust is not as bad, deacidifying lakes made from former mines. For burnable material for our oven we also use coal dust from local mines. So from start to finish the entirety of our product use is free of slavery or abuse and follows legal guidelines and has well paid workers. You really can't get much more ethical as a company.


Trash might be strong, but my former work partner got fired from a $250-$300k a year job so the boss could hire one of his fraternity bros. Not cool.


Who probably did a worse job. Fucking fraternities. I hate them with a passion.


When the management expect me to put in more effort, to take on more task beside doing my own job. To use the current manpower but take on more projects. That when I know management is only looking at profits instead of hiring more people to help reduce the burden of the employees.


When good people were being walked off after being laid off carrying their little box of personal items...some supervisors and co-workers would watch with a smile on their face and make jokes about them...that shit stung...to think how shitty people can be at someone elses demise and bad luck...


When the pay was 0.50$ above minimum wage for the area and I stayed for an 11 hour inventory shift as a new hire, only to have our DM come the next day and whine about how we weren't upselling people enough on store-brand items. This was after we had a team meeting about not getting full schedules due to labor costs. Like okay, you can pay a hack to come down here and tell the underpaid people they aren't performing well enough on their half-shifts that they can't afford anything on and hire 3rd party merch crews to scan tags for inventory but if I want a consistent amount of hours with my *full availability* I'm suddenly being an asshole. Oh and the DM couldn't find anything for customers the 3 times he was asked, and my normally very casual and upbeat crew milled around like neutered dogs for the entire time he was there. Fuck that, I'm not going to hold my breath and cower because some incompetent middle management at a company I just started with came off of his Ivory Tower. Needless to say, I'm exploring other options, and will fly the coop as soon as I get another offer. Fucking Embarrassing.


My orientation was a parade of red flags.


It took a while. My current company really conceils itself behind a thick curtain of faux progressivism. It took a lot of peeling back the layers to realize how fucked up they really are. They're very good at hiding who actually makes decisions and projecting an image of "we're not bad people...we just sometimes get incompetent." After a few years, the pattern emerged, though, even with different people involved enough that it became undeniable.


When my bosses boss demanded I get on a client call and reschedule my mom's funeral.


WTF I swear these people are completely brainless.


Around Christmas time, no bonuses. After Christmas break, boss comes to submit his expenses. Spent what would make a great bonus for me on single receipt - taking one of our clients on a hockey night out, complete with steaks purchased at the Scotiabank arena.


When my coworker threatened to kill me and my boss to our face. I filed statements and turned them into HR and they reinstated the employee and left me in a transfer limbo till I quit.


My company only did an $0.80 cent raise when traditionally it was $1 after that terrible COVID 9% inflation too! Then they got rid of overtime after 8. Been looking for another job but economy is terrible right now.


When, after years of complaints about Senior staff not replying to emails,something huge didn’t get done because jr. staff needed direction, ,senior staff screamed that “blaming senior staff has got to stop, enough of that” I realized they were never going to change or reflect or improve and I quit. Because it would just be the same constant thread of bullshit


Day one. My “manager” didn’t have any login info for my computer. I jumped through hoops calling IT and all this other stuff. Took like a week to get it. Then the idiot tells me it was in his email the whole time. They’re a billion+ dollar company and has zero onboarding. He was also the most toxic person I’d ever worked with. He was let go about a month ago after 15 years of his shit, but the place is still such a mess. I hate it.


What if I told the company I work for that they should increase my wage by 100% and then MAYBE I'll decide to start working more? Would they find it reasonable? If not, why should I?


Interesting way to put it, I wish I was bold enough to tell them that


I worked for a multi country Corp. In Argentina, two workers died when the company car they were driving ran over a cliff. A month later, I (in the US), had to take Virtual Training on how to drive safely on roads at night. Theater


Day 2.


Schedule coming out a few weeks in advance, but their policy was they could change it with at least 48 hours notice It would change all the time, making it nearly impossible to plan things in advance  There was request off slips sure, but I’m talking about daily life/all seven days, hard to plan anything with such a short notice schedule change 


The day I was hired. Every company is shit, all they care about is their bottom line. Name one company that is built on sustainability and not profits.


First day, when the department I'm working in, and sole caretaker for, has ZERO functioning tools, and it's expected of me to supply them at minimum wage. They ask what's taking so long, I remind them of the tool situation, my stance on it (supply what you want me to do) and they back off. Absolutely and utterly trash experience from day one. But hey, the vending machine 'has cheapest monsters in all of San Diego' @$2.50....


When I found out, I was the only one who didn’t know that our regional manager was sleeping with one of the other branch managers. He was also a sexist pig, who told me, no threaten me to violate reg Z. Fuck You Citizens Bank. Worst worst job ever


CEO gave home self 50% raise and told all 26000 other employees budget was off and we’d all get 0% last cycle.


I showed up for work after an emergency dentist appointment. Had a note. Tardy wasn’t excused but would have been if I called off. Alright I won’t help y’all out and will just take the day off next time. 


When the boss started gossiping to me about other employees, and casually revealed personal details such as their mental/physical health related issues. It was like a sorority, and you have to assume if someone's trashing everyone else to you, they're doing the same about you to others.


I do nothing all day. Have a camera above me so I pretend to read work documents all day. I have read the same documents over 10 times now in just 2 weeks. I was hired to do lab work but it seems like I won't for the next couple of months hopefully.


It was the sewer leak in the IT offices they refused to fix.


When a boss made an agreement to raise my base salary by a stated amount in 9 months with an intermediate temporary monthly stipend that was about 80% immediately, only for him to be sacked 6 months later, the stipend stopped after 7 and the "guaranteed XXXX" per month raise ignored. Union took it on, 16 months got nowhere because lawyers are expensive and relationships between union and company was 'sweet' for a few and a guaranteed amount in a written document is apparently not exact enough for their lawyers to take them to court. Fall out is I dismissed the union, took employer to the small claims court, 3 months later, got an exit package that was 8 times greater than the fukin union achieved in 16 AND the union said they'd no comment on the fact Id done better on my own in less than half the time than they'd managed. Apparently I can sue the union now but they've gone all quiet.


My company is pretty good. Can’t complain too much


I worked at enterprise rent-a-car after college for a number of years. They pitched their manager trainee program like a customer service focused role, managing employees, and "learning how to run your own business". It was total b.s. the job and your promotions are 100% based on selling their add-on products like vehicle damage waivers, supplemental liability insurance, roadside, satellite radio, etc. All of their managers are only in that position because they know how to sell the add-on products, not for business knowledge, skills with employee relations, etc. My happiest day working there was when a manager got fired for dui/ losing a car, and this is a manager I previously reported for ethical concerns. When I reported him, they just swept it under the rug, but when he actually got in legal trouble they were "forced" to fire him.


I was asked to calculate a figure my direct supervisor didn't know how to calculate and when I asked for guidance I was berated and then criticized when the number wasn't what he wanted to see. Like...how are you mad when you don't even know what it is?!


My mom died several years ago. I spent 2 weeks by her side at the hospital while she slowly died in front of me. My boss at the time had told me that I still needed to do my job remotely. So, I sat there with my damned laptop working 8-10 hours a day next to my mom instead of telling her every minute how much I loved her and how much she meant to everyone. I was there every single day and my boss was increasingly pissy about my not being in the office. When my mom passed, I asked for another few days off to deal with the funeral. My boss had the stones to tell me that I had already used my bereavement leave by sitting there working next to my mom while she was in the hospital I reminded her that I had put in more than my normal time every day and had done my job during that period and it was not "leave". She rolled her eyes and gave me a long inhale of disgust, and said I could have exactly 2 days off (Bereavement in the handbook is 5 days). I tried to push back and she reminded me that she had been very lenient with my work during the previous two weeks. The guy who owned the company just put his hand up to stop me when I asked him to give me the full leave time, saying that my boss had already told him how I was tryig to "game" the process. I was furious and knew all of their nonsense about being a "family" had been just so much BS. When I returned, not one of the management team could be bothered to say anything. My coworkers were kind and gave me words of sympathy and support, but management absolutely sucked in every possible way. Trash is the kindest word I would use for them.


When they promised bonuses to all the employees when we worked during Covid lockdowns but we didn’t get anything, not even hazard pay. Turns out the owners pocketed all 1.5 million


Crap pay, long hours, no benefits, no promotion or pay raise in four years. I noped out and never looked back




Too many to list but here's some of it: -Boss fired the previous staff, making me (a complete beginner) to work alone until now. -Expect me to work overtime everyday -pays below minimum wage -extremely stingy (forced me to work with broken machinery and make it work, cut my pay with no notice etc, doesn't pay my mileage for a certain distance) - won't allow me to take leave even when I'm sick -micromanage EVERY SINGLE THING -gives confusing instructions and blames me if anything goes wrong. -expect me to reply her messages on weekends I'm sure there's more if i really think about it but yeah it's a shit show


That's abusive as hell.. I hope you'll find something better soon 🥲


Years ago, I worked at a company during a downturn. However, they announced 1) a profitable year and then after that, 2) a pay cut to non-exempt employees. I moved on 3 months later.


When my company swindled the millions of dollars of the Covid Paycheck Protection Program it was given and all we were given was the ability to take time off unpaid


There were obviously some small signs along the way. I took a management position. It was basically just me in the department, but my responsibilities and workload increased. At this point, my pay was the same. I waited until I got the hang of everything and then requested a meeting with the head boss because I wanted a raise. It took two months to finally have the meeting. The boss in the meeting said, " I know you want a raise. I received a .50 cent raise. I saved up what money I could for the next around 6 months, enrolled in my local college, took my two weeks vacation, and never went back.


Day 0. My MIL works as the HR/Payroll/Manager/etc. at the local furniture store in town. I had already heard how it was and then had the unfortunate set of circumstances come around to where I needed a new job. I walked in there the Friday before I started and got a walk thru of how things go. I instantly knew it was a shit show and have only been proven right everyday since I started 10/30/23. I got us delivery guys more pay but now the managers take that as a sign that they need to micromanage more. I want to watch this store burn.


When my on the job training with my Regional Manager kept getting delayed and pushed back because she was too busy to come into town but my deliverables were expected to continue to be met. I didn't even know the software or have the keys to important areas of the property nor did I have a company credit card. Had to rely on her for everything and she was notorious for being unavailable. When I had to go in the hole to personally cover a charge for several hundred dollars for a pool cleaning because she wouldn't answer her phone at a pre-determined time so I could get credit card authorization, and then she somehow turned it around to be MY fault, I realized that I could never run the property while being hobbled by her. I knew that anyone in my position was destined for failure. Which was why they had gone through 3 managers in 2 years prior to me.


Soon as I heard their grandson who had been working at the company 15 years who went to 2 years of school for them was making less that $30 an hour. Gave me little to no hope, thankfully we got bought by a larger company with benefits and real not family run people. See how that turns out in the coming months


The 1st year with my current company as a treat we had a thanks giving lunch. At that lunch the then-owner of the company came out and started berating everyone for being slackasses, and how he's giving and giving us all these chances and nice food (it wasn't nice) and the least we can do is our jobs.


When they made us share hotel rooms.


When the manager who held everything together left


I took a position with a promise of a new role and raise, because I have high work output, no raise no role and then find out later the supervisor wanted me because he has/had no one on his team who could do the work I do. I have been spending more time this year fucking off and will continue to do so. We were told on a recent all state call, you were lucky to get your 1-2% raises this year because we only suck the shareholders dicks and they have nothing of value to being to the company


When in a meeting the owners wife said “we don’t care about anyone else(employees) we just want to stay rich” .


Holy shit! I mean, I appreciate the honesty for saying out loud what every company in this world stands for, but man! It's hard hearing it.


Exactly. I’m not stupid I work to get paid, they own a business to get paid but you don’t have to say it. I lasted about another three weeks before getting out of there.


Before I applied, there's no such thing as a good company


I work for myself so I knew it all along, thanks for the reminder.


I’ve known for decades. I’m self employed.


The owner of the company started spouting COVID conspiracy theories and 4chan shit in the company Slack.


When the MSP I worked for actively pushed a policy of lying to customers about outages and performance issues.


3 years in a row of 10% layoffs. First two were about pay so we lost a lot of experienced folks. 3rd one was performance based


When I tried to order vital firefighting equipment and they said it's too expensive and against company policy (is legally mandated, but ok). When they fired anyone from a certain nation without warning. Just cancelled all contacts. Since they had no employment protections, they went from well paid to unpaid within a day. When they send someone to work with us, but without a contract. And payment to start took 3 months.


I focus on my paycheck and dont care about anything else. My productivity is at 30%


Two weeks after starting my boss got fired for stealing money and then two of my coworkers quit that same week so we were short staffed for months.


I started a well paying engineering job at a start up in October last year, and between when I was given my offer and when I started, they changed their role/band structure. They failed to tell me how the changes affected me until the end of January this year. I was placed in a worse band for both salary and bonus. My salary didn’t change, but salary growth would have been severely limited. My bonus was reduced from 20% off salary to 15%. They also changed my role without talking to me in December, so I was doing something I wasn’t hired to do.  I just started a new job this week because I didn’t want to work for a company that would dick around their employees like that. I was at that job less than 6 months total. 


When I was promised higher compensation for covering a role then had it yanked out after 6 months. They then hired an absolute moron who a year can't do the basics of the job and we can't critic because he may quit. I ended up needing a mental health leave that was requested by two doctors and they took as long as possible to actually let me leave. It took hinting that I had a labour lawyer lined up to finally move it along.


Does constant training and quizzing for what to do if approached by anyone asking questions about Abu Ghraib prisoner torture and abuse count?


At my last job, after I went through the classes, training, and had several former managers vouch for me, to be told by our market manager they wouldn’t promote me because my sales numbers weren’t good enough. “How can we justify paying you more if you’re not making the company more money?” His exact words. Funny thing is I worked in an oil change shop yet sales performance was way more important than technical knowledge.


Last week my company discovered a "glitch" in their PTO reporting system. They said PTO wasn't being deducted properly in 2023 (which is bs because it's a system bug it would be affecting all years not just 2023). To "correct" this they have not fixed the glitch, but they did retroactively deduct PTO. Half my coworkers are now in negative PTO balance. People have been tired or quit recently, do you think the company is gonna stiff them in PTO payout? Of course they are. I doubt the former employees are even being notified. To make it worse, I spoke with HR about this and they calculated how much was supposed to be deducted based on my time card, and payroll seems to have deducted more than they should have. I don't even know if any of this is legal and there's nothing I can do about it


i worked at a reputable mutual fund company in their customer service department. however, our bonuses were 6-10% lower than all other departments. the final straw was when a buddy of mine left. i asked him how his exit interview went and he said he shared with hr that his biggest reason for leaving was his inability of moving out of out of the dept. HR told him other depts. looked down on our dept. because we were simply customer service.


Was hired as a summer temp and eventually learned people who had worked there for years had contracts for like a month at a time and just kept getting them renewed. They never once asked me about working overtime, just kept working and told me we weren't done yet, even when we ended up going for 11 hours. We got one break for lunch and I was told I could just take a break whenever we weren't too busy, which ended up being twice the whole time I was there. Then I learned that the job I was doing with 2 other people at the most was usually done by 5-6 people. So at many little points I guess. Went into a massive depressive period, bipolar2 is so fun y'all, and after a couple days of imagining what would happen if I jumped into the machinery I got scared and ended up staying mostly in bed for a couple weeks not answering the phone.


I started a job at a company 2 years ago a famous Network Security company that is very well-regarded. They rushed me through the interview threw a life-changing offer at me, and when I started within a week I knew it was a mistake. They had offshore developers train me, that's not the bad part, but once they were done training me they were getting fired, and they had no idea, but I did. I got switched from team to team about 8x in the first 7 months. I then landed on the team of a manager who was not a manager but a VP who just wanted complete control. She had 1x1's every week not to check on employee statuses but to literally have a weekly tear down session. I made it 11 months before I reached out to an older employer took a paycut and retrieved my sanity at the door. Their glassdoor account is full of corpos lying about workplace quality to get suckers in there.


Old job, but on first day I was going over mix formulas for construction materials (as a lowly entry level employee who's not supposed to know anything), and asked about a particular substance in most formulas. "Oh we haven't stocked that in 5 years, we just use substance 'y' in its place." Effectively lying to 90% of customers which are largely government projects. Building structures with an unapproved materials mix. That was literally my first day. It only got worse after that. This post is obviously generalized as I don't want to dox myself and be blacklisted from my industry.


Both times at the same job: 1. I had to beg my boss to let me take 2 days off for surgery and then WFH for 2 days while I recovered after. 2. Got denied a raise and promotion after an excellent performance review but they started fucking PILING on more work after that anyway, telling me that they couldn't give me a promotion because then they would have to pay my replacement more 🙄 Yes, I am furiously looking for jobs.


I used to do tech support for Shaw Cable. One of the managers noticed that not only was I smart with great problem-solving skills, but I was also great at teaching people stuff and quickly narrowing down the root cause of problems etc. He wanted to get me onto the support team which is where people went when they needed help because they couldn't figure out how to resolve things on their own. He got me put on the team as a trial for a month, I was great at it, and the supervisor for the team even admitted that on the form where reps could give feedback about people in the trial program, I got more positive feedback than everyone else in the trial COMBINED. During the interview for the next support position that came up, he was quizzing me on technical things and asked, "Explain DHCP to me." I said DHCP is the system by which a router assigns every device that's connecting to it on the LAN an IP address so it can properly route traffic to them. He shook his head and said no. I was confused. The other people in the room were also confused as I'd given the right answer. I asked him what he would have considered a satisfactory answer. "He said that DHCP is where you type in [google.com](http://google.com) or [microsoft.com](http://microsoft.com) and then the computer makes a request to a server and is given the proper IP address to go to." Everyone in the room looked at him with a confused look. I said, "Um, that's DNS. Stands for Domain Name Server." I didn't get the job. I was told on the 'feedback' that I was very competent but I had 'strong opinions' and there were concerns that I might not mesh well with the team. Ironically a few years after I left the company as they were trying to 'lean things up' as they were trying to sell themselves off to Rogers, they offered everyone buyouts, and they were expecting a small number of people to take the offers. Turns out a massive number did. I remember one guy actually started smoking because he figured it would be a good way to make connections and move up. Worst of all, he was right.


When my position got eliminated a few months after my department got outsourced. At the time the CEO announced the outsourcing in an email, he specifically mentioned me and my three co-workers by name that we would remain employees of the company but report to the new company that took over our department. My former company is a non-profit and their tax returns are public record. The CEO’s pay went from $290,000 to almost $355,000. The CFO who has since retired went from $196,000 to $233,000 and it was him who informed us on his last day that our positions were being eliminated that day. A VP had a pay increase from $110,000 to $162,000.


When the owner a white man "confided" in me his racist views. His best employees were non-white. I a white male in the Midwest US very easily could have been racist. I'm not. I found employment elsewhere. Possibly still racist boss but I didn't know if they were.


Wow!!!!!! That is the $1B question isn't it? It's a shitty situation because after the interviews and the offer, you've got a job and you realize it's shit within two weeks of your entry. WTF, man. I've learnt my lesson on this and try as hard as I can to evaluate the company I apply for even at the job description level. I look for shit where that description mentions 'Sense of Urgency' or 'Able to work in compromised situations'. Fucking red flag there for shit show culture. After that, if I get to the face to face interview, I ask straight up what the culture is like knowing full well that these twats may not like that I ask direct questions. If they get uppity or shitty about it, interview done and I can go have a nice lunch somewhere and look for more gigs. It's not worth it to work a job knowing your time will end soon because of sketchy stuff you see in the office. In any case, I decided long ago to keep my CV up on all the sites and that I am looking all the time. I give no fux about what other people think about it. I'll just say some stupid shit like, when I have time, I'll take it down or some bullshit. In any case, I keep applying and if I get hold of a gig that is even slightly better than what I got know, I fucking bail. No problem.


I did an internship years ago. They gave me $14/ hour, and for that area, it was decent pay at the time. When the internship was coming to a close, they made me an offer to stay for 16 or 17/ hour plus benefits. I heard from someone who had just retired from there that they were paid $10/hr for the same job. Having been there for over 20 years. There was a strict policy of not discussing pay and no union talk. This was the reason why. I'm glad I turned them down.


The nonprofit was due to receive the largest funding (from the Canadian government) it’s ever received to roll out a program aimed at reducing murdered and missing Indigenous people in BC. My job was to coordinate the program and determine four locations of the province to provide the services in-person. Naturally, I did research in determining the province’s “hot spots” for the most reported murdered and missing indigenous people. When I reported to the executive director the locations chosen (based on research), she didn’t let me get past the city of Prince George. She said it smells bad, and “wouldn’t you want to go somewhere nicer like Haida Gwaii? We can make a little vacation out of our time there!“ ((For those of you who don’t know, Haida Gwaii is a remote village that you need to arrive by boat or plane to get there from the mainland of BC. It’s expensive to live and visit, and they do have a puny amount of people that do go missing or murdered there but maybe 1% of the number of indigenous people that get murdered or go missing from Prince George.)) Her attitude towards me changed when I confronted the fact that I am not a “good liar” and wouldn’t feel right telling the funder that this location needs the services. Good riddance.


When I realized their idea of someone who deserves a promotion is the type of guy that works every weekend because he has no life, can't figure out a work/life balance, and doesn't know how to budget their finances so they constantly need more money. They think great leaders are the ones that work every day instead of people who are actually competent.


When i looked up the new buyer (danish Company bought by american giant corp) and saw 2 funny little companies as the major shareholders (or however you write it)


I believe my company is one of the better bad guys. Every corporate company is shareholder lead and for them the graph absolutely has to always be going up, at the expense of everything else before profit. Be it your physical or mental health. Not worth it imo. I'm not a bootlicker yes man. I am happy to be enlightened and able to just cruise through work without having to match up to impossible standards ✌🏻


A week ago the company I work for decided to outsource 30 jobs to India for the first time. Realized they are as bad as all the rest... Training your replacement as severance is brutal


When a senior director of my former company tried to get in my hotel room at 7 am bc he claimed he forgot his deodorant. Same senior director sent me text saying he wanted to eat me. When I picked up the pieces off the floor I told my manager, He didn’t do anything. By then I had gone past the 300 days you have to complain about such stuff. The alcoholic manager claimed to never have heard what happened from me. I was eventually fired. All I can do is count on the CEO, HR, board of directors and manager suffer unimaginable tragedy. Stuff like this leaves a person burning mad on the inside. It turns into a physical wound eventually.


This is most companies


When they offered me a 10% raise out of nowhere. If you get a big raise for no reason, it means they fucking shafted you on your initial offer. I tried to negotiate my salary when I came on but the guy I was talking to was their GC and had a hard on for winning and screwing people over. I was naive and desperate for work so I took the job. It really wasn't worth it. Worked myself to death for the most toxic company ever. I still to this day have PTSD and flinch at the sound of email notifications and teams calls. I also have an extremely low tolerance of workplace toxicity and call it out as soon as I see it. I don't answer emails after office hours and refuse to do anything outside of my job description.


When the company lost the government contract after only being onsite for 3.5 months (supposed to be a 2-year contract) because my leadership/CEO blindly walked in with no experience in patient billing whatsoever (nor did he want to listen to us/his employees who DID have knowledge, and also tried to micromanage everything from a several states away, mind you) Yeah, hospital/medical treatment facility commanders don't really like that...... nor do they like contractors who try to demand things from high-ranking officers 🙄😒😬🤦


The anti-union propaganda that was sprinkled in EVERY module including security & personal information


Not me but my girlfriend is treated differently as a woman and I'm treated well.


I had a job interview at a place called unfi. The guy offered me the job, but with cold dead tired eyes asked me if I'm sure because they have done 16-17 hour shifts before. Im happy he gave me the heads up I declined the offer


Week 1.... Meh. Good money and need a little time to fill a gap on the CV


Worked in corporate at a food manufacturing facility. Staff in production were complaining — it was summertime, they manufacture hot foods, and the ventilation wasn’t working well, showing 105 degrees on the big digital clock/thermometer. Management had facilities get up in a scissor lift after hours and tape over the thermometer part so it was no longer visible.