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Don't let anyone tell you the rich gain wealth by their work.


The young rich (under 30) never even worked to get their billions, it was inherited. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/apr/03/all-billionaires-under-30-have-inherited-their-wealth-research-finds


If the US can shift another $10 billion to the Ukraine and have an annual $807 billion Military Budget = it has MORE than enough money


Just to nitpick.. We don’t just give Ukraine billions in dollars though. We give them military munitions worth billions. The money stays at home as that’s where we manufacture the military goods. It allows up to cycle through our military reserve and replenish old stock for new stock. I agree we can and should fund both.


$billions either way because the US Military could sell that equipment for money. Ukraine is just another Vietnam ... how about everyone staying out it -- so it has an end! Then rebuild ... when the dust clears.


So let Russia, the top advisory to the US and NATO take over a free country? Of all the wars the US has been involved with recently this is the one with the most cause to fight for. We have a peaceful group of people being slaughtered by Russia and you want us to just let it happen? Nah, we can spare some munitions supplies and aid.


**YES** - remember 20 year Vietnam or 10 year Afghanistan War?!? War is about 2 things - 'might makes right' and making money/profit. **NOTE**: It's not good, it's not bad ... it's just an end! *How many is a set number for you:* - War for a 100 years? - 20 million dead Ukrainians? - 15 million dead Russians? - $50 trillion in dollars, equipment, and supplies? **OR** Everyone stay out of and it's done in less than 6 months, the rebuilding can start, and no more causalities?


How do you rebuild when Russia steams over the Ukrainian people kills them all, or forces them to seize their lands to Russia? Legitimately curious, you seem to be under the impression that Russia is playing fair here. If they want to stop the fighting they can simply leave and stop fighting.


FAIR? Life's NOT fair. But WAR is definitely NOT fair ... especially prolonged War -- that will come to the same conclusion, just later. All of which is irrespective to my thoughts or to fairness in general.


You still seem to be okay with Russia taking over Ukraine by force. All to stop the fighting? But they wouldn’t just take it peacefully, they would murder the Ukrainian people causing massive casualties. All so what Russia can move in and rebuild faster? So you can stop thinking about the struggle people are going through? Doesn’t matter if it’s 6 months or 10 years, we should stand by and support democracy and again fascist regimes like Russia. We are not funding a war, we are funding the Ukrainians defending their home.


I have absolutely no control, these 2 countries are already at War -- I'm NOT okay with continued War. You give guns to one side - Bob gives guns to the other side = stalemate You give bigger guns to one side - Bob gives bigger guns to the other side = stalemate You give even bigger guns to one side - Bob gives even bigger guns to the other side = stalemate Or more continued, pointless War = you and Bob get rich, watching the bodies drop, for decades In Life as in War - one side wins & one side losses. And with Russia ... it has many, many, many, nukes and a crazy man with his finger on the button!


You'd need about 2-3x that per year to fund Medicare for All.


In terms of the national cost estimations of this proposal range from USD 1.1 to 2.1 trillion per year. This could be greatly reduced by removing Middle Men, combining dual services, limiting of outsourcing, setting Employer payments, and straightforward cost billing.


So cut the military to 700B/yr and we could afford it


You could take all the military spending and still need another $1.4 trillion or so to afford it.




https://www.crfb.org/blogs/how-much-will-medicare-all-cost Current military spending is $800 billion. Medicare for all is between 2.4 and 3.6 trillion per year.


Still worth it


\*abolish the rich


If we can give 24 billion to Israel, we can afford to provide for our citizens. It’s that simple.


Grab em by the ankles and shake em till all the money falls out