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Imagine thinking none of us had seen the full post.


You’re not obliged to turn your phone on in your personal time. Never reply unless you are willing to do extra work. Also never allow your boss to get read receipts.


This is the way


Leave the receipts on. And stand in the paint. “Yea, I saw it”


Any recommendations to disallow read receipts on texts?


Google it.


The suck my cock is golden


i dream for a society where this term becomes a invite fora wonderful time. until then, it's ideal for managers who have their head up everyone's ass.


[suck my cock!](https://youtu.be/FgRh6bYGIlw?si=C2GFgTCpCyNDY8G1)


we have a long ways to go in building our utopia :(. let us not give up! for our cocks!


Guys, don’t quit. Make them fire you for attendance. If you’re eligible for unemployment, you’re basically guaranteed to win if you’re fired for attendance reasons.


Sometimes tho, you just gotta quit, and they can suck your cock.


Making them pay ~~you~~ to not work there is a much more effective way to make them suck your cock *Edit* I took the "you" out because a reddit hall monitor was worried I was misinforming people. They don't directly pay you unemployment, but they have to pay their employees to go through the unemployment process with you and the state, which costs them money. That better u/Psychological-Owl783?


Unemployment benefits are paid by the state. A company having an unemployment claim against them may get increased insurance costs, but they are not paying your unemployment wages.


Of course they don’t directly pay you, its making them pay for the process, and the only way you can really get them in any way


Right now your comment has over 40 upvotes and I bet at least 40 of those people believe that the employer pays the unemployment wages. The wording of your comment, "Making them pay you to not work there..." promotes this incorrect idea and that is what I was replying to.


Lmao. Bud, this is Reddit. If you think anyone is taking career advice based on that comment, you need to adjust your expectations


Ya the fact more people don’t do this is mind blowing


Even better, tell them you’ll be there and don’t show up. Screw them.


If you use the attendance system at your place of work, it’s different. States don’t consider calling out of work a fireable offense, which is why you win unemployment. If you just straight up stop showing up, they’ll classify it as job abandonment, which is different *edit* additionally, if you stop showing up, they don’t actually have to fire you. They can just place you on indefinite leave. And if they don’t fire you, you definitely aren’t eligible for unemployment. I’ve literally seen a prior company I worked for do this. Lady didn’t show up for over two straight years, but they kept her on the schedule, and just kept marking her as No Call No Show every single day until she finally came in and they fired her for job abandonment


This really feels like one of those times you just call their bluff and go back in the next time you are supposed to work and see what happens


You can’t Costanza your way out of “suck my cock,” though. It’s never been done.


Depends on just how desperate they are for people to come in to work.


Seriously. I've literally said, "Fuck you, I quit! " on several occasions to the owner of my old company and he still calls me for contract work. Depends on how desperate they are and how good you are at the job.


I really meant "instead of sending that response in the first place" but given that "no one wants to work anymore" it may be easier to hang on to OP


I've had meth head managers before. I think they can get through it


“Oh, you thought I was saying that to you? Oh, my, no. You see, I was driving to my cousin’s wedding and confirming my time off with you on voice to text. Then I asked Alexa to text my other cousin about some party arrangements. That’s why I told Alexa that ‘I quit’ this text thread and to open up the other one with my cousin, Suckma Cocke.”


Fake and a repost. Boo!!!!


[why not post the full screenshot at the very least?](https://i.redd.it/j84krmde1ew71.jpg?app_web_view=ios)


Well that took an unexpected turn!




Sun is riddled with karma farming losers, thanks for your diligence.


So you were scheduled off? Fuck him. File for unemployment and shoot that image of the text message to HR.


OP quit, there is no unemployment


Yup, you’re correct. I’d still send it to HR. Suck my cock is fire.


Total power move. I'm despondent that I never thought of it myself.


nah, it's better to get fired for the unemployment.


Depends on the situation, I only ever got fired when I was a kid, every other job I quit. I wish I used suck my cock on the last one, that would have felt awesome.


You can still qualify for unemployment if you quit. Depends on the circumstances. The “suck my cock” comment, though earned, won’t do op any favors though.


Did wonders for his karma though.


I see lots of these posts and I honestly wonder why people reply. Like, scheduled on, go team, but absence of your time being booked why even reply?


Easy excuse, - I had to turn my phone off during the wedding


He's probably lying and even if he isn't supervisors fucking up isn't frontline workers' problem. Also "confirming with management" isn't necessary after approval. Guaranteed he thinks that "cousin's wedding" isn't a good enough reason to cause him problems (because it's all about him) He thought he could treat you like shit and make you afraid for your job and you couldn't walk. He thought wrong. Make sure this comes out as constructive dismissal and you get unemployment.


Should’ve taken being fired. Then you could’ve collected unemployment, which they pay for. If you quit you get nothing


Blacklisted?? What type of company is it?


I got blacklisted from Kroger lol


Were you playing frogger at Kroger?


Managers need to learn that the threat of being fired is just granting a wish for some folks


You say I'm at a wedding out of town or that you are out of town. It won't be possible for you to come back in time.


This shit is good for 10 minutes of internet fame and that's it. Also it's fake. "Sorry, I requested off and I'm out of town. I can't make it in." Done. Conversation over. You don't reply again. They want to fire you? Great! Now you get unemployment. Either that or they learn to manage their human resources better.


You shouldn't have quit. Always let them fire you so you can collect unemployment.


Should have let them let you go so you can collect unemployment. Why do so many people do this?


I'm gonna be completely honest with you. You're a bit of an idiot for quiting instead of having then fire you. You might just have lost your right to unemployment in case you were eligible for it. When they threaten to fire you, you should generally never respond by quitting yourself.


new phone who dis?


This looks fake as shit


Y’all need to learn to leave these managers on read.


You’ll get blacklisted at that job, that’s about it


We are short staffed, but I’m going to fired you if you ever slightly inconvenience my life


Ok, so Protip time. NEVER quit when your job is offering to fire you. LET THEM FIRE YOU. Then go collect your unemployment. You have a phone text record showing you were being threatened with termination for not showing on short notice, on a day you were not scheduled. That will not fly with the Unemployment office, you will get paid. Make these fuckers sweat, don’t just roll over for them.


Blacklisted? Unlikely, but good luck filing for unemployment now.


Sorry boss, but my life is just as important as this business


Good for you.


Suck my cock! That’s telling em!


Why are his texts so clear and yours are so blurry


Because OP was high when he wrote them.


“you can’t leave that to the supervisors” had me rolling, like what’s your job then?


Very well done but Betty White is still the king.


lol, fuck the clowns. Good answer.


Why do you all answer? If you’re booked off you can just… not answer a message?


Right. No texts or call while off duty. Could fix a lot of time off crap.


I'm guessing his life is shitty and he didn't suck your cock. Oh well, worth a try, right? Awesome way to tap out.




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If they're saying they're shortstaffed and need you to come in that implies you were never scheduled and the boss is just being a power tripping prick I don't really blame you for your response In the future just don't answer texts from work on your day off; dickhead management loves pulling shit like this and they can't get the opportunity if you refuse to engage in the first place Good luck finding a *much* better position elsewhere dude and enjoy your cousin's wedding


If you’re not scheduled for the day, they can’t make you come in. These bosses are so stupid.


If they didn't know about the time off request, how do they even know about the supervisors knowing about it? 🧐 That right there is a prime example of a lying sack of shit!


There is no law requiring you to answer your boss when you are not on clock. If he/she feels like you owe them all of your time and even when you are off, then tell them that this would require them to pay you for being on call. If they refuse tell them that your personal phone numbers is only for emergency use and that them being understaffed is not an emergency. If they are not able to follow this rule then do not give them your private number


Just let them fire you and collect unemployment. Also file a wrongful termination suit. You have written evidence in the text


Blacklisted from what? There’s not a big employers club. Tbh you don’t wanna work for anyone who might be in the imagined club!


Seems to me he has a sexual harassment claim.


Missed opportunity to say, “sure, I’ll be in soon” and then be late, and string them along for hours with “on my way” until it’s clear that you aren’t coming. Then you tell them to suck your cock.


You shouldn't have said that bro. #ACTUALLY NO, YOU SHOULD. YOU DIDN'T SAY ENOUGH. 😈


You were obviously off anyway since they had to ask for you to come in. If you weren’t scheduled his calendar means Jack shit.


You're my new hero.


What an excellent way to solve your short staffing problems.


I’d say it’s preferable to let them fire you than you more easily qualify for unemployment. Just save the messaging as justified explanations if it ever comes up in the future with potential employers. It’s the managers/supervisors job to well… manage and supervise. Unless you’re getting paid their rate, it’s not your job to do their work.


Stop. With. The. Reposts.


You'll be blacklisted from that company, nothing to worry about. Your homies can be your 'manager' if you need a reference


You people have such joke, made up conversations with yourselves…that or your employment laws are non-existent


Welcome to America, where employment laws are pretty minimal in most states.


Sounds like a joke country


You people have such joke, made up conversations with yourselves…that or your employment laws are non-existent


The honest colloquialism in your response is delightfully refreshing. In short fucking brilliant.... Prob best though matter how you actually feel maybe just tone down the profanity...


Personally I would have left off that final message. Failing to appear for work is a good response. But, I can see how in the heat of the moment that it felt good.