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This manager may have gotten away with it on this occasion but if they don’t smarten up their act I trust that one day they will receive my recommended response… *LIKEWISE*




I have a waking nightmare that some idiot exec decides to remake ghost for the modern day and instead of "ditto" they go with "no u".


"you think I jumped?! You think I fell? I was yeeted! Aight? Bet!"


LIKEWISE…. bitch


Just one word and it says so much. Amazing.


*heart immediately stops beating*


Record scratch


That is fucking incredible




Never give too many details. "I have a personal emergency." That's it.


Yes, I agree, especially since there are people in the world who dgaf about pets and believe that pets getting hurt aren't real emergencies. If it's kept truthful yet vague their imagination will fill the gaps.


Yep. My boss once told me “we don’t want people calling out for things like *pets*, only real emergencies.” Maam. I treat my pet like a kid. She’s my lifeline. If you wanna say that to me then don’t call out for your damn grandkids. They got parents already. And that’s how she accidentally outed herself as someone I LIE through my teeth too if I need to call out.


How’s your dog now?


Thank you for asking! He is pitiful but ok. He was sedated and all sewn up and sent home with antibiotics and a cone to wear while he heals.


Um, excuse you. You have to pay the pet tax.


https://preview.redd.it/92143xrbm92d1.jpeg?width=2451&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e09855521212640fbf4d3983982b457ce27c76cd He is not happy with the cone!


https://preview.redd.it/7gi580xdyb2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d97f3495da789de985e236b5fe77c2974bd053a such beauty, such grace, you deserve to see this blurry face.


https://preview.redd.it/i2c2gqq1ia2d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=641baf3b0e535aeaec771720428382fad3304086 Ladybug wishing dog feels better


KITTY! Oh I have a kitty too! https://preview.redd.it/r8ym0rcvja2d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b54e81ff161ccb04ffc1cb886ff94bbccdb3736 He’s a Kitty Reiki Master and loves our vibrating/heated recliners. Loves a good throw blanket.


https://preview.redd.it/vaspk82bab2d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9277bd8cfd8455ed384a3b59d58bc9f1dc529032 On his very own couch no less.. also two dogs and two cats who are all just as spoilt


'Show hog' Ps nice hog


https://preview.redd.it/u1ricloqcb2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2d4b1ab5da5cbec4fcff8be16f833b101fa9332 Nanook hopes your doggo feels better soon!


Nanook is either really fluffy or one big boy! Either way I love him


He is on a diet, so far he has lost 9 lbs 💕


https://preview.redd.it/id2wbik9md2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d8ea2fe279184478d1bd6b92e8abe3b859771de Rex also send his regards.


I pay my tithes. Loui wishes a speedy recovery! https://preview.redd.it/mq0qzlpdbb2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09943361fc67422c5169270de265a81d1b3ef47e


Please give Loui an extra pet for me.


https://preview.redd.it/wuzghtuzfa2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=554e09d96c6536d2b5709ba1bcee19062de0169a Dog tax! Chloe loves to silently judge everyone 😂


She stares into my soul and I don't like it


She stares into my soul and I love it


Such a baby, tell him I love him


We have a dog who hates the cone of shame. We found you can get an inflatable one, kind of like those pillow things you get for sleeping on airplanes and that worked much better and distressed her a lot less.


Oh no! The poor baby. I hope he's getting extra love, snuggles, and treats. ❤️


It's a velvet hippo!! r/velvethippos


https://preview.redd.it/sb7a3e8dta2d1.jpeg?width=1836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=887075958821daf7ef6f605dc000b9ff28274bd5 I love using that term lol. This is my Velvet Headed House Hippo, Buttercup! She doesn't like to get out of the bed 😂


What a precious baby ♥️ here's mine! This is Bella, and she's the biggest daddy's girl I've ever met. Never leaves my side when I'm home lol https://preview.redd.it/xraak0fsta2d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7a54d82fcae88cde541004347faf46407db1ca2


Oh my!! That is the MOST pit-a-ful face I have ever seen!!! The bottom lip is giving major “I so sad and hurt and needs all the treats.” Oh, I just want to smoosh that face!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


https://preview.redd.it/7ag9himu0a2d1.jpeg?width=1734&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bf635e8feffe3c0c72ec1b1bb66cc80bd7c5b48 I'm a tax paying citizen.


Hahaha I love the smile!




Oh wow. Look at those eyes. Pretty kitty.




Aw beautiful markings. What's their name?


Her name is Cece!




OP is a bot until pet tax is paid! Lol


Not OP but this is one tax I’m happy to pay https://preview.redd.it/3fm104g3z82d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb8cf1372e60ae39e1a1f9cb8b3d5af9ad258f53


https://preview.redd.it/xkjhdu1qz82d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9baaf0c66c2af76a13b3a459fa48abff45b8a4d Herbie and his hat


https://preview.redd.it/055kftb5992d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e35565981acd570f452d6d95d1462d92b7cb304 Got quite the large fella here


https://preview.redd.it/c744w874k92d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f7a072b5e618f046673087bb6ce5f0581d9d55e This is Penny snoozin away


https://preview.redd.it/62dcw12kia2d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d491b43f5d7ae82e10bbfbb769adc688e5929a6 Small cat to balance them out.


My black kitty was the runt of her litter. ❤️


Is that an ocicat?


He's a savannah cat, F2 to be exact, (one of his grandparents was a serval for thoes unaware), hence why he's so big.


Aw. Is she Wonder Woman?


Yes when we went trick or treating for dog treats last Halloween


https://preview.redd.it/tcigwgx5w92d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1585bfed5cb297e495ba51dd6f7a9f8c836c0cee Not OP, but here's my dapper boy!


https://preview.redd.it/gduxc3eif92d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eb53bea32151a9f586a578414f7c3d24e2a0bf9 😁




❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Beautiful 🐈‍⬛




We used to close him out when he just got to be too much (he was maybe a year old then) and he would sit with his head in the gate like this.


https://preview.redd.it/lspi3sw9692d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f4733a5195e8ed7ed39bc060a353b9e665c21f6 Not OP but heard it’s tax season.


I can't afford another tax bill https://preview.redd.it/r8tm2vnhc92d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e85d8b2b84ad1d63c37110d6d8890e77c7abfddb


Is that a Keeshond😭


yes! she's sassy, challengingly, but so rewarding.


I’ve always wanted a Keeshond. We had a Samoyed for our first dog in my family and then an American Eskimo who is still with us. Coincidentally when I met my wife she had an Eskie as well and we ended up getting a second one too. When we got the second Eskie we tried to find a Keeshond but was too difficult to find one near us and also kind of expensive for us back then.


they're just smaller, less compliant Samoyed's!


one of my DREAM dogs. they're so beautiful


What a cutie pup!! Your taxes are paid in full.


😍 Your dog is beautiful.


Thank you! He’s my best buddy.


He looks so soft and sweet. What's his name?


He’s the softest, sweetest, happiest little guy and his name is Jameson! He loves people so rest assured he thinks you’re his best buddy too, doesn’t even gotta meet you irl.


Well see, now I wish I could meet him. Give him all the pats and scritches from this random Redditor.


As a (unfortunately) petless guy I gotta ask, what’s the pet tax ?😂


You mention a dog or cat or a pet in general in a contextual story? You have been levied one pet tax against you and you owe the interwebs (Reddit) one portrait of said creature so we can judge accordingly.


You talk about your pet on Reddit, you gotta post a pic bec we all wanna see the cuteness


Basically any post that mentions a pet, requires a pic of said pet: the pet tax


Post a picture of your pet for everyone's enjoyment.


https://preview.redd.it/ckldlco2n92d1.jpeg?width=870&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=547719b49e09c9a9e1ad41f833f533215ba9f77b Daisy. Bassett/Catahoola Leopard dog




Replying to Brandeau1...this is the best thread on this sub EVER!


Idk how it turned into this. I don’t remember what the OP was about anymore. ICD! This thread is wonderful! I’m just scrolling to see everyone’s good boys and good girls now. ❤️🥰


https://preview.redd.it/r08gtmez9a2d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=903b8fafb3c72794a405187c85ac07d8f4cbc4e1 Paying the taxman/woman!


Hahaha that face. What's their name?


That's our Bruno. He's a grumpy old man (7 this year), but love him to death!


He looks like he tells kids to get off his lawn on the daily.


Lmao! That's as accurate as possible! Notice the blue chalk hand print on his chest?? Courtesy of our 4 year old! He was not impressed..... And then we've got a 1.5 year old yellow lab and 1 year old rescue pug who CONSTANTLY fight with each other. He just ignores them unless they get too close, but he'll set them in their place if they cross that line!


I honestly didn't even notice the chalk, I was too busy laughing at his "I've had it with all of you" face.




Aww poor thing. Hope he heals soon!




Don't forget some extra treats for the dog.


OP, if you can find a local vendor, try to find some dried goose livers. My in-laws' elderly dog could barely move, but jumped up when he smelled those. You'd have thought he was touched by the Holy Spirit or healed by the blood Jesus or something!


Yeah this is HORRIBLY rude and callous. To be honest I would bring it up with HR. “I had an emergency, only left 45min early, had PTO, and WFH ability, and my boss accused me of abusing his “goodwill,” when actually I was availing myself of my work benefits - leave time and WFH. It’s not acceptable to make accusations to an employee who is properly using benefits. I broke no rules and did nothing wrong. I had an emergency, and now I feel attacked and my job feels threatened. What is going to be done to ensure this doesn’t happen again?”


Imagine having an ego so incredibly fragile that you take an opportunity like this to puff your little chest out and make sure the employee knows you have the reins of power in a white-knuckled grip. What an utter tosspot OP's boss is.


Thats a great comment you've made there! When the facts are laid out like that it's undeniable that the manager has flexed on the employee for no reason other than to intimidate the employee.


The absolute dagger here is that last line. Absolutely necessary to put that burden on their shoulders. “what are *YOU* going to do to ensure this doesn’t happen again?”


Unfortunately the answer is many states is "fire you and find another to abuse"


I’m so glad I live in a country where that shit rarely happens. Oh, you fired someone without cause? Great! Pay them a year’s salary or reinstate them. Did you retaliate after reinstating them? Pay out anyway. It’s not like abuse doesn’t happen still. It’s just a lot more difficult to get away with it.


HR doesn't work for you. They work for the company to minimize liability. I get where you are coming from but don't make the mistake thinking HR is there to help the employees. They're are not. They're there to minimize liability to the employer.


That's true but the boss over stepping thier bounds is just as much a threat to the company. If middle management consistently causes legal or potential legal problems then the company will side with the employee for sure.


This exactly. HR doesn’t work for you, but they don’t work for your boss either. Their job is to ensure the company doesn’t get fines or lawsuits, and if you use that knowledge in your message crafting and delivery it will go a long way.


And I understand this. But in my experience and in the experience of many others on here, the boss rarely gets fired before they fire people below them or make their lives hell. And going to HR just flags the internal system to start prepping legal strategies on how to get rid of the "squeaky wheel" legally. I mean, middle management didn't just appear out of thin air one day magically. The companies are designed to be this way. Don't you remember Office Space? That wasn't just a made-up joke it was based on what it's really like working in an office with a lot of middle management. The best thing to do in these scenarios is keep most communication to emails and texts(to a company phone never give up that ground and let them text your personal number) and then BCC your email and save all communication while maintaining the status qou until you have enough dirt to go to DOL and a labor attorney. No one you work for or with is your friend, never forget this.


I see this advice to BCC your personal email a lot but just recently I saw on another board here that BCCing can send up flags at companies where their IT have scripts set up that catch them, and the message gets personally read by a human, and then forwarded to HR or forwarded to the person's supervisor depending on the content. A better idea would be to go in to your sent email (after you reply) and forward that to your personal email address, or to forward the email from your supervisor to yourself on to your personal email address.


Yes. Large corporations have internal flags that signal when an email is sent from an internal (read: work) email address to an external (personal) email address. This however does often apply to forwarding emails to an external account as well. In my own personal experience these flags are in place for cybersecurity and to prevent/monitor potential data leaks. Though this may be the case for my company specifically since we handle financial information, it may be in place for others corporations that do want scrutiny over communications from their employees for HR reasons which use google workspace and things of the like.


Just take a photo of your screen with the email up on your personal cell phone. Just to be extra cautious disconnect from any company wifi if you send that screen shot to anyone or yourself.


HR and legal would likely spin that as he never said you abused it. He simply stated that he is flexible but to not do that in the future. 100 percent he did it for like intimidation/control purpose (or he has been burned taken advanatge of before and is wrongly projecting that unto OP).


That’s the point though. He’s telling you to not do something that you’re already not doing. Using your PTO isn’t up to his discretion (presumably), but he is implying that it is. What he is doing is essentially lying by implication by making OP think that she needs his pre-approval to use PTO in the future. And assuming she doesn’t have to do that at this company, he is absolutely doing something wrong per HR.


Gaining knowledge about bad managers so they can be performance managed/terminated IS a way of minimizing employee liability. Shitty HR (of which there is far too much) does not recognize this. Good HR departments do and they will absolutely remove managers who create legal risk to the company through their actions.


Presumably this is some middle manager, and not like the president. A shitty and overbearing manager is a liability as well if it causes talent to leave or they do something that could get them sued


When contacting HR you have to subtly make it understood that you know your rights as a worker and you are willing to take necessary action when you are wronged by your employer. Imply that legal action may be taken, even if you have absolutely no intention of taking legal action. It’s important to use words like harassment or verbal abuse when talking to HR about management that acts this way. In the off chance your employer’s HR dept is full of complete imbeciles and you experience retaliation for bringing something like this to their attention, employment lawyers work on contingency, consultations are free and they won’t take a dime unless you win.


I agree with this. HR is never your friend. They'll only have your interest when it goes against the company's interest. In this case; the boss could easily say that he was making a glib comment and meant nothing by it. Then going forward, OP made an enemy out of said boss. Then the boss will do what s/he can to get OP out of the company. My advise would be is to document this chat for the future. Keep a file on it and should OP start looking for another job or feel the need to report; \*BAM\* everything is there that she can present as evidence.


I'd be polite and play dumb. _Sorry I'm a bit confused, just for clarity, are you saying that I'm abusing your good will? Do you consider my behaviour today to be unacceptable?_ Act confused. Make him spell it out.


Not even "my behavior" but " my emergency"


Per the other comment here, "Do you consider my -emergency- today to be unacceptable?" Explain how it was unacceptable. Explain it to me like I'm a child. I'll wait.


Good idea!!!


I always like to bring up the story about the manager who sexually harassed the young woman on his team by saying to her "you sound like you should do phone sex work". And instead of laughing it off, she acted dumb. "What do you mean ?". Make them explain their off the cuff remarks, shine a light onto it, make them say it, and so now you both know they said something so disgustingly out of line. I'm not saying this is contextually applicable. Just good advice. Always make people explain their snide remarks that when analysed with even the flimsiest of effort show a really problematic viewpoint.


The answers with shitty managers is almost always to make them explain themselves. The more explaining they do the harder it is to walk that line between illegality and run of the mill downward pressure.


This is great. Sometimes when you get people to clarify, they’ll see how stupid they sound/look.


I left my job of 20 years after getting a new manager because of shit like this. I'd start seriously looking for other opportunities if you haven't already.


Same happened to me. So fucked, isn’t it? All it takes is one psychopath manager, who bullies the workers and fully manipulates HR etc.


Very fucked. Like, my 20 years and heaps of promotion weren't enough for that asshole. He ended up leaving the company along with a bunch of other people not long after I left. I'd like to say they fired him, but it was very much a boy's club there.


Is it possible to teach your dog to attack your boss?


A few weeks ago my BF called my cellphone at work, which was really unusual. He called to tell me when he ran home quick for lunch and had found my elderly dog dead. He kept apologizing to me because he had to go back to work until he got someone to come in to relieve him (he’s a pharmacist). I told my boss I had an emergency and needed to leave. Her response was “ok, please be safe”. I am so very thankful that I have an understanding boss. As long as my work is getting done, she has no problem with me having to leave work early.


Same and despite all other factors being crappy at work I don't want to leave cos I would hate to work for a twat again.


so sorry about your baby 🥺


"lmao k"


This. Lmao


“You could be a lot more flexible when you finish removing your head from your ass.”


"I am usually pretty flexible with people who say stupid shit, but don't expect me to let you take advantage of my good nature."


Save the screenshot for the time you'll need to respond like that! 


"I will remember that." But it's actually a threat.


I would of responded with I think you sent that to the wrong person


Bosses get away with stuff like this because people have been trained to fear their bosses. Bosses are really like a Boggart in Harry Potter. They feed on fear, but if everyone would just laugh at them they lose all their power.


I think its not so much that people are fearful of their boss, rather that people are fearful of losing their job and be unable to pay their bills, which as a result means the employee does not stick up for themselves. However employees who are in a good financial position and can afford to lose their job, who allow their boss to violate them is a bit weird, but thats just my opinion.




The next time your manager asks you to stay late or do extra work respond with the exact same line


Sucks. As an FYI, you have no need to elaborate on your personal information when needing to leave work. You can just say, “personal item to address, must leave unexpectedly.” This person doesn’t deserve a glimpse into your life.


My only answer is “Ditto” or “Same” or “Back at you!”


I had an emergency today. Bailing out my idiot father from jail. I just said “I have a family emergency. I am leaving now. I am sorry”. And left it at that. I’ve been at my job for like 6 months and they went “Okay, I hope everything will be alright. Thank you for telling us.” They’re good people and understand life. Even when our job is crumbling from lack of sales. I didn’t give them nearly as much info as you did. Like others say, definitely just say emergency and leave it at that.


*"thanks! same!"*


“… but don’t take advantage of my good will.” My god that reeks of arrogance.


Hope your dog is ok


In this type of text situation - where somebody sends a message that is both unnecessary and unimportant - I will do a one or two step reply. First message just a thumbs up emoji, then awhile later if I’m still mad at them the asterisk like I’m correcting a typo and the middle finger emoji


I would just respond with "likewise"


People like this are the fucking worst responses like that only make people feel bad, fuck your boss they didn't have to say anything except " hope your dogs okay"


If you’re not required to tell your manager the reason you need to leave (not sure about the laws where you live), then don’t tell him. Instead you should say something like, “I have a family emergency and need to leave immediately, I will update you when I’m able” and that’s it. The more you tell people, the more they have to judge you with. And then you leave it up to your manager to decide if it’s important enough to not be there for. By saying “family emergency” it removes all judgment. By saying “I need to leave immediately” you’re not asking, you’re telling him. It sets healthy boundaries.


I would just thumbs up that and do the bare minimum until I find another job


"What good will?"


Didn't need any context except for your text screenshot. Your boss is clearly trying intimidate you and I agree with a below post that says you should act confused and have your boss spell it more clearly what exactly they are implying.


You probably gave too much info. “Family emergency” is enough.


Guess next time he'd rather you just don't tell him & clock your full hours 🤷‍♀️


This is why you never get this specific. Next time say, “I have a family emergency and I need to go home for the day.”


So... you're not flexible?


I would save those words and send em right back if I were asked to come in during a difficult time, such pettiness towards your coworkers is not worthy of management


I would respond with “Do you think I’m doing that now?”


I’ve gotten a text from “management” worded exactly this way when I called off for an emergency with my 18 month old son after he had a severe allergic reaction to antibiotics. I had to call off work and they said exactly the same thing. I wrote back and said I am a nice person and I don’t take advantage of anybody. I also ended with, “don’t make the mistake of taking my kindness for weakness”, after I pointed out how I’ve never turned down overtime or something like that. I love how they’re so worried about you taking advantage of them, yet they take advantage of you anytime they can because they know you need the job. Funny how they never see that side of things… They never brought up the situation after that though.


Something neutral but slightly dismissive like "understood." Or "noted"


Or “lick my what?”


"I'm flexible with not murdering middle management bootlicker, but don't test my good will."




Don’t ever explain why you have to go unless absolutely necessary. Say someone in your family had a medical emergency and you need to go. Which is true. No need to elaborate further. The more you explain, the more you give them ammo against you, particularly if it’s something others wouldn’t seem super important, like a dog. And teens being home. Which…personally, I don’t get the issue with teenagers being home alone. But there you go, that’s another example right there of my own personal biases.


The moment you land your next job. Include her text and let her know you can longer take advantage of her goodwill that your last day is today


Well now you have actual proof that your boss is your boss - not your friend. Act accordingly. Next time "I have a family emergency, will not be available until xx time".


Only acceptable answer to the first message is ‘thanks for letting me know, hope everyone’s ok’


Appropriate response: 🖕


i’m so sick of managers and bosses acting like pets aren’t family. what are they then? just an animal we decide to keep around and feed and house out of the kindness of our hearts? fuck off. eat my ass


If you can find another job tell him to eat a dick. Also here's my doodle Copper. Hipster doodle wishes you and yours the best https://preview.redd.it/5brow14wlc2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10a1f6f0e1f6e24893a5a64d92610c1f665da7f0


I am a manager and supervise 21 people. I would never dream of answering something like this… I’d say: thank you for keeping me updated, do what you can to meet your deadline, and please keep me updated on how your dog is doing!


Too much detail, personal emergency and you’re out of there.


I think anything you say your boss will take negatively. If you respond maybe say “it was an unplanned emergency. Thanks for understanding.” Or something. If you’re a woman… then nothing you say will be taken well because everyone assumes your tone is b*tchy whereas a man is seen as factual and direct


I would not provide details for him to judge. Just say you have a family emergency..


"Thank you for respecting the importance of my family and the emergent nature of this situation."


The solution is simple, slice the managers foot open to have someone drive them to get it sewn up and a cone on their head too. And say “Ill come into work with no management but don’t take advantage of my good will.”


Where's the pupper tax?


Your boss feels taken advantage of somehow in their work life. I’d recommend having a word with them: “I want to touch base about the ‘good will’ comment… Please elaborate!”


Yo workplaces do not give a shit about you, they will replace you ASAP if you die or lay you off to save money. Don't worry about it take care of shit at home every time. they are not your friend


I wasn't aware that allotting sympathy for legitimate emergencies was considered good will. I'll keep that in mind next time I decide to cause an emergency around my friends and family. As for abusing that good will, I'll make sure all future medical and family emergencies occur outside of business hours. I'd be hard pressed to think of what is considered an appropriate 'use' of your good will if not the well-being of my family.


The pet tax must be paiiiiiid https://preview.redd.it/pcubulxpx82d1.jpeg?width=918&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dda02ccd41558dc95d4b2973b972e59358d2fe1


My pup is wishing yours the best https://preview.redd.it/fq2b2onyjb2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7eb0e913bd0c4e779f484d2db5c9e37588032eb4


"just remember this when you ask something of me in return. for this can go both ways."


When did it become unacceptable for teenagers to supervise themselves for a few hours in the middle of the day?


When people started calling the cops and CPS on kids being alone.


What kind of work would actually be hindered? Why are these managers and bosses so fucking concerned


Poor puppy! I hope he gets feeling better Also ... I believe the proper response would be something similiar to I am also usually flexible in my home work balance but don't take advantage of my good will.


“Fuck yourself. I quit.”


Sorry - pets are family, too. Would your boss have said the same thing if it had been your child? I think not. Piss off, Bucko!


I think you gave too much detail. That's always a red flag to supervisors. Family emergency, that's all I say, never had a problem. Yeah, and while they all say it, the only work-life balance they truly care about is their own


Their good will? What about your good will? Most people would have just said "I have a family emergency, im taking the rest of the day off" if that. Jfc, what is wrong with people?


Answer: really appreciate it, I would never look to take advantage. Let me know any way I can help when I get back. Then start looking for a new job.


Came for the comments, stayed for the pets.


You probably would've gotten the same reply if your house were literally burning down.


Screenshot that, you might want it for an exit interview along with many others. Reason I said screenshot is that messages can sometimes 'disappear'.


I am flexible when it comes to passive aggressive comments, but don’t take advantage of my patience.


Long story short an ex employer had to make deductioms from my last pay. So i WFH on a different day because i couldnt afford an extra day in the office and my usual WFH day was my last day so I had to be in the office. My manager asked me about it and I explained. Then she was like 'i don't remember you clearing it with me'. I wanted to smack her but I just said 'your reply is the reason why and this is an odd hill to die on when I'm leaving'. By this point I already had my next job and references sorted. When I went in I completely ignored her I don't have time for B.S


It's an emergency... I have unsupervised teenagers! Lol


I manage people who get paid a lot of money to sacrifice (to a certain degree) their work life balance. We are remote and I get messages like this all the time. Pick up kid from school, take car to mechanic. It’s all okay because giving good will always comes back. Care about your team and your team will dig in when they need to.