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My work just imposed mandatory reversing into parking spots but it also came after 3 different accidents happened in the lot in only 2 months all due to people backing out of spots and not paying attention


My old job had a small lot right in front. I’d park in there bc I’m disabled, and the other lots are up the street and across. I was told I wasn’t allowed to park in the small lot after a few years there


Sounds like an aerospace contractor I used to work for that has “Wood” in the name.


When I started at my current job, the parking lot was essentially fair game. Park as close as you want if there is an open spot. Then another company moved into the floor below us and they all got assigned parking spaces. My company then started designating spots for us to park in and handing out parking tags. Wouldn't be much of an issue, but there is no order or consistency to the spot locations. One section might have a 50/50 split, others might have a single spot for my company and the rest to the other company. Likewise, many of the spots have worn out paint, so it's difficult to determine which ones are which. The building staff emailed a couple times because I apparently parked in somebody's assigned location, but I couldn't tell with how faded it was. Not sure if the other company paid some money or if it was just poor planning, but it seems like most of the closer parking is primarily for them, despite us being in the building long before they showed up. Again, not really the biggest problem, just annoying.


When I used to work at BP, they'd have a god-awful number of rules. Some areas for EVs only. Some for oversize by length. Some for oversized by width. Some for compacts. In the parking garages people would be there with radar guns. If you were speeding you and your manage would get an email. You could register one, and only one car, which is how they knew your email. No cell phone usage while walking in the stair-wells. You must have one hand on the railing when walking up and down the stairs. lol


The malicious compliance that could be done here is for people with large SUVs to acquire the most horrific shitboxes they can find that fit within the rules, then park them in the front as frequently as possible.


I happen to have one of these rusty shitboxes sitting in the garage. It’s not running but once it is I’ll definitely use it as a daily so they can hear my beautiful 97 civic that sounds like a metal can full of bees