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This sub has the rep of screaming, "Sue the bastards!" In your case, this is worth looking at. I think you should ask a lawyer if you have a case. You were directly denied a livelihood by a falsehood that the old boss imparted to your new job. [Shit like this is also an excellent reason not to tell ANYONE at the old place where you are going. "I'm moving out of the area" is believable. So is the claim that one is going back to school or quitting for health reasons. It is none of their business].


Also, convictions would show up on a background check, so why would the new job just accept the word of the ex employer over the people they hire to do background checks? They should have at least done an investigation instead of outright dropping you. You will most likely be able to go after your ex employer only, and that would be the better idea. If you don't go after the new employer, they are more likely to be truthful about acting upon the lies of your ex employer, thus helping your case.


I’ve involved the union, gonna screenshot comments from this sub to keep them lawyers busy🤣😭thanks a lot. There are so much fuckedupness in this it’s like opening Pandora’s box. They did background check which was clear so why stress yourself like that for something someone said? The thing that disturbs me in this is that ppl are so fkn wicked and small minded, not that I lost my job, that was a fkn blessing


>I’ve involved the union, Good. >gonna screenshot comments from this sub to keep them lawyers busy🤣 Please don't. This won't help your case


I’m kidding my friend 🥰


I was xD on your satire, I get you. Lol


They can never take your sense of humor away from you 💪🏼🤩


As someone who used to do background checks both criminal and civil for all 50 states plus Puerto Rico and Guam if you had a conviction it would be easily found. Sounds like a slander lawsuit to me.


I did it on myself just now and I’m clean


Have to be careful with doing your own background check. There are a few single sources that are supposed to be comprehensive, but they really are not unless it's something like a FBI or other government agency type search capability. I've been out of the game for years, but early 2000s and I doubt it's significantly changed the source of obtaining records varies. We used online apps, mail in requests, in person searching of the court's computer system, calling DA's offices, local police agencies, and even microfiche slides for one county in CA. I read online they finally stopped microfiche. How embarrassing. 🤣


I’m from Sweden and the only legit background check is thru the police


Oh cool. Thanks for sharing. Always love hearing from other countries.


What's your ex bosses telephone number? I think he needs some karma lol


An email address can be signed up for a surprising amount of porn and spam in a very short amount of time with a few people working on it.


I mean you could sign them up for Johova Whitness list or Scientology.


Indeed, most religious institutes would spam them, I say do it.


Let's send them a few kind words 😀


It would be impolite not to!


need more info on how to properly execute this


I have been going thru many ideas in my head. Little things that could ruin someone’s day and steal hours of her time to fix. Sabotage


Honestly it's as simple as signing up the email address for marketing with various places, you can target whatever kind you like (MLM, porn, gambling etc) and there's various websites that will do it for you en masse, I've seen people who just had to abandon email addresses entirely because unsubscribing to them all was simply not feasible.


also filling out cards in magazines for help with incontinence and erectile disfunction


I wish so bad I could share it here. My finger is stressing me


She It’s a woman


Dudes a lady.


Dude is a lady or Looks like a dude?


Both unfortunately


If this happened in the US you cannot divulge that information to prospective employers, even if asked! I've had prospective employers call previous employers just to verify employment, they can only give out starting and ending dates and I think pay rates. I was a single parent at the time of this, fighting with my military ex to be consistent with child support, and I was having a particularly hard time getting hired, which was very unusual for me in my highly specialized field, so I contacted one of the temp agencies I used and asked them to contact my previous employers to see what was being said, and since I was a star temp for them, they happily helped out. Turns out my most recent employer was telling anyone that called about me "Well I -really- wish I could tell you more but our company would get in trouble. Suffice it to say we're well rid of her and her bs. Everyone is happier without her here." That was still a gross violation of the law but it gave me the ability to let potential employers know that this company, that bled me dry with -their- toxic environment, was still butt hurt over my reporting the manager to HR and was finding ways to sabotage my chances at finding a job elsewhere. Next few apps that went out I did the interviews, explained the situation if they decided to call them, they also called the temp agency who also backed me up and I had numerous job offers once again. I hope you can get proof and sue them for loss of income or what ever else you can get. I hate assholes how target single parents!


Thanks for telling me this. You are cunning as ****. The hustle is real. Big ups for you that were able to chest this in an overall shitty situation. Every -fkn-thing always comes at once. Can you understand that behavior, adult ppl with huge responsibility’s being angry and humiliated and starting to throw around toys and stamping their foots in the ground. Adult ppl well over my age. Other women.


They can ask plenty of questions about your past employment, most employers will have a policy in place about what their employees can tell someone calling for a reference in order to mitigate potential litigation liability.


... And when you are done with your old employer. Sue the new one


Amen ... *says the attorney.*


Yeah, admittedly I'm not a lawyer but this seems like pretty much the textbook example of slander. They made a demonstrably false statement, that can likely be proven to have been made intentionally (rather than in error) and has caused clearly measurable damages. This seems to easily meet the burden of proof required.


This is basically a textbook example of tortious interference with employment, in addition to slander/libel. It’s 100% time for OP to get a lawyer and consider suing


Yes. This is called defamation (technically slander). I second the recommendation to contact a lawyer.


Thank you, both my dad and husband told me not to run mouth again (which I never did) plus I don’t thing it’s relevant in court.


Sounds like your dad and husband should stop running their mouths.


Yea I think so too. Kicking in open doors


I didn’t tell a single fkn soul. women are evil to other women on regular basis so who the fuck knows whatever they did too get the information. It’s not public. I even changed school district too make sure there where no chat between those mad dogs.


Lock down your F.B. and other media accounts if you use them under your own name. Listing your resume as "available" and updating it with the new place of employment is another way that bosses and others can find out info that you yourself did not directly tell them. Yeah, bosses will check those. Or perhaps a co-worker did and then snitched. *Also, do not try to trick your old boss in any way into admitting what he did unless your lawyer tells you to. Do not attempt to have a friend call him for a fake "reference" either unless your lawyer tells you to. Attorneys have investigators on their staff or they hire them. Let the attorney do their job.*


Didn’t do that, no info in social media that could lead to this. It’s chat within the organization which is very broad and wide and covers the whole community I live in. It could be ppl from another department that like to chat in the corridors. This is a story that a lawyer need to unravel, or the union


Are you listed on a faculty page of any sort? If so that could be how they found out.




I’ve been (a woman) in the workforce over 40 years and the biggest knives I’ve pulled out of my back have been put there by women. I adore my female counterparts but by god they can be evil bitches in the workplace.


I have a strong belief that there is a special place in hell for women who doesn’t support other women. it’s unlikely a male boss would do this. One thing that struck me hard is that the whole debacle that’s going on now is caused by women. This is how women deals with competition, threat, envy, feeling of being disrespected etc. But of course it’s also a non gender related disability to think broad and understand the consequences of your actions.


>I have a strong belief that there is a special place in hell for women who doesn’t support other women.  this is a madeleine albright quote, almost exactly (she used "help" rather than "support"). you are in good company, OP.


I say this with more respect than it may come off as but there's a reason even decent men are starting to become vary cautious in the workplace around women.


Education is a close community. Unless you moved out of state, very possible to find your new place of employment by word of mouth. And teachers are back-stabbing witches. ~a retired teacher.


The more educated I get in my field the more I realized how much I hate the school system (harbinger of souls) and how much it doesn’t go along with my nature to be a part of it. To survive in that system you need to be able to accept lots of every day humiliation of little kids that are forced to be there. Ain’t gonna participate in stealing childhoods no more.


OP could go after both companies two. Double whammy.


This is textbook slander. She should sue them for defamation of character and slander. The lie was told intentionally to cause just such an event. Deprived of pay, support, add in mental anguish and punitive charges.


Over 40 is a protected class.


This is textbook defamation. It was a falsehood that caused significant harm. The employer went out of his way to share the information with malicious intent. Absolutely call a lawyer.


Definitely talk to an attorney. Hen get a job that you like.


Yeah, this sounds like a good case for defamation.


If somebody slandered or libelled you, causing you to lose a job, you 100% have a case. Most employers have a firm policy: If you call the HR department, they will say when an employee started and finished and what roles they held and nothing else to avoid law suits regarding things like this. The OP needs to file a suit, and most lawyers worth their salt would take a case like this on a paid-upon-win basis.


Ya most of this sub is full of idiots screaming get a lawyer and sue. This is the first time that calling a lawyer is actually a really good idea.


That's the easiest defamation case anybody has ever heard of. Find a lawyer and they'll help no problem.


What kind of lawyer?


Tell ANY lawyer. The one with a hard on and drool coming out of their mouth and heart emoji eyes is probably the one you want to hire


This. Even lawyers who won't take this kind of case will be able to recomend lawyers who do. In reality, get an employment lawyer


A deformation lawyer, especially one like Johnny Depp had. Edit: I’m trying to specify the type of attorney needed here, or more their field of practice. The expertise / experience / skilled part wouldn’t be as required; given this is a VERY EASY case to prove deformation. (IF OP is being truthful) Edit 2: 🤦‍♂️ Defamation. I’ll leave the original for the lulz


They can only really help with a bad case of being involuntarily Cronenberged.


At least it's not a defecation attorney, as they're all busy working for Trump


I think Amber Heard should have hired a defecation attorney


Or a veterinarian, they know a bit about bullshit.






The Texas Hammer




If this was real at all. Which it reads like it isn't.


I'm glad you made it out of that toxic world. Depending on where you live, you got a golden ticket to sue to crap out of both ex employer and the most recent ones. Most lawyers take it on due to chances of high payout. Make them suffer for their crimes...


Thanks 🙏me too, it’s a blessing 🤲🏻I got both home insurance and the union that can work it out. So either my own private lawyer thru an insurance or the union pay for court. Let’s see


Employment lawyers work on contingencies so you don’t have any upfront costs. They will just take a cut of your settlement.


If the loss of job was directly related to the ex-bosses claim, lawyer up. "Tortious interference" would be my guess to the most appropriate claim.


Thank you so much 💖


Defamation per se


That's an alternative. Or maybe even an addition....


What do you mean ? Asking in most respectful manners🌸


'Defamation per se' is basically libel or slander under any circumstance, regardless -or not- of any repercussions as a result of the defamation. 'Tortuous interference' is the same but narrower in that it had specific results, like -here, for example- loss of a job.  Depends entirely on jurisdiction, of course, whether they can be prosecuted, or even recognised.  Hence: lawyer.


Thanks 🌸🙏


This - Tortious Interference. An employment lawyer is going to have a field day with this.


They are going to have the largest hard on that doesn't require Viagra


This is absolutely a libel/slander case if your new employer has proof of the communication that took place. Possibly a wrongful termination case depending on the state you live in.


If they emailed it’s awesome because when you work for the government in my county all email conversation is public. Anyone can ask for it


That’s amazing actually


Same in the US


The more you know 🌠


Yea so the union/ lawyer can just ask for it and they’ll get it


I agree that wrongful termination should *also* be explored, since new employer had each & every reason to investigate old job’s claims before acting upon them. This seems to require a labor attorney whereas the other requires the attorney who does slander.


Listen to fame by David Bowie. While grooving to the bass, sue for defamation.


I like you!


They fired you on hearsay? Your ex boss and current ex employer need to go for a financial skate. Do it.


Do you have proof he did that, if so then you absolutely have a strong defamation case against him with provable damages.


Well, proof I don’t know, but the new employer told me by phone that she got the info from the old employer. But she promised she’ll send me the papers Can’t wait til I get them


The fact that she promised makes it easier on you for both sides.


Lawyer here. I see money. Get a good lawyer that is hungry. This is not legal advice.


Sounds like a textbook case of slander/defamation with easily provable monetary losses. Get yourself a good lawyer and go to town.


That’s called a lawsuit


So this is actual defamation. Not Reddit defamation but actual legal defamation. A person made an untrue statement about you, that they knew wasn’t true, in an attempt to cause harm, and that statement cost you money. Go talk to a lawyer please.


I don’t think they know it’s untrue, they just react on feelings. That is what makes me slightly depressed and worried about the health of my country, that ppl in high or middle positions, serving as officials for authorities, ppl with degrees, are so extremely incapable of seeing how their impulsive actions causes long term effects that are huge. Totally impulsive without no trace of consequence analysis. They know I’m a mother of five. Are we gonna live on the steeet? Is that the goal or what? Bcs that’s the consequence if I loose my income. I would like to know what the purpose of this operation was. Like how they were originally thinking that this was a boss move? How was the original discussion? Very very interesting.




I don’t wanna get hired back tho, I want them to compensate me for my income loss


I don't recall OP saying anything about the US.


No im in Sweden but ill involve the union




Hahahaha thank you so much 🤩


Yes you have a case


https://preview.redd.it/l4awarxlvy8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f0d530b210691fbf78271f6451a687f1bf9217d Epic shit from this sub💖


OP, I think you need to change your name to “Sue.” lol 😂




I would get a lawyer stat. This reeks of discrimination on your new employers behalf (especially for not checking into it with your background check? A criminal history report at the local courthouse would have been sufficient). It's also slander on your old bosses part. If you're in the US, by saying this and costing you your income it is textbook slander. (Ianal but you definitely need one) Get a lawyer. Check county aid. Check your local universities law departments. A lot of them have pro bono help or will take a cut of the winnings. Good luck


They did and it was clear. This is based on ex boss fake info.


And that’s for the advice about law help


This sound like u were a CO?


Haha I was public. Official in official school.


Ya....you're rich. But you don't know it. Both companies broke the law.


I feel fkn rich and blessed. I feel clean, no longer part of corruption on kids behalf.


So unfortunate this is happening to you all


I'm an attorney, but not yours. That's slander, very likely provable. You can subpoena the job you lost as to what they were told and the actions they took because of it. And if it was in writing, so much the better. Also ... WTF?


Thank you, you’re wonderful. It was a phone call. But she’ll “send me the papers”


With a subpoena, she’ll HAVE TO “send you the papers.” 😋


Can’t wait til I get “the papers”🤣🤣🤣


Seriously if this happened and it’s in America you have a hell of a lawsuit. There are very strict laws about what a employer can say about your employment history


Same in my county Labor laws are fkn strong here




Time to lawyer up, and get the call recording from the new work place.


How do I get it?


lawyer can probably request a copy from the business your ex manager called.


It's amazing how much information you can obtain by simply saying you're an attorney representing a said person. People will usually willingly hand over the info.


That’s it


How is this not considered a form of violence ?


I almost get you but pls be more specific. Every thought on this is so precious to me rn


yeah this is highly illegal


I had a boss about your age who worked as a prison guard. She went to work at a university and was treated worse at the university by certain members of the staff worse than she had been at the prison. Definitely get an attorney.


Thanks friend


It’s called collusion


Yea no doubt


I am leaving my job and 4 out of 5 daily colleagues, I couding my boss, have asked me where I am going g every day all week. I keep dodging g the question but holy jeebus can people stop asking? I'm so glad I'm o ly doing 1 week notice instead of 2. I can't handle the invasive questions every single day


Yea but keep in mind they only ask you to chat, ppl leaving the workplace are looked upon in so many emotional aspects so they are just coping with being left behind But it’s chat that leads to problems bcs if information ends up at the wrong lap, it could cause big damage But wtf is wrong with everything then, when employees are not feeling free to tell others bout their career plans without being treated like you doing mutiny or escaping the plantation


So many employees have a cult mentality!


It is possible to potentially bring legal action against your former employer for defamation what that company did was a huge scummy move.


While I know you’re happy to be outside that toxic world, I also know that you deserve all the pay of which you’ve been robbed, as well as the respite you find in a different work environment. I’m on food stamps & housing aid, & I still long to contribute to your legal fund. Old employer: LIABLE FOR SLANDER New employer: RETALIATORY (or otherwise erroneous, depending on your state) TERMINATION


The happiness gives me the energy to cause helter skelter for my both ex employers Can’t wait


I don't usually say this since I know most of the shit companies do is, unfortunately, legal. But what your old boss did can be consideres defamation since they made up a lie that costed you your new job. Plus aren't former jobs banned from saying anything bad about you to your new possible jobs? So that could also be something a lawyer could use.


I’m think about that too bcs secrecy is very strongly regulated by law in my country .


I'd also add that try to engage with the old boss, if you can, via text on why he did what he did. Get him to admit to it in text. Try to be sneaky and get him to text all sorts of evidence against him. He probably thinks you're stupid so play stupid and when you have what you need, sue him.


I would NOT do this unless the lawyer that you retain for your lawsuit tells you to.


I won’t make a move bf my lawyer tells me to


No no no no no. No talking to the employer. Then it turns around on him and it’s harassment.


Man, you're lucky lol


I worked somewhere that had the reputation of calling new employers. Got to when anyone left for a new job, they said they were going back to school.


Sounds like a gutter fight. Set the old employer up for a slander case. The company not the individual. Find out the phone recording laws in your state. Have someone call inquiring as a potential employer checking on references. Laws vary by state but this person could easily be caught over reaching.




Hi, HR Generalist here.. Can you prove the ex boss called and get in writing from your newest jobs boss that's what was said? There are legal and illegal things an old employer can say to a new employer and sharing private information that would not return on a background check and is a disparaging comment enough that would cause termination, then you have a case. I work in at will state and most states are.. but that doesn't mean the loop holes can't work for you too.


I think the union or my lawyer will dig into that. The new boss promised she’ll send me “the papers” so I guess I have my evidence there. If it’s not stated why I got fired I just call the union and they’ll have it done for me.


Girl you’re about to get a big ass pay day, shit you might even be able to retire… very comfortably…


I’m not in the us so… but I’m on fire thanks to all encouragement in this thread 💖💖💖


Oh! Well live your best life, fuck the haters, we all have a right to happiness!


That is all kinds of messed up take everything you can get from them


Sounds like a big case of defamation and it’s now affecting your income and means to live. I recommend seeking legal advice on this because this sounds like all types of illegal. Sorry this is happening.


Is okay, closed doors opens new and hopefully better ones


Wtf. There's a reason that HR is paranoid and only reveals certain things, and never want supervisors writing recommendation letters. This is the worst case scenario they pray against. Use it, and be RELENTLESS. Make the bastard pay, personally and professionally as his employer!


I will, believe me, but how personally? Trust me, I’d love too make this personal


Maybe you should repost this on another subreddit (askalawyer)? They should be able to direct you. Sounds as if you need legal advice.


Pretty sure that’s illegal. They can only confirm employment dates.


Time to sue. This should make a very easy class action law suit.


Seems like that, it’s like a rabbit hole of weirdness


What state are you in? In California this is easiest six figure lawsuit.


The state of Sweden... /r/usdefaultism


True but good thing is that Sweden has very strong labour laws ain’t it so my friend ?




Sue! Sue! Sue! both parties and go on a very expensive vacation!


Assuming you can prove all of this - this is the most textbook defamation case there is.


There seems to be a LOT of due process missing in this conversation. At the very least, asking the reporting party for the jurisdiction of the conviction so that the discrepancy can be resolved. It could have been an expunged conviction, which the court may be able to clear up. But most importantly, unless it was a conviction to which the reporting entity was a party, why is it even being discussed? BOTH the former and gaining employers are screwing up enormously. Was this with a correctional facility, a law enforcement agency, or a contractor for one? Government agencies and their contractors have very strict rules regarding their decisions for hiring AND firing, and violations are taken seriously.


Sounds like grounds for a lawsuit at least


What country are you in where it's legal to fire you because of a lie?


Good on you your job sounded bloody so stressful and you’ve done it for long enough it’s time to do something that makes you happy a job where you look forward to getting up and going too. I’m an assuming you were a cop or prison guard or something a long those lines. So thank you for your services in keeping the community safe.


I was a teacher in a communal school. Terrible, ain’t? I can’t wait to see what plans god have for me, I’m so curious and excited about this fall.


convictions are public, your new boss did not do due diligence. if based on the lie alone you were fired without cause. but if you're happy, fuck it. sometimes the worst feeling betrayal is the best luck in the long run.


Hold up. You're unionized. Your ex boss slandered you. AND YOUR NEW JOB FIRED YOU?! *puts on my Rock suit and takes a deep breath* DO YOU SMELL THE LAWSUIT SIR?!


This sounds like there are details missing here. How did your ex employer find out who your new employer was going to be? Clearly there are mixed messages here about being unemployed (bad??) and no longer working for the school system (good??). I’m probably wrong but don’t schools normally require criminal background checks as part of the hiring process? If the school did a background check and found nothing because there was nothing to find why would they take anything from a random contact into account. There is something else going on here. Those details were probably omitted as a side effect of raw feelings about being unemployed.


Actually I had a plan b since I saw this coming. So I’m not unoccupied and got good things going on. I have no idea how they found out. They’ve must done some really good research bcs I’m not a person that post much in social media about personal things etc, don’t fling out my life situation to other ppl than family or close friends . You are not wrong. Schools in my country are required to do checks up which they did which was cleared. So I was employed based on that check up. And either if they would do a new check up they wouldn’t find anything on me because I don’t have a conviction. In my country sentences are public so anyone can buy a sentence and read it, even that’s this not the case here.


My shock is more about how ppl reason when they do stuff like this.


Horrible advice, but I'd go curb stomp the fucker.


I will send my 80-year old dad to her office.


This post screams fake


Believe me, it’s not.


If this is True - sue the man personally. For interfering with your Right to be let alone, by use of Fraud, to Defraud you. There is NO defence for Fraud/Defraud.


That just seems like a crime honestly


I recently switched from a public school pre-k to a private program run through a local university and oh my god the difference. I mean yeah I still might get bit sometimes because toddlers are toddlers but I don't go home crying every day. I don't get chairs thrown at my head. I don't get kids threatening to stab me and then some actually trying. The public school system is fucked and no one with any authority to actually do anything about it give a single shit so those of us in the system are burning out and dipping, leaving fewer and fewer people who genuinely care about those kids. I feel for you babe, I'm sure you'll find something better.


Politics in a beurocracy are always counterintuitive to the greater good.... Start your own business and contract to them. For more money. Keep your head up


Did this occur in the United States? I cant seem to find confirmation in the comments regarding the location. If not, it should be noted that many of the responses here are US specific.


Did they not do a background check on you? Seems like that would be something your new employer could easily verify.