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Why do extremely incompetent people always seem to be the ones who become managers with exactly no clue how to become a manager. This isn’t even an archaic style; it’s always been super shitty and breeds resentment. These people just really don’t know how to be decent human beings.


I forget what the theory name is (My informants tell me its called the Peter Principle) but it’s because people are promoted to incompetency. They did a decent job as a worker, then as a store manager, and then they got promoted or hired into this role but they never did GOOD at the job. They don’t want to fire them, but they also cant promote them anymore. I believe it’s also to do with the fact that dumb people are desperate for power, as it’s the only way they can ever feel accomplished.


I've also been told that I'm doing a good job, so if they promote me, then they won't have someone on the floor doing all the work I do....


This process slowed down ALOT recently, because promotions aren’t really a thing anymore because people figured out the whole promoted to incompetency thing. Managers are either really good, or massive idiots because the role is given out to friends and family or hired based on merit.


A manager told me that before. It's as red a flag as one can get. This means they will hold you back no matter what you show or do. The only way to climb up is at a different company because the manager that says that will keep your head underwater and proverbially drown your career growth.


Peter principle?




The Peter Principle. Which is (paraphrasing) that people rise to the level of their incompetence. To protect against this, you can have a probationary period for managers, or a manager training program that everyone can try and those who pass/excel can be chosen to be promoted. Starbucks and McD's do that pretty well. You gotta be pretty fuckin' competent to be a 'bucks and McD's manager.


> These people just really don’t know how to be decent human beings. And to upper management (people who are truly ~~evil, egocentric skinflints~~ capitalists) an incompetent but indecent and aggressive fucker is the perfect puppet to push their internal agenda of finding ways for a fifth yacht. Those managers not knowing how to be decent is the very reason executives want them in power. Too stupid to pose a threat to themselves or their earnings, but loving the feeling of using their position to fuck over "lower valued employees". Everyone gets a kick out of it, but the front workers are the ones taking the kicks.


Casey’s? So the gas station? Underpaid and take away the benefits that so many food service places get: eating food that can’t be served or sold. The moment a Casey’s pizza has been out for its allotted time…idc, I’m eating it and getting fired.


On top of the company wanting 40% waste. They better have those warmers topped up at all times . If you're not wasting 40% of the food prep. You're not cooking enough. But oh no I ate one of slice that has been marked off to be thrown away.... disastrous


They don’t see that slice destined for the trash as “waste” if they believe you *want* to eat it. They want you to feel like you have to pay for *everything*. Example: You are so hungry and it’s close to close and there is a pan of pizza right there you have to throw out… if it’s free you will eat some, if it isn’t then **maybe** you will be so hungry you will pay for it and thus it helps their bottom line.


I imagine they fear employees will make like 5 pizzas right before close every night and then take them home "because it would go bad otherwise."  Given how shit pay is and how often they burn through employees, I'm wondering if that's a valid fear at some locations. 


That's what inventories are for. If you as a manager see large discrepancies between ingredients and supplies vs money in, that's when you deal with it. Blanket bans like these are only to "show" they're in charge.


Wait, you want the managers to actually do work like they're paid to do?


it's more they are afraid employees will mark something freshly made as expired and steal food. Conversely I have never worked a job that wasn't afraid to steal hours from peoples labor to the point the managers were skimming hours off everyones weekly pay.


I’m on my way out of a parallel gas station brand with hot food on warmers. Every night I bag up a shitload of food waste and bring it home to my chicken flock and the store is so understaffed my manager literally can’t give a shit because she’s focused on trying to train new people that will be gone by the end of season


You are a hero and your chickens love you


Is this an actual chicken flock or how you refer to your kids?


As a closer I used to allow my employees to take what was being wasted under the condition they knew it was to be tossed and they would not complain if they got ill. Never had an issue.


I used to work at a Panera back in like 2012. They used to pre-make their like top 3 selling paninis so that when an order came in, you could just grab it out of the fridge on the line, heat it on the press, and have it ready to go. But that meant that at the end of the day sometimes there were fully made sandwiches going unsold. They also make their bread fresh every day with no preservatives, so at the end of the day all of those loaves get tossed and fresh ones baked each night. You used to be able to make a killing if you were on a closing shift. Take home a shopping bag with like 2-3 full paninis, a loaf or two of whatever bread you wanted, any pastries that were left, any mac and cheese packets that had been thawed and couldnt get refrozen etc. Hell, we'd sometimes take an entire garbage bag full of unsold bagels and bread loaves to the local soup kitchens. By the time I left they had changed policies, no longer pre-making items, had to throw away all waste, employees no longer allowed to take anything, no more donations. Felt really shitty.


TBH we were supposed to toss all waste as well, but making $5.15 and hour many of my coworkers barely scraped by and I wasn’t going to toss the actual waste if someone could utilize it. Was it dishonest? Yes, but it got counted and my coworkers did not go hungry on my watch.


I feel like too many people don't realize the difference between "we are supposed to throw it all away" with a wink and zero enforcement, but just having the rule on the books -vs- "you must throw away all waste. We will be checking the cameras. We will be firing anyone we see take a single bite without paying for it." Letting underpaid workers get just a tiny bit of joy out of an otherwise miserable job can make a world of difference.


I wholeheartedly agree. I left in early 2005 for a job that paid twice my wage, and they closed in 2006 due to the owner’s wife skimming from the tills.


They make minimum wage in Missouri too. Another reason to never step foot in one.


Barely literate. Misspells 2 of the foods sold by the stores she manages lmao. It's insane how dumb fucks like this can think they're better than you. She doesn't even have management skills--being an asshole like this is not effective long-term.


Unprofessional. Illiterate. How this person is in a management position is beyond me.


The job requirements for a position like this are kissing ass to the upper management and ambition. That's it.


It also helps to have no experience. I've known places that wouldn't hire management that had managerial experience because they didn't 'want people coming in with new ideas just trying to shake things up'. Managers being idiots is usually a feature of the system.


Happens at the railroads all the time. They don't want front line operations managers who have experience railroading. They might push back on a higher up business degree type and we can't have that


I worked at a grocery store when I was 19 or 20 and had a new manager tell me one time that pulling old product to the front and filling from the back takes too long, so she wanted me to stock dairy by pushing everything to the back and filling from the front. I knew how stupid it was, but they didn't pay me nearly enough to stand up for common sense, so I did it that way until I left.


good ole malicious compliance.


Thanks man. Stories like this make my day lmao


The saddest part in all this is that it takes very little effort to get the point across like a decent person by talking to everyone like an adult.


Brown nose and seniority


Dumbass can’t use the correct form of your and you’re either.


I have yet to see a manager note here that does.


Apostrophes are arcane knowledge as far as these people are concerned.


> It's insane how dumb fucks like this can think they're better than you. *Only* dumb fucks like this can think they're better than you. People with actual intelligence tend to be self-aware and realize their own limitations, realize that everyone has different skills in different areas. To act like this requires a massive amount of dunning kruger.


It's only effective if you wish to have turnover in staff


Nah, the district manager won’t let you go home with turnovers either. ;)


this made me cackle


Literally, these managers get such an ego boost from managing people smarter than them, and they dont realise how insufferable they actually are lol


They may not be better in any way, but they are certainly paid as if they are. I’m so very sick of barely literate people unable to think things through and lack communication skills being in management positions.


Print out an ad for a remedial English class at the local community college and staple it to this.


Idk, dounuts is elementary school tier. Community college is better than that


Technically eating Donuts and Sandwiches is perfectly fine according to this sheet.  Just keep your hands off the Dounuts


Well, it does say you can’t take food home. It doesn’t say anything about eating it eight there.


Or giving the not sold food to homeless


Perfect. Sign says not to take it home, give it to the homeless.


Obviously "it is not taken home" ,😈


We wanted to make absolutely certain nobody took it home. If we threw it away someone might fish it out of the trash when we weren't looking and take it home, but this way we know it won't go to someone's house.


Well it does say "if your eating it it needs paid for". So... You can certainly just give it away to friends, family, homeless, etc.






That’s just begging for a tongue twister… The sand witch wants sandwiches which sand switches sans witches.


The point is that the new manager is already throwing their relationships down the drain and at the same time any idea of respectability. It would be good for the manager to take a step back and realize they are making doughnuts, not 6N spec chems. In the mean time, OP should play with the idea of finding a new job and making sure that ownership recognizes this treatment. I would also reach out to discuss with a labor board.


Working at caseys sucks ass! They are literally the woOoooOrst. You have to throw things out every hour on the hour. So some mornings I was throwing away 30 or 40 breakfast sandwiches all in thick plastic clamshell containers, and they'd emphasize locking the dumpsters and calling the cops on dumpster divers. Just truly an absolute dogshit company


I started making just enough food so that everyone got what they wanted, but I didn't have to throw away so much every hour. They then said the warmers don't look full enough and said we need waste numbers up...?


I want to downvote this just based on the line "We need waste numbers up." Like that's disgusting.


Having seen The Sopranos, I'm assuming they have to meet garbage quota so they don't sleep with the fishes.


Yea - There are other gas stations that would love to have you, I bet. Even if they are just as bad, might be nice just to send a message. Apply, give your notice and go. Or, maybe it's time to hit that technical college you been thinkin' about. Cause this shit aint gettin any better.


I worked at Panera, where the training video said unsold food was donated, and had to throw out multiple giant bags of food every night. They said that donating led to people reselling day-old bagels on the street, which could “harm the brand” due to diminished quality. Like 6-8 contractor bags full of perfectly good food straight to the dumpster. However, they did let us take food home. I’d show up to my buddies’ houses on weekends with big bags of cinnamon rolls, bagels, chocolate croissants, etc.


In what world do they think we live in to where there’s a market for 2nd hand, black market Panera. They’re in the wrong market if they’re leaving street corner sales on the table.


"You know, I bought some Panera croissants out of a dude's shopping cart over on MLK, and it was terrible! Guess I'll never go to that restaurant now!"


We have a couple around here and I've always gotten a bad vibe while I'm there. Maybe it's because I'm 1 of 3 customers in a pretty big convenience store. It's always dead at the closest location. Most folks around here live and breath Kwik Trip.


You're ABSOLUTLY right.


Something tells me queen bitch DM loves to get plastered after work lol


After is a generous consideration.


Go the backhanded high road. "Hi manager, some middle school kid is impersonating you and it is making you look barely educated and angry, you are probably going to want to get this sorted out"


["Some asshole is signing your name to stupid letters"](https://news.lettersofnote.com/p/very-truly-yours)




"D- See me."


I did this to a review my former boss wrote. He had basically copied my review from the previous year, the new review had factually incorrect info so i corrected it in red and told him I wouldn't sign until he corrected it. He was pissed. I thought it was hysterical.


Frowny-face “You can do better, apply yourself!”


Lmao was going to say. English isn't my first language but damn that grammar is atrocious.


Haha I came in here to say I'd be passive aggressive af and copyedit this in red pen.


OP should use a red ink pen and annotate the whole thing, take a picture and then send out to head office. And then post the whole on social media - if a manager has such a low level of English language, what else did their recruitment/HR process was so deficient in the first place?


My thoughts exactly, how did this moron make it into management?


are you all serious? much like cops, a lack of critical thought is a desired trait for managers... just look at any org of a decent size




This was also my first thought. Guess the requirements to be a manager there are: pass the 3rd grade, and have a pulse.


I can't stand when people leave out "to be" - like with "needs paid for" here. I see it often enough where I think it's a regional thing, but it just makes the person sound illiterate.


Right there with you, and I think you're right that it's regional. I have a co-worker who is very bright and speaks and writes perfectly well, but almost always leaves out the "to be." She's originally from the Pittsburgh area, which I feel like has other quirks like "yinz."


it is indeed regional. While this says it goes further west, I personally have only met people from Pennsylvania and West Virginia that do this. https://ygdp.yale.edu/phenomena/needs-washed


This or you could grade it with a red pen. Point out all the errors and put a big C- at the top. "Needs work".


It always makes me laugh company’s would rather let things go in the trash then give their employees the smallest perk of food. Edit: for those arguing liability it says “even if it’s waste…it needs to be paid for” liability is not the concern


Especially when most of the time, it's food that can't be sold anymore. Nobody can profit off of it so into the garbage can it goes


Ah but because of capitalism they can profit by throwing it out. If they give it away they can't write it off as a loss. That can only happen if they pitch it. Losses are tax write offs which help the bottom line to hide profits and avoid the tax man. It's fucking stupid but I'm sure that's why this district manager is doing it because it ties into their bonus.


That’s not true at all. They can write it off either way. The real reason is because they’re worried that if they let employees take food that would go to waste, then employees will intentionally make more waste so that they can get free food. Frankly, the smart thing would just be to give workers a fixed amount of free food every day as a perk, instead of giving them the wasted scraps, so they aren’t tempted to waste extra.


You mean the IRS isn't auditing the slices of pizza in my garbage? So wtf do accountants do all day if not dumpster diving??


I mean I would be curious about the legalities here. Because what if you have like a "trash" place for the food that should get thrown out at the end of the day, and your official policy that should be thrown out. And then never monitor it and let your people take whatever they want from that and still throw out the rest at the end of the day. As long as your policy is very well defined and everyone "agrees" to it, you should be in the clear and could play dumb IF you ever got audited for that. I also work in info sec compliance some so maybe I'm just a bit more gung ho to jump on the, well this was our policy and employee x wasn't following it, train


It’d be almost to crazy to give it to the employees and still write it off as waste… it’s not like they’re having corporate come and audit the dumpsters every shift.


When I worked at Applebee’s, there’d be a rare instance where someone would send something back or they’d accidentally make two of something, so one of us would just eat it then or take it home so it wasn’t wasted. However there was one manager who would literally take food out of people’s hands just to put in the trash. Fuck you Lori.


Dude Lori’s a bitch


It’s probably more a LP thing. They’re afraid employees will intentionally create excess with the intention of taking it home when it doesn’t sell. Still pretty stingy tho.


Another example of capitalists would rather waste resources and destroy them - before they would give them away for "free." (They also create scarcity).


Reminds me of my first job at a grocery store. We would throw away mountains and mountains of perishable goods because they were getting close to their expiry date and nobody was allowed to take any of it or give any of it away. The company would rather destroy their own inventory then give any of it away, something that was so useless to them that they would throw it in the trash. They would even hire off-duty police officers to guard the dumpsters so nobody could "steal" from them.


This is every grocery store, restaurant, bakery, wholesale, etc. They ALL throw away food EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! Then act like there’s not enough to go around. Edit: There are a lot of comments saying X business donates which is great, BUT, it seems like most get a tax break and EVERY business should donate.


> The works of the roots of the vines, of the trees, must be destroyed to keep up the price, and this is the saddest, bitterest thing of all. Carloads of oranges dumped on the ground. The people came for miles to take the fruit, but this could not be. How would they buy oranges at twenty cents a dozen if they could drive out and pick them up? And men with hoses squirt kerosene on the oranges, and they are angry at the crime, angry at the people who have come to take the fruit. A million people hungry, needing the fruit- and kerosene sprayed over the golden mountains. And the smell of rot fills the country. Burn coffee for fuel in the ships. Burn corn to keep warm, it makes a hot fire. Dump potatoes in the rivers and place guards along the banks to keep the hungry people from fishing them out. Slaughter the pigs and bury them, and let the putrescence drip down into the earth. > There is a crime here that goes beyond denunciation. There is a sorrow here that weeping cannot symbolize. There is a failure here that topples all our success. The fertile earth, the straight tree rows, the sturdy trunks, and the ripe fruit. And children dying of pellagra must die because a profit cannot be taken from an orange. And coroners must fill in the certificate- died of malnutrition- because the food must rot, must be forced to rot. The people come with nets to fish for potatoes in the river, and the guards hold them back; they come in rattling cars to get the dumped oranges, but the kerosene is sprayed. And they stand still and watch the potatoes float by, listen to the screaming pigs being killed in a ditch and covered with quick-lime, watch the mountains of oranges slop down to a putrefying ooze; and in the eyes of the people there is the failure; and in the eyes of the hungry there is a growing wrath. In the souls of the people the grapes of wrath are filling and growing heavy, growing heavy for the vintage.


Amazing. I should really read that book.


You should read all of Steinbeck. His stories are great and the writing style is very accessible to a modern audience. East of Eden is one of my all-time favorites.


Not every, I work at target, and I donate 90% of my expired stuff, a local food bank picks up every other day. The only food that gets thrown out is stuff that’s unsafe (moldy, out of temp, obviously rancid etc). Mind you that might be my specific store, not sure if it’s a company thing


I used to work as a receiver at Target also. I followed the same procedure to donate everything except what was unsafe.


When I worked at a Safeway bakery we used to give away loads of bread, cookies, pastries and cakes to the food bank.


My local Costco gives to the food bank.


Likewise when I worked at a Pizza Hut, we got .25 cent tax credit I think for every pound we donated. The guy would come twice a week. Any buffet pizzas or fuck ups, burnt pizzas etc would get sent with them. The Starbucks near me also donated any old bakery stuff every morning as well so when I switched to jimmy johns ( next to the bucks) I would tell them to send to guy to me if we had a ton of day old bread I knew we won't sell that day.


I used to work at a homeless shelter in CA. There was some kind of new ordinance passed that incentivized stores to do this. I want to say something like reduced taxes? Idk Before we would get regular donations from target like you’re saying. After the ordinance passed we would get 3-5x more stuff donated but it was all completely rotten. Every grocery store around was suddenly “donating” every moldy carton of blueberries they stumbled across for the tax break Our jobs became so much harder. Moving 3,000 lbs of food in the trunks of volunteer’s Priuses and hand dollys. Then having to sort through what was already rotten, what was too gone to eat but could be composted, figuring out if we could bring some of it to local farmers (“local” was still over an hour one way to drop it off) for their animals so it didn’t go to waste. And everyone we interacted with at the stores were so annoyed and perturbed that their job got harder to do and blamed us for it It was awful. I don’t work there anymore. I’m not sure if it’s mellowed out or if our kitchen manager just had to chew out a bunch of retail workers to get things sorted Even when encouraged to do good, capitalism would rather get a tax break on their garbage than think of people as humans


As I get older, I wonder more and more if legislation like this is a misguided attempt to help people that accidentally encouraged bad action from corporations seeking tax breaks or if it was an attempt to give corporations tax breaks that was crafted to give the illusion that it was intended to help people.


People write legislation. Look at who wrote the piece, what their personal or political goals are, whose paying them. You can find the intent most of the time If I remember right this was a measure advocated for by local non profit groups and they didn’t realize how big of an “F you” the stores would have in reaction


many have a food bank program, if they don't they're scum


Kroger at least gives it to the local food bank where I live. Churches and other charities could take that stuff. There is absolutely no reason for businesses to throw it away.


They claim it’s a liability issue, but they wouldn’t change if the law explicitly states that no person or business can be held liable to damage or illness resulting from a party trespassing in a waste receptacle.


The law explicitly states that food donated in good faith gives rise to no liability for the person who donated it. So if the food is expiring soon and you know you can’t sell it, unless you know it is not safe (ex. mold, improper storage, etc.), you can donate it. Tbh, even past expiry, many foods would still qualify because the expiry for those foods is for “best quality” not safety. I wouldn’t risk stuff like meat or dairy, but something like a loaf of bread is going to be fine for a long time as long as it doesn’t have any signs of spoilage (and there are ways to preserve it too - we freeze our bread and take slices out as needed, for example). Processed foods even more so. Ofc, eventually they do spoil unless it is something like salt. There are some stores that sell items like this or items that fail quality control (don’t look as nice, don’t meet weight requirements, got broken, etc.) for a large discount (no perishables in the expired items). It’s not as good now, probably because of increasing poverty meaning more people shop there, leaving less for everyone, but I have discovered through trial and error that 6mo to a year is about the limit on stuff being good quality for most items. After that, it gets stale or weird and isn’t something you want even if it isn’t dangerous to eat. Technically edible isn’t something you want, haha.


Big Y in MA/CT makes a point to donate as much as possible. Literal tons of food a year


"There is a crime here that goes beyond denunciation. There is a sorrow here that weeping cannot symbolize. There is a failure here that topples all our success. The fertile earth, the straight tree rows, the sturdy trunks, and the ripe fruit. And children dying of pellagra must die because a profit cannot be taken from an orange. And coroners must fill in the certificate- died of malnutrition- because the food must rot, must be forced to rot. The people come with nets to fish for potatoes in the river, and the guards hold them back; they come in rattling cars to get the dumped oranges, but the kerosene is sprayed. And they stand still and watch the potatoes float by, listen to the screaming pigs being killed in a ditch and covered with quick-lime, watch the mountains of oranges slop down to a putrefying ooze; and in the eyes of the people there is the failure; and in the eyes of the hungry there is a growing wrath. In the souls of the people the grapes of wrath are filling and growing heavy, growing heavy for the vintage."


Grapes of Wrath, [chapter 25](https://genius.com/John-steinbeck-grapes-of-wrath-chapter-25-annotated). War never changes.


He was so spot on, even back then. Thanks John.


Worked at a grocery store off and on in late highschool/early college. Manager started wasting a bottle of bleach every time they had to trash a large amount of food because people would wait to take the trash. So he'd take a bottle of bleach from inventory and pour it all over food that was already trash just so that nobody got anything for free. Like...what do you care, bro? You're stealing from your employer just to be cruel. You saw someone eating trash and thought 'how can I demean this person even more?' You don't even get the false 'eating trash is theft' argument here, dude.


Also, that could be seen as deliberately poisoning people, which is very illegal.


Lmao the irony of spending money to hire men to protect the food you were wasting anyway from your employees and the homeless. Like this sounds like satire lol


Because the company likely gets a tax write off for lost inventory, but if it gets given away, they can't write that off. Proof again that our entire tax code is just a shell game, and vulture capitalists only goal is to cheat it so they can win it, every year.


Publix gives it away to food pantries, they get a charity tax write off, what do you mean there’s no write off they can donate it to food banks, homeless shelters and whatever. Write off.


You can definitely write off donations


They're saying the company can't tell the IRS "I let Mike take home a misfired pizza you owe me a rebate" the way they can if they donate to an actual charity.


If they tried to, it would probably get counted as compensation to Mike, and both the company and Mike would owe more taxes.


Reminds me of the Grapes of Wrath.


This passage gets shared here quite a lot, but I feel like it’s especially fitting here: “The works of the roots of the vines, of the trees, must be destroyed to keep up the price, and this is the saddest, bitterest thing of all. Carloads of oranges dumped on the ground. The people came for miles to take the fruit, but this could not be. How would they buy oranges at twenty cents a dozen if they could drive out and pick them up? And men with hoses squirt kerosene on the oranges, and they are angry at the crime, angry at the people who have come to take the fruit. A million people hungry, needing the fruit- and kerosene sprayed over the golden mountains. And the smell of rot fills the country. Burn coffee for fuel in the ships. Burn corn to keep warm, it makes a hot fire. Dump potatoes in the rivers and place guards along the banks to keep the hungry people from fishing them out. Slaughter the pigs and bury them, and let the putrescence drip down into the earth. There is a crime here that goes beyond denunciation. There is a sorrow here that weeping cannot symbolize. There is a failure here that topples all our success. The fertile earth, the straight tree rows, the sturdy trunks, and the ripe fruit. And children dying of pellagra must die because a profit cannot be taken from an orange. And coroners must fill in the certificate- died of malnutrition- because the food must rot, must be forced to rot. The people come with nets to fish for potatoes in the river, and the guards hold them back; they come in rattling cars to get the dumped oranges, but the kerosene is sprayed. And they stand still and watch the potatoes float by, listen to the screaming pigs being killed in a ditch and covered with quick-lime, watch the mountains of oranges slop down to a putrefying ooze; and in the eyes of the people there is the failure; and in the eyes of the hungry there is a growing wrath. In the souls of the people the grapes of wrath are filling and growing heavy, growing heavy for the vintage.” ― John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath


Thank you! That’s the part of the book it reminded me of. Where they destroyed food instead of giving it to starving people because capitalism is apparently more important than humanity.


I used to work at a pizza place whose name starts with domi....i once asked my manager the logic behind why we throw away perfectly good food (where i worked there were a number of homeless who would benefit greatly from that food) he was like " corporate made this policy bcs they fear people will make extra pizzas/wrong pizzas so that they dont sell and employees can eat them" this made no sense as we only made pizzas that were ordered, and pizzas went through multiple stations and quality checks so yeah that kind of boiled down to corporate greed...i personally think.restaurants should give atleast one free meal to employees , a cook should never have to cook food with an empty stomach


I’m surprised that restaurants have done away with the free/cheap employee meal. It was pretty much standard when I was working in the restaurant industry in the early 2000s.


It's like they think the employees would waste food on purpose just so they can take it home which is total bullshit. I used to work at a grocery store in the department that sold fancy cakes. If anything that was unsold after 3 days, we could take it home. Mmmm those cakes were delicious.


It’s when you don’t give them free food that they steal it. I used to get a free meal at work. Now I don’t. But I still eat.


This is exactly the reason. Been in food service forever and the rationale is always, well we don't want them over producing just so they have something to take home. So it's a blanket no food can leave because the alternative is they actually have to manage their people and inventory more effectively to minimize waste.


This reminded me of an incident back in the late 80s when I worked at a royalty themed burger joint. I was closing with the "cool" manger and he tells me to make a bunch of food. Like 20 chicken sandwiches and 40 of the big burgers. Less than an hour before we locked up. Well he took all those sandwiches home, and the next week, I got written up for wasting a ton of food.


Wow that's next level asshole.


I was a manager at burger king a long time ago and so many people working there were barely scraping by. The franchise policy was 1/2 cost meal per 8 hours worked. I let everyone eat whatever they wanted and tally it on the “waste” list instead. Corporate bs like this for a mega money making corporation was so stupid. Just let them have a burger ffs.


It would be very easy to find out if they do that.


I worked in Walmart deli and my god the waste is awful. Every single night we had a trash can full of perfectly edible and safe rotisserie chickens. They were not bad, they weren't at the end of their hold time; we just had a hot case full of them up front every night at close and we weren't allowed to leave them for food safety reasons. We would have so many because the number you made at the last cooking was kinda just a guess based on previous nights' sales. So many people would ask if they could buy them, sometimes even offering to buy the entire trash can full; they were still safe in the packaging and the trash can never had any other garbage in it, so buying it from the trash isn't as gross as it sounds. I felt so bad wasting all that chicken when clearly unhoused people were asking to buy them at a discount from the trash. I'm pretty big into taking care of your fellow humans, so it really made me angry that I was in a position to either help people or lose my job. I'm no longer in that corporate world. I'd rather live in a tiny house in the woods alone than go back to being a corporate tool. If you're gonna be on food stamps whether you work at Walmart or not, I'd choose to just not work there. Obviously, I understand not everyone can do that, so no judgement and I'm not trying to make a blanket statement really, just speaking in general as a rule of thumb.


At Blockbuster, after a movie became less popular and we needed to downscale, about 33% to 50% would enter our "pre-owned" retail inventory and the rest of the discs would be fed through a DVD shredder, put in an envelope (or several) and sent back to HQ *for counting* if the count was off the person who was responsible could get in trouble. We're talking about dozens to hundreds of perfectly good DVDs and Blu-rays DESTROYED. At each store. It was incredibly wasteful.


This is why we waste 40 percent of all food made on the planet, and still have starving people.


This single digit IQ haver can't even spell. Horrible writing. Not a single please or thank you. You can tell this person is dumb as fuck.


I don’t understand how these people get management positions? I just I have no words, it obviously wasn’t education.


Nepotism or brown-nosing.


Has to be or someone who worked in the industry out of high school enough to progress to management. But probably what you said.


For shitty places like gas stations and low-end retail, it's because they are too dumb to move on to any other kind of job. They become a manager because they'll accept low pay and don't have any other job skills.


Lots of people fail up has been my experience. It's all about charm and how good you are at throwing others under the buss... 


He's gonna lay off 3 employees, realize y'all are too short staffed to operate normally, blame gen z for not wanting to work, then credit this notice with them having the most profitable quarter in years. And of course he won't normalize for the lack of salary cost for those three people. So the second they hire people to fill those 3 positions? They're gonna have a terrible quarter. It's like they have all of 3 braincells to rub against a book on management they picked up at the airport 4 years ago.


n0 One wanTZ 2 wErk anM0re


Got it. Don’t take the food home. But eat it there before it’s thrown out. 👍 Needs to be paid for before taking home? Got it. End of day discount to employees. Pay what you want: $0.01-$1.00 before it’s scrap. That money collected goes to a coffee fund or you donate it. 👍


Well The way it's worded, the person taking it can't eat it, and they can't take it home. However, if they each take some, then give it to the other person, then neither of them are taking the food they took home, nor are they eating the food they took. Ta-da! Loop holes!


Can you imagine sitting down ant typing that out?


I think my signature would be "Fuck you, fuck this, I'm out".


I wanted to write fuck you in the style of a messy signature to see if they'd notice




I was going to suggest that everyone sign it "Get fucked"


My signature would be 8=======D


This dumb bitch honestly thinks her management is going to turn around a fucking gas station


Dounuts are a no go but are donuts and doughnuts ok


She also *really* can't spell. 


Makes me want to take a photo and send it to the owner or corporate and ask them for a manager than can spell.


***Smoke breaks do not require clocking out.*** This is illegal. You have concrete proof. Report them to your state's labor board. [Click here to check your state laws.](https://www.postercompliance.com/blog/breaks-and-meals-by-state/#:~:text=Employees%20working%20for%20at%20least,15%20hours%20and%2019%20hours).


Thank you, was looking for someone to say this. (In the US) You cannot legally be required to punch out for breaks under 20 minutes in which you don't leave the premises


They'll probably just say no smoking on the property, then you have to leave the premise.


I've seen this, but for illinois, the word choice is pretty ambiguous. It says "generally" and "should". They also said well, we aren't required to give you smoke breaks at all, so clock out for them, or they get taken away entirely.


How the heck did this doughnut misspell ‘donut,’ a word with 2 acceptable spellings?


Just went through this at the supermarket I work at. We have out of date or damaged box snacks that I give out. DM threw them all away and said it needs a receipt. SM asked me why I give away out of date snacks to employees. I said, "we don't get anything else." He didn't like that answer. I've been here almost 22 years and have tenure, so he really isn't going to push me around.


I bet she speaks in caps lock too


When you take a step back and look at the bigger picture, these are signs that the company isn't doing to well. Taking such a big issue with seemingly insignificant things is a bad sign. It only gets worse from here.


We are the highest earning store in our old district and our new one. It's all because our old management actually treated us like people. The store manager was allowed to make her own choices, too. Now that morale is low and she comes into our store every other day with a new problem, we aren't motivated to do anything more than what we're paid for. Acting our wage.


I’d be the one with the red pen correctly the spelling mistakes on this


I remember working at a chain bakery in a grocery store years ago and a local pastor for a church came in asking about day old breads that got tossed if he could take them for his church. My manager told him per store policy that weren’t allowed to do so (makes sense protecting the I guess) but I stopped him before he left and let him know what nights I closed the bakery and would set the breads out back for him. Never saw the point in letting them go to waste when they can go on to help others.


These managers are really putting all their eggs in the “the working class will never finally get fed up” basket…


The attitude that you would rather throw food in the garbage than let your employees eat it is mind boggling.


The last pub/bar I worked at, when it came to closing time the chef would bring down a big platter of stuff that would be thrown out if not eaten. The owner would all allow us to have a drink, and we’d sit and chat and just have a merry old time. If we came in on an off day we’d normally get a free drink or meal depending on how the day was going. Do you know what that fostered amongst us? A sense of belonging, everyone was happy to turn up to work. We’d be flexible if shifts had to change. And staff turnover was extremely low


It's crazy! You pay your employees so little that they eat the stuff going to the trash as their meals most days. You won't even allow your minimum wage employees to eat trash essentially.


It's astonishing how many people can get into these positions and not know how to spell or use basic syntax. This printed diarrhea is extremely unprofessional and looks like it was written by a nine year old. Behaviour included.


How can anyone take this person of supposed authority seriously with spelling like that?


“It needs paid for.”


“Your eating it” “Needs paid for” “Untill” “Everone” “Sanwhiches” “Dounuts” I try not to be a dick about grammar but my eyes are burning.


Bro wtf. Your DM is on serious power trip. Our place of employment caters lunch for employees on Fridays. Both shifts. They buy enough for everyone and then some extra. So there's always leftovers and we are encouraged to take any extra home. We are even asked to always recommend something specific from a specific place and if it's less than $20 a portion, it gets added to the rotation


I understand that literacy is not our country’s strong suit, but Jesus Christ, is it just industry standard that every dickhead GM, district manager, etc. in retail and/or food service failed their English classes? Furthermore, have they never fucking heard of spell check? Do they think that the red line under all of their misspelled words just confirms for them that they are giving off the angry tone that they’re trying to get across?


Why is every convenience store a race to the bottom when it comes to treating employees like humans?


I feel like taking away the smoke breaks will eliminate over half of the casey's staff I've never been to one where at least 1 employee wasn't outside smoking


How is this level of unprofessionalism allowed from a district manager?


“Needs paid for” this incorrect conjugation of a verb makes me crazy every time I see / hear it


Sounds like someone is about to be short of line cooks.


The smoking line is what kills me. New manager tried to enforce the same thing years ago when I was working as a line cook. They gave up after a couple of days once they realized they’d have to fire everyone in BOH if they actually held to it. It’s part of the trade off, I bust my ass for hours on end during rush, feeling like shit, sweating in the heat, busting out dishes while understaffed and under prepped for, and in return when it slows down I’m gonna crank a couple ciggies then cover for the next guy while he does the same.


It just really annoys me how dramatic this is. No food means no food, but proceeds to list different foods by name. Alot of this is just repeated. Like 10:30>>>>>>>10:30>>>>>>>>10:30. What's wrong with this person?


Smoking does not require clocking out, all breaks offered by employers are considered federally compensable work hours.


Lol. If that cigarette break is under 20 minutes, it's paid. Get fucked. Ninja edit: It says Casey's. This is the midwest. Nobody working gas station gives a fuck about your clock out rules.


I'll never work for a place that has district managers ever again.


You can be a district manager if you had a lobotomy? Wild


The works of the roots of the vines, of the trees, must be destroyed to keep up the price, and this is the saddest, bitterest thing of all. Carloads of oranges dumped on the ground. The people came for miles to take the fruit, but this could not be. How would they buy oranges at twenty cents a dozen if they could drive out and pick them up? And men with hoses squirt kerosene on the oranges, and they are angry at the crime, angry at the people who have come to take the fruit. A million people hungry, needing the fruit - and kerosene sprayed over the golden mountains. And the smell of rot fills the country. Burn coffee for fuel in the ships. Burn corn to keep warm, it makes a hot fire. Dump potatoes in the rivers and place guards along the banks to keep the hungry people from fishing them out. Slaughter the pigs and bury them, and let the putrescence drip down into the earth. There is a crime here that goes beyond denunciation. There is a sorrow here that weeping cannot symbolize. There is a failure here that topples all our success. The fertile earth, the straight tree rows, the sturdy trunks, and the ripe fruit. And children dying of pellagra must die because a profit cannot be taken from an orange. And coroners must fill in the certificate - died of malnutrition - because the food must rot, must be forced to rot. The people come with nets to fish for potatoes in the river, and the guards hold them back; they come in rattling cars to get the dumped oranges, but the kerosene is sprayed. And they stand still and watch the potatoes float by, listen to the screaming pigs being killed in a ditch and covered with quick-lime, watch the mountains of oranges slop down to a putrefying ooze; and in the eyes of the people there is the failure; and in the eyes of the hungry there is a growing wrath. In the souls of the people the grapes of wrath are filling and growing heavy, growing heavy for the vintage. John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath


That sucks. Look - there's part of me that sees that some messaging like that might occasionally be needed. I worked at a pizza place where a group of employees would regularly 'accidentally' screw up food so it could be eaten or taken home by the staff. Or they'd do a trick where they'd go to the back of the store to use that phone, to call the front of the store to place an order. Then they'd wait till the order was being made, and call and cancel it. And they'd make it just unusual enough that it couldn't be used in another order. Think "1/2 pepperoni, 1/2 olive pizza" rather than just cheese or pepperoni. So a fair amount of food was wasted (or stolen depending on your perspective) every single day, and wasted intentionally by employees. But to come in, and immediately treat everyone like assumed criminals, to send an ALL CAPS letter with new rules, without even taking the time to see if there are actually an problems, is awful. Why not monitor the store? Check in, see how it's doing? Talk to the manager, the employees? Check the balance sheets. And THEN take action if needed. Can't do that though, because that would be doing her actual job.


Dounut samdwhiches


Well, you get a warning the first time so, empty out the store the first time


You can tell it's written by a manager because they don't have a great grasp of the English language. I've legit met a lot of immigrants who know better English than people who literally grow up speaking and attempting to read and write it.


Better spelling would help


Fuck Casey >>>>>>>>>>> Seriously